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April 22, 1934 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-22

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VOL. XLIV. 144


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Press Group
On Thursday
Round Table Discussions
Will Be Led By School's
Advisers, State Newsmen
Editors Will Speak
At Several Meetings
High School Papers Will
Be Examined For Style,
Content, Appearance
Round table discussion groups will
be the main medium for exchange of
ideas at the Tenth Annual Michigan
Interscholastic Press Association's
meeting here on Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday of this week.
The groups will be led by prominent
Michigan newspaper men such as Lee
A White and Allen Shoenfeld of the
Detroit News, Cornelius H. Beukema
and Edgar A. Guest of the Free Press,
Professors Brumm, Muyskens, and
Handman of the University faculty,
and high school advisers of the va-
rious papers represented.
All types of publication problems
confronting the high-school journal-
ist, including such topics as news
writing, editorial writing, editing the
paper, headline writing, writing of
special features, and the business
management of the paper, along with
circulation and the use of paid ad-
vertising will be considered in the
Will Discuss Problems
There will be 25 of these discussion
groups during the meeting of the As-
Five will meet from 10 to 11 a.m.
and five from 11 a.m. to 12 noon
Friday and five from 3 to 4 p.m. The
remaining 10 will meet from 10 to 11
a.m. and from 11 a.m. to 12 noon Sat-
iwday. This will give every delegate
opportunity to attend five of the 25
round table discussions.
An important departure from the
former program of the association will
be the omission of awards to the out-
standing high school papers.
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer announced
yesterday that the journalism depart-
ment, which is sponsoring the meet-
ing had decided to make no competi-
tive judging of entries for awards this
To Comment On Papers
In place of the contest, papers will
be analyzed by Professor Maurer in
regard to make-up, typography, and1
general appearance, and by Profes-
sors Brumm and Maurer and Mr.
Haines for general content, editorial
matter, and the service rendered to
the school where it is printed.
Papers will be returned at the
closing luncheon Saturday noon with
comments, favorable mention being
given to the better specimens at that
Speakers addressing the general
assemblies of the association will in-
clude President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven, who will give the address of wel-
come Thursday night, Professors
Brumm, Handman, and Muyskens, C.-
Arthur Player and H. C. L. Jackson of
the Detroit News, E. L. Miller, assis-
tant superintendent of the Detroit
public schools, Edgar Guest, James
Schermerhorn, former Detroit jour-
nalist, and Dr. M. S. Pittman, Mich-
igan Normal faculty member who'
was recently elected, president of
Georgia State Teachers' College.
Many Reservations
Although the topics which the indi-
vidual lecturers will choose for their
addresses are not available for ad-

vance announcement, they will deal
with points of interest for the dele-
gates in the special field of each
Reservations for the meeting are
coming in at a speed which confirms
the early estimate made by Profes-
sor Maurer of well over 300 delegates.
Detroit alone, according to Mr. Miller,
will send 250 delegates. If this esti-
mate is correct, Professor Maurer
feels that the total of the delegates
attending will be about 400. Delegates
will be housed at fraternities and
sororities while on the campus.
Cotton Crop Is
Put In Effect
WASHINGTON, April 21. - (/P) -
President Roosevelt today turned the
farm administration to its first ex-i
periment in compulsory control of;
farm products when he signed the

Discoverer Of H eavy Hydrogen
To Address Sigma Xi Banquet

The discoverer of heavy hydrogen,
Prof. Harold C. Urey of Columbia
University, was announced yesterday
as the speaker at the annual initia-
tion banquet of Sigma Xi, which will
be held"Wednesday, May 2, at the
He has been designated as the re-
cipient of the "Willard Gibbs Medal
for 1934 for his scientificywork, cen-
tering largely about heavy hydrogen
or deuterium, which has opened new
vistas for speculation and experiment
in physics, chemistry, and the biolo-
gical sciences.
Heavy hydrogen is now made on a
larger scale than heretofore and at a
tenth of the former cost through the
use of improved processes. It still
costs $6,000 a pound, however.
Professor Urey is the joint author
of a widely used text on molecular
physics entitled, "Atoms, Molecules,
and Quanta." He is the youngest
scientist ever to receive the Gibbs

