I Editorials
AND Fmattems
Men And Local
Fraternity Men
C, r
Cloudy and much cooler to-
day. Friday .fairer.
Lawyers Will
Stage Finals
In Case Cub
Seventh Annual Founders
Day To Conclude Series
Of Arguments
56 Are Eliminated
By Junior Finalists
Henry M. Campbell Prize
Of $150 To Be Awarded
To Contestants
Among the main events of the sev-
enth annual Founders' Day exercises
to be held tomorrow at the Lawyers
Club will be the final argument of the
Case Club work, featuring .four jun-
iors who have survived weeks of ar-
gument in which 56 of their class-
mates fell by the wayside.
The four contestants who have
survived the series of competitions
are: John T. Damm of Ashland, Ohio,
and James H. Denison of New Ro-
chelle, N. Y., against Michael L. Lew-
ison of Flint, and Milton C. Selander
of Dixon, Ill. $100 of the $150 Henry
M. Campbell Case Club Award will be
presented to winning counsel and $50
to the losing counsel.
The bench which has been selected
to hear the argument will consist
of: Mr. Rush C. Butler, a distinguish-
ed Chicago attorney and one of the
chief speakers at the Founders' Day
Banquet, Hon. Charles C. Simons,
'00L, Judge of the U. S. Circuit Court
of Appeals, of Detroit, also a speaker
at the banquet, and Hon. Frederick
M. Raymond, U. S. District Judge, of
Grand Rapids.
The argument, this year, will be
held at 2:30 p.m. in room 100 of
Hutchins Hall, the new Law School
building, one of the rooms which can
be made to resemble a court room.
The public is invited.
Mr. Butler and Judge Simons, who
will be guest speakers at the Found-
ers' Day Banquet to be held at. 6:30
p.m. in the main dining room of the
Law Club, have both established
themselves in their profession.
Mr. Butler, a graduate of Iowa
State University Law School in the
class of 1893, member of the Ameri-
can and Chicago Bar Association,
president of the Illinois State Bar
Association in 1927 and 1928, and
president of the Illinois Association
of Criminal Justice, is also co-author
of a work on the Federal Trade Com-
Judge Simons, a graduate of the
University of Michigan Law School
in the class of 1900, has been a mem-
ber of the Michigan State Senate,
Michigan constitutional convention
of 1908, and a presidential elector at
large. His appointment to the bench
was made by President Harding in
Lynch Mob Is
Dispersed By
Police, Militia
Brown Calls Washington Of
Today A ThreeRing Circus'
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ar-
ticle was written at the special request
of The Daily by Prof. Everett S. Brown
of the political science department who
spent part of the recent vacation in the
nation's capital. The article presents a
brief summary of current washington
happenings based upon observations of
Professor Brown.
From the newspaper point of view,
the outstanding event of the past
week in Washington was the Wirt
hearing on Tuesday morning. Dr.
Wirt's charges of a Brain Trust con-
spiracy to use President Roosevelt as
a tool to undermine the foundations
of our government had been herald-
ed far and wide an hour before the
doors of the caucus room of the new
House Office Building were opened.
An eager crowd had gathered, seek-
ing entrance. The room was soon
filled to overflowing and hundreds of
disappointed persons stood in the
hallways outside. Flanking the tables
at which the committee and witness
sat was a battery of motion picture
machines. Photographers were sta-
tioned at every available spot. The
glaresof Klieg lights was almost blind-
ing. Time after time the chairman
of the committee ordered the lights to
be turned off but always within a
few minutes they were flashed on
again. Microphones and loud speak-
ers carried the proceedings to listen-
ers in all parts of the country.
The crowd was decidedly partisan.
The frequent outbursts of applause
and the casual remarks overheard in
the audience made it evident that Dr.
Wirt had many supporters. Yet it
was soon apparent that the basis of
Dr. Wirt's charges was very flimsy,
so much so that the whole affair de-
generated into a farce. As political
capital it was worth practically noth-
ing at all to those who had hoped to
gain by it.
