THE MICHIGAN DAILY E MICHIGAN DAILY -uq :'] f Musical Events GRADUATION ORGAN RECITAL Choral Prelude on "Ein Feste Burg ist unser G ott" ... . . ... . ... .. .. . . . .. . ... .. . .. .H anff Fugue in C..........................Buxtehude Fantasia and Fugue in G minor .......... Bach Choral Prelude on "In Dulci Jubilo" . . .Karg-Elert Symphony IV........... ..............Vierne Prelude Allegro Menuet Romance Finale Everett Jay Hilty will appear in his graduation recital this afternoon in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Hilty has had experience in playing before an audience and with his training and ability this varied pro- gram should be a worthy recital, S.creen Relecion Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Suiaer Sessio by the Board in Control of Student Publicattins. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. $ssactiuted ( i~t1Qiaxtc ,. cs 1943r n*5n . MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated- Press is enclusively entitled- to the use for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or not otherwise credited in thi;paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the 1'ost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as second class matter. Special rat- of postage granted by Third A.sistant Postmaster-General. Subscrilption during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year Py carrier, $3.,75; by mail. $4.25. Offices: Student Publicatl("ns Building, Maynard Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan. .Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 4G East Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 8.0 Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EVITORtIAL STAFF Telephone 49F MANAGING EDITOR ..........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN EDITORIAL DIRECTOR............C. HART SCHAAF CITY EDITOR.... ...............BAACKL'Ey SHAW SPORTS EDITOR................ALBERT H. NEWMAN DRAMA EDITOR .................JOHN W. PRITCHARD WOMEN'S EDITOR.................:CAROB J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph 0. Coulter, William Gi. Ferrls,John C. Healcy, George Van VlecK, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. BPORTS ASSIST ,TS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car. stens, Roland L. Martin,.Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: %larjorie Beck, Eleanor Blumn, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret E. Phaan. REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott Courtney A. 1Evanrs, John J. Flahrty, _Thonuw A. Qroehn, John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard B. Levick, David G. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed Robert S. Ruwitceh, Arthur S. Settle, Jacob C. Seidel, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M. Taub. Dorothy Gie, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor- rison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-214 EUSINESS MANAGER ...........W. GRAFTON SHARP REDIT MANAG R..........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WOME~N'S BUINESS MANAGER............... .1 ........................... CATHARINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur- ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circula- tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson. ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ros- enthal, Joe Rothbard, George Atherton. Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary' Bursly, Peggy Cady, Virginia Cluff. Patricia Daly, Genevieve Fied, Louise 0FlorezDoris Gimmy, Betty Greve Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret Mustard, Betty Simonds. - FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold- smith, David Schffer, Willam Barndt, Jack Richardson, Charles Parker, Roert Owen, Ted Wohlgemuth, Jerome Grossman, Avnr, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Torm Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall, Ross Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn. NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH G. COULTER Comedy Club Heads Uphill... WHILE THE REST OF US have been enjoying leisurely vacations, the members of one campus organization have been strenuously engaged in a very difficult business -- putting on a stage tour. Chicago and New York, Florida and the U.P. had their share of vacationing Michigan men and women last week; but the members of Comedy Club stayed on the job and carried a show to Owosso, Birningham, and Jack.. son, the first road show to be put on by a Uni- versity of Michigan organization in five years. It must be gratifying to Comedy Club, and it surely is pleasant for us, to be able to point out that the trip was in every way a success. Every audience went into raptures over the show; and, when the receipts and expenditures were counted up, the writing was in black. The play chosen by the club for its tour was Vinnie Wall's last year's Hopwood thousand-dollar prize winner, "Little Love." The people who saw the play tell us it is a knockout; which