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April 20, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-20

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ynce i o xst
11 ;lA 'S UJr Gln _;e
Qpenigur Day Of Model
legue Of N~atlopnS
A dance in the League ballroom to-
night with Bill Marshall's orchestra
supplying the music, will climax the
opening day of the All-Michigan
Model Assembly of the League of
Nations. Guests attending the ban-
quet at 6 p.m. will be allowed to
dance from 9:30 to 12 p.m. free of
charge. Those who come for the
dancing only will pay a slight admis-
sion fee of 25 cents a person at the
door. Stags will be allowed, and es-
corts for the ladies are not necessary.
The complete list of patrons and
patronesses for the dance is as fol-
lows: Pres. and Mrs. Alexander Ruth-
ven, Dean and Mrs. Joseph Bursley,
Dean and Mrs. Allen Whitney, Mrs.
Leona Diekema, Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
Quirk of Ypsilanti, Prof. and Mrs.
John P. Dawson, Dr. and Mrs. F. R.
Prof. Henry Spencer, of the Ohio
State University political science de-
partment, is to be the guest speaker
at the banquet, which precedes the
dance. His subject is the future of
the League of Nations. Dr. William
Bishop, Librarian of the University,
will also speak briefly at the dinne'.
Plans have been made to accommo-
date 250 at the banquet, tickets for
which may be obtained at any time
after 10 a.m. today at the Model
Assembly registration desk in the
main lobby of the League.
owe Tells Feats
Of Modern Drama
"It is now an engineering feat to
put on a play," Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe
of the English department, told mem-
bers of Black Quill, national literary
society for women, at a recent meet-
Professor Rowe described in an in-
formal talk entitled "Contemporary
American Drama," the difficulties
confronting producers of the modern
play, such as the moving, shiftinp
or sectional stage; the partial black-
out with the curtain still up; the mul-
ti-i'oomed stage. The latter device
one of the most difficult to handle
is used where it is desirable to show
action in several rooms at the same
time and is being utilized in the
play "She Loves Me Not" soon to
come to Ann Arbor."
Two Student Religious
Groups To Give Parties
Two student religious organiza-
tions are entertaining with parties
tonight. One will be held at the Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall for the Luther-
an students and their friends. Games
and dancing will provide the enter-
tainment beginning at 8:15 p.m.
Transportation to the Hall will be
provided for those who are able to
The other party for Presbyterian
students and their friends will be held
from 9 to 12 p.m. at the Presbyterian
Church House. There will be danc-
ing and refreshments. A small ad-
mission price will be charged.
Phi Sigma Sigma
For the past week Phi Sigma Sigma
sorority has entertained as a house
guest Babe Eliezer, a former Michi-
gan student. Miss Eliezer plans to
remain here until Sunday.

Makes Bow At Court

-Associated Press Photo
Jo Claiborne Bolling of Petersburg,
Va., will be presented to King George
and Queen Mary of Great Britain
at Burkingham Palace May 15.
New Works 0J A rt
Are On Display At
A huge transparent green glass jug
is the first thing that is seen at the
entrance of the Student Art Exchange
lately. The jug, which comes from
Sweden, is one of the many used to
bring acetic acid into the United
States. Both the jugs, and the wicker
hampers that protect them, are now
being used for many art purposes. The
jugs are being used for lamps, and
some artists have planted miniature
gardens in them, placing the tiny
plants in the jug through its narrow
neck by means of long tongs.
Other new things are also being
exhibited by the Exchange. Several
new etchings by Jonathan Taylor, are
on display; they are all done in very
soft tones. "Here Lyeth," a water
color by Al Kramer offers a melan-
choly study of a New Hampshire
graveyard. Another entitled, "Back
Street" and the former were both
done while the artist was vacation-
ing in Portsmouth, New Hampshire,
this summer.
John Koshy, 34A, born and reared
in India, has on display several in-
teresting pen and ink drawings of
that country. The native scenes de-
picted are both from Kottayam-Trav-
ancore, India.
"Madonna" and "The Nun" are the
names of two works in sculpture
placed on display by Harry Reed.
Helen Maynard, '34A, has added to
the collection several new batiks.
Completing the display is not a new,
but still an interesting, study by Helen
Bailey. It is called, "The Porcelain
Child" and received mention at the
Michigan Artist's Show held in De-
troit last fall.
The Exchange plans to have a
spring color show in the near future,
according to Miss Dorothy White,
Annual Exchange Diner f
Held At Helen Newberry
In their annual exchange dinner
last night, Helen Newberry enter-
tained 23 lower classmen from Betsy
Barbour, while a like number of their
freshmen and sophomores dined at
the other house. The dinner, which
has grown into a traditional an-
nual banquet, was managed at Helen
Newberry under the direction of Dor-
othy MacLaren, '36.

