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April 18, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-18

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tion makes it hardly worth more than a tired
Yet there is good reason for the plea. Grass
won't grow if it is trampled in the spring. It is
necessary to "Keep off the Grass" when it is getting
its start, or, instead of lawn a few months later,
there will be only mud and dust.
Particularly in Ann Arbor, where we have a
large campus, is the request in order. And particu-
larly is it in order this spring, owing to the exceed-
ingly heavy snow we had early in the month.
So in dead earnest we say, to faculty and stu-
dents, "Please Keep off the Grass."
Screen Reflections
Joe Thunder Horse .. Richard Barthelmess
Lydia......................Ann Dvorak
Quissenberry ............. Dudley Digges

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of'the Western Conference Editorial Association
bud m~e Big, Ten News Service.
5Ociattd ofleiatE Pres ,
-- OF~ [ - -n 4 --
1931 (MN1IAL m ''5. OYWV EK1934
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
not otherwise credited in thi paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dirspatches are reserved.
Entered at the rost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third A4,istant Postmaster-'General.
S )scription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
[hail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publicati ns Bu1iding, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inec. 4G Ewa tThjirty-Foulrth' Street, New York City; 80
Roylson Street,hBoston: 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph 0. Coulter, William
0, Ferr s, .lohn C. Healey, George Van Vieck, Guy M,
Whipple, Jr.

OP0RTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Roland L. Marin Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS; Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott,
Curtney A. Evans, John J. laherty, Thomas A. Goehn,
John Kerr, Thomas H. ;Kiene. Bernard B. Levick, David
0. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman John M. O'Connell,
Kenneth Parker, William 'R. Reed, Robert S. Ibiwitch,
Arthur S. Settle, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall 1. Sl verman,
Arthur M. Taub.
Dorothy (He, Jean Tanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor
Johnson, Rnh Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor-
rismi, Sally Pace, Rosalie .Resnick,, Jane Schneder.
Telephone 2-114
.......................... CATHARINE4 MHENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur-
ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circula-
tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson.
ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ros-
enthal, Joe Roliard, George Atherton.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Btirley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise
Plores, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Kraise, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds.
FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold-
smith, David Shiffar, Willham Barndt, Jack Richardson,
Charles Parker, &,oert Oen, Ted Wohigemuth, Jerome
Grosman, Avn.r, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Toi
Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall,
Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman
Blttman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard
IHardenbrook, Gordon Cohn.
We're Sticking
.o Cappon .. .
D tURING the vacation period, Mich-
igan students who perused the sport
pages of various newspapers throughout this sec-
tion, were amused, perhaps slightly shocked, at
reading rumors of a proposed change in the bas-.
ketball coaching situation here. -
Somewhere or other, certainly not from the local
athletic authorities, a rumor started that Ben Van
Alystine, Michigan State cage mentor, would take
over Coach Franklin Cappon's duties as Wolverine
basketball coach next year. Coach Cappon, accord-
ing to the rumor, would be shifted to some other
The rumor was quickly spiked. Athletic Director
Yost denied it. State's Athletic Director, Ralph
Young, denied it. Furthermore, Yost stated that
he was perfectly satisfied with Cappon and that
no change was even contemplated.
Although we don't know where the rumor start-
ed, we dislike the whole idea. We believe that
Michigan is satisfied with Cappon. We are entirely
in discord with the common practice in some of
the prominent universities of firing a coach on the
slightest provocation.
Coach Willaman of Ohio State lost a couple of
football games to Michigan. He was replaced.
Coach Anderson of Notre Dame had a compara-
tively poor season. The alumni kicked up such a
fuss that Elmer Layden now holds his position.
Michigan doesn't do things that way. Perhaps
that's one reason why the Wolverines keep on
winning games. The student body, we believe, have
faith in Franklin Cappon.
The S.C.A. Breaks
A Precedent..
F OR FORTY YEARS a junior has
been chosen in the spring to serve
during the next year as president of the Student
Christian Association. This year the precedent has
been broken, the board in control of the S.C.A. has
selected for the honor and responsibility of its
presidency a sophomore, Russell Anderson.
We are all in favor of breaking precedents. Re-
form and progress are built on broken precedents.
The S.C.A. has seemingly caught the spirit that
is the local and national air.

