The Weather Partly cloudy today with probable showers in south and west; showers tomorrow. LL it iau VOL. XLIV No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1934 -- I I I Services For Co-Ed To Be HeldFriday Parents State That Worry Over Studies Was Cause Of ShootingTuesday Law Student Held For Observation Discover He Had Taken Out License In Detroit To Marry Girl Last Year Arrangements for funeral services for 20-year-old Louise E. Van Amer- ingen, '35, who ended her life with a gun late Tuesday afternoon, were completed yesterday and services will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow. Her parents and city officials ex- pressed belief that worry and mental and physical strain over her school work were responsible for her action. Prominent on the campus and a member of Alpha Gamma Delta so- rority, Miss Van Ameringen had just finished working in the Junior Girls Play and was to appear two weeks hence in "Juniors On Parade," an- nual amateur review. She was chosen as the most beautiful girl in her school graduating class in 1931. Rumors that Miss Van Ameringen had killed herself because her father, Victor E. Van Ameringen, a promi- nent local attorney, did not approve of her boy friends were vigorously denied. A number of her friends yes- terday said that she had not been in love or "going steady." However in Detroit it was revealed that a year ago Chester F. Gula, a second-year law student here who has since changed his name to Chester Fairbanks, had taken out a marriage license. He gave his age as 23 and his occupation as a student. Fair- banks wrote in five days later to the County Clerk's office asking them to disregard the license. He explained that it was "just a joke." Fairbanks was taken last night to the Health Service, following a re- quest by University officials, where he is expected to remain under ob- servation for a day or two. He under- went an operation a year ago and since has been in poor health, it was reported. According to her friends, Miss Van Ameringen had been a good student both in .high school and in the Uni- versity. Her marks averaged between a B and a C. She had recently been given a particularly heavy assign-" ment in one course, while she was studying for two mid-semester ex- aminations. Although no marks had been given out, she thought she had failed. The funeral services tomorrow will be held at the Muehlig Funeral Home where she was taken Tuesday night, Dr. Frederick B. Fisher and the Rev. Peter Stair will officiate. Associates of her father will act as pallbearers, it was announced. Air Mail Route To Be Restored To Ann Arbor Postoffice Department To Advertise For Bids For Four Temporary Lines WASHINGTON, April 4-- (W) - The Postoffice Department will ad- vertise for bids for temporary air mail service over four additional routes within two or three days. Routes outlined today by Post- master General James A. Farley are: Newark to Chicago by way of Buf- falo, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Jackson, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, and South Bend, Ind., approximately 800 miles. Fargo, N. D., to Seattle, approxi- mately 1,284 miles. Fort Worth to Los Angeles, approx- imateli 1,325 miles. Detroit to Milwaukee by way of Pontiac, Lansing, Grand Rapids, and Muskegon, approximately 265 miles. Farley said that the bids for these1 contracts would be let for three months. They are to be received at the department by April 19 and will be opened April 20. He said that companies whose con- tracts were annulled Feb. 9 and which had representatives at the "spoils" conference in 1930 would not be eli-' gible. Funeral Tomorrow Football HE roes Turn To Light Fantastic---All By JOHN HEALEY Nine members of Michigan's na- tional championship football team will forsake their customary mole- skins for silk stockings, high heels, and afternoon frocks in the forth- coming Union Opera. Together they will make up what is expected to be one of the most un- usual parts of the show, the chorus of beautiful stenographers, as Milton Peterson, director, described it. They will both sing and dance. The list of "chorines," including many famous names in the football world is as follows: Charles Bernard, Francis Wistert, Stanley Fay, Louis Westover, John Heston, William Renner, John Kowalik, Thomas Aus- tin, and Fred Petoskey. Herman Everhardus and John Regeczi may also be in the group but have not been definitely "signed up." Other parts of the Opera are pro- gressing unusually well, according to Director Peterson. Yesterday a number" of motion pic- tures of mob scenes were taken on various parts of the campus and will be used in one section of the show. Cast members and others recruited assembled at Hill Auditorium for the first shots and from there moved to fFor The Opera location near' President Ruthven's home, to the Union, the diagonal, and finally a scene was staged on State Street. No announcement as to exact- ly what connection the movies will have with the obera was made. Exchange ticket sales are meeting a' heavy demand, one performance being nearly sold out, Allen Mc- Combs, '35, ticliet chairman, said. The exchange stubs are the only method of obtaining seat preferences before the general sale is opened April 16; he pointed out. Under the system now in use, an exchange stub may be purchased for any one of the performances andin any of the price classes and then turned in at the side desk in the Union lobby for a regular reserved seat. The side desk will be open from 1 to 5 p.m. daily until the beginning of spring vacation. When the University reopens all tickets will be placed on general sale, and preferences, will no longer be obtainable. A number of groups have been obtaining blocks of seats so far, in numbers up to 25. All members of the Union student organization are selling the exchange stubs, as well as Wahr's, Slaters, the Union desk, and the League desk. -Photo by Dey LOUISE VAN AMERINGEN Terms Neglect Of Scholarship Great Mistake Dean Bates Declares Firms Looking For Consider Grades Law Men One of the greatest mistakes made on many campuses is the lack of at- tention paid by the students to their scholarship, in the opinion of Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School. When asked how the grades of the graduates of the Law School affected their chances of getting jobs, Dean Bates declared that the scholastic record of the students was given a great deal of consideration by law firms looking for young employees. Some large New York law firms won't even talk to graduates who have not made the Michigan Law Re- view, Dean Bates said. Each year the Law Review selects the outstanding graduates