Medal, one of the highest of scientific
More than 130 students and faculty
members will be initiated at the Sig-
ma Xi banquet at which Professor
Urey will speak. The list of those re-
ceiving this honor will be made public
for the first time at the Honors Con-
vocation Friday.
Common water contains 5,000 parts
weight one, to each part of heavy
hydrogen with an atomic weight of
two. In the electrolysis of water
there tends to be a greater concen-
tration of heavy hydrogen in the res-
idue than in the portion electrolyzed.
Thus, the percent of heavy hydrogen
is increased to one-half of one, or a
concentration of one part in 200,
when 4,000 gallons of ordinary water
is reduced to 150 gallons by electro-
Professor Urey's field of specializa-
tion is the fast-developing boundary
region between chemistry and phy-
sics. He was recently made editor
of the Journal of Chamicam Phy-

Model League
Sessions Here
Superiority Of University
Facilities Pointed Out At
Business Meeting
Indications are that the University
will entertain the Model Assembly of
the League of Nations here again
next year. At the business meeting
yesterday afternoon which this year's
Assembly, it was pointed out that the
University's superior library, housing
facilities, and meeting places make
Ann Arbor an ideal place in which to
hold the affair.
A continuation committee, of which
Dr. Howard Calderwood of the po-
litical science department is the head,
was appointed to decide on next year's
meeting place. This will be done be-
fore the close of the school year.-
Meetings of the Disarmament,
Trade and Tariff Barriers group, and
of the Minorities Committees, were
held yesterday morning in the League.
Results were reported out from the
committees by the rapporteurs at the
afternoon Plenary Session, which was
presided over by Martin Wagner,
Grad., president of the Assembly.
Prof. John Dawson of the Law
School presided at the informal sym-
posium on the reconstruction of the
League of Nations, which followed the
luncheon in the ballroom of the
League. Suggestions were made by
delegates from the various "coun-
tries" involving financial and legal
alterations in the conduct of the
League, and in its Covenant. The
chief criticism was that the ma-
chinery of the League is adequate if,
and only if, the nations will co-op-
Widespread Delinquency
In '33 Taxes Revealed
A large degree of delinquency in
1933 tax payments was revealed in a
report made by F. E. Ross, account-
ant, to the city.
The balance sheet showed that
there is little cash on hand, while
delinquency on real property taxes
amounts to over $20,000 more than
was estimated, on the basis of last
.year's delinquency.
Disbursements exceeded income
during the month of March by $39,-

Ball Players And
Skaters Are City's
2 Public Enemies
Ann Arbor's honor must be upheld!
Although the call of spring sunshine
has led many amateur baseball fans
to practice their sport on the broad
expanse of the city's streets, the City
Fathers have declared that such dis-
portment is immoral, and so Chief
Lewis W. Fohey, of the Ann Arbor
police, announced that from now on,
he will see that the ordinance is en-
"We will not make arrests promis-
cuously," he assured the rabid fans,"
but it may be necessary to arrest a
few to serve as examples."
Furthermore, neighbors appear not
to be so enthusiastic about the na-
tional pastime. Their complaints have
been ringing long and loud in the
ears of the chief, but they have been
assured that justice will be done.
In addition, not only does street
baseball create a serious traffic haz-
ard, but the widespread habit of
roller - skating among the local
"younger set" has defied the ingenu-
ity of the guardians of public safety.
The force has not yet considered it
necessary to create a mounted di-
vision, equipped with skates, to handle
the situation.
Pick Ensemble
To Appear In
Concert Today
Prof. Hanns Pick, head of the vio-
loncello department of the University
School of Music, and in charge of in-
strumental ensemble instruction, will
present his ensemble class in an an-
nual concert performance of the Fac-
ulty Series at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium. The general public with
the exception of small children is in-
vited without admission charge.
Professor Pick is a distinguished
musician who has toured Europe ex-
tensively in concert and in ensemble
combination, and, in this country,
has had the distinction of heading
the 'cello division of the Philadelphia
Symphony Orchestra, under Leopold
Stokowski. As a soloist, he has ap-
peared in many of the country's lead-
ing music centers with pronounced
The program consists of seven num-
bers, several of which will be en-
hanced by instrumental solos. Twen-
ty-seven students compose the en-

