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February 13, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-13

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igan: fair and
norrow increas-
and warmer.


t i


The J-Hop And
Chairman Singleton .


. ..

V No. 93



i Head

Site Of Ann Arbor's State Liquor Store Shown



In Austria;

Socialists Battle



Festival To Include
s Of Metropolitan
ra Company
9, 10, 11, 12
iven As Dates
o Symphony Will
ear With Ponselle
'Hay 9
a Bori and Rosa Ponselle,
ng stars of the Metropolitan
ill appear in miscellaneous
at the 1934 May Festival,
d May 9, 10, 11, and 12, in
itorium, it was announced

129 Killed In Bloody Fraj

er distinguished artists included
Festival programs are Jean-
Vreeland, an outistanding
can oratorio and concert so-
Coe Glade, leading contralto
Chicago Civic Opera Com-
Paul Althouse, distinguished
of the Metropolitan; Arthur
tt, of Paris Opera fame, and
on the University School of
faculty; Theodore Webb, bril-
:oncert baritone; Chase Baro-
>ass, of Chicago, LaScala, and
s AiresOperas; Guila Bustado,
ned young violinist; and Mis-
evtzki, internationally famous
,n pianist, who has twice before

Ann Arbor's State Liquor store, where persons over4
years of drought, is to be located at 113 West Huron St.,a
Dawson, of Ann Arbor, will manage the establishment.
4 i

-Ann ,Arbor Daily News Photc
21 years of age may buy liquor legally after 13
adjacent to the Davenport restadrant. Charles H.
The arrow points to the building, now being

aphony Orchestra,1
k Stock and Eric
g; the University
der the baton of
d the Young Peo-
rus, led by Juva
lpate as the larger


11 Hours, 14 Poits
Needed By Iitiates
Freshman fraternity pledges must
have a C average if they attained
more than 14 hours during the past
semester, in order to be initiated un-
der the rules of the Interfraternity
Council, Maxwell T. Gail, '34, secre-
tary-treasurer of the council, ex-
plained last night.'
The rule states that freshmai
pledges must have 11 hours and 14
honor points in order to be initiated.
Sorority pledges are eligible for
initiation if they have attained 12
hours and 15 honor points, Jose-
phine McCausey, '34, president of
Panhellenic Association, said last
night, although it is possible to have
permission secured in cases where
poor health has forced the pledge
to take 11 instead of 12 hours.
May 3 Is Set As
Date Of Annual
Russel Lecture


Local Liquor,
Store To Open
This Week-End

Establishment Is To
At 113 West Huron;
H. Dawson Manager

ialy trans-j
erman into
r this per-t

:ay evening, May 9, Rosa
with the Chicago Symphony
"a, led by Dr. Stock, will pre-
miscellaneous program. The
evening, Friday, Hayden'is
" will be sung by the Uni-
horal Union, with Jeannette
, Paul Althouse, and Chase
as soloists. Part two of the
will include Mischa Levitzki,
and the Chicago Symphony
e batons of Dr. Stock and Dr.
)0 Students
troll Late In
dew Semester
or Of Classi'ication
ts ConfusioA 'Worst
Fhree Year s'
sion in connection with late
ion and classification was
resterday the "worst in three
y Prof. Daniel L. Rich, direc-
imated that 800 to 1,000 stu-
ere registering yesterday in
to those engaged in chang-
ses or sections, and stated
better system will probably
d out for next year.
hursday, Friday, and Satur-
e set as days for registration
ment of fees for. the second
, the dates being admittedly
:'iment, since all students In
'ersity had never before been
to re-register between se-
of $1 will be continued for
ssification, Professor Rich
I students who classify today
will be required to take their
ds to their instructors them-
Vedel To Speak
Religious Meet
sions embracing the general
Religion Necessary?" will be
iorrow. Thursday and Friday

