, a - i- -. ' JL Z 13L{ 1 ..L1I - -/ . Juniwrs Give.. Songs, Dnuie"s On Stunt Ni-t Jame Cissel, Marie Heiil, :Stunt Night, thle League's conltri- bution to clp itwe.sca lielatnlhtfetuedtheemem- brofthe jiunior-j-crass in vo(Cal. and. piano solos and a solo dance. Jane Cissel, '35, sang two of the day's popular ntumbers, "Smoke Gets In. Your Eyes," and "Love Locked Otut"; and 'Clarkc Schell, '35, gave three vocal solos, accompanying himl-- self on the Piano, The three numbers were "Mine," "I Want a Little Girl," and "I Wish ' Were Single Again." Marie Heid, '35, who has appeared, in a number of dance recitals in Pitts- burgh and who was dance chairman of the Junior Girls Play, did 'a soft- shoe number to "Swanee River.". Creighton Coleman, '36L, was mas- ter of ceremonies for the program,. and music for dancing was, furnished b~y Al Cowan and his band. League social officials announ'ced that the regular pro grarhx of, dancing Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights in the. League. Grill will be continued,, and that the, floodlight~ on the Northi University Avenue side of the building will continue to 'an-, nounce social affairs in the grill. 'On InA. Lifetime' Cbostn By Pl A rduetion As Ne -Sow With is at l~nlfIollyvwcod' 1hstutdios i iack gl6ses 0;fool tier ;atkepesfrsliiinIi is memorcy, Russll ~c~rcke ofIII- Uiversity ~Jrmatc saf, w~s u'jhin favor: ,f "Onc' e iin a Tit~"i by Qi~ eoi=ge his sat whichI V,11illheegiven next e cicW((°1;Apil)1126, 27 and 28, (con- orn;very clos ely to MUr. MJcOracken's jwn obse:rvations ill the1 movie cap- tal were all the womien, even the Vait~resSc,are beautifuil, and where the gatekeep r copire to keep the )ml ic from ithe studios.FHowever, Ar. Mc("Iacken diid m11anage to See i,hie inside of the studiios, as aided by :he blaiwkktglasses and hy the fact that Ahe fail 'ust teelhnicians' strike, (.and fatlkeep~ers consides- themselves as .echlnicians,) made it possible for peo_ )1e to get in easily. The i- el reason, however, that "Once in a Lifetime" was chosen for lEntert7111Ain ith Gue-,st Dnnd. Pan-Hiellenic arranged for the cuis- 'onmlary exchange dinners between sororities "which were held last night. Delta Zeta and Alpha Delta Pi each sent six women for the dinners. 0orothy Sturner,.'36, social chairman; Vas in charge ai, Alpha Delta Pi. Patricia Daly, '36, made the ar- angements for Pi Beta Phi's dinner -.ith Kappa Delta, Eight of thin, soph- mWore exchanged with twelve Kapp8. )elta senior~s. Chi maui i l terelailnlf'ed vithi tlile Deltai i sophomor-es. Alpha Phii and Ka.ppa Alpha Theta'> sinners we~t'e unde°r the direction of Alison Tennant, '36, and Mary Gar- etson, '36, respectively. The Alpha 1hi sophomores attended the Theta rouse, while their junior 'and senior lasses completed the exchange. G'antiia Phi Be(,ta entertained eight )e aDelia Deli a sophonmores, while heir twelve junlioirs were guests at 'he oilher house. Lois Altmnan, '35, was,, n ch arge of' the arrangements atl Gamm Ph Beaind Alna yJine i~el tai. ,i I Wnhere To Go) M~otion Pictures: Michigan, "barli. Hazard" with Edward G. Robinson; Majestic, "Coming Out Party" with Gene Raymond; Whitney, "Devil'. M1V.ate" and "Sweetheart of SigmP Chi"; Wuerth, "Berkeley Square" witi Leslie Howard, and "Stage Mother.' Lecture: Prof. Ernest F. Barker oi "Mlvodern Conceptions of Matteir" 4:20 p.m. in N'14111atu. 1Siene Au(1dio- rii urn. bancing: League Grill Room, Den "Tavern, Hi-Hlat Inn, Preketes. flirsch Hfiotkin ; To- CiverTalk At Lai At t he m eel i ng of' Le Cercle Faran- catise a-t 8'p.m. today in! the Leagu, llirsch llootkiins of tHec French de- partment will g;ive it talk on "Ai Amuswing War A dv ntire." Mr. Hoot- kinis saw active servic'e i'n Franoe (dur- ing 1tewar, so iSspeechi will be- takten directly Pfrom his own persi:onial exit(rieceCS. T:he prtogramf, as plann ed by Berthik Carry, ':>4, vice-presidlent of the dub will- in1clude the acting, out of some aniecdotes by Jon Schmrlidt, '351, games ,