he Weather
using cloudiness with
temperature today; to-
rwcoder, possibly snow
Sign An East
Side Beer Petition ...
JV No. 97
Regents Accept Gifts At Busy
Meeting; Make Appointments
Liquor Store
Opens Today
.0 A. M. Is Hour Set For
Finish Of 15-Year-Old
Legal Dry Spell
:ar e Staff To Be
On Hand For Rush
'tudents May Buy Liquor
If They sign Statement
That They Are Over 21
Ann Arbor's liquor dry spell will
)me to a complete finish this morn-
tg when, for the first time in 15
ears, legal whiskey, gin, wine, and
andy will be sold as the new State
iquor Store opens its doors at 10
A large staff will be on hand at
re store, which is located at 113
rest Huron St., to receive the first
arious crowd of thirsty patrons.
Thile brisk trade on the opening day
as predicted by officials, Charles H.
awson, manager of the store, said
at there would be plenty of liquor
i serve purchasers throughout the
ay. The trainload of 832 cases which
'rived earlier in the week was being
beled, stamped, and placed on the
elves as members of the staff
orked unti early this morning in
n effort to have the store ready
r 10 a. m. today.
Another load of liquor, consisting
approximately 300 cases, is ex-
cted to arrive some time today.
inging a greater assortment of
ines, gins, and whiskeys. The new
guor will be placed on sale as soon
s it can be marked and labeled
id placed on the shelves.
The- present stock includes more
an 150 brands, many of which were
,mous in the pre-prohibition days.
oteworthy among the wines are
redish Arrac, Rhine Wine, Sauterne
>rt, Sherry, Muscatel, Tokay, Bur-
indy, Creme de Menthe, Curacao,
alaga, Claret, Chablis, Chianti Ruf-
ro, Vintage 1929, and Pol Roger
tiampagne. Prices In this start at
I cents a quart and range upwards.
:any of the fine table wines can
P bought at about $1 a quart.
Standing out among the whiskeys
'e Walker' sImperial, Four Roses,
Id Crow, Hill & Hill, Park-Tilford
ivate Stock, Seagram's Bourbon,
Ian MacGregor, Glen McDuff,
elic tOld Otrugger Scotch, and
andy McNab's Old Liqueur. Bonded
hiskey averages about $7.50 a quart.
ith one of the 30 new shipments
ere will be afbrand.of whiskeysell-
.g at $1 per fifths, Dawson said. At
*esent the store carries a stock of
imported oranas 0± wflKstey.
Among the finer gins such names
the following stand significant:
anada Dry, Gibley's Dry Gin,
eischman's, Old Tom, Coventry,
ouse of Lords, Old Colony, and
ings Guard. There are seven im-
)rted brands in this list, with the
w price set at about $1.30 a pint.
Also included on the "carte des
ns" are Dunhill American Brandy,
(Continued on Page 6)
zafes Stel.e
To Speak Here
Charles Stelzle, New York sociolo-
st and interpreter of international,
dustrial, social, and religious prob-
ms, will speak at 8 p.m. Sunday at
e Lydia Mendelssohn theatre un-
r the auspices of the Student
hristian Association on "Christ and
e World Crisis."
Formerly associated with the Fed-
al Council of Churches as field
cretary, Mr. Stelzle has been identi-
ed in recent years with nearly every
rward movement for human better-
ent in the United States.
Trained as a practical engineer in
ie of New York's greatest shops, of
hiich he was later offered the posi-
:n of General Manager, Dr. Stelzle
cquired the habit of approaching
fery problem in a scientific fashion
id of building upon exact, ascer-
ined facts. He lived in the tene-
ents of the East Side of New York,
>ming into daily intimate contact
ith thousands of his fellow-workers.
e became familiar with the human
ements in the industrial problem.
nd gained an understanding of the
eople themselves which has helped
im tn internret their viewnnint.
Routine matters occupied the at-
tention of the members of the Board
of Regents in their February meet-
ing held yesterday afternoon. A num-
ber of appointments were made, gifts
accepted, and recommendations acted
The largest monetary gift accepted,
$4,000, came from the University of
Michigan Club of Pittsburgh as the
first remittance toward the estab-
lishment of a trust fund to be known
as the "Scholarship Fund of the
University of Michigan Club of Pitts-
The donors hope that eventually,
through the addition of interest and
further grants, the capital will grow
to $20,000, the income from which
will be used for scholarships to stu-
dents in the School of Business Ad-
ministration. It was specified that
preference in the granting of these
should go to students from the Pitts-
burgh metropolitan area.