Washington was like a three-ringed
circus. There were so many interest-
ing performances that one found it
difficult to decide which ring to
watch. During my stay my choices,
aside from the Wirt hearing, were
sessions of the Senate, which was
debating the tax bill; hearings on the
Wagner labor bill; hearings on the
proposed amendment to the consti-
tution to change the method of elect-,
ing the president; hearings of com-
plaints against NRA codes; and the
trial of Bishop Cannon.,
The complaints against the pro-
(Continued on Page 6)
Ohio Professor
Will Speak At
Banquet Friday
Henry R. Spencer Is To
Address Dinner Meeting
Of Model Assembly
Henry R. Spencer, professor of po-
litical science at Ohio State Univer-
sity, will be the principal speaker at
the banquet of the Model Assembly
of the League of Nations Friday eve-
ning at the League. His speech will
deal with the future of the League of
Nations, tying up with the sympo-
sium at the Saturday luncheon on the
reorganization of the League.
Prof. Jesse Reeves, head of the Uni-
versity political science department,
will introduce the speaker, who has
travelled extensively in Europe, and
is an authority on the foreign rela-
tions of Italy. Prof. Spencer has also
lectured widely in this country on in-
ternational subjects.
Patrons and patronesses for the
dance, which will follow the banquet
Friday, are Pres. and Mrs. Alexander
Ruthven, Dean and Mrs. Joseph Bur-
sley, Dean and Mrs. Allen Whitney,
and Mrs. Leona Diekema. The dance
is to be in the League ballroom, with
Bill Marshall's orchestra supplying
the music.
Tickets for the banquet, which is at
6 p.m. Friday, and for the Saturday
luncheon at 12 a.m.. may be obtained
Friday morning after 10 a.m. at the
registration desk of the Model As-
sembly in the main lobby of the
League. For those who wish to attend
the dance and not the banquet, an ad-
mission charge of 25c will be taken
at the door of the ballroom that eve-
In addition to those attending the
Model Assembly as official delegates,
a number of out-of-town guests are
expected to be present at the meet-
ings. A group of Canadians and Amer-.
icans from the border towns, who have
been meeting once a month for Satur-
day luncheons and discussions for the
past three years, will be here for the
Saturday luncheon. Mr. Paul Martin,
barrister of Windsor, and a former
member of the legal section of the
Secretariat of the League of Nations,
will preside at the informal discus-
sion of the group, which will meet by
Itself following the luncheon, to dis-
cuss questions' of interest to Cana-
dians and Americans.
Four Air Lines Fight
Farley With Injunctions
WASHINGTON, April 18. -(P) -
Four suits intended to force Post-
master General James A. Farley to
restore cancelled airmail contracts
were filed today while the House Post-
office Committee was deciding against
a new letting of long-term contracts
prior to the mapping of a permanent
air policy.
The companies which asked an in-
junction in the District of Columbia
Supreme Court to restrain the Post-
master General from enforcing con-
tract cancellation were the Boeing Air
Transport, Inc.; National Air Trans-
port, Inc.; Pacific Air Transport and
Varney Airlines.
The four were among the concerns
whn ecntracts were canelled nn
Vote On J.G.P.
Positions Will
Be Held Today
Second-Year Women Will
Ballot For Committee
Sophomore elections for positions
on the central committee of the Jun-
ior Girls Play, which were postponed
from before vacation, will take place
at 4 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. All sophomores are
eligible to vote.
Nominations for the five positions
have been made by the sophomores
themselves by application. Petitions
from those desiring positions on the
committee were handed in to the un-
dergraduate office stating the schol-
arship, activities, and special capabil-
ities of the applicants. These petitions
will be presented to the assembly
The sophomore woman receiving
the highest number of votes will be-
come general chairman, the second
highest, assistant chairman, the third,
finance chairman, with the other two
positions exchangable, depending on
the talents of the women.
The Judiciary Council, under the
direction of Harriett Jennings, '34,
will be in charge of elections. Miss
Jennings has made a plea to the soph-
omores to abolish caucusing. It was
due to what the Council termed "ex-
cessive caucusing" that the elections
were postponed, and the new system
of nominations adopted. The Council
will also introduce a new election
method today, in an attempt to make
the elections fair, according to Miss
Student Jobs Go
Begging; College
Men Are All Busy
The depression, for University stu-
dents at least, seems not only to have
turned the corner, but to have gone
on down the street that the corner is
on. This time last year dozens of
hard-up college men flocked to the
employment bureau in the office of
the dean of students in search of em-
ployment. Now the few jobs which
come into that office are going a'beg-
The reason for this lies partly in
the fact that more than 700 students
are being aided by FERA jobs. And
many of the others must be getting
encouraging letters from home - the
kind that can be cashed. Last year
many of them were forced to leave
school for financial reasons; now Miss
Elizabeth Smith, who conducts the
employment bureau, says that local
landladies are wondering how they
are going to get their spring house-
cleaning done.
