THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ~-- fraternity man is "compensated" for the dip in his scholastic record by the other benefits which he receives from membership in the organization, it cannot be denied that the student who gets good grades gets more out of his college life in most cases than the one who does not. The fraternity men of the junior class have a slightly lower average than the independents, but they have recovered from the ill effects of pledging. We firmly believe that there is no reason why a student's work should fall off because he has been taken into a Greek-letter society. If anything, the house ought to encourage him to a full use of the opportunities which are afforded here. Aside from the fact that fraternity pledges act as a dead weight on the house if they fail to make their grades and cannot therefore be initiated or take part in campus activities, and aside from the fact that University authorities, viewing the scene from an academic standpoint, are inclined to judge fraternities harshly on this point, the houses themselves, for their own good, should correct this situation of their own accord. " And there is always the danger that reform in this respect, if it does not arise spontaneously from within the houses, may be forced on them from outside. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MeMber of the Western !Conference Editorial Association and the Big 'Ten News Service. ociattd oeli iatt prg,$ -193 oi°ie 13 4 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is enclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispathces credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Eost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Auistant Postmaster-General. Brz1scription during summer by carrier, $.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by Offices: Student PublicatiGons Building, Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representative: Colege Publications Representativs, Inc., 4C' East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDTORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR..........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..............C, HART SCHAAF CIYEDITOR ......................BtIACKLEY SHAW SPORTS EDITOR.................ALBERT H. NEWMAN DRAMA EDITOR..................JOHN W. PRITCHARD WOMEN'S EDITOR....................CAROL J..HANAN E'vIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis BaliRalph G, Coulter William G. Fer, John C, Healey, veorgeVan vek, E. Jerome Pettt. SPORTS ASISTANTS: Chares A. Baid, Arthur W. Car- atens, Roland L. Marin, Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter,Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn, John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard B Levik, David G. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch Arthur S. Settle, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M. Taub. Dorothy Gie, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor- rison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.............W. GRAFTON SHARP CREDIT MANAGER..........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.....:..:........... ............................. CATHARINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur- ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knusi; Circula- tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson. - ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Rs- enthal, Joe Rotlbard George Atherton. Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Burley, Peggy Cady, Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret Mustard, Betty Simonds. FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold- smith, David Schiffer, William Brndt, Jack Richardson, Charles Parker, Rooert Owen, Ted Wohigemuth, Jerome Grossman, Avnr, Kronenberger, Jim Horskey, Tom Clarke, Scottv Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall, Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman $lttman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN C. HEALEY Find ing A Substitute For Swngout.. . T HE SENIOR CLASS, the Under- graduate Council, and a special Un- dergraduate Council committee are now working their collective minds on the problem of a sub- stitute for Swingout. The work will have to be accomplished with rapidity--with a good deal more rapidity than has so far been shown- if any plan is to be presented by May 1, the deadline set by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs which will either approve or disapprove the Coun- cil's plans. At the present moment the Council is function- ing with a slowness of pace equalled only by the apparent lack of interest upon the part of officialsI and members of the senior class. There were only five members at the recent special Council meeting called to fix upon a substitute plan, and none of them seemed to have a particularly competent idea of what to do.