"Massacre" is a film of the modern American
Indian problem. Handled in the stereotyped Holly-
wood manner, its happy and contented ending is
not only false, but spoils what is otherwise a power-
ful expository drama of the exploitation of the
original Americans at the hands of big business
and its tools, the ignorant, selfish, cruel, petty
government officials.
Joe Thunder Horse is a rodeo exhibition rider
whose blood is Indian, but whose education, speech,
and ideas are thoroughly Chicagoan. On news of
his father's. death on a western reservation, he
drives there with the intention of settling his par-
ent's estate-,and returning in a few weeks. But the
winsome face of Lydia, an Indian girl, and his
uncovering of the miserable conditions under which
his people are living and being mistreated, force
his conscience and person to remain. He devotes
his time to angering the resident officials and is
driven to appeal to influential friends in Wash-
ington to intervene and reform the existing evils.
The portrayal of the exploitation of the Indian
is a counterpart of Negro exploitation in the
South, and is interesting in its revelations.
The theme of the piece, save for its unfortunate
and unrealistic ending, far overshadows anything
else in the film. This is proper in this type of
film. Director Alan Crosland almost succeeds in
toning down the histronics of Richard Barthel-
mess, Ann Dvorak, and Dudley Digges. While it
lacks the expected elements of suspense, fear, and
humor, its steady progression, Fixity of purpose,
and unity of idea all contribute to the film's value
as a social document of a problem which is still

Musical Events
Prelude in G minor ............ Bach-Siloti
Chorale: Jesu, Joy of Man's
Desiring ...................... Bach-Hess
Bouree in B minor ........ Bach-Saint-Saens
Sonata, Op. 53 (Waldstein) .......Beethoven
Allegro con brio
Adagio molto
Allegretto moderato
Cappriccio, Op. 76, No. 1.......... Brahms
Intermezzo, Op. 116, No. 4 ....... Brahms
Rhapsodie, Op. 119, No. 4 .. ...... Brahms
Prelude, Chorale and Fugue .......... Franck
WINIFRED ARTHUR, will give her graduation
recital in the School of Music Auditorium this
evening. Her program has been designed to meet
academic standards yet it has its own value in
being splendid music. Many familiar things are
included, the appeal of which is not diminished
by familiarity.
TECHNICALLY, Everett Jay Hilty is capable of
giving a much more convincing recital than he
gave yesterday afternoon. For he has a technique
and a musicianship that has worked out contrasts
and color effects, he has a knowledge of the type
of music he is playing, and the appropriate ap-
proach for that.
The first section of the program, with a well-
defined characterization between the Ranff and
Buxtehude, and a sound attack with the Bach,
gave way to a nervousness that diminished the
force of his best intentions. However, to continue,
he drew well the contrast between the Bach works
and the Karg-Elert improvisation of the Bach
Choral Prelude; the feeling for them brought that
portion to a normal close. The concluding Vierne
Symphony had its very satisfactory moments.
Emergencies, and exigencies of a student recital
in this case have less serious impingements for
probably Mr. Hilty's work will be such that he will
not be appearing as a concert organist. At any
rate, he proved himself master of his fate and
captain of his soul, besides a musically-minded
I, - --

'02 sout s!I r e

* Day and Evening Classes in
Shorthand, Stenotypy, Typing,
Accounting and Secretarial
Training. Free Placement De-
partment assists graduate: to
procure positions.
Enter At Any Time
State and William Sis.


~T rade



Have You Telephoned Home
Thi:s Week?
OUR own spoken words thaf "everything is fine" is
good news to Mother and Dad and the rest of the
family. And it's reassuring to you to talk whhl the folks
and knoW atll iS well at homie.
Regular calls home cost surprisingly litle, and you cai
reverse the charges if you wish, Below are shown rates
fov Sa(.on-to-St.uiioj ca kfrom ninnArbor to repre.
aiif[til i~d pits.



