THE MICHIGAN DAILY raure Shermas Will Furnish Music Fo Archite *1~ Costume Party Will Be Given, At Grage s" Tour Enables WellKnown Orchestra Letder T ie Here May 11 Maurie Sherman and his orchestra have been signed to play for the Architects' Costume Party to be held May 11 at.Granger's Ballroom, ac- cording to an announcement made yesterday by Don Lyon, '34A, gen- eral chairman. "We have been par- ticularly fortunate in signing Sher- man and have been able to do so only because he is going to be on tour at that time and had one open date to be filed," Lyon said. Sherman is well-known in and around Chicago where he played at many restaurants and night clubs. He has the distinction of having played the longest consecutive en- gagement at College Inn in Hotel Sherman. The members of the orchestra will don costumes in the spirit of the par- ty, Lyon said. They will wear dark trousers with a bright 9ummerband, white shirts open at the throat, bright waistcoats and red fezzes. A perspective of the setting for the party has been made by Prof. Roger Bailey of the College of Achitecture and is now on display in the winlow of a state St. store. Work on the decorations will be started at Gran- ger's as soon as the working draw- ings are completed, which should be some time this week, Lyon said. The winning design in the poster contest which ended yesterday will also be placed on display. Tickets, which went on sale Fri- day morning, have been selling rap- idly. 'Papa' Bosses, But Not When He's At Home PARIS, April 23.-- /P) -"Papa" Doumergue, however dictatorial he may be with his new powers as prem ier of France, meets a dictatrix at home. She's a gray-haired woman with a gentle quiet smile and she "rules" her famous husband with a tct Rd softness which equals the premier's own.. "I'm not La Preside te," she S9ys. "I'm the wife of Monsieur itofler- gue,. Keeps Vigilant VOch "Home," by her own c'4iice, is 'not the ornate apartment In the fore i ministry generally ocupie' by the head of the French goverient, bit a quiet, two-room, hotel apartnent overlooking the Tuileries Gardens. "I can take better care of hin here," she said when she made her choice.- There she watches over his cogfert with a vigilance nothmig ,can gh e. His food, his health, an i q94ie at- mosphere are always her firt con- cern. She stands between 'i And scores of folk who might waste his time. Peace Follows Tur'moil When France's, "man of the hour" shakes from his shoulders parliamen- tary investigations and political man- euvers, he puts on his derby hat and goes home. There, with a radio and books - and a plain-clothesman on guard outside the door -"Mama" Doumergue generally is waiting for him. Here is her recipe for keeping him happy and comfortable -one that has made French women famous for their finesse throughout the world. "I take my cue from him when he comes home. I never talk unless I see he wants to. He has much on his mind these days. If he comes in and goes into the other room to work, I wait till he comes out. "I never tap on the door or call and if it passes the dinnier hour I just let him work - and wait. Whenever we're together I suit my mood to his - and I don't talk unless he feels like it." Michigan Dames Bridge Group To Meek Toight The bridge group of the Michigan Dames will hold its last meeting of the season tonight at 8 p.m. in the Alumnae room at the League. This group has held a party each month- throughout the year, and at this time the husbands of the members are in- vited for this last meeting. There will be tables for both aup- tion and contract. Arrangements are being made by Mrs. Waldo Steidt- mann. 1aoy WProdtwion To Present Hit yKamurfil, 'Once hi Ufiftnw' Ity'LOIS IOtER ilar to this year's Junior Girls Play Unable to decide for a moment in featuring a show within a show, just what was happening in the Lab- this time the inside show is a talk- oratory Theatre amid all the clatter ing picture, "Gingham and Orchids," (411.5 Spring Suit of a rehearsal involving at least 25 people as well as a stage crew con- structing a set immediately behind the actors, the bewildered reporter at last had recourse to Russell Mc- Cracken, who seemed to be in charge of the pandemonium. Show Within Show According to Mr. McCracken's cx- planation it was riierely a rehearsal for Play Production's "Once in a Lifetiine," which opens Thursday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Sim- Children's Play o Be Revived This Week-End "Jack and the Beanstalk," Chil- dren's Theatre production given dur- ing January, will be revived in honor of the Schoolmasters Club meeting in Ann Arbor this week. The play il be given at 3:30 p.m., Friday, April 27, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Admission