- As for the officials of the senior class, they have - met the problem by being both completely inactive and completely mute. However, this may be excus- able. They may have forgotten that they are class officials. What can be done in the way of a substitute for Swingout, one of the very few genuinely popular traditions of Michigan of the past few years? First, we believe that the marching is an essen- tial part of the ceremony. We feel. that seniors want to appear in their caps and gowns and want to parade in them-- and we also feel that the campus wants to see them parade. But in order to march, it is psychologically necessary to have some place to go. That much is obvious. In the past the parade has ended in Hill.Audi- torium, where the President of the University has given an address. This has not always proven satis- factory. The day is one for the about-to-graduate class and we believe that the activities should be con- fined to members of this class. The talking, we think, should be by outstanding members of the senior class who have arrived at a state where they ought to be able to take whatever their classmates care to give them. With this plan, the traditional significance of the day will not be forgotten, and it can be a day for the seniors, without any futile attempt at decorum. The Theatre - "WITH BANNERS FLYING" In Review Tardily, as per tradition, the opening curtain of "With Banners Flying" came up last night at the Whitney Theatre. Two hours and a quarter later, the curtain came down. The banners were still flying, but they were a trifle tattered. The first scene opens in a convocation at Hill Auditorium. It's all very wilI, but refreshingly wild. It keeps the brain turning over at a great rate . a Marx brothers production with plenty of sure- fire lines by William Brownson who deserves con- gratulation. The plot is laid in a strangely topsy-turvy University where R.O.T.C. men and Socialists are fighting it out for power, but nobody seems to know just exactly what power consists of. It all starts when President Rutabaga leaves for Egypt, "Little Egypt," as he so fondly puts it. The Univer- sity is left in charge of Feeling A. Boast, the vet- eran football coach, whom we find putting chor- uses of hirsute stenographers through their paces, sleeping in the presidential office, and drawing football diagrams on the walls. "Atrocities" are committed by the Socialists to gain their ends. Typical atrocity: The changing of Division street signs for the confusion of the Common Council. Through it all runs a love- theme to end all love-themes in which turning points take place with comic abruptness. The re- turn of President Rutabaga to the University brings a happy issue and the final chorus finds company and audience chanting "The Victors." The book is laudable in that the production is entirely about Michigan and of Michigan. The satire is brilliant and biting; typical is the satirn- zation of the agitation by university women for later hours. Dean Alice Freud and IDr. Pill frown upon the affair and the women applaud the atti- tude vigorously, Conspicuously lacking on the opening night was that abandon on the part of the company neces- sary to pound home the lines with sufficient force . the extra something that puts a show across with a bang. The women's chorus and the football chorus were stop-the-show hits. A direct refutation to the ancient statement of "Our handsomest girls are men" were the bow-legs and dead-pans of the chorus . . . flanked by wigs that flopped like a spaniel's ears in the dance-routines. The tango chorus rated top in the dancing . . . save possibly for the elephantine maneuvers of the ungainly football lasses (lads). Thief of the show was William A. Cutting, who, in the non-essential role of Hermann Haufenmist, the Dutch boy with brain-atrophy, wandered stu- pidly through the production in search of his Nell. William Dickert, as Dean Beersley and Dean Ellis Freud put the satirical character parts across with a punch. Frank M. Brennan as Nell was sat- isfyingly ingenuous, while J. Gordon McDonald as Scrofulous Epidermis was not scrofulous enough but adequate. Thomas Connellan as Claret Moselle, the hero- ine, was utterly charming and winning. Her seduc- tion of Epidermis was excellent, but his (Claret's) singing voice was a trifle shaky. In general, the acting was characterized by over- restraint as contrasted with the under-restraint of the audience. It is to be expected that after the first night, the characters will lose the gingerly manner in which. in many cases they tackled their parts. The music for the production was excellent and extremely unusual for a college show. Mr. Peterson merits a good deal of applause on the score. The timing of the music and scenes was ragged. Long pauses into which music should have been scored may be laid to opening-night difficulties. Unfortunate also was the fact that there were not enough powerful voices in the production to put the numbers over. Or quite possibly, most of the soloists did not trust their voices to the needed volume. Another case of over-restraint. Altogether, the show needs loosening up. It lacks spontaneity and abandon which it may acquire in succeeding nights. As a satire and a commentary on campus movements and personalities, it is well worth seeing. The banners are still flying, and maybe one of these nights they will flap in the wind. ILMPDEN AT DETROIT CASS "RICllELIEU - A Review By JOhN W. PRiTCHARD SIR EDWARD BULWER-LYTTON wrote this play. The fact that Sir Edward penned his exotic but tightly-conceived teeter-tauter melo- dramas in the middle of the last century should + fal+riafn'c k 2C tA conmlete a tin-off a to the Art Reviews ARCHITECTURE EXHIBIT AN EXHIBIT of 97 architectural drawings is being shown in the jury room of the College of Architecture under the auspices of the Asso- ciation of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. The University very fortunately has the privilege of viewing the exhibitions of both the Eastern and Western circuits being made by the Association. An effort is made to complete each circuit in a year, so the students may keep informed of the work done by other schools. Due to this desire to cover the entire United States in a year, the ex- hibitions are necessarily short. The work will be on display only tonight. The exhibitions represent seventeen leading col- leges and universities including the Universities of Michigan, California, Southern California, Illinois, Cincinnati, Ohio State, Harvard, Cornell, and many technical schools. The majority of the plates have been prize-winners. Every