T.E MIC.HIGAN DAIL Y A1 Given Again At League Theatre 'Jack And The Beanstalk' Is To Be Presented For Schoolmasters' Club "Jack and the Beanstalk," Chil- dren's Theatre production which played to capacity houses last Jan- uary, will be given again at 3:30 p.m. Friday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in honor of those attending the Schoolmasters Club meetings. Admission will be 25 ceits for chil- dren, and 50 for adults, although members of the Schoolmasters club will be admitted for 25 cents. Plans are now being made by the Children's Theatre, an undergraduate project carried on in co-operation with Play Production, for the season next year. Five plays have been se- lected tentatively, and three will be chosen from this number by a vote taken among the school children of Annn Arbor. These plays include two plays writ- ten especially for the Ann Arbor Chil- dren's Theatre, "Wassillisa and The Baga-Yaba" by Ruth Cox, '34, and "A Modern Cinderella" by Russell Mc- Cracken. It is the eventual aim of the theatre to produce all original plays. The other three plays under con- sideration include adaptations of Barrie's "Peter Pan," Grimm's "The Emperor's New Clothes," and "Rum- plestilskin," which opened last week in Chicago's Goodman Theatre, where children's plays are produced throughout the year. The Children's Theatre presents plays with adult actors, except in parts which distinctly require chil- dren. Participation in the Theatre is open to townspeople as well as to students, and League activity points are given for student work. 1935 J.G.P. Scripts T lRe Discussed Soon Sophomore women interested in writing manuscr.ipts for the 1935 Junior Girls Play are invited to a discussion meeting to be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the League, said Julie Kane, '36, general chair- man yesterday. Russell McCracken, director of this year's production "Gang's All There" will tell the women the basic principles of play-writing. Dance Classes To Combine In Recital May 8 Miss White Is Director Of Joint Production At The League Theatre Dance Club, physical education rhythzm classes, and Play Production rhythm classes have conbind their talent to present a dance recital Tues- day, May 8, ini the tydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. More than en an d women ar particiating. The recit will consist of a variety of dances in- cluding natural co-ordinated move- ment as well as stylization anda ind i- viduality. Although rhythm classes are essen- tially designed for training of the body to rhythmic movement, tance Club is essentially interested inre formation and carrying ut of dances. Play Production, on the other hand, is concerned with the dance as a means of xpression and conibutes several rhythmic pntonimes to the program. All c ass s are in charge of Miss Eminy Wthite, instrucor' i physical education. Thse groups are striving to make modern dance, contemporary trends in non-social daning, an outstand- ing part of the entertainment of the University. The modern dance works with dance forms and aims at inter- pretation whereas social dancing con- tains the same elements as formal folk dancing. The fact thatt he Balet Russe received a tremendous ovation in the Metropolitan Opera House and that Isador cDuncan's school of dance based on flexibility of body movement attracts a large following is proof enough of the popularity of mocrn dance forms elsewhelre. Whew Th e Union Opera: "With Banners Fly- ing;" 8:15 p.m., at the Whitney The- atre. Play Production: "Once in a Life- time"; k:15 p.m. ~at the Lydia Mer- delssohn Theatre. Motion Pictures: Wuerth, '"'Em- peror Jones" and "Prizbfighter and- the Lady"; Majestic, "Wonder Bar" with Al Jolson and Kay Francis; Michigan, "The Show Off" with Spencer Tracy. Dancing: League Grill Rbom, Den, Tavern, Hi-Hat Inn, Preketes. CHAPTER HOUSE ACTIVITY NOTES Two dormitories have entertained this week, one with a faculty dinner, the other with a tea. There have been cxchai gc dinners, elections, and pledgings also. Delta Sigma Pi The scholarship key, awarded an- nually, for highest scholarship in the School of Business Administration will be presented at a smoker tonight at the Delta Sigma Pi fraternity. The recipient of the key will be made known at that time. Helen Newberry Residents of HelenhNewberryddor- mitory entertained their friends in Ann Arbor at an "all-campus" tea yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Florence W. Tousey, director of the house, poured, assisted by several seniors: Mary Ger- trude Pearsall, Sally Place, Margaret Arnold, and Katharine Davis. A color motif of pink and yellow was carried out in tapers and snap- dragons. Harriet Wojtowicz, '35, was in charge of the arrangements for the tea. Her assistants were Betty Kelly, Elsie Galewitz, Marjorie Lang- enderfer, and Frances O'Dell, all freshmen. Jordan hall MuPhiEpsilon Spring Footwear Members Wi l Appe'"r" I" Spi' A i-T. 1IUOdb~(f Snow 1F'urri Mrs. Wassily Besekirshy will be hostess to the act ives and patroiesses of Mu Phi Epsilon, national honorary musical sorority, at a formal musicale Saturday night at her home on Dev- onshire Road. The program, in charge of Miss Ragnhild Moe, will have asits theme, "Music of the Scandinavian Coun- tries." Miss Moe, herself Norwegian, will give a travelogue to be inter- spersed by a musical program which is as follows: Margaret Swetnam, '34, soprano, accompanied by Miss Louise Nelson, will sing "Black Roses" and "The First Kiss," both