"There is a large amount of gar-
den and lawn work to be done at this
time of the year in addition to spring
housecleaning," Miss Smith says,
"and any students in need of work
should take advantage of the oppor-
tunities. It is as difficult now to find
students for the jobs as it was to find
jobs for the students last year."
Me annld1 Will PAmente
Choose New
President Of
Counclil oon
Fraternity ody Plans To
Select Officers For Next
Year On May 8
B. B. Kelly Retires
As Head Of Group
Student Members Of The
Judiciary Committee To
Be Elected
The election of a new president of
the Interfraternity Council to suc-
ceed Bethel B. elley, '34, will take
place at the fin.l council meeting of
the year to be held May 8. Student
members of the council judiciary
committee will also be chosen at that
The selection is usually made from
one of the tryouts for the council, al-
though the rule has been broken in
the past when none of the candidates
was considered suitable.
Other business which will come be-
fore the delegates at that time will be
a consideration ,of a substitute for
the proposed Indictment Board to
consider evidence of alleged violations
of the rushing rules, since the new
rushing rules passed by the council
have been rejected by the Judiciary
Committee on that point.
The rest of the rushing rules were
approved without change by the
Judiciary Committee, and now need
only the approval of the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs before they
become effective.
Since the Judiciary Committee has
no initiative po ~r in the making of
rules, it will pr bably make a rec-
ommendation to the council in the
message rejecti g the Indictment
Board provision. The new provision
will have to be passed on by the
Judiciary Committee before it is sent
to the Senate committee with the
other regulations.'
The office of secretary-treasurer of
the council is.fIllked by the Judiciary
Committee after interviews with the
tryouts for the council. The annual
stipend attached to the office is $100.
No announcement has been made
as to when the new secretary-treas-
urer will be selected, but it is custom-
ary to make the selection some time
before the final meeting of the year
in May.
Membership In
Body Extended
By Constitution
A revamped constitution for the
Engineering Council, student govern-
ment organization of the College of
Engineering, was unanimously adopt-
ed at a meeting of the council yester-
day. The constitution had previously
been approved by Dean H. C. Sadler
and Prof. Henry C. Anderson, director
of student relations
Membership in the Council was ex-
tended to include representatives from
Tau Beta Pi, Triangles, Vulcans, and
Sigma Rho Tau as well as organiza-
tions already represented. Organiza-
tion and class representatives will be
elected in May in order to have the
Council organized before the close of
the second semester.
Concerts To
Raise Funds
For Memorial
Scholarships To H o n o r
Albert Lockwood Will Be
First Program To
Be Offered May 2
Purpose Will Be To Attract
Musical Talent To The
The first of a series of concerts for
the benefit of the Albert Lockwood
Memorial Scholarship Fund will be
given May 2 in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by Prof. Joseph Brinkman of
the School of Music, it was announced
yesterday by the committee in charge
of the fund.
. The purpose of the scholarship
fund, recently established as a me-
morial to the late Albert Lockwood,
is to attract superior musical talent
to the University. It is hoped by the
committee in charge of the fund that
it eventually will be large enough to
afford the opportunity to study in
Ann Arbor to outstanding musicians
throughout the country who, because
of financial difficulties, would not
otherwise be able to continue their
musical educations.
Professor Brinkman's concert in
May will begin a series which will
spread over the next few years and
which will feature both local and
visiting artists.
The program w h i c h Professor
Brinkman will present will comprise
three Beethoven sonatas -the "Pa-
thetique," the "Apasionata," and the
"Hammerklavier," the latter rarely
being performedowing to its great
technical difficulties.
The scholarship fund is being built
up by private contributions as well
as by the concert series. In addition
to students, friends, and colleagues
of Professor Lockwood, such promi-
nent nationally and internationally
famous musicians as Frederick Stock
and Joseph Lhevinne have endorsed
the fund and sent generous donations
to it.
At the end of an adequate time in-
terval it is planned to present the
names of all contributors in some
appropriate form as part of the per-
manent record of the memorial.
The committee in charge of the
fund consists of Prof. Willoughby
Boughton, of the Detroit Institute
of Arts, and Professors Walter Colby,
James Glover, Peter Okkelberg, Otto
Stahl, and Morris Tilley of the Uni-
versity. Vice-President Shirley Smith
is an ex-officio member of the com-
mittee, serving it as treasurer.