conceivable problem is in evidence; resi- dences, libraries, beach clubs, state capitals - in short, every phase of architecture. Unusually fine rendering of harmonious mono- chromatic color schemes and others in strong contrast make the exhibition striking and ap- pealing. One particularly colorful sketch is a Mayan frontispiece. It was a Class A project from Ohio State University. It shows an Egyptian temple in the center background with a god and sacred animal prominent in the foreground. It is char- acterized by Egyptian hieroglyphics as decoration. Distinction is added to this plate by the vivid orange and green color scheme. The University of Michigan contributes six studies. The subjects are a sanatorium, museum, concert hall, church, community building, and a shrine for the Holy Grail. They are beautifully done, although not as colorful as some of the others. Many were. theses used in obtaining the Master of Arts degree. All of the plans show careful study, complete details, and unusual features. More than mere drawings of plans, these plates portray a technical interest, idealistic planning, and composition. -E.M.N. Musical Events Results Of Classified Advertisin have been proven The Daily maintains a Classified Directory for your convenience. 11c a Line The Michigan Daily Maynard Street aU The Answer to a Maiden's Prayer .. . ANNA L HUGHES c of The RUBLEY can match your favorite cos- tume with a smart hat-just a color sample and she will Smake you a soft felt with a distinct air -something the distinctive young lady has searched for in vain. And o this remarkable feat for as low as- Li. 00 -- $50QQ )C~o--- -----i-)-- -~--- The 4 fli g 60 ports, in 34 /8,000 mites (.1 ot~er 4h,194 frIom He 270 f/ from' QOas October 211,1v), 1 SO(, FrnciscoOct o ,, aOy21t retunin to e "rate $17501/ 1935 / inimum Arou nd-tthe-World on the VOLEN DAM ldtol education combines STUDY and TRAVEL. Here, at last is The Floating University, o college cruising the world ...offering a full year's courseof study. For details write: Denn James E.tough, 66 Fifth Ave,, New York, or HOLLAND-AMERICA L I N E 520 Book Bldg., Detroit m.. _ .._ m--- -- -- -- - "f& FLOATING UN I V E RSITY" Let do yourLndr ANY astounding claims are made in the name of science. But few surpass il genuine usefulness tie GRADUATION RECITAL In Review T HIS SEEMS to be a year of setting new stand- ards for future prospective graduates. Miss Mathewson's was perhaps the best organ recital this year. Possessing everything necessary for a finished performer, she left no doubt in the minds of her audience as to her ability. Her program was one which showed careful selection of all phases of organ technique to show off her various capa- bilities. Opening with the Introduction and Al- legro by Wolstenholme, she immediately showed that she had the necessary technical means and power at her command. The delightful "Suite" by DeLamarter proved her ability to paint various moods in an artistic and finished manner. After the first two numbers she had put the audience at ease and went on to gain further approbation. At no time did she allow balance or good interpre- tation to slip from her grasp. The speed and clarity of the inner voices in the Bach were to be mar- velled at. The only number to detract from her program was the choice of the Brahms chorale and its location. Miss Mathewson has all the attributes of an excellent organist and should go far in her chosen; field.' What a Co-ed Is The present college girl is a well-balanced picture of courtesy, enthusiasm, cheerfulness and courage, according to Dean V. C. Gildersleeve of Barnard college. Ad in the University of Missouri paper: REWARD: We will gladly swap one guaranteed telephone number for information leading to the name and address of the blonde who was seated in the Auburn Lounge Room Wed- nesday morning at 10:18. complex court intrigue, and tailored to the more advanced taste of the current American audience. It has not a thing to recommend it philosophically; it has everything to further its high entertainment value. It is light, yet its soarings are neatly dis- ciplined. It is complex, without taxing the mind too greatly -except for those incorrigible persons like the youthful Francois, who has been pursuing the paper for two acts, the while muttering Rich- elieu's time-honored line - "In the lexicon of youth there is no such word as fail." Mr. Hampden is tremendous. With faultless em- phasis and concentration he manipulates the ac- tion; he is a fulcrum, but a highly conspicuous and articulate one. The dry wit and intense emo- tional reserve of Richelieu are, in him, a charged mixture of rigor, sympathy, and urbanity. He is supported by a notable cast. Mr. Anderson presents to us, with clear intelligence, a Louis XIII who makes grandiloquent gestures with grace and maj- esty, yet impresses us as being weak, stupid, effeminately ridiculous. Mr. Seymour is a romantic juvenile who can act; he is winning; he uses an individual refinement of the Dennis King tech- nique. Hannam Clark, as the cardinal's amman- uensis Joseph, suavely gives us a new sort of Gray Eminence - a sort of Verges type. Mr. Row- an is heavy, inflexible,, unstimulating. Miss Rowan is properly unsophisticated, virtuous, uneven in her cadences - she falls down a bit in a declama- finn 'e.n nrnhnhlv hecaus f her inhility to manner in which scientific methods can handle your Laundry work. Send your clothes to the Varsity and see how easier, safer and cheaper our modern methods are. Phone 23-123 Liberty at Fif/th DAILY CLASSIFIEDS ADS ARE EFFECTIVE MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. SU ANN ARBOR t $.301J er f' V.}. caXu it ie otI a e OS t ati n 33ce ts station' sato a tfo ANN +4ttgpANN Athe ra too FLINT $.80 pF to.011