from the point of view of scholarship and these students are considered best fitted for jobs in law offices. The students are chosen from among the first 20 in the senior class. Several years ago W. S. Gifford, president of the American Telephone and Telegraph, made a study of the effect of scholastic standing of grad- uates and the salaries they receive when they get jobs. He found that generally, students who graduated with the higher grades received bet- ter salaried positions. The truth of these findings is borne out every year, Dean Bates said, when the large law firms all over the country start students with the higher scholastic averages in jobs that pay from $400 to $600 higher than the jobs given to average stu- dents. Bill To Modernize Battleships Tabled WASHINGTON, April 4 - (/') - A bill to modernize two battleships was tabled today by the House naval com- mittee after naval officials had pro- tested that the ships were needed at this time as fighting units of the fleet. "It is not desirable to have these two ships - two important units of the fleet -laid up at this time," said Admiral William H. Standley, chief of naval operations. He explained that to modernize the California and Tennessee would re- quire the two vessels to be laid up for two or three years and said it was more important to keep them in the fleet as they are than to take them out for modernization.. Hooks Baited For Big Gaine Aboard ,President's Yacht MIAMI, Fla., April 4. -/) - Pres- ident Roosevelt found fishing to his liking off Elbow Key light in the Ba- hama waters today and continued anchorage overnight. Hooks were baited tonight for catches of big game, principally the huge marlin fish.' Vincent Astor, owner of the Nour- mahal, sent the following tonight to Marvin H. McIntyre, presidential sec- retary, at the Miami Biltmore Hotel: "Remaining on at present anchor- age and in pursuit of elusive marlin to duplicate last night's success." Annual Speech Contest WonBy GilbertBursley Heitman Awarded Second Place With Oration On U. S., European Crisis Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, Ann Arbor, won the finals in the annual Univer- sity Oratorical Contest which were held yesterday in Alpha Nu Room in Angell Hall. Bursley's subject was '"Ultimate World Peace." Edmund K. Heitman, '35, Royal Oak, won recognition of second place in the contest with an oration entitled "The United States and the Euro- pean Crisis." Bursley will receive the Chicago Alumni Medal for excellence in ora- tory and will receive a trip to the annual Northern Oratorical League Contest which is to be held Friday, May 4, at Minneapolis. Other schools competing this year are Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Northwestern, and Western Reserve. The judges for the University con-. test were Prof. G. E. Densmore, Carl G. Brandt, Floyd K. Riley, Louis Eich, and Henry Moser, all of the speech department. The four other students who orated in today's contest were Edward F. Downs, '35, Edith Engle, '35, Hyman Mottenberg, '34, and Whitmer Pe- terson, '34. Kaufmin-Hart Play Is To Be Offered Here 'Once In A Lifetime' Will Be Presented April 26 By Play Production "Once in a Lifetime," the George Kaufman-Moss Hart hit, will be given here on April 26, 27, and 28, by Play Production, under the direction of Russell McCracken. Kaufman is well known for his New York smashes which include "Dulcy," "The Butter and Egg Man," and "Beggar on Horseback," as well as the musical comedy,. 4"lelen .of Troy." Kaufman began his career as a news- paper man, a feature writer and dra- matic critic, but from this he shifted into playwriting. After he became fa- mous, he was "bought up" by Holly- wood, where he spent six months and, according to his own statement, never did a thing and got paid for it reg- ularly. It is upon this Hollywood experi- ence that "Once in a Lifetime" is based, and the result is a broad satire on the conditions of the movie town when it was panic stricken over the change to the talkies in 1929. In the original production, written after the bored Kaufman returned to New York, he himself played the role of Lawrence Vale, the playwright im- ported into Hollywood, who becomes calloused from doing nothing, but still draws his pay check. Tammany Split, Appears To Be Nearing Crisis NEW YORK, April 4.- () - Split by the dissension that followed upon its loss of the city government last fall, Tammany Hall appeared tonight to be heading swiftly toward a crisis that may determine whether the Tiger will die or change its stripes and go on living. Disgruntled by the loss of prestige in the city, tantalized by the juicy plums of Federal patronage just out of reach, and none too optimistic about next fall's legislative elections, a band of insurgent braves is in full cry after the scalp of their chief - John F. Curry. Curry, 61 years old, son of an Irish cattle drover and veteran of many a wigwam scuffle, turns a bland poker face on questioners and says he plans to keep intact for some time the chieftain's headdress he donned in 1929. "All I know about it," he says in regard to the uprising in his camp, "is what I read in the newspapers." "Then you have no intention of re- signing?" "I have not given it a thought," he replied. Two More Showings Of 'Road To Life' Planned The final presentation of the Art Support For Romance Of A People' Is Asked By Ruthven Freedom From Closing Hours Determined To Be Man's Right Support for the "Romance of a People" pageant, which will be pre- sented at the Olympia in Detroit be- ginning April 16 was voiced today by President Alexander G. Ruthven, head of the Ann Arbor Committee. "For our people at large the reli- gious backgrounds of western culture have been inadequately taught," President Ruthven said. "Any effort on the part of scholars and artists in this field should be welcomed by the American people. In 'The Romance of a People' certain basic principles -- racial, religious, and social - are set forth in drama and music. Nothing short of such presentation will catch cents and a dollar per person for the round trip. Those students who wish to make the trip on this night, which has been designated by the committee in charge as "Collegiate Night," are re- quested to notify Hillel Foundation. The pageant is the dramatization of Old Testament history, the history of the coming of man, the develop- ment of the idea of one God, and the story of the wandering of the Israel- ites. Two thousand Detroit young people are in the cast, in addition to a number of stage and screen stars who have affiliated themselves with the pageant. Direction of the production is in fhe hands of Isaac Van Grove. for-