Old Time Fair A tmosphere To
Be Revived In Penny Carni
By FLORENCE HARPER sororities are offering entertai
Tomorrow the Michigan student and games of chance (na
will forget his studies and the more naughty). We have confident
,crious side of campus life and will formation that the only beerP
plunge into an atmosphere of carni- cast of Division may be found
val gayety. Barbour Gym will do its these sacred precincts, but w
best to shed the athletic air which that it is only for the purpose
marks it as being dedicated to wom- ing customers into the booth
en's badminton and basketball and they will be fed some more ii
will assume the appearance of a ous beverage.
county fair or of one of the better For those who are in search o
and more bewildering three ring cir- pleasure and practicality there
cuses. shoe shining stand run by the
Waterman gym which sanctum is Phis. However, those who wea
usually sacred to the athletic male 16 had better take .their pat:
will be open to the fair sex and will to their customary corner sta
become a five-cents-a-dance hall. All the charge here will be accord
around Barbour gym there will be quantity, a penny an inch.
booths run by the various sororities Others who want somethi
and the cry of fair barkers will be nothing, or practically nothin
"for a penny, folks, for a penny." try their chances at the Gam
A further transformation will oc- Beta grab bag or the Fish pond
cur in the Sarah Caswell Angell Hall sored by Couzens Hall, while t
where one of the good old fashioned dent to whom the Ann Arbor
melodramas which seems to appeal to has brought serious love pr
the dramatic sense of the average col- may receive advice from the
lege student will be presented. This Kappa girls.
particular offering is entitled "Wild Others who feel the spirit of
Nell, the Pet of the Plains." To its may buy their kisses in safe an
cast Madelyn Coe, Jean Laitner, and doses from Kappa Kappa G
Elsie Pierce have recently been added. what if they are only the can
All sorts of light refreshments may riety? Alpha Delta Pi is offe
be obtained at the booths and some glimpse into the future at its f
-----telling booth, and Theta Phi
.". will present Popeye and hi
ororities M ust from the funny page.
All in all, almost any mod
Ty sire can be satisfied at a pe
S an n e I eas throw. However, don't countc
penny element too much, but
Says aprepared with plenty of cash fo
sorority girls certainly know
part a man and his money.
(Continued from Page 1)
Lloyd spoke of the results of her so- ,
rority study. asal.a p
Unanimous approval of the Michi-
gan system by which the dean's of- id
face appoints the house mother with
the agreement of the sorority wasa
expressed by West Virginia house a
mothers, Miss Lloyd said. One of
the meetings on her program was Lasar Galpern will addre
a discussion, with the house moth- Roussky-Kroujok Russian Cl
ers, organized at their request, and 8 o'clock Friday in Lane Ha
conversations dealt particularly with Galpern will speak on the "R
the position of the house mother in Theatre of Today and Yesterd
the house. Mr. Galpern, ballet master
Miss Lloyd also met with alumnae Jewish pageant "The Romanc
advisers of sororities in informal dis- People" now showing in Det
cussions on the plan of substituting one of the outstanding chor
supervision of local chapters by local phers in Europe. He was brou
alumnae for over-emphasis on the the United States from Rus
national visitor, with a view to cutting 1932 by S. L. Rothafel to be
national expenses. Definite feeling master for Radio City Music F
in favor of reducing national expenses New York. Formerly he was
was expressed at this discussion, master of the State Opera in I
The quota system of sorority mem- and Cologne. Mr. Galpern is
bership, a method by which each present time active in the Chi
house may pledge only a limited num- Theatre of New York, where
ber of women, was condemned in carrying on the traditions of C
one of the discussions, Miss Lloyd Pavlov and Nijinsky, with w
said. Deferred rushing in sororities has been associated at various
also came in for criticism on the since 1911.
ground that it encourages rivalry be-
tween houses and lasts too long with- COsmopolitan Club Ho
out doing away with the evils of Lecture On Orienta
other systems.L
Present Rushing System Superior Another in the series of le
Although those considering the sponsored by the Cosmopolita
question agreed that the present will be held at 8:00 p.m. Satur
rushing system is superior to that of Stalker Hall. Dr. Mehmet Aga
deferred rushing, it was not alto- lecturer on oriental art will g
gether approved by the meeting, Miss illustrated lecture on "Turkis
Lloyd said, because "it gives new stu- During the Seldjuk Period." In
dents a bad start in their scholastic tion to Dr. Aga-Oglu's talk, Mis
work and because the judgment of the Shevkit, a student from Turk
group ini choosing new members is speak about her native countr
superficial, based on hasty and crowd- public is cordially invited to att
ed meetings with the candidates." ---------------- _----
A luncheon with members of the
West Virginia chapter of Mortar-
board, sightseeing on the Morgan
town campus, and a visit to Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Arthurdale,
W. Va., project for miners were other
events of Miss Lloyd's two-day visit.

