CHIGAN DAILY tion to his belief that the government was getting out of hand. Dr. Wirt has not failed in his apparently real purpose. He was seeking the public ear, and he found it. He Was seeking to arouse opposition to the reform program. In this he has succeeded, at least in part. Perhaps he even sought to discredit the Democratic House by bringing to light certain facts and allegations other than his original charge which the ever-quick Republican minority in- sisted should be investigated. The House dilemma here was either to create dissension in the' adminis- tration or to discredit themselves for not investi- gating the Wirt charges. We are in support of President Roosevelt's program and would like to see it receive popular approbation. We do believe, how- ever, that Dr. Wirt, although possessing a narrow he viewpoint, is a more sagacious man than is now in popularly believed. I] ished every morning except "Monday during t rsity year and Summer nSession by the Board 'ol .of Student Publications. nber 'of the Western Cofiference Editorial Associati he Big Ten News Service.' :soeiated _Oile__at__rs 1933 N nAowM -f'tre 93 on MEMBER OF THBE SSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is' enclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news.dispathces credited to it or not otherwise credited in thIt paper and the local news published herein. All rights of repubication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the oest Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter, Speial rate of postage granted by Third Aistant Postmaster-Gnral. Szbscripion during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50, uring regular school year by .carrier, $3.75; by £mal, $4.25. Offces: Student PublcatiGns Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.r, Inc., 4C East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylson Street, Boston; 812 North 'Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN EDITORIAL DIRECTOR.............C.HART SCHAAF CITY EDITOR..............B~iCKL'Y SHAW SPORTS EDITOR................ALBERT H. NEWMAN DRAMA EDITOR ...............JOHN W 4. PRITCHARD WOMEN'S EDITOR.................CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball. Ralph G. Coulter. William 0. Ferris. John C, Healey, George van Vleck, E. Jerome Pttit. - SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car- stens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn, John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard B. Levick, David 0. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur S. Settle, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M. Taub. Dorothy Gier, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor- rison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER . ......W. GRAFTON SHARP CREDIT MANAGER..........BERNARD E. SCHNAUE WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......... ...... ............................CATHARINE MHENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur ner; .Classified Advertising, Russell.Read; .Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circula- tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson. ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ros- enthal, Joe Rothbard,,George Atherton., Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise Florez, Doris Gln y, Betty Greve, Bnili Griffiths, -A, Jackson, Louise Kause,,. Barbara i1rgan, Margaret Mustard, Betty Simonds. FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold- smith, David Schffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson, Charles Parker, .obert Awen, Ted Wohlgemuth, Jerome Grossmap,.Avn .,cronn. erger, Jim Horiskey, Tom Clarke, Scott, Samuel Be an, Homer Lathrop. Hall, Ross. Levin, Wily. Torp , Dean Asselin, Lyman tan rJohn ar , Dn Htton, Allen Ulpson, Richard Rard+cnbrook,ordnn. Cc hn-.; ftNIGHT EDTR: 'G.OEO9E VAN VLECK The Modef League, A Student Laboratory ... R EPRESENTATIVES of 24 colleges and jnnibr'eolleges in the State will gather-nere today for the first meetings of the All-Michigan Model League Assembly. In their meetings they will eniulate the League and gain valuable experience as-wel as knowledge that could come to them in no other way..' It is an excellent opportunity for students to study this present method of conducting world affairs, and bring to bear on the vital subject some of their own feelings ahd theories- the very ones that will be determining affairs of this type in years to 'come. One of the greatest problems facing the world at all times is the preservation of peace, and we feel that through putting "teeth" into the League this can become an accomplished fact rather than an Utopian idea. Most critics of the present League of Nations base their adverse comments on the fact that the body has no actual authority, and it ' is the elimination of this weakness that is needed, No world problems will be definitely sowed at this gathering or any other of its type, but it is the spirit and practice that will eventually lead to an understanding of what is best. Perhaps this annual assembly, and others like 'it that are held all over the United States, are the laboratores and schools where problems which will meet future world leaders will be given their