Six faculty men were appointed
to the newly created University Com-
mittee on Postgraduate Education,
which was authorized at the last
meeting of the Regents. Dr. James
D. Bruce, vice-president of the Uni-
versity and director of the depart-
ment of postgraduate medicine, will
head the committee.
Other me m b e r s are: Dr. John
Sundwall, director of the Division of
Hygiene and Public Health; Dr.
Chalmers J. Lyons, professor of oral
surgery; Professor Arthur E. Wood
of the sociology department; Dr.
Harley A. Haynes, director of Uni-
versity Hospital; and Prof. Howard
B. Lewis, head of the department of
physiological chemistry.
Mrs. C. C. Blankenburg, of Kala-
mazoo, Mrs. A. S. Whitney, Ann Ar-
bor, and Mrs. Nathan Potter, Ann
Arbor, were named to the Board of
Governors of the League. Mrs. Pot-
ter's term expires May 31, 1936, and
the other two May 31, 1937.
Boyd C. Stevens was appointed
cashier of the University to succeed
Harold A. Mills, who resigned. Mr.
Stevens was formerly assistant cash-
ier. Mrs. Stuart Bates of Detroit
was named to the Board of Gover-
nors of Martha Cook Building for a
term of three years to end Dec. 1,
The resignation of Dr. John P.
Parsons, assistant professor of pe-
diatrics and infectious diseases, was
accepted by the Regents. Prof. Mar-
shall L. Byrn of the vocational edu-
cation department was granted sab-
(Continued on Page 6)
Natators Trim
O.S.U.Team By
Score Of 58-26
Take First Place In All But
One Event; Relays WOn
In Good Time
Michigan's Varsity swimming team,
by virtue of overwhelming all-around
strength, defeated a valiantly fight-
ing Ohio State team in the Intra-
mural Pool last night, the final score
being 58 to 26.
Mike Peppe has brought the Buck-
eyes a long way forward since they
entered Conference swimming com-
petition only three years ago but his
youngsters were no match for the
title-bound Wolverines, who lost first
place in only one event.
Jack Colville emphasized Michi-
gan's weakness in the breast stroke
by trimming Lawrence and Dennison
in the event, to capture Ohio's only
Matt Mann's proteges displayed
their usual form in. the relays to
take both of them in good time.
Ogden Dalrymple, Tex Robertson,
and Derland Johnston revealed them-
selves as almost certain point win-
ners in the big meets this year, al-
though all three are competing on
the Varsity for the first time. Dal-
rymple, besides swimming on the two
winning relay teams, took a first
place in the 50-yard dash, in the
good time of 25 seconds, fiat.
Robertson, the highly-touted soph-
omore from the West, came through
in a tie for first in the 100 with his
teammate, Henry Kamienski, and
pushed Cristy all the way in the 220,
finishing second.
Derland Johnston stamped himself
as a 'potential Degener when he fin-
ished a close second to the National
champion in the low board event.
Degener had a total of 122.2 points
w h i le Johnston had 114.75. The
(Continued from Page 3)
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16.- (P)
-Beacon lights which flash their
signals for more than six months
without being attended have been
installed on islands off southern Cal-
Badgers Lose
To Wolverine
Puckmen, 5-3
Capt. David, Johnny Sherf'
Lead Michigan Attack In
First BigTenVictory
A third period scoring attack by
Johnny Sherf and Capt. George Da-
vid that netted two goals within a1
period of 15 seconds gave the Wol-
verine hockey team its first Big Ten
victory of the season last night over#
Wisconsin at the Varsity Arena. The
final score .of thebitterly contested
game was 5-3. The two teams willj
meet again at 8:30 tonight.in, the'
second of the two-game series. ,
Sherf and David led the Wolverine,
scoring, the Calumet Flash driving
the 'puck past Charlie Heyer, the
Badger goalie, for three goals, while
the Michigan captain was counting
The scoring for Coach Art Thom-1
sen's squad was evenly divided with
Mercer, Southworth, and Quinn each
beating Johnny Jewell once during
the three periods.-
The game was bitterly contested
throughout as each six fought des-
perately for victory. The play in the
first period was especially rough with
four penalties being inflicted during
the melee.-
The Michigan defense was some-
what ragged in the hectic first period
and only remarkable goal tending by
Jewell kept the Badgers from scoring
more than once. Twice the Maize and
Blue net-minder dropped flat on
the ice to make spectacular saves as
the Wisconsin forwards broke
through the Michigan defense.
Sherf was easily the offensive star
(Continued on Page 3)
Vienna Socialists Turn
Snipers, Flee To Sewers
VIENNA, Feb. 16. - WI) -Austria
turned from bloodshed today to a
tenuous peace marred by fighting in
Vienna's sewers, rumors of plots, and
rebel Socialists' schemes for reprisals.
