'the Weather 4tilj Cloudy and colder Thursday, .~U VOL. XLIV No 147 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1934 Editorials niversity Will Welcome C School Fstudents. PRICE FI"VE CENTS Naval Plot is Feared At Panama Canal Is Closely Guarded; U.S. Fleet Makes Swift Trip Through Zone Cables Censored; Commerce Tied Up Entire Navy Of 11I Vessels Reaches Colon In Less Than 48 Hours COLON, C. Z., April 25. -(P)-As the United States fleet of 111 vessels completed its 48-hour transit through the Panama Canal today it was learned that warlike conditions ob- taining during the movement were made necessary by fears that at- tempts might be made to interfere with the maneuver. Authorities received information from the Army Intelligence Service several months ago that a conspir- acy seemed in progress to thwart the swift passage of the fleet through the locks. Consequently, heavy guards of sol- diers patrolled the locks during the transit. A smaller force will remain indefinitely, it was said, to supplant the guards stationed at the vital parts of the canal late in March. Hitherto the locks have been with- out protection, and anybody has been able to approach them day or night. Censorship Is Invoked In view of the reported plot Navy officers withheld their announcement of plans to send the ships through in a hurry until the last moment. Cen- sorship was invoked as an extra pre- cautionary measure. Only one minor mishap occurred, however. The aircraft carrier Sara- toga knocked down two concrete lamp posts at the Pedro Miguel locks. Rear Admiral David F. Sellers, fleet commander-in-chief, expressed him- self pleased with the clocklike work of the men and ships. "The , continuous transit of the canal by the fleet as a unit has been a very valuable experience for all hands and it is believed that very useful data has been obtained," he said. "The successful accomplishment of this evolution, which so far as is known is without precedent, was pos- sible only through the efficient or- ganization of the canal and the splen- did co-operation of all hands." Passage Completed First to go through the canal was the airplane carrier Lexington, which left Balboa at 5:11 a.m. Monday. The Melville, the last, cleared Gatun locks at 5 a.m. today. Officers had hoped that the move- ment could be completed in half that time, but a heavy rain, the first of the season, contributed to the delay. A strict censorship on cables and dispatches during the passage was immediately lifted when the Melville was through. Never before had such conditions been imposed in the Zone on the sending of news. The Pacific side of the canal was without Naval ships today; the spe- cial service squadron ordinarily based on the other side is now at Havana. Commercial vessels tied up since Sunday awaiting a chance to enter the locks started their transit last night. Many still await transit, but canal officials hoped shipping would be back on a normal basis by Thurs- day night. Secretary of the Navy Claude A. Swanson in Washington described as a "remarkable performance" the passage of the fleet, and declared "We figured that it would take two or three days." He expressed high praise for the fleet's personnel and canal author- ities, adding, "We wanted to see how quickly the fleet could go from one ocean to another." NOTICE The Board in Control of Student Publications will hold its meeting for the appointment of the man- aging editor and business manager of The Michigan Daily, the Mich- iganensian, the Gargoyle, and bus- iness manager of the Summer Di- rectory, at 2:30 p.m., May 18, 1934. Each applicant for a position is requested to file seven copies of his letter of application with the Audi- tor of Student Publications not later than May 12, 1934, for the use of the members of the Board. Car- bon copies, if legible, will be satis- factory. Each letter should state Watkins Says McLeod Bank Bill Is Too Late For Effectiveness By ARTHUR M. TAUB Declaring himself opposed to the McLeod deposit guarantee bill now pending before Congress on the grounds that such a move would en- courage inflationary interests and would involve a cure for a panic bank- ing condition that is no longer pres- ent, Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the economics department, in an inter- view yesterday, pointed out, that his opposition was based on the fact that the effectiveness of the measure is very doubtful coming now, instead of a year ago. He said that a group of faculty men from the School of Business Admin- istration and the economics depart- ment, of which he is a member, last year during the bank moratorium urged that the government keep the banks open through a guarantee of deposits. The basis on which this recom- mendation was made at that time, he said, was primarily to check the panic and restore public confidence. This measure was not adopted, large- ly because it was assumed that it would bring a heavy cost to the gov- ernment, Dr. Watkins declared, say- ing, "I believe that the ultimate cost would not have been very large and that the measure, by promptly re- storing confidence on the part of de- positors and bankers, would have been well worth whatever cost was in- volved." "The advantages that would have been gained by this course of action, that is, the prompt restoration of con- fidence, on the part of the public as a Whole, cannot now be obtained by a pay-off measure applying to banks that have closed a year or so ago." Furthermore, he said, it would have been feasible at that time to keep open banks which had not failed. Now that these banks have been closed a most difficult question of justice and administration policy arises in de- ciding how many years back to go in relieving the depositors of failed banks. Depositors of banks which have failed in the years previous to 1933 will clamor for relief, and it scarcely proves feasible now to limit relief merely