first threshing out. It proves that college students are looking forward. Give Mr. Wirt isDus. . D rR. WIRT'S little ball game has reached its ninth inning. The time has come for the aftermath of discussion and evaluation. Although his charges were not substantiated, and although the House Committee apparently suc- ceeded in discrediting him, Dr. Wirt, of dinner party fame, has' not altogether wasted his time in causing the investigation to take place. In fact we are inclined to wonder if his true objective has not been accomplished. Outwardly the doctor attacked the radical tendencies -of certain members of the administra- tion. Basically he was opposing the "reform with recovery" policy with which the government is more and more concerning,itself. The Gary edu- Musical Events GRADUATION ORGAN RECITAL In Review THANE MAC DONALD'S was another successful graduation recital. For those who enjoy music this program was a decided pleasure, for Mr. Mac- Donald's performance was finished in every detail. He has a professional manner in his playing, that is, he takes his time, giving emphasis to his work by unhurried treatment. He maintains a balance between his choirs, and he has a general control over the whole machine, he is a mature student. His program, moreover, demanded musical taste and necessarily splendid technique. The good open-' ing numbers, two Choral Preludes of Bach, tran- quil, fluent, were well done, musically conceived.a The display number, the Bach Prelude and Fugue' in C minor, received good balance and effective' contrasts. The pedaling of the Vierne Symphony (ID the direct climaxes, the effortlessness of the Scherzo, made this a bang-up piece. In the "char- acteristic" group, Mr. MacDonald showed an ar- tistic appreciation of pictorial moods, especially in the most elusive of the three, the Karg-Elert' "Hymn to the Stars." The Mulet Toccata came as a peak of the recital. A good closing piece in any program, it gained new vigor in its energized and vivid treatment. The organ department has a star representative graduate in Mr. MacDonald. Thte D a nce AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN "JUNIORS ON PARADE"- A Review1 By JOHN W. PRITCHARD ANOTHER SWIFT-MOVING dance revue, with{ costuming that rivals the expert profession-~ alism of Broadway, has come' from the: brain of Roy Hoyer, director of "Ann Arbor's University of ; Dance," in collaboration with the'educational com- mittee of The King's Daughters. This revue is1 based' on a mode of sophistication and modernity,} with occasional urbanity creeping in to modify things a little. But all of these quaities are neces- sarily on an embryonic scale, for the personnel of the review (with the exception of Mr. Hoyer him- self) varies from high school age down to the pre-kindergarten stage. The purpose of Mr. Hoyer's school, so far as this department can determine from an examination of the program, is to train youngsters for eventual stage work. Success as' the objective sticks out at1 every point of the show, for everywhere the em- phasis is on technique and novelty, crispness and sharp relief, system and synchronization, color and general box-office appeal. This purpose re- quires a bit of discussion which will be fittedI in at the bottom of this column;' meanwhile, let us look at the 'review itself, Without' questihing motives. The show is divided into two acts, the first being devoted to the younger children, in the first stages of training, the second showing the effects of this training on older pupils. For a long while I feared that there was going to be nothing but tap dancA g presented, but it eventually developed that some very beautiful waltzes could "benicely executed by1 the people who were doing the taipping. There was scarcely a performer Who could; be said to have fallen down iti his work. All were shcere, and anxious to present as well as they could what they were able to do - which was a great deal and the result was entertainment which was' 'good for its 'own sake, as well as being advanced by the re- flection that work of this state of advancement for elementary students of dancing is remarkable.' I 'present to you, with a flourish of trumpets, three dancers who may eventually turn out to be world-beaters. They 'are best at tapping, but their grace and unusual sense of 'rhythm' (for their ages) are manfeted in more roiantic forms as well. They are Pat Bird and Pat Cline, approxi- mately three 'feet six inches tall, and Havena Measic, who is well under three feet. Behind these premiere danseuses, in the first act, was a series of 'choruses of surprising finish. In the second act, much promise was seen in the comparative surety of Betty Seitner, Jane Sanford, Doug Gregory, Helen Cook, and Marguerite Ganz- horn, and in the lesser certainty of Marjory War- -en, Max Goldman, Jr., and Billie Collins. Miss Ganzhorn deserves particular mention for her Dance Modernistic, which is full of grace, although it lacks the intensity of concentration which will come with'more experience. I can't help being rendered uncomfortable when I see youngsters, fronmi'three years old up, coming out on the stage and tapping, tapping, tapping, al- ways tapping, doing scarcely anything else save an occasional waltz which is beautiful