Theatres and schools were ordered
reopened 'after four days of carnage
and the normal course of life was
returning, but scattered bands oil
Socialist Republican Guardsmen hid-
ing in the large sewers emerged early
today for swift guerilla raids.
Low Grades
Keep 11 Men
Out Of Sports
Basketball, Baseball, And
Track Hit Hard, Losing
Outstanding Men
Thirty-Three Letter
Men Get 'B' Grade
Swimming Benefited Most
By Return Of Five Men
To Good Standing
Eleven athletes failed to hurdle the
first semester scholastic barrier and
are consequently lost to their respec-
tive teams for the iremainder of the
year, according to the official report
released last night by the Board in
Control of Physical Education. At the
same time six men regained their
Leading the list of ineligibles is
Boyd Pantlind, star hurdler on the
track team. Baseball lost Jack Teitel-
baum, regular infielder, and basket-
ball lost Johnny. Jablonski and
George Rudness, both promising
Others who are out for the season
are Voitto Lassila, track; Ned Die-
fendorf and Dick MacLeish swim-
ming; Winfred Nelson, basketball;
Bill Onderdonk, hockey; Thomas
Dooling, baseball; and Maurice Drei-
fuss, tennis.
Swimming benefited the most by
men returning to good scholastic
standing. Word that Ogden Dalrym-
ple, Bob Renner, Taylor Drysdale,
Tex Robertson and Bob Lawrence are
eligible brighten Michigan's National
Championship hopes.
Chuck Kocsis, star golfer in Michi-
gan amateur circles, now available to
the golf team will help replace the
loss of Capt. Johnny Fischer, who
has left to play on- the Walker Cup
team. Dick Evans, a basketball player,
also became eligible.
Thirty-three athletes, exclusive of
freshmen, ear grades that aver-
aged "B" or 'Zr In that group
weree three who received all
"A" grades during the semester.
These were Nelson Droulard, track,
Bill Boice, swimming and John Laun,
tennis and hockey.
Others who earned grades of "B"
or better are: Fred Allen, basketball;
James Bacon, track; Ralph Baldwin,
tennis; Al Blumenfeld, track; Henry
Cawthra, wrestling; Tom Ellerby,
track; Widmer Etchells, track, James
Eyro, tennis; Losilio Fish, baseball;
Jerry Ford, football; Harold Hortz,
baseball; Rod, Howell track(; Ben
Jacobs, football; Bob Lamb, track;
Bob Lawrence, swimming; George
Lerner, baseball; Clarence Markham,
golf; Milton Meltzer, b ase b all;
Charles Nison, tennis; Harvey Pat-
ton, track; Al Pummer, basketball;
Milton Schloss, golf; Emil Schnap,
tennis; Dana Seeley, golf; George
Servis, track; Lee Shaw, football;
Melvin Silverman, track; and Bob
Wells, football.
Over 200 Apply
For FERA Jobs
On First Day
Students Must Need Work
To Stay In School To Be
EligibleFor Positions
Applications for Federal work un-
der the special provision for college
students were received from more
than 200 students in the first day of
registration, it was announced yes-
Under Federal rules relative to the
granting of this work, a student's
financial condition must be s u c h
that, if he were not to receive this
aid, he would be unable to continue
his college career, according to Dean
,Joseph A. Bursley. Consequently;,
students whose financial condition
might be lightened if they were to
do such work, yet who will be able
to remain in college whether they
do or not, are not eligible and should
not apply.
Dean Bursley pointed out that, in
accordance with one of the parts of
the applications which are to be
filled out, the student must swear
before a notary public that failure to
get help through the agency of the
Federal Emergency Relief Adminis-
tration will result in his being forced
to leave the University.
It was also emphasized that wages
to be received will range from $10
Plan Warning
To Hitler To
Shun Austria
Italy, England, And France
Indicate Determination
To Prevent Alignment
'Moral Bloc' To Be
SponsoredBy Italy
Nazi Newspaper Charges
Kaiser With Treason For
1933 Message
(By Associated Press)
A growing determination among
three large former allied powers to
preserve Austrian independence was
indicated yesterday.
The critical stage in European af-
fairs, along with the disarmament
crisis, kept worried diplomats working
Italy, France and Great Britain
were reported on the threshold of;
warning Germany that it must stay;
clear of the government of Chancel-,
lor Dollfuss.
Sponsored By Italy
This proposal of a "moral bloc"
to keep Austria out of Nazi hands is
sponsored by Italy.