Socialist Speaker
Hits Out At Fascism

Prof. E. C. Case Is Chosen
For Honorary Address;
Award To Be Made
The Henry Russel Lecture for
1933-34 will be delivered May 3 in
Natural Science Auditorium, accord-
ing to an announcement issued yes-
terday. Prof. Ermine C. Case, di-
rector of the Museum of Paleontolo-
gy and professor of historical geology
and paleontology, will be the lectur-
Professor Case has not made pub-
lic his t'pi . At the time of the
lecture ti. a Henry Russel Award,
made to a faculty member of the
rank of assistant prci'essor or in-
structor, will be made. It is deter-
mined on the basis of achievements
in scholarly activities in the past,
and promise for the future.
The selection of Professor Case
adds his name to the list of former
lecturers, all of whom are or have
been promiinent members of the Uni-
versity faculty. The first faculty
member to whom the award was
made, in 1925-26, was Prof. Moses
Gomberg, head of the chemistry de-
partment. He was followed in 1926-
27 by Dr. Frederick G. Novy, present
dean of the Medical School.
Prof. Henry A. Sanders, chairman
of the department of speech and gen-
eral linguistics, was the lecturer in
1927-28. In 1928-29 the lecture was
delivered by Dr. Alfred S. Worthin,
former director of the pathology lab-
oratory. He was followed in 1929-30
by Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne, former
head of the history department.
In 1930-31 Prof. William H. Hobbs,
head of the geolcgy department, de-
livered the lecture, and in 1931-32
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, chairman of
the political science department. Last
year Prof. Waiter B. Pillsbury, head
of the psychology department, was
selected as the lecturer.
Selection of the Henry Russel Lec-
turer annually is in the hands of the
executive board of the University

After waiting several months Ann
Arbor will at last get its liquor store,
which will probably open this Friday,
according to a statement made last
night by Charles H. Dawson, newly
appointed r anager of the store.
The new store will be located at
113 West Huron St., next to the Dav-
enport rest.urant, Dawson said.
While it as still uncertain wheth-
er or not the store could be opened
to the public Friday, Dawson said he
expected it would be open by Satur-
day at the latest.
Dawson will leave for Lansing some
time today to arrange last minute
details with State officials. The hours
of opening and closing will be an-
nounced within the next few days, he
Dawson has been connected with
the Dawson Brothers Drug Co. here
for 27 years, Six months ago he was
appointed inspector for the State
Liquor Control Commission.h
Club Formed
For Study Of
Russian Life
'IRoIIs4ky Kroujok' Plans
investigation Of People
And Their Culture
"Roussky Kroujok" is the name
that has been selected for a new
campus organization to promote a
better knowledge of Russia. The
first public meeting of the group will
be held at 8 p. m. tomorrow in Lane
Hall. At this meeting Prof. W. C.
Trow, of the school of education,
will speak on "Education in Russia."
The club intends to study much
more than the economic experiment
now being conducted in Russia, ac-
cording to its members. The Russian
people, their history, language, and
culture will all be examined.
According to a statement made
yesterday by 'club members, the
Kroujok will have no political axe
to grind, but will attempt to create
a neutral atmosphere, where the lat-
est developments as well as the dark-
er sides of the new socialist life of
the Soviet Union can be freely pre-
sented and discussed, The cultural
contributions as well as the short-
comings of the Russia of the past
will be examined.
Anyone now or formerly a stu-
dent or faculty member of the Uni-
versity is eligible for membership.
Faculty members affiliated with
the organization are Prof. H. J. Mc-
Farlan, of the engineering college;
Prof. C. L. Meader and Mrs. M. J.
Parament nf the linguistics denart-

"Fascism is not a new beginning,
but is the dying spasm of predatory
capitalism," Jennie Lee, former La-
borite member of the British Parlia-
ment said before an audience of 200
last night in the sixth of a series of
League for Industrial Democracy
lectures sponsored by the Vanguard
Using as her topic, "Dictatorship
and Revolution in Europe," Miss Lee
launched a fiery attack on the Hit-
ler regime, and the means which it
employed in its rise. She said that
German Fascisinm' as personified by
Adolf Hitler, had not roused the
great mass of Germans by logical
approach but by sheer emotional-
100 Students
Register For
Survey Jobs
More than 100 students have al-
ready registered in Dean Joseph A.
Bursley's office for work on the sur-
vey of Washtenaw County to be con-
ducted under the CWA, Prof. Lewis
Gram, director of University plant
extension, announced yesterday.
It is still necessary for Congress to
pass the grant appropriating the
money for the project, Professor
Gram pointed out. While President
Roosevelt is trying to obtain the
grant, no definite time can be as-
sured for the commencement of the
project, but it is hoped that the ap-
propriation will be made wit~hin a
few days.
Dr. Paul Mousset will address a
meeting of the Ann Arbor sector of
the Reserve Officers Association on
"Morocco and France" at 7:30 p. m.
this evening in Room 319 of the
Union. Dr. Mousset is reputed to be
the foremost authority on French co-
lonial administration.