but sophis- ticated and unflexible. That' tapping develops a sense of rhythm better than anything else is quite true, and the introduction of several numbers of the romantic type, sans clogs, at first led me to believe that tap-dancing was merely an elementary feature of the training which was being exhibited. But when the older and more completely trained students appeared, it became clear that tap danc- AT THE MAJESTIC ** "COMING OUT PARTY" Joy.Stanhope ..............Frances Dee ~ Chris Hansen........... Gene Raymond The proper setting for this film is characterized by one of the remarks of Harry Green, an orchestra leader, when he confidently tells Miss Dee that the Social Register class to which she was born is the most useless class in existence. "Coming Out Party" is not an expose of this class, as the publicity press sheet would have us believe, but instead another Jesse L. Lasky production of an 'intensely human but simple love romance, similar in many ways to his earlier success, "Zoo in Budapest." Chris, a violinist with ambitions, and Joy, a deb- utante scornful of her peers, are madly in love with each other. On the eve of her coming-out party, Joy learns from her sweetheart that he is leaving for a concert tour in Europe. Momentarily confused, she elopes with a wealthy suitor but realizes her mistake and has her marriage annulled leaving her free to unite with Chris. As one can see, there isn't much of a story. Direc- tor John Blystone has taken two youthful actors, Miss Dee and Mr. Raymond, and managed to draw from them performances that are surprisingly good. It has always been a puzzle to a critic just how much credit to apportion the director and screen actor. Experience has shown that a good director can make an actor anything he wants, but even a good actor without the aid of a good director has an an extremely hard pull to appear with distinction. Thus I believe it is Mr. Blystone who deserves praise for the effective portrayal of Gene Raymond and the poignant and lovely performance of Frances Dee. -J.C.S. AT THE MICHIGAN "DARK HAZARD" Jim Turner ........Edward G. Robinson Marge Mayhew........Genevieve Tobin "Dark Hazard" was selected as one of the Book- -of-the-month novels. In its original form 'it was a well integrated story, but in its movie version it is somewhat aimless and episodic, which prevents it among other things from having an even con- tinuity. Jim is a gambler who instinctively returns to his betting despite his numerous promises to leave it alone. Big-time Jim married to small-town Marge do not hit it off so well together. Horse stakes, greyhound races, dice, roulette tables, and cards interfere with his devotion to his wife and manage to break up what seems to him a happy wedded life. Dark Hazard, if any of you are won- dering, is the name of a greyhound whose speedy running brings fabulous sums to Jim. In the end he realizes that he and Marge are of two different worlds and returns to his own class of slangy but amiable friends. The trouble with this film is the lack of planning in continuity of theme and story. There are al- together too many scenes not sufficiently thought out, inserted for the effect of rapid pace and movement over a long period of time. Half as many episodes, better written dialogue, and a less ambi- tious scope would have resulted in a better pictuie. The acting of Edward G. Robinson is not excep- tional, but on the whole the film is acceptable recreation for an hour or so. -J.C.S.' - Collegiate Observer By BUD BERNARD' The average professor is superficial, according to Dr. R. Bruce Raup of Comibia University. He came to this conclusion, he says, reading the an- swers of 2,00 college professors and instructors- to aquestionaire submitted to them. 'He says more than three-quarters of the professors showed they never had any thought about the "serious educa- m tional and social issues of our time" and that many F of them were "yes men."U M .B Hlere is the statement of a junior at the University of Southern California: "Stolen isses may be best for some f! olks, but I like whole-hearted co-operation." ,t In the Yale News a notice read: "Gentlemen will; others must keep off of the grass. If we are to have any recovery this spring, the roots must have a ch'ance now." I guess it is most necessary to make a distinction there. Add this to your list of definitions: A vac- uum is a 'conversation between a bridge fiend who does not play golf and a golf fiend who does not play bridge. -Carnegie Tech Puppet. Iowa State University has purchased easy chairs for its students, according to press reports. Now to complete the job, soundproof walls and floors - should be installed so that the students may slum- ber without interruption. The Campus, college newspaper at the Col- lege of the City of New York, is making ar- rangements with a fish dealer to sell back issues of its paper to the merchant for wrap- pings for herring. What do you think of these for courses? Temple University offers a course for credit in Etiquette, N.Y.U. teaches Ancestor Chasing in a course in genealogy; Ohio State lists a course in Waiting on Table; but Barnard College beats all with a course in'Resting on the Roof of Barnard Hall. A student at Villa Nova answering one of 11