The Weather Fair and not so cold Wednes- day. Thursday somewhat un- settled and warmer. QJ-g Akr~ga VOL. XLIV No. 146 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1934 I U Em NNIMNOWN Congressional Leaders Plan Adjournment Number Of Measures Yet To Be Considered Before Doors Can Close Senate Democrats To Discuss Tariffs 10 Bills To Come Before Senate; Only 3 To Be Considered By House WASHINGTON, April 24.-(P) - With widely varying views of the amount of work remaining to be done before Congress can pack its bags and head homeward, House and Senate leaders today began weeding out the legislative program. After a visit to the White House, Speaker Henry T. Rainey and House Leacter Joseph Byrns thought three measures might be enough and Con- gress might get away by May 20. Senate Leader Joseph T. Robinson talked with other members of his party and figured that there were 10 major pieces of legislation yet to be considered. This would send the session far into June. The House chieftains were asked as they left whether there had been any discussion of Administration dis- satisfaction with the leadership of Mr. Rainey and Mr. Byrns. "I asked the President if he would give me a job," replied Mr. Rainey. "He replied there was no necessity for that because he wanted me where I am." Understanding Reached The two said they reached an understanding with the President for a renewed endeavor quickly to con- clude the Administration program. The three measures Mr. Rainey said were necessary for the House to pass before adjournment were exten- sion for another year of the bank deposit guarantee legislation on its present terms, the Stock Exchange Control Bill, and the anti-crime ie.g- islative program of the Administra- tion. "I don't see any occasion for spend- ing much time on the Bank ~eposit Bill," he said. "It will take a few days on the Stock Exchange Bill, but should not take many. So we could be ready on the House side to quit in 10 days, except for the recovery funds or PWA appropriations to be taken care of, which will go through just like that." On the Senate side. Mr. Robinson said a Democratic conference would be held Monday night on the recipro- cal tariff measure and possibly some other legislative proposals. Silver was not included in the program, nor was it specified for consideration at the Monday conference. Program Doubtful Some big "ifs" were marked beside some of the 10 proposals included in the Senate program. As announced by Mr. Robinson, after a meeting of the 25 Senators who compose the Democratic steering and policy com- mittees, the program includes recip- rocal tariff, stock market regulation. corporation bankruptcy relief, mu- nicipal bankruptcy relief, com- munications commission, amend- ments to the Farm Act, pure food and drug regulation, loans to private in- dustry, RFC import and financing. and the Wagner Labor Board Bill. Action on the Copeland Pure Food and Drugs Bill was marked "pos- sible," and on the Wagner measure "if it is ready." Two measures not listed on the ten- bill schedule, but on which final ac- tion is expected this week, are the sugar control and tax bills. The House adopted the conference re- port on the sugar bill today, and the, Senate probably will complete con- gressional action tomorrow. The tax bill conferees will resume work to- morrow, with prospects of a final agreement late tomorrow or Thurs- day. NOTICE The Board in Control of Student Publications will hold its meeting for the appointment of the man- aging editor and business manager of The Michigan Daily, the Mich- iganensian, and the Gargoyle at 2:30 p.m., May 18, 1934. Each applicant for a position is requested to file seven copies of his letter of application with the Audi- tor of Student Publications not later than May 12, 1934, for the use of the members of the Board. Car- bon copies, if legible, will be satis- factory. Each letter should state Claims That Japan's Doctrine Will Stop Capital Flow To China By ARTHUR M. TAUB The new Japanese "white-hands-off China" policy which has recently been declared by Nippon will result mainly to the disadvantage of China in respect to her internal economic development, said Prof. Charles F. Remer of the department of eco- nomics in an interview yesterday, Saying that the Japanese move was more in the nature of a "trial bal- loon" to test the effect of such a pol- icy on the rest of the world, Prof es- sor Remer pointed out that if such ar policy were actually carried into practice it would act to restrict cap- ital movements from England and the United States which is imperativefor the well-being and industrial develop- ment of China. The tentative statement of policy which has been made, he said, is con- trary to the international agreement contained in the Open Door policy, if the Open Door policy is interpreted to mean an open door for invest- ments as well as an open door for trade. The Japanese motive behind the act, which is ostensibly to prevent foreign nations from "aiding China by lending military assistance in the form of arms shipments, is to restrict the investmentof funds in Chinese industry, Professor Remer main- tained. It would be definitely to the interests of the Japanese nation if all capital movements to China and profits and interest accruing from them could be controlled by a Japan which would have power over the al- location of funds to be invested in the Chinese interior. How a policy of this type could be enforced by Japan, against the interests of the large Western powers, is hard to say, Professor Remer said. If the Japanese mean to confine their policy to only the question of military equipment, he said, there would be little difficulty, as this would be only a new interpretation of an agreement which has existed in the past. However, he continued, if Japan means that all capital investments in China coming from other nations must go through Japanese hands, then certain problems might arise, which are as follows : First, it is con- trary to the recognized interpretation of the Open Door, second, it is con- trary to the interests of the United States and other powers, and third, it is contrary to the interests of China. rn i ii . 