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April 20, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-20

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The Weather _ Sir igart qai1~
Partly cloudy and rather cool Th
Friday; Saturday fair and mod- Labe
erately cool. W Due.

he Model League A Student
ratory: Give Dr. Wirt His

300 Here
For Model
Plenary Session Of League
Of Nations To Meet In
Congregational Church
President Ruthven
To Act As Chairman
Students, Faculty From
Michigan Colleges To
Convene For Meeting
More than 300 students from col-
leges and junior colleges throughout
the state of Michigan, as well as fac-
ulty advisers from each of the insti-
tutions, will meet in Ann Arbor today
for the beginning of a two day ses-
).ion of the seventh annual Model As-
sembly of the League of Nations.
For the first day the program of
the Model League, which will follow
the procedure of the League of Na-
tions at Geneva, will consist of a
plenary session, a special session of
the World Court, a luncheon, a ban-
quet, and a dance.
Register In League
The sessions will open with regis-
trations and assignment of rooms
between 10 a.m. and 12 noon in the
main lobby of the League. A lunch-
eon at the league for one representa-
tive from each school and the faculty
advisers will follow. Between 1:30
and 3:00 p.m. the first plenary ses-
sion will be held at the First Con-
gregational Church.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
who will serve as acting president
until the assembly chooses its regu-
lar president, will deliver the opening
address. Following this, the session
will be devoted to routine matters,

Chicago's Premiere Danseuise Instructs Local Fanatics

Sally Rand showed the members of the All-American Union Opera chorus how to give the public what it
wants in dancing yesterday. Members of the bovine ballet are as follows: Russel Fuog, Louie Westover, Stan
Fay, Jack Heston, John Kowalik, Ray Fiske, and George Duffy.

* * *

University To
Get $53,800
For Research
Rockefeller Foundation Is
Donor Of Large Sum To
Help University Scholars
Aid In Many Fields
Of Science Granted
Appropriation Is Divided
Into 4 Funds; Largest
Goes To Archeology
Four grants totalling $53,800 have
been made to the University by the
Rockefeller Foundation for the Ad-
vancement of Science to aid in re-
search during the academic year
1934-35. Notification of the award,
which was approved April 11, was
made public by University authori-
ties yesterday.
The appropriation is divided as
follows: $25,000 for research in arch-
eology, $15,000 for research in psy-
chiatry, $8,800 for aid in developing
spectroscopy as applied to medicine,
and $5,000 for inquiry in the physiol-
ogy of respiration.
Will Continue Work
The money given for the studies in
the humanities will be used for a
continuation of the work done by the
Institute of Archeological Research,
composed of faculty members, which
has published about 10 volumes deal-
ing with archeological and human-
istic subjects, working on funds sup-
plied by the General Education Board,
an affiliated Rockefeller organization.
The work was started under the
late Prof. Francis W. Kelsey shortly
after the World War and has included
publication of a description of Uni-
versity Egyptian excavations, Dr. Le-
Roy Waterman's works on the cor-
respondence of the Assyrian kings,
and the University's collection of pap-
yrus manuscripts.
The award of $15,000 for the de-
velopment of teaching research in
psychiatry will be administered by
Prof. Albert M. Barrett, head of the
psychiatry department in the Medi-
cal School and director of the State
Psychopathic Hospital here.
To Use Fund Jointly
The application of spectroscopic
methods of rapid analysis to medi-
cine and to biology received a fund
of $8,800, which will be used jointly
by the department of internal medi-
cine in the Medical School and the
physics department in the literary
college. Prof. Ora S. Duffendack of
the physics department, Prof. Lewis
H. Newburgh of the Medical School,
and Dr. Frank H. Wiley of the Medi-
cal School will be in charge of the
The $5,000 grant for research in the
physiology of respiration will aid
Prof. Robert Gesell, head of the phy-
siology department in the Medical
School, to continue his studies along
that line in which he has been en-
gaged for a number of years.
President Alexander G. Ruthven,
has already given the University's
thanks to the Foundation for the
appropriation, which will undoubted-
ly be accepted by the Board of Re-
gents at their meeting next week.
Stock Exchnge Bill
Again Brought Out
WASHINGTON, April 19-(JP)-
White House conferences and com-

mittee meetings on Capitol Hill edged
the congressional program ahead to-
day and pushed the Stock Exchange
control bill again into the foreground.
That measure, somewhat altered
by its stay in committee rooms,
emerged again into the light of day
on both sides of the Capitol.