Great significance in both the Aus-
trian and the arms problems was at-'
tached to the visit of Captain An-
thony Eden, lord privy seals of Great
Britain, to the continent .
He left yesterday for Paris, Berlin
and Rome. The British foreign office4
said his trip was concerned only with1
London's recent proposal for a ten-'
year armament plan, recognizing
Germany's equality to arms.1
The foreign affairs committee of
the French chamber of deputies
urged that vigorous action be taken
to maintain Austrian freedom.
To Give Non-Military Aid l
France and Czechoslovakia, it was
reported, have decided to give the
Dollfuss government non-military
aid. Dr. Edourd Benes, foretln min-
ister of Czechoslovakia, denied public.,
charges that his country had aided
the Socialist uprising in Austria.
The Hitlerite newspaper "Reichs-
wart" of Berlin said former Kaiser
Wilhelm had committed high treason
against Germany by a message in
1933 which said "only under its Kai-
ser and the German federated princes
can the Reich permanently be estab-
lished and restored to its former
power and glory," and "I am con-
vinced every old officer will do every-
thing within his power to give evi-
dence of his loyalty by manly deeds.''
League of Nations circles admitted
that France's latest arms note to
Germany, closing the door to bilat-
eral discussion, had put disarmament
in its most critical stage.
Meeting Of Powers Favored
Geneva apparently favors a special
meeting of the big powers, including
the United States, before April 10,-
when the steering committee of the
world disarmament conference is to
This, it was said, is one of the
objects of Eden's trip.
The semi-official German news-
paper Diplomatische Korrespondenz
said France was to blame for "a new
crisis in international relations" by
its arms stand.
In an interview at Bratislava,
Czechoslovakia, where he is in refuge,
Dr. Julius Deutsch, Austrian Socialist
leader, blamed the government of
Chancellor Dollfuss for hundreds of
deaths in the fighting.
Austrian Issue
Brings Battle
In New York
Socialist Mass Meeting Is
Turned Into Shambles
As Communists Riot
NEW YORK, Feb. 16.- (P) - A
mass meeting called as a huge trade
union and Socialist demonstration
against the "slaughter of Austrian
workers" turned into a bitter free-
for-all fight between Socialists and
Communists this afternoon.
Boos and yells, thumping fists and
flying chairs filled the vast confines
of Madison Square Garden as groups
of strategically placed Communists
tried to break up the meeting.
One man was stabbed in the back,
and three women and nine other men
were beaten or struck with chairs.
Two newspaper photographers were
among' the injured and the camera
of one was smashed.
The general free-for-all threatened
to become a riot of serious propor-
tions when a slim, blond figure -
Clarence Hathaway, editor of the
Communist "Daily Worker" - leaped
to the speakers platform. Socialists
on the platform seized him, rushed
him off, and beat him as he was
pushed against a guard rail at one
side of the platform.
At this signal the Garden, with its
23,000 excited inhabitants became a
bedlam. The Socialists and labor
"ushers"--1,000 of them in red arm
bands-got most of the crowd into
their seats, with tremendous effort,
but after that policemen began edg-
ing in until there were 50 of them
around the hfl."ThsYhad beer-
dered not to bring their night sticks.
Mayor LaGuardia was to have
spoken, but was warned of the riot-
ous nature of the meeting and stayed
The meeting was called jointly by
the Socialist party and various labor
unions, and was intended to protest
against "the ruthless suppression of
the trade union and socialist move-
ment in Austria and the slaughter of
thousands of Austrian workers."
Official Gets Into Wrong
Church And Wrong 'Pew'
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 16. - () -
Secretar of State Frank J. Ryan not
only got in the wrong pew (or rather
pulpit) but the wrong church.
Invited to address a meeting of
Negro Spanish-American War veter
ans last night, Ryan stepped into
the pulpit of a church and launched
into his talk about the Spanish War
"Mr. White Man," interrupted a
woman in the front row, "the Span-
ish .War veterans are having their
meeting two blocks down the street."
DALLAS, Feb. 16.-(P)-Two
school children were killed and their
teacher was injured critically today
when the automobile in which they
were riding ran into the side of a
fast passenger train west of Dallas.
The teacher had picked them up in
her car on the way to school.