Society Will Honor
JDr. May, 12 Others
CLEVELAND, 0., April 18-- (A') --
Thirteen men and women who have
done outstanding work in physical
education will be honored tonight at
the first general session of the Ameri-
can Physical Education association
and the Mid-West Society of Physi-
cal Education, meeting jointly in a
four-day convention here.
Two thousand physical educators
gathered in Cleveland today for the
convention and prepared for prelim-
inary meetings and legislative coun-
cils. The 13 to be honored include
Dr. George A. May of the University
of Michigan.
Prof. Joseph Brinkman of the
School of Music, who will present the
first of the series of Albert Lockwood
Memorial Scholarship Fund concerts,
May 2, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-.
Fan Mah Brow! It's
Sally Rand Wrho'll
Teach. Opera Boys
Sally Rand is coming to town today.
But, sad to relate boys, not for an
exhibition of the art that she made
famous. The greatest single attrac-
tion at the World's Fair last summer
will devote her time to showing mem-
bers of the Union Opera's football
chorus how dancing 'is really done.
But, don't misunderstand - it
doesn't mean that you'll see Mich-
igan's national football champions
doing fan dances. What Sally will
teach them will be plain old-fashioned
steps for chorus numbers.
Incidentally, Paramount Newsrcam-
eramen will be on hand to record
the performance, so even if you can't
look on today, before long you'll see it
at the movies.
For Chuck Bernard and "Whitey"
Wistert, two of the biggest attractions
of the Opera chorus, it will be the
second venture before the camera
with national celebrities. Before va-
cation they went to Detroit to visit
Mary Pickford and learn some of the
art of makeup, and pictures taken
at the time appeared in papers from
Paducah to Timbuctoo, or nearly.
Sally will be at the Michigan The-
atre, where the pictures will be taken,
at 11 a.m. A coincidence learned yes-
terday was that William Dickert, '34,
character actor in the Opera cast,
went to school with Miss Rand in
Kansas City, as did one other stu-
dent in the University.
Opera officials are considering put-
ting a guard at the theatre to prevent
any rioting when Sally appears.
Conference Of
Musicians Will
To Give Concert
Germany Hits
At Peace Pact
By Rearng11
French Note To England
Interpreted As Dashing
Hopes Of Agreement
Says Negotiations
Are Not Possible
Hitler 'Renders Vain' All
Attempts To Stop Race
For Arms
PARIS, April 18- (A) - Germany
was charged today with scuttling
arms limitation hopes by rearming
in defiance of the world.
A strong French note to Great
Britain was interpreted as wrecking
any chances of an immediate arms
agreement and said negotiations are
"impossible" since Germany is of-
ficially admitted to be rearming her
land, air, and sea forces.
Premier Gaston Doumergue and
foreign minister Louis Barthou draft-
ed the memorandum which supple-
ments a previous communication in
which France asked a new arms lim-
itation conference.
It declared the Reich was the "sole
judge" of her rights to rearm and
that Chancellor Adolph Hitler "ren-
dered vain" all attempts to stop a
race for more weapons.
The note referred to an increased
German armament budget as proof
that she is rearming without regard
to the post-war Versailles treaty or
other nations.
"In reality," the document de-
clared, "without awaiting the result
of negotiations which were going on,
the German government has shown
its determination to continue its re-
armament in all forms and within
limits of which it is the sole judge,
and without regard for the disposi-
tion of the treaty of Versailles, which,
in the absence of any other conven-
tion continues to fix the level of its
"Germany intends to increase im-
mediately in heavy proportion not
only the strength of her army but
also the navy and aviation.
"Whatever explanations one may
try to give the German actions, these
facts are of such exceptional gravity
that they call for strong observa-
Perhaps It's Because
The Coffee Isn't Dated
Meet April
Confessed layer Of
Is Protected; Will
Quickly Prosecuted
SHREVEPORT, La., April 18. -(A)
- An impressive display of armed
force by local police, sheriff's deputies
and four companies of national
guardsmen today restored order in
the vicinity of the eight-story Caddo
parish courthouse where an infur-
iated mob last night attempted to
lynch Fred Lockhart, confessed slayer
of Mae Griffin, 16-year-old Shreve-
port schoolgirl.
Last remnants of the mob were dis-
persed before dawn with the arrival of
the militia after hours of fisticuffs
between local authorities and the
yelling crowd, during which the angry
demonstrators succeeded in pushing
into the basement of the court house
in their effort to reach the prison
tiers on the seventh and eighth floors.
