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April 04, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-04

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The Weather
Cloudy and rather cool today
and tomorrow; probably some
rain or snow.

L r.

Sir igan



National Lobbies And A
Weakened Senate . . .




To Speak June 1



Justice Harlan Stone Will
Deliver Address At Law
Quadrangle Ceremony
Newton D. Baker,
Pound Also Speak
Wisconsin Chief Justice,
Regent Murfin, Ruthven,
'Bates Complete List
Justice Harlan F. Stone of the
United States Supreme Court will de-
liver the principal address at the dedi-
cation exercises of the Law Quad-
rangle to be held here June 15, Dean
Henry M. Bates of the Law School
announced yesterday.
Other speakers will be Newton D.
Baker, secretary of war under Presi-
dent Woodrow Wilson and at present
a practicing lawyer in Cleveland.
Dean Roscoe Pound of the Harvard
Law School, outstanding legal edu-
cator, Chief Justice Marvin B. Rosen-
berry, 93L, of the Wisconsin State
Supreme Court, and Regent James .
Murfin, '95,, of Detroit.
While a definite schedule of
speeches and topics has not been
drawn up as yet, Dean Bates said
yesterday that most of the papers de-
livered would touch on the constitu-
tional. and educational aspects of the
New Deal.
Dr. Ruthven Will Speak
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Dean Bates will also take part
in the exercises, which will include
a forenoon session devoted to infor-
mal papers, an informal luncheon,
an afternoon session at which the
formal dedication exercises will take
place, and a dinner, at which two
or three speakers will give addresses.
Invitations are to be extended to
the Law School alumni as well as
the members of the State Legislature
and judiciary.
Mr. Justice Stone is known as one
of the "liberal" group of the members
of the Supreme Court, being placed
by most observers as more liberal
than either Justices Hughes or Rob-
erts, but not so liberal as Justices
Cardozo or Brandeis.
He was appointed to the Supreme
Court by President Coolidge in 1924
after having served him as attorney
Has Extensive Practice
Former Secretary Baker is one of
the outstanding lawyers of the coun-
try at present, with an extensive law
practice. Both banker and lawyer,
his career as a politician is regarded
as having been interrupted by the ad-
vent of the New Deal.
Mr. Pound has been dean of the,
Harvard Law School since 1916, and
is one of the foremost legal educa-
tors in the country, and has pub-
lished several books, outstanding,
among them being "The Spirit of the
Common Law," published in 1921.
Chief Justice Rosenberry has been
a member of the Wisconsin Supreme,
Court since 1916, but has only re-1
cently attained to the position of chief
justice. He received the degree of;
bachelor of laws from the Law School
in 1893, and the degree of doctor of,
laws in 1926.
Regent Murfin has served the State
as State Senator, as circuit judge, and
as Regent of the University over a
long period of service.
6 Students To
Enter Speech
Winner To Participate In
Intercollegiate Contest
At Minneapolis

The finals for the annual University
oratorical contest will be held today
at 4 p.m. in the Alpha Nu Room on
the 4th floor of Angell Hall.
The contestants who qualified in
the preliminaries which were held last
week are Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, Ed-
ward T. Downs, '35, Edith Engle, '35,
Edmund K. Heitman, '35, Hyman
Mattenberg, '34, and Whitmer Peter-
son, '34.
The winner of the Oratorical Con-
test will be awarded the Chicago
Alumni Medal for excellence in ora-
tory and will also receive a trip to the
annual Northern Oratorical League