Citizens' Committee Will
Canvass City; At Least
1300 Signatures Needed
Voters Will Make
Decision April 2
Legalizing Beer East Of
Division Street Will Be
Question Proposed
A petition to repeal the existing
beer east of Division Street provision
in the city charter has been drawn
up and will be circulated during the
next few days by members of the
Citizen's Charter Amendment Repeal
Committee, it was learned late last
If the necessary number of peti-
tions the collected, the issue will be
presented to the voters at the April
2 election. It will not be presented to
the Common Council as the method
used in the initiative. The petition
will require approximately 1,300.
names of qualified Ann Arbor voters,
or 15 per cent of the total number
of votes cast for the mayorality in
the last election. The petition must
be. filed in the office of Fred Perry,
City Clerk, before 4 p. m. next Tues-
The proposed amendment to sec-
tion 88 of the city charter is:
"That portion of the section of
the charter which states that: No
person shall keep a saloon or other
place except a drug store, where spir-
ituous, malt, brewed, fermented, vin-'
ous, or intoxicating liquors are sold,
or kept for sale, at wholesale, or, at
retail, in all that part of the city of
Ann Arbor lying south and east of
the following described line: Begin-
'ni-ng on Fuller Street at the city
limits of said city and running thence
westerly along Fuller Street to De-
troit Street; thence southwesterly
along Detroit Street to Division
Street, thence south on Division
Street as extended south to the city
limits south of said city of Ann Arbor'
is hereby repealed. All city ordinances
pertaining to this subject are also re-
pealed. The Common Council of the
city of Ann Arbor shall not refuse
to approve a merchant's application
to sell liquor on the ground of the
geographical location of his establish-
ment except in so far as that location
might be in violation of the laws of
the State of Michigan or the zoning
ordinances of the city."
Members of the Repeal Commit-
tee will ask candidates for the Com-
mon Council in the forthcoming elec-
tion to state whether or not they.
would favor beer in the campus area.
in the event the local provision is
repealed. In orir to repeal the
charter amendment, the new amend-
ment to the charter must be passed
on by at least a three-fifths majority.
Campus Beer Ban
May Be Ended By
Initiative Petitioi
Program Of Academy Reveals
Searching Quest For Solutions
Discussion of significant problems
in the fields of economics, history,
and political science, combined with
a general survey of research in sci-
ence and the arts, was revealed to be
the keynote of the 1934 session of
the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts and Letters yesterday when the
program of the meetings which will
be held March 15 to 17, was dis-
Dr. Charles Howard McIlwain, Pul-
itzer prize-winner and Eaton pro-
fessor of science and government at
Harvard University, who has been se-
speaking on the situation in the
United States with respect to recent
tendencies of this country in the di-
rection of centralization of power in
the hands of the President. Prof.
Preston W. Slosson and Prof. Arthur
S. Aiton, both of the University his-
tory department, will take up the
question of dictatorsips in Europe and
South America respectively.
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chairman of
the economics department and au-
thority on economic problems, will
lead a round-table' discussion on the
NRA and industrial control at the
section of economics and -sociology
Continuation of the Good Will
Fund for needy students on campus,
will-not necessitate a general campus
drive for the present, at least, it was
announced yesterday by Gilbert R.
Bursley, '34, president of the Under-
graduate Council.
Students are still being helped with
money remaining from last year's
drive, and the Fund is continually
being augmented by miscellaneous
donations while the Ann Arbor Com-
munity Fund is again making a con-
tribution. The J-Hop committee will
probably devote a share of its profits
and the Union has agreed to again
sponsor an all-campus boxing show,
Bursley said.
The Council does not wish to "sad-
ber of those students needing finan-
cial assistance will' gain it through
new student jobs being made avail-
able by the FERA. If any student is
unable to benefit by this plan, how-
ever, he is urged to apply at the office
of the Dean of Students for either a
loan or direct aid, Bursley said.
Belief that there are students in
distress and that there is continued
need for such assistance as is pro-
vided by the Good Will Fund was ex-
pressed yesterday, and students were
requested not to "so weaken them-
selves in an endeavor to secure an
education as to make it difficult to
derive the maximum benefits from
that education."
Good Will Fund To Remain;
Campus Will Not Be Assessed
New Penalties
For Students
Are Suggested
Undergraduate C o u n c il
Members Seek Means Of
A new method of dealing with ir-
regularities occurring in student ex-
tra-curricular activities, was suggest-
ed by some members of the Under-
graduate Council last night as fur-
ther investigation against two J-Hol
ticket scalpers continued.
The new method, instead of sus-
pending the student for a stated
length of time, would deprive him of
certain functions on campus. Thus
he might be deprived of his athletic
coupon book or his Union member-
ship card. It would be possible to
continue the penalties still further
and deprive the guilty person of re-
ceiving his diploma in Commence-
ment exercises and participation in
the exercises.
Not all the members of the Counci
had seen the proposals last night,
but those that had seemed to be di
vided upon the value of the sugges
tion. A number believed that some