7 r w i i +isa e League, W.A.A. Pick Nominees For Positions Nominate Six Candidates For Vice-Presidency Of Women's League Nominations for League and W.A.A. positions were made by members of both organizations today for the elec- tions which will take place Friday. At this time the three vice-presidents of the League, the new members of Judiciary Council, and the president, vice-president, secretary, and trea- surer of W.A.A. will be chosen. Billie Griffiths, '35, and Hilda Kir- by, '35, are the two nominees for the position of vice-president of the League from the literary college; Mary Ferris, '35, and Melinda Crosby, '35, are the names submitted for vice- presidency' from the School of Edu- cation. Two nominees from the School of Music will represent the other colleges for the League vice- presidency. The nominees are Char- lotte Whitman, '35, and Frances Bell, '35' Judiciary Council will be augment- ed by four new members, two senior representatives, and two junior rep- resentatives. The nominees for the positions are Helen MacDonald, Sue Mahler, Betty Talcott, and Nell Nord- strain for the senior positions; and Irene McCausey, Bettina Rightmire, Winifred Bell, and Ruth Rich for the junior positions. W.A.A. presidency will be awarded to either Levinia Creighton, '35, or Ruth Root, 4'35. The nominees for vice-president of the organization are Clarabel Neubecker, '36, and Jane Arnold, '36. The secretaryship of W.A.A. will be filled by one of the two people nominated, either Sue Thomas, '36, or Jane Boucher, '35. Nominees for the treasurer are Bea- 'rice DeVine, '35, and Betty Bell, '36. All women are eligible to vote, and are urged to do so by both organiza- tions. The vote will be taken at polls in University Hall. The new officers will be honored at the annual instal- lation banquet to be held at the League the Monday following elec- tions. Found!A Rule That The Dean's Office Does Not Enforce Male University students who dar- ingly step out of their rooming houses at night, going for a little refresh- ment at drug stores and places, are violating one of the University's old- est rules. The rule was passed by the Board of Regents 'way back in a simpler century and has been discovered by the diligent researches of the Gar- goyle staff, which goes in for that sort of thing. It will appear, along with other rules of the fathers, in the next issue of the campus comic. The regulation reads, if the editors are as accurate as they hope they are, as follows: "No male student shall be permitted to leave the prem- ises of his rooming house after 9 =..m. without the permission of an author- ized University official." It applies to men who room in fra- ternitynhouses quite as well as those who make their residences in room- ing houses, for at the time of its passage there were no fraternities al- lowed on campus and the regulation was for all male students. Having never been repealed, it still is effec- tive. Miolit Permit Home Rule On, BaerMeasure SAGINAW, April 24. - () -Frank A. Picard, chairman of the Michigan liquor control commission, has in- timated that the state may allow each community to work out its own schedule of closing hours for beer parlors and other similar establish- ments. The commission chairman said that it was the m mission's desire to allow as much "home rule" as pos- sible in the enforcement of the liquor regulations and that, in line with this policy the commission might allow municipalities to experiment with lo- cal regulation. BASEBALL SCORES Illinois 15, Purdue 2 Michigan State 9, Northwestern 3. Say Spanish Dr. Case To Cabinet May Give Annual esign Soon Russel Talk Resignation Would Come Lecture Will Be Held May As Result Of Zamora's 3; Subject Of Speaker Message To Congress Is Announced Wave Of Strikes Is Henry Russel Prize Troubling Country Will Be Presented President Signs Amnesty Lectureship Is Offered Bill, But Indicates Dis- Annually To Members like Of Provisions Of Faculty MADRID, April 24. - (P) -Resig- The ninth annual Henry Russel nation of the Spanish cabinet to top Lecture, to be given this year by Dr. off a violently disturbed labor and Ermine C. Case, director of the Mu- political situation with a wave of strikeslapproaching alarmingpro- seum of Paleontology and professor portions throughoit the country, was of historical geology and paleontolo- reported imminent tonight. gy, will be held Thursday, May 3. High political informants told the Dr. Case will talk on "Paleontology Associated Press that the ministers and Paleobiology." probably will step out at a meeting At the same time the winner of tomorrow as a result of a message President Alcala Zamora sent to Con- the Henry Russel Award will be an- gress commenting unfavorably on the nounced. The lectureship, awarded amnesty bill that will free 5,000 PO- annually to a member of the faculty litical prisoners. ranking higher than assistant pro- The President signed the bill to- fessor, is made on the basis of the day and it will become effective with highest distinction gained in any publication in the official gazette to- scholarly field. morrow. It was thought Zamora's The award is assigned, by a special signature would be sufficient to avert committee of the University Research the threatened cabinet crisis. Club, to that member of the faculty When it became known tonight with the rank of assistant professor that the President had sent a mes- or instructor whose achievements in sage to congress serious complications scholarly activities and whose prom- immediately were foreseen. The ac- ise for the future is considered to tion was unprecedented in the Span- merit the appointment. Both the ish Republic, since there is no clearly lectureship and the award carry cash defined right under the