will not be limited to members of the Schoolmasters Club because of the interest of others as manifested by the sell-out houses during the regular run of the play. Tickets for members of the club will be on sale at the desk where fees are originally paid, and at the box office for the general public. Julie Kane, '36, newly elected JG.P. chair- man, is in charge of the ticket sale. "Jack and the Beanstalk" is being presented by the Ann Arbor Chil- dren's Theatre, the newest under- graduate project on campus, which is sponsored by the League, in co- opel'ation with 'Play Production. The production is creeled by 'Russell Mc- Cracken, With the sets done by Oren Parker, '34A, niewly appointed art director on the flay Production staff, and costumes done by Katheriine Mo- Gregor, '34. Charlotte Barrows Chorpenn ing, of the Goodmpnan Theatre of Chicago, which presents children's plays throughout the year, is the author of "Jack and the Beanstalk." This rnelodraina for adults as well as for children is based on the old legend made famous by the Browning poem. Tickets will be on sale for 25 cents. which is to be produced as a "Glo- gauer Super Jewel," but which after it is completed on schedule, turns out to be the wrong picture, due to the similarity of the script basket and the waste paper basket. "Once in a Lifetime," as may be guessed by this time, is a satire on activities in that greatest of indus- tries, the moving picture, as seen by George Kaufman, who believes that there is a Big Job in Hollywood for anyone who can consistently turn sut the wrong picture, the only possible danger being that he might at some time turn out the scheduled picture. Actual Movie Set An actual movie set, with all the sound apparatus, cameras, lights, and action, appears in the show, as well as the people who would appear in that environment of environments. One of the technical difficulties of the show, however, is the director's un- controllable habit of eating India nuts, which are opened with a re- sounding crack, duly recorded on the sound track. Incidentally this part of the rehearsal was somewhat held up, because of the fact that Goddard Light, '35, who appears as the direc- tor, had already eaten up all the India nuts available in Ann Arbor. All in all, "Once in a Lifetime" lives up to the enviable reputation of all sat- ires in the true Kaufman manner, which includes such successes as "Beggar on Horseback" and "Of Thee We Sing." L-. Elections Will Be Held Frida Nominations For Offices Wni Be Made By Conm- oi ltee Today Elections for the three vice-presi- dents of the League and the three positions on Judiciary Council will be held at the League Friday after- noon. Nominations for the positions will be made today by the same board which passed on the League presi- dential applications some time ago. The 'oard will be augmented by Max- inie Maynard, '35, and Barbara Suth- i1' ai14 l Js Vi . )OXXTW ffioarc %I11.a TLea< ue. Cast Seleted Fo r opa ze Is Announced Frenel Cluh ProdcIltion IS To Star Frank Funk, '35, In Title Role The cast for "Topaze," to be pre- sented Tuesday, May 1, by the Cercle Francais, has been announced, ac- cording to M. Rene Talamon, direc- tor. The roles will be taken by Frank Funk, '35, Robert Hogg. '34, John Maulbetsch, Grad., John Schmidt, '35, Maurice Demers, '35; Edward Campbell, '34, Harry Bal'tuck ,Grad., William F. Miller, '35, Isabel Boni- cave, '34, Nan Diebel, '35, Ruth Kar- pinski, Grad., and Norma Cove, '34. Funk, who plays the difficult lead as the naive and unsophisticated Pro- fessor Topaze, has starred in a num- ber of Play Production dramas. He had the role of the hunchback Sir Robert Cecil in "Elizabeth the Queen," and also an important part in "The Round Table." Miss Diebel, who will appear as the selfish daugh- ter of the school head, is remembered for her important role in the recent- Junior Girls Play. Nearly all the other members of the cast have taken part in previous French Club pro- ductions. A group of boys from University High School are being trained for the classoom scenes in the play. c n ,i e cr of e Lague Elections for officers of the Woin- i f ySrean's Athletic Association will also b .rsst Of FacuWlly es held Friday. New irembers of the O f I lnces To 0 e I (etd stuffs of W.A.A. and the League will he installed at the annual Installation The final dance in a series of six banquet to be held Mgnday, April 30. faculty-alumni dances will be held Members of the League board tonight in the Union ballroom. Mrs. which will make the nominations are W. V. Marshall is general chairman bean Alice Lloyd and Dr. Margaret' for the party, at which a hundred Bell representing the faculty, Gay couples are expected to attend. Mayer, '34Ed., present League