by Sibelius. A cello "Sonata in A Minor" will be played by Ruby Peinert, '34SM, ac- comipanied. by Mary Helen Munson. Four trios, "The First Primrose" and "Elfintanz" by Grieg; "On a Crystal Throne," a Swedish folk song; and J "The Lovely Rose," a Finnish folk song, will be sung by Margaret Swet- nam, '34, Virginia Ward, '34SM, and Clara Wilson, Grad. Miss Moe will conclude the program by singing a few of the more familiar Norwegian folk songs, lullabies, and dance melodies, and by playing sev- eral Grieg selections. Formal initiation will be held for Helen Harrod, '35, Albion; Victoria Toteff, '35, Toledo, O.; and Madeleine Hadcock, '35, Bay City, at the home of Mrs. D. E. Seeley on Lafayette Drive, on Sunday afternoon at five o'clock. Following the ceremony the actives and guests will be entertained at the home of Mrs. James Hamilton, Hilldene Manor. The eyes of the fashion world have been directed for so long upon the innovations in hats that the oppositej extremities have been a bit neglected. For a long time we have ignored the question of shoes, but suddenly we have, discovered that there has been a radical change. The white season has come upon us all unaware. For the most part the new white shoes are being shown in the rough, leathers, in porcupine, madrucca and tynette, which despite its very French name is calf with a pressed finish. There has been no very definite change in style, pumps, ties, and T-straps being just as good as ever. Sandals promise to be very good for later summer wear. Campus and spectators sports shoes all feature the boulevard heel which is a built-up leather heel of a com- fortable height for walking. For more active sports wear or to combine with the extremely sporty costume there is the very low-heeled or heelless sport shoe. The most popular styles come with leather soles instead of rubber this season. Rough leathers are used for this type of shoe also and the kiltie tongue, which was such a fad last year is still very much seen. Several of these sport shoes are being shown with a zipper fastening instead of ties. Of course for those who are a bit bashful about bursting forth in shin- ing white so early in the season dark blues and grays provide the spring- like touch and look a little more suit- able in a snow storm. re Initiate Nine At Eta Sigma Phi Meeting Nine students were formally ;nit- i;ted into Eta Sigma Phi, national honorary classical fraternity for men and women at ceremonies held last ' night in the League. The annual ban- quet of the organization is planned for May 1, said Odessa Cohen, '34Ed., president, who conducted the initia- Those honored were: Angelina Si- relli, Olga Loppenthein, '35, Emiline Anderson, '35, John Steen, '34L, Alice Taylor, '35Ed., Bernice Wubbena, '35, Henry Russell, '36, and Brenda Park- inson, '36. Elizabeth Harris, '34, is treasurer of the organization, and Prof. James E. Dunlap of the Latin and Greek de- partments is faculty advisor to the group. To Hold Dance For Business Students Business school students will be honored at a special dance given to further friendship among the stu- dents and faculty of the school, Sat- urday, April 28, in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the League. Dancing, which will be to music by the Gail-Corbett Band, will be con- tinuous from 9 p.m. to midnight. For those who do not want to dance, there will be tables of cards. The dance is being sponsored by Delta Sigma Pi, professional busi- ness fraternity, and is being arranged by Harold M. Beam, '34BAd., chair- man. All students, faculty, and any- one else connected with the School of Business Administration are in- vited to attend. Step out LOW..WHITE and, handsome, ROLAo N3r Y c $7f50& ® LOW heel-the smartest height for town and country. WHITE Mandrucca,a tweedy looking leather. HANDSOME is as handsome does. The.lines of this Walk-Over will make your*oot look shorter and younger.-Come in and try it on. BURTON'S WALK OVER &4 Jordan Hall residents will informal faculty dinner Spring flowers and colored will adorn -the tables. give ar tonight candle,- 115 South Main Street Ann Arbor I Among the guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jordan, Prof. and Mrs. Henry F. Adams, Prof. and Mrs. Ray' Cowden, Miss Catherine A. Cudlip. Dr. Dorothy Hard, Raymond Hoek- stra, Mr. and Mrs. George Helm, Mr. and Mrs. Orno Bader, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hawkins, Dr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Soule, Prof. Bruce Donaldson. and Miss Adelaide A. Adams. Kappa Sigma Kappa Sigma fraternity announce:. the pledging of Louis Souffront, '37 Porto Rico. Phi Sigma Sigma Phi Sigma Sigma and Alpha Ep silon Phi sororities held an exchang dinner last night. Fourteen junior: and seniors of the Alpha Epsilon Phi house visited the Phi Sigm. Sigma house while the lower-class, men of the former house entertainer 13 of the Phi Sigma Sigma freshmen and sophomores. Dora Eliasohn, '34 and Helene Lindenbaum, '36, socia chairmen of Phi Sigma Sigma anf Alpha Epsilon Phi, respectively, were in charge of the dinner. Rowena Goldstein, '35, was re- elected president of Phi Sigma Sigm, Monday night and Genevieve Field '35, was elected vice-president. Fran- ces Burnstine, '36, was re-elected sec- retary and Bernadine Field, '36, and Gladys Hornung, '36, were elected treasurer and historian, respectively. READ THE DAILY, CLASSIFIED ADS a " ' r (y r U , # 'A'° f ' , ^.y .'" . . ; 4 r : r r ,t, td" .. ,,,. Y f Y, 4. ; n ' 3'0 mvalum lpwv m