constitution prizes of $250. for the President to make indepen- dent comment to d~ngress on a law Bequest Furnishes Fund hent alr e tha s ged. Henry Russel, '73, '75L, founder of he alreadyhassiged.redn the annual awards, was one of the In his message the President was nation's most outstanding lawyers understood to have Indicated that de- ngis m eA hetimers spite the fact he signed the bill he hdeat hin e a hif did not favor some of the amnesty his death in 120 he was vice-presi-f did nofavr rso oftheamdent and general counsel of the Mich- lawv's minor provisions. igan Central Railroad. His will pro- vided a sum of $10,000, the income . from which was to be used to increase Capacity Crowd the income of deserving faculty mem- hers. Sees Prem iere In125 the Board of Regents de- termined that the income of the fund * should be used for the annual lec- Of Union Opera tureship and award, and this pra- tice has continued since then. The lecturer is chosen by the executive Lawton Is Toastmaster At board of the Research Club and an- nounced in advance, while the re- s Rceiver of the award is not announced Prior To Show until the day of the lecture. Case Is Outstanding The first performance of "With Professor Case is recognized as one of the outstanding paleontologists Banners Flying," held last night at of the nation at present. He has been the Whitney Theatre, drew a capacity prominently mentioned here in con- crowd to the traditional site of the nection with the expected reorganiza- Union Operas. tion of the geology department, when Prior to the show more than 60 Prof. William H. Hobbs retires at members of Mimes, both active and the close of the Summer Session, as alumni, gathered at the Union for a the next chairman of the meet. reunion dinner after r nich they at- Among the many scientific and tended the productio. in a body. J. social societies of which Dr. Case is Fred Lawton, '12, a sar of the operas a member are the American Genealo- of the days when he was in the Uni- gical Society, the Paleontological So- versity and co-author of the "Vic- ciety, the Michigan Academy of Sci- tors," served as toastmaster. Earl V. ence, the American Society of Nat- Moore, director of the School of uralists, the American Association for Music, Mr. Lawton's partner in writ- the Advancement of Science, Sigma ing the famous Michigan song, was Xi, and Phi Delta Theta. also present at the banquet. Robert A. Saltzstein, '34, one of MASS MEETING PLANNED this year's members of Mimes, said All workers of Ann Arbor are plan- last night that alumni from points as ning to unite Friday night for a giant distant as New York returned for the mass meeting under the auspices of reunion and presentation of this the Ann Arbor Trade and Labor year's opera. Mimes is the honorary Council, according to information is- club of the annual productions, mit- sued late last night. iating each year the outstanding The laborers will meet at 8 p.m. at members ofb thescastsmeandaproduction members of the casts and production the Labor Temple to listen to a speech came inactive during the four years by George J. and B, local attorney of in which the opera was not presented, the firm of Burke and Burke, on the ..subject of the $37,800,000 public but was revived this year and initiat- works bond issue which will be voted ed 16 members, on April 30. There will be five more perform- ancs of the opera, one each night for the rest of the week and a matinee Can You Use Soi on Saturday. Members of the ticket going rapidly but that there is still a 1WT f committee reported that seats are H ere Are 85gonrailbuththeessila good selection available. They may be obtained at the box office in the Whitney Theatre any afternoon. All By E. JEROME PETTIT seats are reserved. FOR RENT: Two well - trained bands, both in good condition; com- plete with. drum majors (strutting filanmplon GYid t iO variety), highly-polished, nickel- PerfnIndianaplated slide trombones, and the us- """M R Rual large bass drums. Inquire at the office of the Extension Division of Stanley Smith, '34, national gliding the University. champion, will leave Ann Arbor Fri- Seriously, there are a couple of day morning to give an exhibition bands roaming about (or at least of his abilities before the Bendix there will be soon) badly in need of Gliding Club of South Bend, Ind. He something to do. Why not lease one will go down in his own ship, towed for a few hours and give your friends by an airplane from the Bendix Air- a treat? port. a . T.TY.., James H. McBurney, instructor in Dean Bates Says That There Are Not Enough Good Lawyers Although the bar is overcrowded with so many mediocre lawyers that they cannot all earn a decent living, there are not enough really good law- yers, Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School told a meeting of under- ;raduates yesterday at the third of the discussion sessions being held for literary college students interested in, professions. The demand for "superior" men is 7o strong, he stated, that many law :irms are willing to hire a young ;raduate whom they do not actually need at the time if they are convinced that he will eventually become a good lawyer. Students who make the best scho- lnc'in r -n- in in. cnhnnli n. tn career as a lawyer will force him to lose his self-respect." Although he admitted that there are "plenty of rascals practicing law," and that "lawyers are saying among themselves that the practice has de- generated," Dean Bates stressed the fact that under the leadership of the American Bar Association, working in co-operation with state bar as- sociations, the profession as a whole is attempting a sweeping reform. "The tendency in this country will be, therefore, toward a better prac- tice," he said. Far from painting pictures of bril- liant scenes of court-room eloquence, the speaker laid more emphasis on the lawyer as a "social engineer," who plans the life and business of his cli- ent, htinin~y him nar nitfnaiic n-nd