presi- Assisting Mrs. Marshall are 'Mrs. dent, Harriet Jennings, '34, chariman J. L. Blott, Mrs. Harold Gordon, Mrs. of Judiciary council, Ruth Robinson, Chas. Jamison, Mrs. George Lewis, '34, chairman of board of represen- Mrs. Willard Olson, and Mrs. Albert I tatives, Miss Maynard and Miss Suth- Crown Prince Who May Be Japanese Ruler --Associated Press Photo Mrs. Harrison Williams, named by Paris fashion houses as America's best dressed woman, is shown upon her return to New York. She wore an ensemble consisting of emerald green tailored dress and green swagger-cut tweed suit, green hat and tie and. brown shoes and gloves. Mortarboard Entertains For Sophconore Wonen Mortarboard, senior honorary so- ciety, entertained at a theatre party Siaturday in honor of sophomore wonmenwil whose scholastic averages for S5(uste~ wAere at least half A and half B. The g'OUlp attefnded the matinee of "Wonder Bar," and then had tea at the League. The officers for Mor- tarboard aire. Marian Giddings, '34,. presiden, Rui i Duhme, '34, secre- tary, and Ada, Blackman, '34, treas- itrer. ~(:Ai~i:~;IL liz iile LAWIRENCE, Kan., April 23. -- Rushing activities for sororities at the University of Kansas have been moved up to a point where they do not interfere with the activities of freshman week by recent action of the Panhellenic Council here. Under the new rusihng rules all rushees must come here the Wednes- day 10 days before the opening of classes. TPeas and dinners will be held at the various houses Thursday and Friday, with a final party at the "preferential" house on Ss turday night, and preference slips will be made out Sunday morning. Hence formal pledging will be held Sunday night, when rushing week will be of- ficially over. It was explained that the change was necessary so that formal pledg- ing would not interfere with the op- ening activities of the Freshman Week, starting with the opening con- vocation Monday night. It was point- ed out that women who were pledged late Monday afternoon were invari- able late to the convocation. SOCIEDAD LUSPANICA MEETS Socfedad Hispanica will meet at 7:30 tonight at the League. Robert Thomas, '36, president of the club, will speak on Madrid. A short speech will be given by Walter Schaeffer, '36, secretary of the or- ganization. SEE for "EN S eatlher Probllemns What's the use in getting all het up about spring anyway? No sooner are you on the verge of relegating all your winter wardrobe to the attic than along comes another wintery blizzard and you have to dig the fur coat out of mothballs and rescue the galoshes from oblivion. Despite chilly blasts there is one spring style which persists and which can be worn under the warmest of coats just to prove to the world that you are optimistic at least. This is the print frock, which appears every year as the harbinger of warm weath- er clothes. This year the print has shown a decidedly yellow note which has cap- tured all the hypothetical sunshine whch is so lacking lately. Brown is used as a background in the yellow prints and is also good combined with green. A newly popular combination is that of dark blue and green. It may sound rather "mal-de-merish" to the uninitiated, but is in reality very smart and striking. An outfit recent- ly seen on campus which used this color scheme to advantage was a short-jacketed suit of dark blue sheer wool. The dress was finished at the neck with a large ruffle of green and blue striped taffeta which was worn over the jacket. Ruffs of organdy or of other sheer white materials are often worn to lighten the print frock. Three large organdy posies tucked coyly under the chin are also a very popular trim- ming and another is the lacy, ruffly jabot which can make almost any frock look delightfully feminine. SOCIOGICAL SOCIETY MEETS There will be a meeting of Alpha Kappa Delta, honorary sociology so- ciety, tonight at 8 p.m. at the home of Prof. Robert C. Angell. Several of the student members will talk on their particular field of research. Prints Help AoVe -Associated Press Photo This is the first picture of Crown Prince Akihito Tsugo-No-Miya of Japan, first 19y to be born to the emperor and empress of Nippon. Ie is shown at the age of three months. Inhthened &Widened to Fit Before After Don't Discard Your Worn Shoes SINCE inaugurating this spe- cial service we have given comfort to many men and wom- en by lengthening their shoes that were short, and widening those that wvere too narow. WVe'tColI For and Deliver Trelephone 4161. We'll repair and relast your shoes like new. Our new modern cementing process of resoling women's shoes keeps them flexible and comfortble. Our resoling and re- building service is entirely dif- r.s 4. ' , .. . n "- 1 la f 302 South State Street ; dancing I I 11 I