doesn't alter the fact that it took considerable courage to choose a new play, by an unknown author, for a road show. The result of the choice was two-fold: the prestige of both Comedy Club and the Hopwood competitions was considerably augmented.. Up until a few years ago Comedy Club was one of the very front rank organizations on this campus. For a time it slipped .a little. It never got very far away from its former position, but it still was undeniably less important than it had been. During the current year it has done much to re- establish itself as one of the really major societies at Michiga. The driving force this year has been Clarence Moore, who graduates from, the Law School in June. At considerable sacrifice to himself, he has -put in -a. lot of hard work for the club. Achievements like the tour last week mean that his efforts are bearing fruit. If we may presume to offer any advice to Comedy Club, it is on the score, not of the dramatic fare it has offered us or of the burst of vitality it has had, but the business and box office side of its work. "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney," produced last fIll, was ostensibly .a huge success. Every perform- ance enjoyed a large attendance, and any observer would have' wagered that the club made a man- si ed profit. Yet when everything was over, the1 profit was practically insignificant. The answer, it' would see to an impartial observer, was in the box office.. AT THE MICHIGAN "DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY" Prince Sirki ............. Frederic March Grazia ..................Evelyn Venable Duke Lambert ......... Sir Guy Standing It is with a vague feeling of uncertainty that this reviewer attempts to rate the current attrac- tion at the Michigan. Some critics have extended themselves and called it perfect. This is under- standable and depends on what one looks for in a film and the degree of similarity between the film's philosophy and the critic's. There are many admirable qualities in "Death Takes A Holiday" that raise it above the average in filmatic enter- tainment. There are also one or two points where the -director has just barely missed achieving per- fection in philosophic conception and poetical mood. The film's philosophy states that Death, in the form of Frederic March, might, as it assumes the form of a human being, feel also its emotions and understand the fear of death, itself. With the lovely Evelyn Venable as the embodiment of ideal love and devotion, Death can persuade humans as well as itself that it should not be feared nor dreaded, for the well-being of the afterlife, some vague and indefinite form of sleep or unconscious- ness as is suggested by Death, is infinitely more desirable and ideal than life itself. This philosophy is the story of Maxwell Anderson's film version of Alberto Casella's stage drama. With no pretentions at being a philosopher, this critic sees in the somewhat mystical and super- natural elements of the piece excellent material for dramatic, interesting, and always fascinating fiction. Attempts, however, to adapt it into one's real philosophy of life are not only futile but also dangerous and misleading, for it confuses the indi- vidual and sets up only another obstacle in the path of adjusting himself to his social environ- ment. Belief in it shows a weakness in character and self-assurance and a path toward escape by suicide perhaps. The film almost completely, but not quite, trans- mits to the audience a mood of poetry, of dream- iness, of;a suspense that successfully dispels horror but elicits uneasiness, keeping the audience's eyes glued on the screen, unaware of time and sur- prised with itself that the end has approached so soon. It is important to the full appreciation of the film to see it from the beginning. One should not enter the theatre in the middle. This will spoil the entire object and mood that is being gradually constructed.-_J.C.S. The Dance DORIS HUMPHREY AND CHARLES WEIDMAN BOTH OF THESE AMERICAN dancers, who are to be presented by Robert Henderson in the coming Dramatic Season, were born in the Middle West - Miss Humphrey in Illinois and Mr. Weid- man in Nebraska -and both received their pre- paratory training in California. Miss Humphrey began to study the dance when she was very young and foreshadowed her future success in a long ballet called "Persephone and Demeter," which she composed before she was seventeen. She learned the general dance methods from Mary Wood Hinman and complemented it with ballet training under Pavley and Oukrainsky. Later she joined the Denishawns in their school in California, first as pupil and finally as their most important soloist and teacher. Besides learning much about the Oriental dance and the theatrical pageant, she gained a wider vision of the dance itself. Her work in the group ensemble was inten- sified, and she worked with Miss St. Denis on her music-visualization theories. While she was teaching there, she gave Mr. Weidman a great part of his initial instruction in the