ROBERT HENDERSON, organizer and director
of the annual Dramatic Festival that will pa-
rade glittering units before us during the last half
of May and the early portion of June, has at last
succeeded in coupling Ian Keith, noted star of stage
and screen, with Florence Reed, who has thus far
limited her talents to the legitimate theatre, for a
presentation of "Macbeth" as a featured part of
the festival. Miss Reed will be remembered for her
outstanding work as Lady Macbeth in the George*
C. Tyler piece of some years back, which was addi-
tionally blessed with the scenic artistry of Gordon
Ian Keith, however, has his own ideas about a
production of "Macbeth" - and when an efficient
actor uses his head sufficiently to evolve a scheme
of production for so intricate a tragedy as this one,
lofty things loom iminent. Mr. Keith's letter to
Mr. Henderson, setting forth these ideas, is printed
My Dear Mr. Henderson:
First I want to say that I am very happy over
the prospect of playing "Macbeth" and shall cer-
tainly do my best to make it everything you hope
The text of the play contains fewer ambiguities
than most of Shakespeare, and the play itself is so
short that the question of cutting is not such a
bitter problem as usual; but I have an arrangement
which I should like to send on to you; not that
you will learn anything new from it, but it might
suggest some tricks of gaining tempo by certain
I shall, if agreeable to you, supply my own wigs:
the Westmore boys here, who make all the wigs
that you see in pictures, are old friends of mine
and give me non-movie prices. They -do amazing
work, and can be working on my stuff while I'm
out here. Also, if I can know your wishes in the
matter of costume colors and general design, it
might relieve the wardrobe mistress if I brought
on at least one or two of my Macbeth costumes. I
know Kerrigan of Metro very well, and he has made
stuff for me for years. (In fact they are making
my armour for this "Cleopatra" picture).
My feeling about the costuming is that it is never
rugged and barbaric enough. (Neither is "Hamlet,"
usually). The Scots at that time did not have the
complete Tartan designs as we know them, but they
did use the belted plaid, and rough skins - also
cross-gartered thongs to hold leggings, and often
went bare-footed even in the winter. There is a
picture of Booth as Macbeth in the cauldron scene
which is very striking.
Is it possible for the first four scenes of the
second act to run as, in effect, one scene. If you
use your idea of starting with a battle in a storm,
and can blend to the witches, have them disappear
in the lightning flashes, return your scene to Dun-
can, then back to the witches, etc., you will have
a stunning effect of sweep and rushing drama.
Herman the Great or Houdini might be of help to
you at such a point!
Now about the other play which you so gener-
ously suggested that I also play in: you have no
idea how hard we work in thes eDeMi nwenm.

Tampus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Da3ilyAnonymous communications will be disregarded.
the names or communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 500 words if possible.
We wish to congratulate the editors of "Michigan
Tomorrow" for their credible (sic) effort in the
first issue which appeared recently on the news
stands. It is a worthy step in the direction of a
free press, and deserves much credit.
Of course the Vanguard Club and its writers
were walking on thin ice in dealing with some
of their subjects. We (the much misled public),
however, welcome a paper which is not too strictly
censored by advertisers, or other controlling fac-
We don't expect you to print this. It seems to be
The Daily policy to avoid the subject altogether.
Is The Daily's face red? Didn't they like what was
said about them? Or are they so smug, so far
above criticism, that they don't even recognize its
Collegiate Observer
Even anti-co-ed men wish they could change
places with the four men students who were quar-
antined with 26 fair co-eds in a sorority house at
the University of California. The boys, who were
waiters at the house, were quarantined with the
charming girls because one of the occupants had
scarlet fever. Their clothes were brought to them
by their (jealous) friends.


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* *


A little mousie crept across
The Chi Omega Dorm
Ile blinked his eyes in wild surprise
And fled into the storm.
* * * *~

No, cribbing isn't new! A silk handkerchief
many centuries old, recently presented to a mu-
seum, reveals that cribbing in examinations is no
new invention. The handkerchief was identified as
bearing thousands of microscopic characters used
to convey answers to examination questions during
the Kang Hi period of the Chinese government.
The co-ed who's never kissed a boy
Can scarce expect connubial joy
A kiss is trifling, still we know
That mighty oaks from acorns grow.
-Harvard Lampoon
Here is a subject of a recent debate at Concordia
College, in Moorhead, Minnesota - "Resolved,
That a House Burns Up and Not Down."
* *I**x
Here are some words of wisdom coining from
the Daily Illini:
Man is but a worm; he comes along, wiggles
about a bit, and then some chicken gets him.
S* * * *
It has been proven at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology that it is cheaper to be a blonde
than a brunette or redhead. According to a price
scale used at a recent dance there, platinums had
to pay ten cents, brunettes 15 cents and red-heads
20 cents. The balance of the admission price was
determined hy weight at the rat o f nnP ent nf-nr

- -
These humble quatrains are composed
To tell a sprightly tale
Of how a witty junior nosed
A senior with a frail.
The tale, ye hearties, goes like this:
It seems two lads were nuts
About a certain little miss
Wliose name, we'll say, was Lutz.
Thejunior's Christian name was Tom;*




Now Bert had honors, letters; he
Was quite the well-known lad.
While two-bucks-ten and faith-in-me
Were all that Tommy had.
When blond Miss Lutz declined to ga
With Bert, he wondered why.
That Tommy should get all the show,
Was quite a blackened eye,
He learned the night the prom was thrown\

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