or snow today, colder and north by night. id colder tomorrow. I1 C, I r Afria Iati Editorials Nazi Persecution Of C olics; Keep The Students Of The Dives. IV No. 98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1934 PRICE FIVE C U a d Lead's 1934's Political Turmoil: No. 3: The Lands Of Hitler, Dollfuss higan To ick Victory igan Gathers ints To Ohio 1.3 Total 59 2.3 State's' nomores Four Firsts d Is Triple Winner By eking Dash, Hurdles, id High Jump By CHARLES A. BAIRD by Willis Ward, phenomenal d star, who won three events, Ban's track team defeated Ohio 59 2-3 to 35 1-3, in the Field last night. Wolverines won eight firsts to three, and had point-winners ry event. of the most surprising features meet was the uncovering of more talent in Michigan's ros- our of Michigan's firsts were y second year men competing ir initial Conference meet. o got off to a temporary lead ining the first event, the mile ack Childs led the group until nal fifteen yards, when Bill passed him to win by two feet, a new Ohio record of 4:23.4. ield house record is 4:23.1. is Ward came back in the sec vent, the 60-yard dash, to win chigan and tie the score at nine e beat Stapf of Ohio to the by four feet, after having led .tire distance. Bob Lamb took a third for the Wolverines in a that was much disputed. His ras :06.3. Lemen sprang a surprise in the r-mile by beating Arnold of and Capt. Ellerby of Michigan tape by two yards. Ellerby, Lad been favored to win, was and held to a third place. d won his second victor.y of vening in the 65-yard high s. Although he knocked down 'st hurdle and was thus slowed he managed to win easily. of Michigan placed third. two-mile race was the funniest evening. Michigan won a slam event, Neree Alix, Rod Nowell ick McManus, finishing in that The surprise of the race was nish, when the Wolverine run- :ded with sprints worthy of the ,rd dash. Wolverines won another slam 65-yard low hurdles, in which u Hunt broke the tape in :07.5. amb took second, and Leonard an, third. All three are soph- EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, writ- ten especially for The Daily by Mr. Wheeler, will be followed with others by faculty authorities. They too will deal with interesting European, Euro- Asiatic, and Euro-American problems. By BENJAMIN W. WHEELER (Of the History Department) The separation of Austria from Germany is a relatively recent acci- dent of history. It was the result of Bismarck's ambition to secure for Prussia a position in German affairs equal to that of Austria. Only the failure of attempts to solve the sit- uation by effecting a division of Ger- man leadership between the two states determined him in 1866, to cut Austria off from the currents lead- ing toward German national unifi- cation. Prior to the dissolution in that year of the German Confereda- tion, Austria had served for some thousand years as outpost of Ger- man civilization against Magyar, Slav, and Turk. In the 16th and 17th centuries Austria emerged from the role of defender into that of con- queror. The Turks had been thrust back; Magyars (Hungarians) and a considerable element of South Slavs had become her subjects. This, to be sure, tended to divide the interest of her rulers between German and east- ern affairs. German Rulers From the end of the 13th century these rulers were members of the German house of Habsburg. From the 15th century onward until 1806 these princes regularly bore the imperial title. Tenuous though the rights of this office were its possession never- theless marked them as first among the German princes. In the expulsion of Napoleonic dominion from Ger- man soil the Austrian people and their sovereigns playedna part second to none. In the diet of German con- federation after 1815, the Austrian representative was accorded the right to preside. It is not surprising that, at the time of the dissolution of the Habsburg monarchy in October of 1918, the German speaking popula- tion of Austria should not have been deterred by the ephemeral experience of half a century, from regarding it- self as a part of the German nation 'in a political as well as a cultural sense. f Austrian Republic The designation Austria as here employed refers to the territory in- cluded in the present day Austrian republic. This republic embodies the German speaking elements of the old Habsburg monarchy, minus a population of some three and a half millions in Bohemia and Moravia, now included in Czechoslovakia, minus the German population of South Tyrol, now under Italian dom- inion, and plus a small section of territory, formerly subject to the Hungarian crown, now the eastern- most possession of the Austrian re- public. With the dissolution of the Aus- trian monarchy in 1918 the various non-German racial elements were permitted to unite within themselves, (Continued on Page 6) SCA Speaker Is Experienced In Social Problems In his speech .on "Christ and the World Crisis," to be delivered at 8 p. m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under auspices of the Stu- dent Christian Association, Charles Stelzle will present his views which have evolved from a long career as a sociologist, publicist, and a worker in religious enterprises., Born in New York's Bowery dis- trict, Mr. Stelzle offers a parallel to such other typically American fig- ures as Edward Bok and Jacob Riis. After an early period spent in fac- tory work, he has advanced to be- come an outstanding commentator on