dance. He had been studying art and archi- tecture in Lincoln, Nebraska, and had been study- ing the dance on the side. Both of them went with the Denishawns to the Orient for an extended tour in 1925. Shortly after their return, they were ready to start off by them- . selves and co-operated in opening a school of their own in New York in 1927 with a small group com- posed of some of the younger members of Deni- shawn. Their importance grew rapidly so that they were soon composing and dancing in the Neighborhood Playhouse productions, one of the most noted of which was Bloch's "String Quartet." They chore- ographed many of the dances for the Cleveland Orchestra in the Stadium, appeared with their groups with the Philadelphia Orchestra, and in 1933 danced with the Philharmonic in New York. They were the leading dancers in the League of Composers. production of Schoenberg's "Die Glueckliche Hand." Mr. Weidman and Miss Humphrey will be pre- sented by Robert Henderson for three matinee per- formances in the 1934 Dramatic Season at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on Monday afternoon, May 21; Tuesday afternoon, May 22; and Thurs- day afternoon, May 24. New numbers will be' in- cluded in each of the three programs. Season patrons may choose one of their dance recitals in place of one of the six plays in the festival, if they so desire. - - - - 11 _a Is 'U; vie Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded, as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 500 words if possible. THE ART OF BECOMING A B.M.O.C. To the Editor: In view of the fact that this campus has gone utterly and completely B.M.O.C. conscious, I feel that I would be doing those vast hordes of people who don't amount to anything an enormous favor if I should advise them on the subject of social climbing. My little treatise might be entitled "The Art of Becoming a Big Shot." It is an art, I assure you. It requires, among other things: (1) Lack of Scruples; (2) Ability to say 'yes' twenty times a day without sounding trite; (3) Knowledge of the art of kow-towing: (4) Inborn snobbery; (5) and a callous nether extremity (enabling one to sit in the Parrot eight hours a day without tiring). Given these qualities and a will to win, you'll go far, my man. Some day you'll make the B.M.O.C. Bluebook. Here are a few things that will aid you im- mensely: Go out of your way to make the acquaintance of reputed B.M.O.C.'s. Be seen places with girls who rate socially (see Bluebook). Familiarize the University with your presence by showing up at all popular, points of convention, i.e., the Parrot, Chubb's, the Den, Davenport's, the League, etc. Attend all important campus functions and look important. Become connected with an activity, preferably one of the publications. You don't need to be lit- erary minded. That's a handicap. Choose friends on a social and political basis en- tirely. Use the Angell Hall lobby. Make it a point to speak graciously to people through whom you might advance yourself, and be insufferably snobbish to those who don't count. Collegiate Observer By BUD BERNARD It has come to my notice that the presidents of the various fraternities on the campus are missing one of their prerogatives. On many other campuses, when a brother hangs his pin on a girl, the president of the house is immediately expected to kiss the lucky girl at an assembly of all the fellows in the house. I would suggest that this custom be inau- gurated on this campus. Come on fraternities and sororities, let's join in the fun! - Becoming curious about the kissing business, the Daily Northwestern checked up on the situation and found that most co-eds are pretty much agreed that no man, no matter how fine a chap he may be, deserves to have a kiss on his first date with a girl. * * 4' * At Carnegie Tech they say: In the spring A young man's fancy -And so is a young womna. In the chemistry department of Worcester Tech a freshman was searching through the solution bottle so despairingly that the instructor decided to offer assistance. "Something you can't find?" The freshman pointed to his lab instructions. "This tap water that the book mentions sir." * * * Dear Bud Bernard: In case you ever get hot aid bothered and don't know what to say Was my face red? Was my countenance crimson? Was my physiognomy flushed? Was my profile pink? Was my visage vermillion? Was my rostrum ruby? Was my map maroon? Was my features florid? -Just a Pal, 4' * 4 4 A University of Chicago professor invited to address a club meeting chose as his subject, "Need of Education." The following day a newspaper headline re- ported: ."Professor's Speech Shows Need of Edu- cation." Here's some advice from the University o Illi- nois on "How to Get Your Man." To thee, ye co-ed who thinks thyself wise, Who trods this campus in disguise, Take off thy guise of paint and powder, And use some good old-fashioned water, * * *' Then-there was the co-ed who was so dumb that she thought assets were little donkeys. all the organizations which will advance your pres- EL I I