THE MICHIGAN DAILY life of James Craig Watson, Director. of the University of Michigan Obser- va toriy from 186 1 to 1879f, fTa-Vill be served at 4 :00. At 8 ill Lt, Auditorium rof !tcm Untiversity High r school the I nItrpnt live Arts S ociet~y Will hold a con,.s inl Lte reading ,of srcenes >froi llak~ speaire. The spealkers areth l~jCha-- wick, Virginlia Chaipmazn, William Dickert, an1d Mtu-rl Horltl. Tick tS 11ay be btaJ:11ined wihout ehar'je "t the office of itte Depa ]it nnit of ?ilpech11 nd nclerl A I,ingu tlicW, ,0ooml 3'211 A.H1.; Or ::ait11h'. I&okL .:torr fromr 2 to 4. varisy 61tc Club: 131roadcast at 11) p~inimportanart reheav :.d at 7:30 p~~~..Ever-Y mrntIn im111le bepres- ent. Ai l - ~ r i' t e g~ ci aii lass who would 1be interested in N a- val Aviation Flight Course day, l ?1:1') 1J,9,to nake C rairs (Xi.m-opiiianl Club: Meting oun :aturday, April 21, 8:00 pl.m., Stalker )fall. Dr. Mehmiet 'Aga-Oglu, Freer Fellow and Lecturer on OrrientAl Art, Opera Revival IV'-ells Shows (f Other iDays l 1iFootiits Ag'ain ((iulI Ll ; ikH 1'tlr,fl i' .ge )) 06 Th' Iviol-nim1 I'116 d Make (IU Foi Tw~o, inl1921. 'T'lie fame of tile opelra grew rapidly wnd the show becamne a ,soutrce of tre- mendlous annual revenue. A climax was reac-hed in D-2:1 wheni "Cotton St~ocking s" reg-istered a sman~shing suic- ' cess ne(_tting a1 profit of morie than $30,000. Th e Lunprmecedenited success of fthe pr-oduction- is attibutied by many to the puiblicity given the student-fac-' ulty disputet over the vehicle's adver- tising slogan, "Cotton Stockings Never. Make a Manl Look Twice." Following the presentation of "T'ickled to Death" in 192 4. the Union produced "Tambourine" for which Milton Peterson, director of "With Banners Flying," composed the music. Peterson also played an active part the next year in writing the words rind lyrics,, as well as the m usic, for the show "front Page Stuff." "The Same To You," "Rainbow's End" and "Merrie-Go-Round,," which was also written by Mr. Haines, were the last three productions. Attempts were made following the success of "Cotton Stockings" to pre- sent other operas on that same grand scale, but never again did the show draw the box office profit that the 1923 production earned, Each year the receipts decreased until finally the last offering in 1929 showed a deficit. An effort was made, after the pro- duction w,,as abolished, to supplant the Union Opera with a purely campus show, which was presented only lo- ' ally on a sm'al scale. Tfhis did not take the place of its preudecesxor and the traditionl died 'completely. will give an illustrated lecture on "Turkish Art during the Seldjtuk-pe- n rod." In conjunction with Dr. Aga- Oglu's lecture Miss Faize F. Shev- ket, a Barbour Scholar from Turkey, will also speak, explaining the great Isocial change which took place in1 'furkey. Everyone is welcome. bance(I.r radu1ateStudet- n 1 S aturdauy, April 21), at the Women's Atbhletic I"ttilding, from tl o 12 o'- clock. Bowling from 10 to 11 :340 c o k in sl ! c *il Tho.:ojhy: The Ann Arbor Tnelio- *sophical Society will discuss "Fac.- CLASSIWIED DIRECTORY ADVERTISING Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with Classified Advertising i-)epartment, The classified colum~ns close at ive o'clock previous to day of insertion. Bovx Numbers mnay be secured at no <-xtra chcarge. Cash in Advance-llc per reading line (On oasisi of five average words to line) for one or two insertioins. lOc per readinig linre for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per Insertion. Telephone Rate--15c per reading line for one or two inisertions. 14c per reading line for three or more Insertions. 10%o discount If paid within ten days fromn the date of last ins.ertioxn. Minimum three lines per insertion. By Contract, per line -2 lines daily, one- mnonth....................c 94]fines E.O D., 2 months ...... 