social and economic questions. Best known among his scores of activities is his appointment as "Di- rector of Relief and Emergency Measures" of New York City. Opera Director Is Pleased With Gast 4fter 2 Rehearsals Six feet one inch, 195 pounds of muscle, a two day's growth of whis- kers, and a look that would stop an eight-day clock - that's a description of one of the aspirants for a chorus girl part in the Opera Union as he appeared at dance and voice tryouts yesterday afternoon. But he wasn't alone- they came in droves and herds, willing to take their punishment as the directors prompt- ed with "one, two, three- one, two, three," or "sing that number again, will you?" In the voice tryouts it developed that the only song unani- mously known by the embryonic in- genues and company was "Sweet Sue," and said tune was consigned to its rightful grave at the end of the afternoon, a martyr to a noble cause. Boys Will Be Boys' Says Beer Garden Owner After Party Sheriff's officers answering an emergency call early yesterday morn- ing at the Black and Tan, a beer garden west of Ann Arbor on the River road, found the place devoid of customers and the proprietor sur- veying the wreckage. According to reports the fight started when one of a party of ten students made a remark to a dancer in the floor show. The offending stu- dent was hurled to the floor beneath the piano, and a general melee be- gan with about 40 of the customers using chairs and fists for weapons. The students, after being thrown out of the building, hurled bricks through all the front facing windows, and then retreated as the outraged proprietor opened fire from a second story windowrwith a shot gun. The proprietor fired five times without hitting anyone, as the students dis- appeared in a cab. By the time the officers appeared on thescene all the customers had disappeared. None ofthe partici- pants of the brawl were identified. Daily Business Tryouts Called For Tomorrow A call to all second semester fresh- men interested in business staff work on The Daily to report for a pre- liminary meeting at four p. m. to- morrow afternoon at the Student Publications Building, Maynard street, was issued yesterday by W. Grafton Sharp, '34, business mana- ger. Sharp explained that business work is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in keeping accounts, sell- ing advertising, and laying out ad- vertisements. Tryouts will assist in selling contracts and reading proofs. New Literary Magazine To Be Published 'Inland Review' Will Be Edited By Arthur Coon, Graduate Student To Publish Faculty And Student Writing First Issue Is To Appear Next Month If Enough Subscribers Appear Plans for a campus critical and literary magazine, to be called the Inland Review, have been formulated and a drive for a student subscrip- tions is now to be launched. The magazine will be open to any writer, andi will include not only poetry and "creative" prose, but also expository, critical, or contro- versial articles and symposia on any subject of general interest, such as politics, education, art, anthropology, and aesthetics. Writing which has been submitted to the Hopwood contests will be pub- lished, and reviews, of books, cinema, music, drama, and painting are to be written. Any student or faculty niember is entitled to submit manu- scripts, which, if judged satisfactory, will be published. Advance Circular An advanc] circular which was sent to all members of the University faculty has met with good response in subscriptions, according to Arthur M. Coon, Grad., who will edit the magazine. The subscription price is one dollar for as many issues as are to be published. "The success of the venture," Coon stated, "is dependent upon the num- ber of persons who are enough in- terested in seeing such a magazine established at Michigan to contribute a dollar." Subscriptions should be sent to the Inland Review, 1024 Hill St. or in care of the English Office, 3221 An- gell Hall. The first issue will be pub- lished next month if the'response is sufficient, Coon said. Any student who,. cannt afford a Subscription right now may feel free to send a post-dated check. Endorsed by Faculty While the publication will have no official connection with the Uni- versity, all contributors will be from that body. Among those who have endorsed the project and who have been early subscribers are Prof. Pres- ton W. Slosson of the history de- partment, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary college, Prof. Bennett Weaver of the English department, Dean of Women Alice Lloyd, Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson of fine arts de- partment,-Dean G. Carl Huber of the Graduate School, Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the English de- partment, Dean H. C. Sadler of the College of Engineering, Prof. J. W. Glover of the mathematics depart- ment, Dean James B. Edmondson of the School of Education, Prof. Louis A. Strauss, chairman of the English department, Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski of the College of Engineering, Prof. Erich A. Walter of the English de- partment, Prof. Max S. Handman of the economics department, Prof. Ho- bart R. Coffet of the Law School, Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of the phi- losophy department, and others. Women To Vote Tomorrow Nioht On Late Hours House votes on the question of late permission for seniors will be taken on in the women's residences