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April 26, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-26

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Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words If possible.
To the Editor:
Although Frederic Nietsche, the German philos-
opher, in 1860 said: "It is a sign of women's wisdom
that they have almost always known how to get
themselves supported, like drones in a bee-hive,"
the statement is by no means antiquated today.
Of course there are still a number of women
who lack the wisdom (or wiles) to get themselves
supported, but the burden still rests on the male
of the species.
Let us consider what this meant originally. Back
in the days when might made right, brawn and not
brains was the vital factor of existence. In those
days the man, because of his physical superiority,
was the nominal head of the house. It was his
duty to provide for his loved ones and shield them
from the enemy. All Well Enough.
But today the situation is changed. Man no
longer has to battle the elements. What is above
the neck is much more important than that which
is below it. But do we find things different? No!
We still have man slaving away in the office, the
store, the ditch, while his wife stays home and
plays bridge and the nurse looks after the baby.
Women's demand for equality still reverberates
throughout the land, but it is waning in enthu-
siasm. We have women voters, women smokers,
women politicians and women flag pole sitters. But
there is still a scarcity of females who are willing
to shoulder part of the responsibilities of support-
ing a family.
Indeed there are those rare specimens who con-
tinue to work after the man has uttered the fatal
"I do," but they immediately assume an attitude
of martyrdom. Overcome by the humiliation of it,
the husband is driven to superhuman endeavor
enabling the wife to retire at twenty-five, while
he slaves on until the grave envelops him.
Women. take advantage of this male weakness.
Women will always take advantage of it. It is inevi-
The care of children was originally used as an
excuse for withdrawing themselves from all forms
of labor. At present they still understand when
they are active, as housekeepers for instance, how
to make a bewildering fuss about it, so that the
merit of their activity is usually ten times over-
estimated by men.
But women must be wary or they will play up
their equality racket too much. Some day men may
wake up and insist that there be equality of re-
sponsibility. That, dear mother of tomorrow, woulkq
be, as the saying goes, j-u-s-t t-o-o b-a-d.
--An L.M.O.C.



When boys go to college,
a am forced to admit,
some go for knowledge,
Some to make a hit.
Still others are proud
Of their prowess in sports
And seek to gain fame
On the basketball courts.
Aut the great majority
Have a reason like this:
characters of the play. But one is never completely
certain, even at the close; for there is some sus-
picion that Manson may be the very benevolent
Bishop of Benares, incognito. At all events, one
knows that this man is no common butler; further,
that if Manson is not Christ himself, he is at least
a very great personage inspired with the soul of
In five acts, scene indivisible, "The Servant
in the House" sets forth the activities of a vicar
of India and his family during a morning in early
spring. The vicar, the Reverend William Smythe
(John D. Seymour), vainly attempting to raise
funds to rebuild his church, is faced with grave
doubts as to his own sanctity. These doubts are
not shared by his wife (Mabel Moore), who
adores him in the literal sense, nor by his niece
(Erna .Rowan). This niece is the chief cause of
Smythe's dubiousness, for he has kept from her
all knowledge of her scapegrace father, whom he
has cast off without forgiveness, Into this moral
welter comes Manson (Mr. Hampden), and pro-
ceeds to set things right.
Mr. Hampden has often been more spectacular,
but never more fine, than in this delicate role. He
must portray a Christ who has wit, who has knowl-
edge of the world, who has sympathy, who is hu-
man and at the same time superhuman, and who is
not a "Christian," but an elder brother. This he
does with great restraint, so that during most of
the action he drifts about in the background -
conspicuous not by any actions, for when he moves
he does so with effortless grace; nor by speech,
for his voice is quiet and tranquil,; but by a
compelling magnetism that drags all eyes to him,
and makes him the centre of the picture despite
his self-effacing manner. It is a great performance,
a mighty one.
Ernest Rowan, as Robert Smith, the prodigal
brother, does the cesspool character with the heart
of gold in fine, stirring fashion. Mr. Seymour
maintains evenly his task of delineating rebellious
moral frustration. Edwin Cushman, as the hypo-
critical James Ponsonby Makeshyfte, the Most
Reverend, The Lord Bishop of Lancashire (all one
man, with ear-trumpet and heavy spectacles,
neither of which does him much good), beautifully
presents insidious evil couched in physical absurd-
ity. Miss Rowan bravely battles the snares of a role



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and what a
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Boucle Knits are a favorite for
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looks more smart and cool and




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