3c 2 limes daily, college year....7Ic 4 lines E. 0. D., college year ,..,7 'c 100 lines Used as deslred ......9e 300 lines u1sed as desired ........8c LOW00 lines used as desired . '?d 2.000 lines used as desired .6 Thie above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per invih of '71,1 point Ionic type, upper and lower case. AIcd 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for. boldi face, upper and lower case. Add 10 per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. LOST AND FOUND N4OTIC' A11T1O LOANS AND RHPINANCINQ; Br'ing Your title A:ssociated Motor Ser vicePs, Tnc. 311 W. itiron, Ph. 2-2001 12x t1,ility foG~l t let i'r prices:, 13' merals $300U pr w'eek O0 'eils ~iPer Week,$38 42.2 TAXICABS T. . rAXi--Phone 9000. Seven-passenger cars. Only standard rates. Ix ARCADE CAB. flal (31 16. Large comn- forwtable cabs. Standard rates, 2x - LAUNRY T AUNpFRX 2-1044. Sax 'darned. Careful work at low price. 4x -WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW shits. Will pay 3, 4. 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4206. Chi- cago Buiyers. Temrporary office. 200 North Main. 5x LOST: Gamma Phi Beta pin. Lost on, campus. Finder please call 2-22 17. 423 lieriatn ives Lis iitre On National Park Flora P. J. Hte mann lectured on "The Flora of Lassen Volcanic National Park" 'at the meeting of 'the Michi- gan Botanical Seminar yesterday in the Natural Science Building. Slides and plates were shown to supplement the lecture.l tors in Spir-itual Pro-m'e(is" by Annie Besant, Frih ay, at 8:00 p .iin Mirlii- Presbyterian Students and their gurests are wel'com~ed to attend ai palty at the Church House from 9 to 12 Friday. Dancing and ref01,i! hL Srn'aii ch'arge. ILutrtefir Stdents: There will be a7 Lutheran Student Pacrty on Friday evening, April 20. Enter'tainment will he tgaines tand d(lncint"g~,,1e t ti-1 Zijon YLutherari Par-ish PHall at8:15 p~n'. Tansprtaionwill t*Ie 'iVid- e'id. -I ~ Biur-eatl Reports Civ il ServieExara The University Butreaui of Appoint- ments andi Occupational Information has received notice of a, series of ex- aminations to be given by the United States Civil Servi'ce Commission. ~Positions which will be filled in- clude, junior forester, junior range examiner, storekeeper-gauger in the Dureau of Indu.strial Alcohol, and ruLbber sftapmaker. Annou~lncemt1WJs haVe alISo been re- tcivlcd;frothe be ft.D roil, Civil Servi ce ("OrItisII, I of t''alflil ationsl for po- :;iit?.5 of jllnir tyjist, ,juntior ste.- lo.;r; lill' ,a'nd pktyf'eade~i- foi' suim- l fer plat~rroundIs. These positions are open o6nly to persons who areo le- g >1 residlen±s of Detiroit. Xnnou'nlcements are on file at the office of t~h~e -uurai, 201 Mason Hall. a . ickt e 'rt:I :,Y'e $150 '. trd n Tition. E me i'r i' . U,01 ! 'i til f Af van'4d Write br :kiiftPular 'artiary R de 4 ,. . __ _ r _, _- _._______ ._ . _._ __ . _ = + - = .. - __._- .. _ .. _.. = 3 - -. r 4 r :t .r i .y MAJESTIC t i "1111 Look behind th 4Ceflee and see whlat acflialy PWU US's iri ;t i t coARPTY K Gene Rayhmond Alson Sip ofth Nigl ruce AJe*L. Lasky . ) ,x N\ ) ' r/ i tI Per 2f, "- - -- .- 21c rInsylo TENNIS BALLS vactum :filled for $1.15 16 o. Tin Chioricide dr Moths C IGARETTES f C~amels - Luokieti T'wo for -' r119Carton Fotrmerly 2'5c Wood bury's and Ca'shmere Bouqluet ioop Cotd's Powder, ad Pefuae 98C lt G17 ERG! N E 39,c 5 Pounds WRISLEY'S WATtR SOFTENER 49c 1soz RUBBING ALCOHOL 19c W- --- WEEK-END SPECIALS _ ---..-- ThEAV F I FTO DAD" Cominedy F(M J'IDOING 'THE METR~O Nf-.W4 "WONDE BAR"I ,ampus Cut Rate Drug Co. 8 S. State St. (Goldmhan B3ldg.) We Deliver- Phone 9392 1W - - -- - - III .. . I 11 MA 1 FESI AL wool BINSAT 8:30 IN T E M R I 6 A SCHOOL OF MUSIC OFFICE lanim I, N .. ....._._. _ _....wv... .___... .a.._,___ ,w__._ Season Tickets -- Six Concerts IIII Ii nn -t7.nn .-tR-.n 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11