tomorrow night. The results will be reported at the meeting of the Board of Representatives, which is to be held at 4 p. m. Tuesday in the League. Previous legislation has narrowed the question down to whether seniors should have 1:30 a. m. permission on Saturday nights. It may also be decided that only seniors receiving a C average will be given the privi- lege. If the rule for senior privileges should be passed by the Board of Representatives, it will not be final, according to Ruth Robinson, '34, chairman of the Board. It must then be passed on by the Board of Representatives, and with its appro- AnAppeal An initiative petition is now being circulated by the Citi- zens' Charter Amendment Repeal Committee to wipe out the present discriminatory ban on the sale of beer and light wines in the area East of Division Street. Approximately 1,300 signatures of registered voters of this city are necessary to have the East Side beer question sub- mitted to the electorate at the Spring Election to be held on April 2. The Daily unqualifiedly urges you to sign this petition, if you are a registered voter. We feel that once the question is brought to a vote, those favoring sale of beer and light wines on State Street will show themselves to be well in the majority. If the 1,300 signatures are not obtained, however, East Siders - college students, faculty members, and townspeople - must continue to drink beer on the West Side, where drinking conditions are not as enticing as they might be. Your signature on the petition signifies that you are dis- satisfied with a moss-backed bit of legislation which puts the stamp of sneakiness on beer drinking. Your signature is a progressive gesture. Your signature shows, above all, that you would rather see young people drink beer and light wines in a favorable, near-campus, atmosphere, than in a wildcat cafe like the "Black and Tan," where very recently students and others were involved in a shameful row which brought on a raid by sheriff's officers. There is, as you would expect, an opposition of a kind to repeal of the East Side Beer Ban. It is led by "Old Guard- ers," and those whom General Johnson would dub "Witch doctors and Tories.' This minority clamors for retention of. the status quo. They would rather see East Siders live in a falsified atmosphere of sanctimony. They favor a sort of anti-beer stratosphere, where the air is "pure" and where men who attend the Uni- versity can not be "corrupted." Here are some of their more common objections to repeal of the East Side Beer Ban. To the objections we have appended our refutations. Opponents of East Side beer and light wines say: 1. "It will corrupt the high school student.". This is not so. The State Liquor Control Bill provides that no person who has not attained the age of 18 years shall be privileged to buy beer or light wines. Thus the great majority of high school students are cared for -they simply can't buy beer. Those high school students who are over 18 are, in the judgment of the State Legislature, old enough to guard their own "morals." The age of 18 was chosen by (Continued on Page' 6) In Initiative Drive East Side Beer Prohibith To End Committee Canvasses City Petitions Due In Office Of City Clerk Tuesday; To Have 1,300 Names Students Ineligible, Urged Not To Sign New Amendment Will Not Bring Back Saloon; On- ly Beer, Light Wines By A. ELLIS BALL A drive to bring beer and light wines back again to the campus area got under way yesterday as petitions for the repeal of the East of Divi- sion Street charter amendment were printed and circulated throughout the city by the Citizens Charter Amendment Repeal Committee. The petitions will be circulated throughout Monday and the early part of Tuesday. . They will be due in the office of Fred Perry, city clerk, before 4 p. m. Tuesday, and will re- quire approximately 1,300 names of qualified Ann Arbor voters. Name Committee The repeal committee, headed by Norman F. Kraft, chairman and di- rector of the drive, is composed of, the following citizens: Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology depart- ment; Benjamin Wheeler of the his- tory department; Prof. Arthur Van Duren of the German department; Lieut. Richard R. Coursey of the R.O.T.C.; Dr. D. E. Standish, local dentist; Dr. Harold M. Dorr of the political science department; C. H. Beukema, Ann Arbor correspondent for the Detroit Free Press;- ibr E. Bursley, president of the Under- graduate Council; Thomas K. Con- nellan, managing editor of The Daily; Del Pfrommer, secretary of the University of Michigan Repub- lican Club; and Guy M. Whipple, Jr., of the Vanguard Cub. The petitions may be found at any of the business places in the State, South University, and P a c k, a r d Streets sections. They are also at the offices of The Daily on Maynard Street. Warn Students The committee members ask that anyone who can collect a number of names to call Kraft at 8942 today or 4925 tomorrow or Tuesday. Students who are not residents nor qualified city voters are warned not to sign " the petitions as all such signatures would be void. The proposed amendment, in the event it is passed by a three-fifths vote of the people, will not bring back the saloon or hard liquor to any section of the city. It merely hopes to bring beer and light wine" back to well-controlled places in the campus area where it is now banned by the charter provision. 