Ewald Offers
$25,000 Gift
To Uiversity
Would Consist Of $5,000
Each Year' For 5 Years;
For Advertising Chair
Adcraft Club Will
Try To Match Sum
Announcement Made By
Slocum At Banquet In
Detroit Yesterday
A gift to the University of $5,000
a year for five years from Heny T.
Ewald, president of the Campbell
Ewald Co., Detroit, was announced
last night at a barquet sponsored by
the Adcraft Club il that city.
Plans call for the establishment
of a professorship in advertising with
the fund thus received. The gift was
announced at the banquet which was
given in honor of the 30th anniversary
of Mr. Ewald's entiy into the adver-
tising business. The latter is the foun-
der of the club.
Details Are Tentative
George M. Slocum, president of the
club, also announced that the group
will endeavor to at least match the
amount given by Mr. Ewald, and if
this is done the total received will be
$10,000 yearly for five years. Dr. Alex-
ander G. Ruthven, although he could
not be reached last night, has prev-
iously shown much interest in the pro-
posal. Details will be worked out with
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School
of Business Administration, club offi-
cials said.
The chair would be known as "The
Adcraft Club of Detroit Professorship
in Advertising."
No announcement has come from
University officials as to whether the
offer will be accepted or-not. If so, the
professorship will be in addition to
work conducted at Wayne University,
where the club conducts advertising
courses. More than 400 leaders in the
field of commerce and industry, and'
especially advertisir and publishing,
gathered at the banquet.
Many Messages Received
Among the score of congratulatory
telegrams read were messages from
Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., president of Gen-
eral Motors Corporation, Frank Couz-
ens, mayor of Detroit, Grover Whalen,
former New York City police commis-
sioner, Sen. Arthur Capper of Kan-
sas, Walter P. Chrysler of the Chry-
sler Corporation, and Ossip Gabrilo-
John B. Kennedy, noted radio com-
mentator and editor, headed the list
of those who praised Mr. Ewald as
one of the pioneers of the nation in
the advertising field. E. Leroy Pelle-
tier, who gave Mr. Ewald his first ad-
vertising position, was also present.
Formal action on the proposal, by
the University, will probably take
place at the next meeting of the Board
of Regents which is scheduled for
Friday, April 27.
Premier Moves
For Order In
French Nation
Doumergue Also Serves
Notice That There Will
Be Protection Abroad

PARIS, April 21. -O(P) - Premier
Gaston Doumergue served notice on
France and the world today that or-
der will be preserved at home and
that the Nation will protect itself
The Premier's declaration was
made in a national broadcast.
He said sharply that the Govern-
ment would tolerate' no "rebellion
against national welfare measures."
At the same time he declared the
Government would fight to keep the
franc sound and prevent it from be-
coming "monkey money."
Without mentioning Germany,
Doumergue said France "nurses no
grudge," but a desire for peace can-
not make her forget the "lessons of
the past or the counsels of prudence."
He said that when it is suggested
that France reduce her armament
"at a moment when those who rav-
aged her soil and against whom she
had to defend herself with energy and
despair are increasing theirs consid-
erably, contrary to the peace treaty
and without authorization, then ev-
erybody can understand France needs
even greater security."

Stars Of 'With Banners Flying'
Have World's Queerest Names

From Rutabaga to Epidermis to Ca-
boose - that's a partial idea of the
world's queerest names which au-
thors of the Union Opera, "With Ban-
ners Flying," have assigned to their
There are 25 in the cast proper,
exclusive of choruses, and if they bear
up under the weight of their names
they will open the show Tuesday night
at the Whitney Theatre. The char-
acters, in the order in which they will
enter, are as follows:
President Rutabaga, portrayed by
George M. Todd, '35, opens the opera
in the sanctity of his office from where
he periodically makes forays for
snakes. He is followed on the stage

muth Schuper, played by Louis Brau-
dy, '36; Cuthbert Potts or William
Wagenseil, '36; Donald Hutton, '37, as
Scipio Lager; Robert Wikle, '36, as
Gaudeamus Igitur; Carleton Mew-
born, '36, as Porter Stout; and Webb,
who is the turnkey this time.
William Cutting, '35, appearing as
Herman Hauffenmist, is a close cousin
of Joe Palooka as he carries one of
the comedy leads. Frank M. Brennan,
'36, continues in the vein of a little
blossom by taking the role of Salva-
tion Nell.
William A. Dickert, '34, plays Dean
Beersley, and is followed on the stage
by the heroine, Claret Moselle who,
as portrayed by Thomas Connellan,
'34, carries out the tradition that

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