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April 26, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-26

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Women To Vote
Today On New
Rushing Rules
Delegates From All Houses
Will Convene To Pass
On 15 Modifications
(Continued from Page 1)
alty of cancellation of all the dates
with the rushee.
(7) New Panhellenic forms will be
printed to be mailed to the rushee
to take the place of phone calls when
the person cannot be reached by
(8) For the ruling that a house may
not have more than four dates with
a rushee, a vote will be taken on the
substitution of a penalty of cancella-
tion of all dates with the rushee for
the present one of cancellation of one
rushing party.
The rule governing formal engage-
ments may be changed to (9) upon
the completion of the second date,
a sorority may extend an invitation
for a third date, and if that is ac-
cepted then the rushee may be in-
vited to a formal.
Provide Definite Penalties
(10) For a violation of the rule
against keeping rushees over the time
limit at entertainments, it was pro-
posed that the house be made to can-
cel one date with the rushee for whom
the rule is broken.
(11) For violation of the rule
against a rushee attending more than
one formal, it is suggested that the
house be forbidden to pledge the
woman for whom the rule was broken
until two weeks have elapsed.
(12) Cancellation of all dates with
the rushee for whom the rule was
broken was suggested instead of the
present penalty of cancellation of one
rushing party for violation of the
ruling against calling for a rushee on
other than formal engagements.
No Favors Allowed At Dinners
Although there is no present pen-
alty for having favors at a rushing
dinner, it was suggested (13) that.
the penalty be cancellation of one
date with the rushee for whom the
rule was broken. And again, a ques-
tion of penalty, it was suggested that
(14) a penalty of the removal of all
rushing privileges for the fall season
be imposed for violation of the rule
against rushing outside the house.
Since the removal of rushing
privileges for the season following
the formal season did not seem an
adequate punishment it was sug-
gested that when a house breaks the
silent period rushing privileges be
taken away for the following fall.
The final ruling suggested was (15)
that pledging be at 10 a.m. on Sat-;
urday instead of 3 p.m. because foot-,
ball games interfere.

Hull Guest Speaker At Associated Press Meeting

Bromage Goes
To Conference
At Bloomington{
Local Government To Be
Subject Of Sessions At
Indiana University

Speaks At Banquet

-Associated Press Photo
Officers of the Associated Press and Secretary of State Cordell hull, guest speaker, are shown at the
opening of the annual meeting of the Associated Press in New York. Left to right: Frank B. Noyes, president
of the Associated Press and publisher of the Washington Star; Secretary Hull; Kent Cooper, general man-
ager of the Associated Press, and Adolph S. Ochs, member of the board of directors and publisher of the
New York Times.

. Prof. Arthur W. Brornage of the
political science department left last
night for a two-day conference on
local government at Indiana Uni-
versity, Bloomington, Ind., it was an-
nounced at the political science of-
fices yesterday. The conference will
be held today and tomorrow.
The conference will be an executive
session, not open to the public, and
those present will include members I
of the political science department
at Indiana University and members
of Gov. Paul V. McNutt's committee
on governmental economy.
It is one of the conferences spon-
sored by the American Political Sci-
ence Association in order to promote
frank discussion on state and local
government between political sci-
entists and administrative officials. It
is similar to a conference held here
last year with Gov. William A. Com-
stock participating.
Topics which will be discussed at
the conference will" include welfare,
finance, and the structure of county
and township governments.
Foresters To Tke
Civil Service tets s
Seniors in the School of Forestry
and Conservation are preparing for
the second civil service examination
within a year. Assistant foresters will
be selected for work in the United
States Forest Service from those tak-
ing the exams late next month.
Nearly all seniors in the School of
Forestry and Conservation take these
examinations although many of them
are seeking positions with private'
concerns this year. Trained foresters'
are needed by the private lumber in-
terests under the new code which
demands that the land be left in pro-
ductive condition, officials explained.


Caldwell. New York: The Modern
Library (1934), 95c.--A Review
Written last year, "God's Little
Ache" was first praised to the skies
by critics all over America, then de-
scended upon by a bevy of outraged
Comstockians and taken to court on
an obscenity charge. It was vindi-
cated, the court deciding that an
obscene book is one whose every ele-
ment is directed toward an exploita-
tion of obscenity, and that in the
novel under discussion only isolated
portions were necessary to a true de-
lineation of the life of the characters
I-low-caste, or rather outcaste, in-
habitants of Georgia.
The natives of this section are ill-
educated and poverty-stricken -they
are of the class termed by Negroes,
"poor white trash." Low in intellect
and emotional power, they are only
a few shades removed from the men-
tal and moral status of dogs. Their
psychological processes are sluggish;
in fact, the only element of their na-
ture that is not sluggish is their apti-
tude for sexual activity. For this they
are always ready, nor in any sense
are they reticent about it. Even adul-
tery is pretty general; a cuckold may