Scores of persons suffered minor in-
juries in the clash and more than a
dozen arrests were made as the crowd
hurled bricks and clubs and the police
retaliated with tear gas bombs and
threats to fire machine guns mounted
on staircases.
Damage to the million-dollar court-
house building was estimated at sev-
eral hundred dollars. Although two
young women were prominently to the
fore of the mob, exhorting men in the
crowd to action, they were not among
those arrested.
Revival Of Union Opera Recalls
Productions Of Former Years
Held As Part Of Annual
Schoolmasters' Meeting
Here Next Week
Demonstrations and discussions
covering practically all phases of
music teaching will feature the music
conference to be held Friday, April
27, as a division of the annual School-
masters' Club convention, according
to Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of
the School of Music and chairman of
the conference.
With the conference this year in
the nature of a music clinic, the fa-
cilities of the school will be at the
disposal of visiting musical directors,
supervisors, and teachers. Special
demonstrations will be held through-
out the day in various rooms and
studios of the School of Music Build-
Beginning with registration of dele-
gates between 9 and 9:30 a.m. Friday,
the program will continue with hour-
ly discussions during the morning and
afternoon. A luncheon will be held
at 11:45 a.m. in the Union, with Dr.
Sink presiding, and brief talks being
offered. Motion pictures of the Na-
tional Music Camp will be shown from
5 to 6 p.m. in Morris Hall.
Gertrude Fleming, assistant super-
visor of music in Detroit is secretary
of the music conference. Members of
the executive committee are Prof es-
sors Earl V. Moore, Joseph E. Maddy,
and David Mattern, all of the music
school here.
Call Jafsie' On Clew In
Lindbergh Kidnan Case
-"Europe's constant turmoil and
warfare is due primarily to the fact
that nowhere on the continent is a
good cup of coffee obtainable," says
Prof. Karl H. Reichenbach of the his-
tory department. "If our cousins
across the sea could know the soothing
effects of a cup of coffee in the morn-
ing, they would not be so militaris-
tically inclined."
It all began with Napoleon's "Con-
tinental System," which forbade Eng-
lish ships to bring any goods to Eu-
ropean shores. The Europeans, denied
their coffee, took to using substitutes,
and although these were much in-
ferior to their former beverage, they
got so used to drinking them that they
never again learned the noble art
of making coffee.
Substitute For
Swingout Will
Be Considered
Undergraduate Council Is
To Discuss New Ideas At
Meeting Today
Plans for a substitute function to
take the place of Swingout, recently
abolished by the Senate Committee
on Student Affairs, will be discussed
at a special meeting of the Under-
graduate Council at 4:30 p.m. today
in the Council rooms at the Union.
The Undergraduate Council was in-
structed by the Senate Committee to
form, if possible, some substitute
function for Swingout and was given
approximately until May 1 to come
to a decision. The Council's plan will
then be submitted to the committee,
which will make the final approval
or disapproval of the plan.
Members of the Council said last
night that the chief objection to the
The raising of the opening curtain
on the premiere of the 25th Annual
Union Opera, "With Banners Flying,"
next Tuesday night at the Whitney
Theatre, will mark the revival, after
a lapse of more than four years, of
one of the most colorful campus tra-
ditions and the beginning of a new
series of operatic extravaganzas.
Everything that contributed to the
success of the earliest shows, includ-
ing barrel-chested, hairy-legged he-
men chorus girls, will be brought back
in an effort to once more place the
production on its former pedestal.
The origination of the Michigan
Opera dates back to February, 1908
when the idea was conceived as a
means of obtaining funds for the sup-
port of the then-struggling Union.
Donal Hamilton Haines, now of the
journalism department, wrote the
A year later "Koanzaland," with its
long - remembered songs, "College
Days" and "Michigan, Good-by,"
made its appearance.
"The Crimson Chest" came next
and gave Michigan the rollicking
rhythms of the famous "Bum Army"
song composed by Earl V. Moore and
J. Fred Lawton.
So successful were the next two ef-
forts of the Union, "The Awakened
Rameses" and "Contrarie Mary," that
a movement for a more extravagant
production with the show going on
the road was started and in 1914
"A Model Daughter"dhad successful
appearances in both Detroit and Chi-
The next three shows, "All That
Glitters," "Tres Rouge" and "Fools
Paradise," were characterized by more
elaborate costumes and scenery and
longer road trips indicating a rapid