Fraterniies and sororities
which have made arrangements
to act as hosts to delegates to
the model League were asked last

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.- -


to be prepared to receive their


which will include a report of the
committee on credentials, examina-
tion and adoption of the agenda, elec-
tion of the agenda committee, elec-
tion of the president and the six vice-
presidents, and presentation of the
secretary-general's report and pre-
liininary discussion of the report.
icd Court Session
A session of the Model Permanent
Court of International Justice will
meet at 3 p.m. This session will be
staged by the students of Wayne
University in Natural Science Audi-
torium and will deal with the S. S.
Lotus collision and its relation to the
governments of Turkey and France.
The annual banquet will be held at
6:00 p.m. in the League. Prof. Jesse
S. Reeves, chairman of the depart-
ment of political science, will act as
toastmaster with Prof. Henryi R.
Spencer of Ohio State University de-
livering the address of the evening
on "The Future of the League."
Mortality Rate
For Fraternity
Pledges High
Report Shows Sororities
Also Suffer By Losing
Many Freshmen
Only 58.6 per cent of the freshmen
pledged to fraternities and sororities
last September have been initiated, it
was disclosed yesterday in a report
compiled by the office of the dean of
The sororities did slightly better
than the fraternities in initiating
pledges, the report showed.
Of the 374 men of the class of 1937
who were taken into fraternities in
September, 213, or 56.9 per cent, are
at present active members. Sororities
took in 181 freshmen and initiated
112 for a rating of 61.9 per cent.
The figures were compiled from
reports which the houses themselves
filled out on two different occasions,
once last fall and once shortly before
Spring Vacation.
In commenting upon the results of
the compilation, Prof. Phillip E. Burs-
ley, counselor to new students, said
that he had made no effort tn deter-

Sororities Must
Chia ige Ideas,
Says Aliee Lloyl
De.auvaf-Women Speaks Tfo
Group At The University
Of West Virginia
Sororities must create new pur-
poses for themselves and become
more significant in the intellectual
life of the college community, Dean
Alice C. Lloyd told undergraduate
sorority women and alumni at the
University of "West Virginia, wvhere
she was guest speaker at conference
discussions of sorority problems on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
"The sorority must be less exclu-
sively social," Miss Lloyd declared
Tuesday night at a formal reception
at which every sorority woman in
Morgantown, W. Va., was a guest.
Her topic was "The Position of So-
rorities in Present-Day Education."
"Sororities are more or less forced
by present educational trends to
change their purpose from being
merely social clubhouses to being
something more significanthe i mthe
actual intellectual life of the cam-
pus," Miss Lloyd said yesterday, re-
iterating some of her statements
made at the West Virginia confer-
ence. "The general trend all over
the country toward increasing hous-
ing in dormitories has taken away
one of the most valuable services of
the sororities, the purpose which mo-
tivated them in the beginning, and
they must make new places for them-
Miss Lloyd, who is chairman of the
committee on sorority study for the
Association of Deans of Women, was
invited by Miss Margaret Wilburn,
prominent sorority woman on the
West Virginia campus, to visit Mor-
gantown and lead alumnae and un-
dergraduate sorority women and
house mothers in discussions of so-
rority problems. The invitation was
extended at the time of the annual
national deans' conference held in
February in Cleveland, at which Miss
(Continued on Page 5)
Anderson Honor Guest
At Testimonial Banquet
Prof. Henry C. Anderson, recently
appointed director of student and
alumni relations, was the guest of
honor at a testimonial dinner given
him last night by the board of di-
rectors of the Union for his service as
a member of that body.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
delivered a speech in which he com-