Engineers Will
Open Institute
Today In Union
Gov. Comstock To Appear
Before Banquet Session
Tomorrow Night
The Twentieth Annual Michigan
Highway Engineering conference will
open this morning in the Union with
an estimated attendance of several
hundred engineers and others in al-
lied fields.
Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the en-
gineering college will welcome the
delegates to the convention 'in the
opening session at 9:30 a. in. today.
During the program Prof. B. C
Greenshields, of Dennison Univer-
sity, Maxwell Halsey, of the National
Bureau of Casi-lty and Surety Un-
derwri os, and Capt. Ray Sprague,
of the u t:=d Rapids police depart-
ment, will discuss traffic problems.
Wednesday morning's session, the
feature, of this year's program, will
be devoted to a discussion of civil
works employment and its relation to
highway programs, In another
Wednesday session, a round table
will be held on the matter of emer-
gency employment.
* Notable figures scheduled to ap-
pear at the Wednesday evening ban-
quet session include Gov. William A.
Comstock, President Alexander G.
Ruthven, and Col. Willard T. Che-
valier of the Engineeriig News-Rec-
ord, New York City.
Postpone Date
Of Announcing
Contest PriZes
Freshnan Hopwood Award
Winners To Be Revealed
During Next Week
Announcement of the names of
winners irw the Freshman Hopwood
Awards has been ;postponed until
next week.
Prof. Erich A. Walter of the Eng-
lish department, chairman of the
committee on Freshman Awards, said
that the judges had not completed
their work in reading and judging
the manuscripts and that the exact
date of announcement next week had
not been determined.
Sixty-three manuscripts were sub-
mitted by 54 contestants by the clos-
ing date, Jan. 26. These were in the
three fields, the essay, prose fiction.
and poetry, from which three prizes
of $50, $30, and $20, respectively, will
be given in each division.
The three judges of the contest are
Prof. Louis A. Strauss, chairman of
the English department, Dr. Frank
E. Robbins, managing editor of the
University of Michigan Press, and
Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alumni
Northwestern 35, Iowa 29.
Illinois 42, Chicago 21.
Wisconsin 42, Ohio State 23.

-Associated Press Photo
French royalist sympathizers, in-
cluding students and other members
of the younger generation, favor the
return of a monarchy with Due de
Guise, (above), pretender 'to the
throne, as king.
il ryout
Scheduled For
Friday, Feb.16
Editorial, Sports, And Wo-
men's Staffs To Meet
With Freshmen
Try-outs for the editorial, sports,
arid women's staffs of The Daily arc
reqi"sted to report at 4 p. m. Friday.
Feb. 1, at the Student Publications
Building on Maynard Street. Second
semester freshmen who have received
at least one grade of A or B and have
no marks below C in their work for!
the first semester are eligible to enter
competition for posts.
For the first part of the semester
try-outs will be instructed in the
methods of news gathering and the
style followed by The Daily in writ-
ing news. - eaWine writing, proof
reading, and copy reading will also be
Besides offering expert practice in
the actual work of getting news as
the stories break, rather than an ex-
position of how a story should "look,"
work on the more important Daily
positions entails considerable respon-
sibility and is substantially compen-
Members of the editorial staff write
the general news of the cam,. as and
are eligible, during their junior year
for night editor positions. In the
senior year, three positions - man-
aging editor, city editor, and editorial
director, are open. One senior posi-
tion is open to members of each of
the other two staffs: women's editor
on the women's staff and sports ed-
itor on the sports staff.
The time spent in work on The
Daily depends upon the initiative of
the individual, but the average time
for sophomores is about three hours
a day. This does not include hours
spert "on the desk" one night a week
by members of the editorial staff,
This work begins at 5 p. m. and runs
until the paper goes to press about
15 minutes before the 2 a. m. dead-