1800 Customers Tiron iquor Store Opening Student With Capacity Of Seven Quarts Is First Customer The stroke of ten from the city hall clock sounded the death knell for Ann Arbor's 15 years of prohibi- tion, as the door of the. State Liquor store was opened yesterday morning to admit the ten persons who were on hand for the event. The first customer was a student who purchased seven quarts of whis- key. Despite the small attendance at 10 a. in., the number in the store had. swelled to 50 by 10:15 a. m., and throughout the rest of the morning there were at least 25 customers in the store at a time.. The 'real rush came in the afternoon when the stu- dents began to desert the campus for more pleasant environs. During the entire afternoon there were well over 100 customers milling about the store, At no time were there any disor- derly actions on the part of the cus- tomers, and the store personnel func- tioned perfectly to answer the varied requests for the 200 different brands in stock. At closing time last night officials :n ' Smith won the half mile' or in a close race. Paul Gor- Lchigan sophomore, placed ie time was 2:01.2. rprise of the evening came dio State's mile relay team Michigan by two feet in the iting race of the evening. rerineg had beaten the Buck- he A.A.U. meet earlier in the Continued on Page 3) ;an Wins Cage Beats Ohio 26-20' VIBUS, Ohio, Feb. 17- UP).-- ,te and Michigan t'r a d e d the Big Ten ladder by vir- Wolverine 26 to 20 victory Buckeyes here tonight. an ascended to eighth place Olsen men to a tentative the ranks. A Chicago vic- ght would drop the Buck- the cellar. me was close throughout the only, with the lead alter- .anging. Then the men from . improved in their passing ket work and never were 912 fans found little to in- em in the exhibition which Michigan's second win over te this season, Summaries: Dr. Onderdonk To Lecture On Austria Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk w il11 speak on the "Austrian Tragedy" at 4:15 p. m. Wednesday in Natural Science Auditorium under the au- spices of the Council of Religion. The lecture will be illustrated by slides of Vienna apartment houses, including ones of the Karl Marx apartments, the largest in Europe, where most of the damage in the recent Austrian riots was done. Ohio Lawyers, Judges Hear Prof. Sunderland Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, of the Law School, delivered an address in Toledo yesterday before the lawyers and judges of the northwestern dis- trict of Ohio upon "Alternatives for a System of Intermediate Appellate Courts." ENGINEERS TO MEET The Engineering Council will meet at 7:15 p. m. tomorrow in the M. E., computing room. Liquor Control Body Smiles; It's Easter For Barleyeorni Vanguard Club Speaker Is To Explain_'Aims Of Socialism' ,a5, (26) ler, f . ai, f ;no, g er, g ey, g FG FT TP .. 1 0 2 ... ... .1 0 2 . 1 0 2 .6 3 15 .1 1 3 .0 0 0 . . .~ . 0 1 1 . 0 1 1 . .. . .10 6 26 0) FG FT .TP .0 0 0 . ..... 1 0 2 .. 1 0 2 By WILLIAM G. FERRIS Old John Barleycorn, who was buried to ! these many years ago by the fine citizens of Ann Arbor, kicked off the dirt, gave himself a few shakes, and appeared back among his friends yesterday, looking quite hale and hearty and none the worse for his harrowing experiences during the past 15 years. The place of reincarnation was 113 West Huron street, and a good crowd of well wishers was present to see John back once again. He appeared legally, under the benign sanction of the State Liquor Control Commis- sion. And he was welcomed back not merely because he is good com- pany but also because he is a finan- prices, and all qualities. And this reporter, who was assigned to give the really low down on whether it is good liquor or bad (so as to save all of your stomachs) can report about as follows: Old Crow whisky has a nice bottle and a clever label and is worth, on the basis of rating new movie shows, about two stars. Glen MacGregor, which is a swell name if nothing else, deserves three stars for the plaid background on the label. A sea serpent came out of this bottle. Then there is Sandy McNab's Own Liqueur-say about three stars and a little brownie who sat on the other side of the table and made funny faces. Park and Tilford Private Closing the League for Industrial Democracy series of six lectures spon- sored by the Michigan Vanguard Club, J. B. Matthews, leader in So- cialist and peace movements, will ex- plain "The Aims of Socialism" at 8 p. m. tomorrow in Natural Science Auditorium. The five preceding lectures, the first by Norman Thomas and the last by Jennie Lee, former member of the British Parliament, have analyzed the American scene and examined the European and Asiatic situations. In his summary of these speeches, Mr. Matthews will seek to show that the political and social philosophy of he was chairman of the First Inter- national Youth Leaders' Council. Reviewing the international Social- ist movement, Mr. Matthews will draw from experiences in his travels, He has been twice around the world and has visited Europe seven times sinces the War, including three visits to the Soviet Union. Born in Ken- tucky, he is not a stranger to any part of the United States. During the past year alone he spoke in half the, states in the union, getting first-hand information on the workings of the U. S. economic system during the de- pression, and the effects of the NRA. Bernard J. DeVries, '35A, chairman >tals .... 0 State (20 idt, f ..... son, f .... >urn, f ..