Football Players
Long Toe A mong
Sally Rand's Fans
A strange malady hit the campus.
yestsiayiioiniri, affecting, the men
only, and bringing a new high in
class absences. If Health Service of-
ficials were to diagnose it they might
say: "Sally Randitis," but the lady
herself would probably call it just
That's one of the things Sally did,
say after her performance with the
football chorus of the Union Opera at
the Michigan Theatre. She explained
that a large part of the people who,
come to see her dance are merely
curious (maybe wondering if one of
her famous fans will slip.)
It was a revelation, and a testi-{
monial to Sally's personality, when{
she came in the theatre two hours
later for the appointment. The chorus
"girls" had begun to grumble at the
long wait, but one flashing smile from
her won the whole group over imme-
In rapid time the embryonic troup-
ers went through a number of skits
for the Paramount News camermen,
with Miss Rand acting as teacher.
She encountered her greatest trouble
with John Kowalik, Jack Heston, Wil-
lard Hildebrand, and Stanley Fay -
all four of them repeatedly getting
their second fans around "too slowly"
in changing. She pointed out that
the change must consist of "taking
one fan away, but not too fast, and
putting the other in its place, but not
too slowly."
She was laughing all the while the
(Continued on Page 2)
Miehi oanensi1an
TIo Go O Sale
EarlyIn May
The 1934 Michiganensian will be
published and appear for general
campus sale sometime during the
first week in May, the exact date to
be announced later, according to
Arend Vyn, Jr., '34, business manager.
At the present time, the 'Ensian is
now carrying on a drive for fraternity
and sorority subscriptions. A free
copy of the book will be given to each
house in which 15 members or more
have purchased subscriptions. This
campaign will continue during the
week, by which time every house will
be canvassed. '
The existing subscription price and
the price for which the 'Ensians will
be sold when they are published
stands at $5. Students who bought
subscriptions on installment are ex-
pected to make the back payments
which are now due, Vvn said.

Prominent Men
Will Speak At
lLawyers Club
Noted Atborneys To Judge
Last Of Case Club Trials
During Afternoon
Two lawyers of prominence will
speak at 6:30 p.m. today in the
dining-room of the Lawyers Club as a
part of the seventh annual Founder's
Day exercises.
Rush C. Butler, Chicago attorney,
will address the assembled students
and faculty members of the school on
the subject, "Government and Busi-
ness," and the Hon. Charles C. Sim-
ons, judge of the United States Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals, of Detroit, will
speak on "Contemporary Legal Prob-
Judge Simons, Mr. Rush, and the
Hon. Frederick M. Raymond, U. S.
District Judge, of Grand Rapids, will
be the judges at the finals in the Case
Club trials to be held at 2:30 p.m.
today in Room 100, Hutchins Hall, to
which the public has been invited.
The winners of the argument will
be awarded $100 of the $150 Henry M.
Campbell Case Club Award, the losing
counsels receiving $50. The contes-
tants, all juniors in the Law School,
are John T. Damm and James H.
Denison on one side, against Michael
L. Lewison and Milton C. Selander on
the other.
VICTORIA, B. C., April 19. -() -
Old Caddy and Amy Cadborosaurus,
Pacific Northwest sea serpents, have
been visited by the stork, Jordan
River people believe.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindner and
Mr. and Mrs. A. Cox reported that
they saw the infant, which was about
25 feet long.

Celebrated Artists To Present
Beethoven's 'Ninth Symphony'

Among the outstanding features to
be presented in the varied program
of the May Festival, May 9, 10, 11, and
12, is the performance of Beethoven's
famed "Ninth Symphony" to be
given Saturday afternoon by such re-
nowned stars as Jeanette Vreeland,
soprano; Coe Glade, contralto; Ar-
thur Hackett, tenor; and Theodore
Webb, baritone. In addition, the
Choral Union and the Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra, under Dr. Frederick
Stock, will also be heard.
The history of the "Ninth Sym-
nhnnv" is nne of the most interesting

fell into the active volcano of Bee-
thoven's unconsciousness, fusions,
seethings, and eruptions began to take
place, out of which came the fin-
ished "Ninth Symphony."
Like many great works of its type,
the "Ninth" has its inception in suf-
fering. This characteristic is traced to
those years of the deaf, lonely, pov-
erty-stricken composer in which he
was surrounded by indifferent and
dishonest friends and unfeeling rela-
tives. But the "Ninth" shows the
heroic spirits of a great man match-
ing his misfortunes.

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