or may not be angry, and if his ire
is aroused, it is not because of pride
nor of any moral issue, but because he
feels thatrthe offender is poaching on
his property.
The story, which covers about four
days in midsummer: Ty Ty Walden
and his sons, Shaw and Buck, are
busy pock-marking their land with
pits 20 feet deep in their search for
gold which may or may not exist
there. With Ty Ty live his unmarried
and unrebukedly promiscuous daugh-
ter Darling Jill, and Buck's wife Gri-.
selda. His daughter Rosamund is
married to Will, a striking cloth-mill
worker. His son Jim Leslie is wealthy,
and scorns his parents, living in a
nearby town. All these characters are
brought together and work out their
sexual destinies - sexual, not for por-
nographic effect, but because they
have no other purpose in life.
The exception to this rule is Will.
who is as woman-avid as any of them.
but in whom there is a spark of latent
humanity struggling for recognition.
It is perhaps significant that he is
shot to death while attempting to put
this spark to work.
As a naturalistic picture of life
among these people, the novel is fine
and strong. Further, as a story it is

movingly entertaining. But it is not
destined for any prolonged existence
in the world of letters; as an his-
torical document it may, perhaps, be
of value in the years to come. It is
doomed not because of its execution,
which is unusually good, but because
of its subject-matter. For mankind is
becoming increasingly intellectual in
its focus, and already it is with a
sort of childish curiosity that we read
of the doings of those who are human
in form but purely animal in their
emotional constitution. It may be ob-
jected that stories of animals have in-
dicated at least latent immortality;
true, yet be it remembered that these
animal protagonists, such as those
of Jack London, are all endowed with
unmistakably human characteristics.
Thus the only character in "God's
Little Acre" who arouses a sympa-
thetic note inthe reader is that of
Will, who more' closely approaches
humanity than any of his compan-
ions. Because the Modern Library is
composed of immortal works of art, I
think that "God's Little Acre" should
have been excluded. It is well, how-
ever, to place it in a popularly-priced
edition, for it is worth reading and
WASHINGTON, April 24. - (JP)-
A jury has ordered Raymond T. Baker
to pay Mrs. J. Borden Harriman $850
for dumping a huge pile of earth on
her Ridge Road estate without per-
mission. The award ended a court
trial which has been the talk of
Washington society for a week. Baker
was at one time director of the mint.

la.1 Frankfin Clark Fry, of Akron,
0., who Avill speak on "A Church for
the Atges" at the annual Luther Night
Banquet, which will be held at 6:15
p.m. toynorrow at the Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall.
Yearly Business 0f
$90,000 Is Done By
Unihers ityLaundry
A survey and statistical account of+
the University laundry's service has
recently been compiled by E. C. Par-
don, superintendent of buildings and
The University laundry ias in the
past year taken in for gross sales a
sum of $92,209.36. This figure shows
a decided profit when compared with
the total expenditures for the year
1933. Labor proves the greatest ex-1
pense of the University, costing $64,-
264, but materials also prove a big1
item amounting to $8,829.
The main use of the laundry is to
serve the University hospital, but be--t
sides this it does the washing for the
buildings about the campus.
An average month's washing is so
various as to include everything from
curtains to baby napkins, and as
pointed out the total number of
pieces washed amounted to the large
sum of 8,563,734 for the year 1933.

Wife Hopes To
Gain Freedom
For Jacobson
Plans To Continue Fight
For Release Of Husband
Sentenced As Spy
Though the trial of Arvid V. Ja-
cobson, '28, was culminated Mon-
day when he received a five-year sen-
tence, his wife, Mrs. Sally Jacobson
of South Range, Mich., says she is
"not by any means" through with her
fight for his freedom.
Arrested, in Helsingfors with her
husband Nov. 1, from the moment her
release was secured by friends in the
United States, she began a struggle
to free him. Writing Congressmen,
influential men, and friends of Ja-
cobson everywhere, she literally bar-
raged the State Department at Wash-
ington with letters of recommenda-
tion. As a result, Horace M. Albright,
the United States minister to Fin-
land, was officially asked to investi-
gate the case, and finding Jacobson
was without legal aid, furnished him
an American counsel during his long
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg also
took an interest in the case and found
out from the State Department on
March 22 that "it is unofficially un-
derstood that Jacobson will be given
a lenient sentence." It was but a
month after that when Jacobson re-
ceived his sentence,
Although she herself believes that
the sentence is "as light as could have
been expected," Mrs. Jacobson says
she will immediately begin to collect
a series of character letters concern-
ing Jacobson to send to both the
United States State Department. and
Finnish government officials. "If
they but knew what kind of a man
my husband is, they would know that
he could not intentionally be guilty
of a thing like that," she said.
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