to those banks which have failed last March. "If the McLeod Bill were adopted now after this long delay involving (Continued on Page 2) Pursuers Hope To Close In On Dillinger Soon Citizens Of Mercer, Wis., Charge Federal Officers With Bungling Capture CHICAGO, April 25. - (A) - The troop of Federal agents stalking John Dillinger through the Middle West believed tonight that he could be only a few hours ahead. Meantime, citizens of Mercer, Wis., whence the outlaw and his henchmen escaped Sunday, were signing a peti- tion declaring the capture of Dillinger at the Little Bohemia resort had been bungled. With every law officer of the cen- tral states on the alert, and thou- sands of citizens equally watchful, Dillinger before many hours must show up and fight, his pursuers be- lieved. Mervin H. Purvis, chief of the Chi- cago office, whose removal was asked in the Mercer petition, said: "We'll get him soon. There's more evidence than ever before." While the small army of officers on "Dillinger duty" waited to meet the bandit and his gang, police squads The world watching the Dil- linger hunt heard some fancy ac- counts of it Wednesda, One London newspaper told its rtdd- ers, "Even some red Indians joined the hunt today, with bows and arrows." It added that a ver- itable army of citizens was on the trail, the army "composed of lum- berjacks armed with pickaxes, farmers with shotguns, and la- borers with pitchforks." in Middle Western cities ran down new "tips" that one or more members of the band had been sighted. The Twin Cities were alive with the aces of the Federal government's detective bureau, eager to notch their guns for Dillinger and his mob. As they checked every rumor and report tracing the gang, a guard was thrown about the Ramsey County Jail to make sure that Dillinger did not attempt to rescue his companion, Evelyn Frechette. At Madison, Wis., three other girls whom the Dillinger band left behind were called into court and charged with concealing the toy gun desperado. The looting of a bank at Akron, O., made officers alert against the chance that Dillinger might make an attempt to rescue three pals held in the Ohio State Prison at Co- lumbus. Dean Bursley To Meet Heads Of Fraternities Dean of Students Joseph A. Bur- sley has invited the presidents of all general fraternities to an informal discussion session at 7:30 p.m. today at his home, 2107 Hill St. Various matters of interest to the fraternities will be discussed. Chief among the topics under con- sideration will be the fraternity cri- teria recently adopted by the Execu- tive Committee of the National In- terfraternity Conference, and the Pie Fan Attributes Our Decadence To Eggs, Blanc Mange (By Intercollegiate Press) CLEVELAND, April 25. - When Dr. Dudley Reed, director of physical education at the University of Chica- go, was asked to address the Ameri-; can Physical Education Association here, he was given no topic, so he picked his own: "Food," and soon, being a specialist, eliminated from the approved list everything but des--j serts.1 Wobbly desserts such as blanc manges and floating island puddings underwent a severe lashing at the hands of Dr. Reed, who refuted the argument recently advanced by a Chicago paper that "whites of eggs provide exciting possibilities." "Can you imagine," Dr. Reed con- tinued, "a group of college professors entering swinging doors, quaffing down the whites of eggs and a few blanc manges, breaking into barber- shop harmony, and staggering home with cloves on the breath?" "What is blanc mange? Why, noth- ing but corn starch. Somebody ought to put them wise to the fact that there are other uses for corn. Furthermore, he asked, how many mountains had been climbed, how many battles won, through the in- spiration of blanc mange? He rec- ommended a return to the desserts of our ancestors; desserts that would bring out the best there is in our stomachs. In a final burst of oratory, Dr. Reed shouted: "I'd rather die on cherry pie Than live on a floating island!" Play Production Presents Satire At 830 Tonight 'Once In A Lifetime' Will Run Three Days; Sarah Pierce Is Starred "Once in a Lifetime," a satire by George Kaufman and Moss Hart, pre- sented by Play Production, opens at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. Playing in the five principal roles will be Sarah Pierce, '35, Charlotte Whitman, '35, John Silberman, '34, Jack Nestle, '34, and Goddard Light, '35, all of whom have been prominent in campus dramatics during the past year. Miss Pierce played the title role in "Elizabeth, the Queen," Miss Whit- man the lead in this year's Junior Girls Play, and Silberman appeared recently as the Duke in "The Gon- doliers." "Once in a Lifetime" satirizes the movie industry, and was written after Kaufman had spent some time in Hollywood under contract. Other hits by Kaufman include "Of Thee I Sing," "We, the People," "The Beg- gar on Horseback," and "June Moon." The present production requires a large cast in portraying all the va- rious characters usually found asso- ciated with a movie company. These parts are taken by Virginia Frink, '35, Virginia Chapman, '35, David Zimmerman, '35, Paul Auble, '35, Ruth Cohn, '34, Jean Durham, '36, Barbara Van Der Voort, '34, Bessie Curtis, '35, Daniel Shurz, '36, Barbara Sororities To Pre s s Group Vote Rushing Starts Annual RulesToday Meeting Here Delegates From All Houses High School And College Will Convene To Pass Delegates M e e t Today On 15 Modifications For Reception, Dance Representatives To Will Make Tour Of Follow House Vote Publieations Plant Rushing Rules Committee Player, Miller To Speak Proposals To Take Effect Friday Preceding Round Immediately If Passed Table Discussions Sorority delegates, having taken High school delegates from the en- the votes of their various houses on tire state will come here today for rushing rules, will meet at 4:15 p.m. the tenth annual meeting