French Pretender

Machine Guns, Grenad
And Bombs Called Ir
Action During Riots
50 Dead At Graz,
With 100 Injur
Cabinet Dissolves Socia
Party During Perman
Session In Vienna
VIENNA, Feb. 13- (Tuesday
- (') - Socialists opposing
"Fascist threat in the govern
ment" and police and soldie
battled through a savage nigl
of terror in many parts of Au
4ria as the number of dead w
placed early today at 129.
The situation was rapidly d
veloping into a civil war.
Machine guns kept up a sp
radic but bloody ryin; troo
were being hurriedly called in
action; hand grenades an
bombs exploded in Vienna an
other important cities as$oe,,
ists, after declaring a gener
strike, challenged authoriti
and defied the artillery of go
ement forces.
In and near Graz, in southeast
Styria province, a stubborn ba
waged into the morning, with
number of dead set at 50 and
injured at 100.
After bitter fighting soldiers
ejected the Socialists from the I
police station, only to lose it. A
port early today says the Socia
again were in the station and v
holding it against heavy fire.
In Vienna, where the cabinet
in permanent session and dec
the long-expected dissolution of
Socialist party, bursts of firing s
death and destruction, with gas
tacks adding to the terror.
Riots In France
PARIS, Feb. 12- (IP)-One
son was reported killed and n
were injured during shooting
rioting in the. provinces today
general strike, warning F r a
against Fascism, crippled the
tion's activities.
The fatality was reported
Levallois, not far from Paris wl
15 persons were hurt when C
munist demonstrators clashed
In Marseilles violence flared
more intensely, and 30 were wou
including six who were shot in
mishes with police.
Hundreds were arrested in o
suburbs and cities, but fear
recurrence of last week's bloody
ing were not entirely fulfilled.

Rutliven Pleased With Work At
University Excavations In Egypt

Work on the University of Michi-
gan excavations at Karanis, Egypt,
which has been in progress since
1924, has received the unqualified
support of the Egyptian government,
King Fuad of Egypt told President
Alexander 0, Ruthven on the latter's
recent visit,
President Ruthven made the trip
to Egypt to see how the work, which
has been financed by bequests of the
late Horace H. Rackham, Detroit at-
torney and philanthropist, was pro-
gressing. He was very much pleased
with the result so far obtained, he
says, and expects that the University
will seek further financial aid for
carrying on the excavating.
Work on the excavations was origi-

earthed four pieces' of pottery con-
taining more than 15,000 bronze coins,
the largest single hoard, President
Ruthven stated, ever to be found at
one time in such ruins. While he was
present, the searchers discovered a
bronze statue and a figure of cupid,
the works of ancient artists, he stated.
The mound is composed of layers
of buried homes, and while a large
number of these have been unearthed
in the past 10 years, it is expected by
those in charge of the expedition that
at least another year will be required
to uncover the third and fourth lay-
ers of homes. Relics, he said, dating
back 1,000 years have been discovered
in the ruins already excavated.
President Ruthven said that one of

May iscipline
Two Students
Disciplinary action for two stu-
dents looms as the result of alleged
scalping of J-Hop tickets, it was ru-
mored yesterday.
University authorities would make.
no statement as to the veracity of
thc rumor, but it was learned on good
authority that the names of the two
students had been turned in for the
violation of regulations and their case
will come before the University dis-
ciplinary body later this week.

Purdue Routs
Cagers, 51-20
To Keep Lea
Michigan Crushed By a
Invincible Attack Led
Four Boilermakers
Michigan's cagers suffered one
the most crushing defeats in rec
years at the hands of an invinc
Purdue outfit, 51 to 20, in Yost F
House last night.
The victory enabled the Boilerm
ers to retain their lead in the Big '
and at the same time sent the V
verines farther down the ladder
The largest crowd of the sea
close to 5,000, witnessed Michig
Purdue put a team on the floor
night that was unbeatable. The B
ermaker sharpshooters couldn't s
to miss the loop. Lacking the he
that is usually associated with gi
basketball combinations, Purdue n
than made up for this with ax
liant game that featured accu
passing and unceasing speed on:
breaks under the basket. Coach C
pon's regulars were completely be
dered. and at no time during



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