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Rushing dinners are still occupying
campus sororities, along with enter-
tainment of out-of-town and local
Alpha Xi Delta
A rushing party was held at the
Alpha Xi Delta chapter house last
night, planned by Katherine Rucker,
'35. Decorations were spring flowers
and ivory tapers.
Chi Omega
Chi Omega sorority is giving a
rushing dinner tonight for 10 guests.
Jane Arnold, '36, is in charge.
Chi Omega held an exchange din-
ner with Delta Gamma sorority last
Theta Phi Alpha
The members of Theta Phi Alpha
sorority will entertain the Reverend
Father Allan J. Babcock and the Rev-
erend Father John Lynch at a dinner
Spring flowers and tapers will be
used for decorations by Margaret
Robb, '34, who is in charge of the af-
Annutal Faculty F[ea~
rTo Be 1 eld Suday
Members of Beta Kappa Rho, sor-
ority for women living in private
homes, will entertain approximately
70 guests at an annual faculty tea
from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday in the
Women's Athletic Building.
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, who returned
this morning from conferences with
the Panhellenic Association of the
University of West Virginia, Mrs.
Rene Talamon, Mrs. Franklin Shull
and Mrs. Michael Pargment will pour.
A decoration scheme of spring
flowers and matching tapers has been
arranged by the committee in charge
of the affair: Iris Becker, '34, Frances
Butler, '34, Helen Latta, '34, and Mar-
tgaret Mahey, '34.
Election Of Officers Is
field At Helen Newberry
Officers for the 1934-35 year were
selected at Helen Newberry last night.
Isabelle Currie, '35, was reelected
president. the first to serve fo more
than one year. Katharine Choate,
'36, will fill the office of vice presi-
dent. Elsa Van Slyke will be the
treasurer, and Dorothy Briscoe, '36,
Miss Currie will appoint the chair-
men of the committees within the
next week or so, and the new officers
will take over the management of
the dormitory at the next house meet-
ing' in two weeks.
Tea Is Given To Honor
Alumnae Council Officer
Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg, wife of
the Michigan senator, gave a tea
Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs.
Beach Conger, executive secretary
of the Michigan Alumnae Council of
Ann Arbor. The tea was held in the
apartment of Mrs. Vandenberg at the
Wardman Park Hotel in Washington.
Mrs. David Friday, president of the
Michigan Alumnae in the capital, re-
ceived with Mrs. Vandenberg and Mrs.







I 1

Friday and Saturday Nights


envelopes smart
summer scenes
Warm, summer
days are the
inspiration for
these guy, youth.
ful shoes ... al.
ways smart . . .
always new .
Criss cross T- strop
of white kid or cool
y (tintable) Linen
«"f i." .l Hi





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