of the today in the League to decide on the Michigan Interscholastic Press As- proposed changes, according to Betty sociation, meeting here for a three- Aigler, '35, president of Panhellenic. day joint session with the Michigan The changes were proposed by the Intercollegiate Press Association. The rushing rules committee under the meeting is sponsored by the journal- chairmanship of Margaret Hiscock, ism department, assisted by Sigma '36, with suggestions from the various Delta Chi, journalism fraternity, sorority delegates. Kappa Tau Alpha, honorary jour- The rules to be voted on are: (1) nalism society, and Theta Sigma P1- Rushing shall start on Friday with no journalism sorority. rushing on the first Sunday. Rush- 30 High Schools Attend ing last year began on Saturday. Students on the staffs of news- In regard to summer rushing or rushing of women who are expected papers, magazines, and annuals from to attend the University next year, ove 30 high dhlinthe state the committee proposed the following have already made definite geer rule: (2) No entertainment shall be with for the convention, together give fo prspetiv ruhee byso-with five or six member schools of given for prospective rushees by so- the Intercollegiate group. They will rorities as a group. By entertain- meet for the first time tonight to be- ment is meant sorority dances, dances gin the three-day session of discus- at which there are no members from sions of publication problems and to other sororities present, or meals for listen to speeches by leaders in the more than three prospective rushees. field of journalism, and by other ce- No Vacation Rushing lebrities. (3) No entertainment may be given eisg throughout the summer or vacations Registrations will begin at the Un- by actives, alumnae, patronesses, or ionat 4 p.m., at which time the dele- mothers for women not in the uni- gates will be assigned to the various versity unless morethan one sorority fraternities and sororities who have is present. If rule three is passed an- offered to house them during the con- other vote will be taken to determine vention. whether the penalty for violation The get-acquainted assembly will shall be removal of all rushing privi- begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Union ball- leges for the fall season, or cancella- room, with Donal Hamilton Haines tion of all dates with the rushee for of the journalism department pre- whom the rule is broken. siding. An address of welcome will be Although there was a rule stating given by President Alexander G. that no rushee .may be met at the Ruthven, followed by a speech by train, no penalty was attached to it. Prof. John L. Brum of the journal- The committee proposes that the ism department, who is directing the penalty be (4) cancellation of all fu- meeting. This will be followed by a ture dates with the rushee for whom reception and dance, after which the rule is broken. there will be a conducted tour Would Cancel Privileges through the Publications building in (5) For the rule against rushing order to see the staff of The Daily with men, the committee suggests in the midst of the process of getting that the penalty be made removal of out the paper. all rushing privileges rather than the Assembly To Be Held present penalty of cancellation of all Friday's program will begin at rushing dates with the rushee for 9:30 a.m. with a general assembly at whom the rule is broken. Further the Union, at which time the group suggestions as to the time of rushing will be addressed by Cyril Arthur dinners is that (6) the dinners ter- Player, foreign editor and special minate at 8:30 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. writer for the Detroit News, who will Because the sororities feel that they speak on his personal experiences, cannot always reach the residences and interviews made in Europe. There of the rushees with the initial invi- will also be an address by E. L. Miller, tations before noon, it was suggested assistant superintendent of Detroit that the only limit be for the time of Public Schools, a man who is greatly starting delivery of invitations and interested in high school journalism. that the fine for violation of that rule Ti ilb olwdb h is should be cancellation of one rushing 10 roun table discussion groups for party stead of the more severe pen- the high school delegates, led by (_____n__d____P_____ prominent Michigan journalists and AGREEMENT SEEN high school advisers. Among the WASHINGTON, April 25. - () - most interesting discussions sched- An agreement between railroad man- uled for Friday morning will be The agers and their employees on the Writing of News, led by Lee A White wage question appeared possible to- of the Detroit News, and The Writing night when union chiefs extended for of Fiction, led by Mr. Haines of the 24 hours the period in which media- journalism department. Both are tion must be asked under the Rail- scheduled for the 11 a.m. to 12 noon way Labor Act. speriod. Rosa Ponselle, Here For' Fifth Time, To Star In May Festival One of the outstanding voices of the wo, Id's concert and operatic stage today, that of Rosa Ponselle, will be heard in Ann Arbor for the fifth time when Miss Ponselle opens the pro- gram of the May Festival Wednesday, May 9. The Festival will continue through Saturday. Miss Ponselle, whose name is known wherever music is loved, made her Ann Arbor Festival debut in 1919, shortly after she had startled New York opera goers with her thrilling voice. This followed a comparatively short rise from musical obscurity. Her work astounded critics and music lov- ers alike. Enrico Caruso was particu- larly enthusiastic and it was because of his recommendation that she was secured for the Festival of that year. Caruso himself had been heard in an Ann Arbor recital earlier in the sea- son. The tremendous ovation which she received here so pleased Caruso that