15 Senior Law
Students Make
Order Of Coif
Membership In Honorary
Legal Society Based On
Fifteen seniors in the Law School
have been elected tomembership in
the Order of the Coif, national legal
honorary society. In announcing the
new members, Dean Henry M. Bates
stated that membership was based on
scholastic attainment for work car-
ried in the Law School.
The newly-elected members are as
follows: Frederic F. Brace, Pontiac;
Irving Wilson Coleman, Allentown,
Pa.; Frank E. Cooper, Detroit; Em-
mett E. Eagan, Detroit; Richard C.
Fuller, Ann Arbor; Francis M. Hughes,
Washington, D.C.; Donald P. Kipp,
Ann Arbor; Jack I. Levy, Ann Arbor;
Nathan Levy, South Bend, Ind.; Al-
fred B. MacChesney, Chicago; Carl S.
Rowe, Grand Rapids; Maurice Silver-
man, Butler, Pa.; Russell A. Smith,
Ann Arbor;' Talbot Smith, South Ha-
ven; and Roland J. Stanger, Ann
Casting Of New
Giant Mirror.
is Successful
Reflector To Be Used In
Observatory .Telescope
At Dexter
The successful pouring of the mir-
ror for the University's new 84-inch
reflector telescope in Corning, N.Y.,
Tuesday was announced in a tele-
gram from Prof. Heber D. Curtis, head
of the astronomy department, to the
Observatory here yesterday after-
The pouring, which began about
eight a.m., was witnessed by Professor
Curtis, Dr. Robert M. Petrie, astron-
omy instructor, and Francis C. Mc-
Math, Observatory curator. The pro-
cess took about ten hours, the tele-
gram said. Nearly 150 tons of glass
were used, poured in separate lots of
300 pounds.
When the enormous mass of glass
cools, it will be brought to Ann Arbor
and inserted in the frame of the tele-
scope. The new telescope, when even-
tually completed, will be the third
largest in the world.
While Professor Curtis' telegram
did not say when the Michigan party
would return, Miss Mary Lindsey, Ob-
servatory secretary, said she expected
it sometime tomorrow.
Co-ed Speakers To

Hawks Defeat
Wi"gs 21 In
Thompson Scores Winning
Goal On Backhand Shot
In Second Overtime
Conacher Scores
First Chicago Goal
Lewis Makes Lone Detroit
Tally In Third Period
On Pass From Aurie
DETROIT, April 3 - ()-- A back-
hand shot by Paul Thompson in the
second minute of the second over-
time period tonight gave Chicago's
Blackhawks a 2 to 1 victory over
Detroit's Red Wings in the Stanley
Cup playoff series.
Doc Rommes, who fed Thompson
a perfect pass, was given an assist
on the goal which ended the game
in the second "sudden death" peroid.
Thompson's shot, w h i c h got
through the far, high corner to beat
Wilf Cude in the Wing's net cleanly,
ended a bitter battle of more than
81 minutes of hockey in which the
invading Hawks displayed a great
close-checking game which continu-
ally gave the Wings trouble.
The Chicago team, effectively fol-
lowing the puck from the opening
bell, jumped into a lead late in the
first period on a great solo dash by
Lionel Conacher, who raced down
center ice, split the Wings' defense,
and rang the puck past Cude. Chi-
cago's checking held the Wings un-
til early in the third period when
Lewis scored after a double pass,
Graham to Aurie.
During the first overtime session,
the Wings had an opportunity when
Conacher was penalized for trip-
ping Williams, but the visitors' de-
fense was stubborn and the Wings
could not break through. Then
Thompson's accurate flip in the sec-
ond minute in the second overtime
period ended the game.
Chicago Pos. Detroit
Gardiner .....Goal.........Cude
Thompson ......L.D.......Graham
Jenkins .......R.D... ....Buswell
Romnes .......C.......... Weiland
Conacher ...... L.W..........Aurie
March ........ R.W......... Lewis'
Spares: Chicago: Abel, Sheppard,
Couture, Goldsworthy, Cook, Gotts-
lig, McFayden, Trudell, Coulter. De-
troit: Young, Goodfellow, Wiseman,
Sorrell, Emms, Marker, Williams,
Carrigan, Moffat.
Officials: Bobby Hewitson and
Odie Cleghorn.
First period: (1) Chicago, Conach-
er, 17:50; Penalties -Lewis, March.
Saves - Cude, 10; Gardiner 6.
Second Period: No scoring. Pen-
alties - Thompson. Saves - Cude,
13; Gardiner, 6.
Third Period: (1) Detroit, Lewis
(Aurie, Graham) 4:40. Penalties-
Buswell. Saves- Cude, 3; Gardi-
ner, 5.
First overtime period: No scoring.
Penalties-Conacher. Saves-Cude,
8; Gardiner, 4.
Second overtime period: (1) Chi-
cago, Thompson, (Romnes) 1:10.
Penalties - None. No saves.
March payroll checks for stu-
dents working on FERA jobs will
be delivered at the Storehouse
Building, Thursday and Friday,
April 5 and 6. Students are re-

quested to report to sign payrolls
and receivemchecks before spring

Co-Ed Shoots
Self Itn Heart,
Blame Nervous Condition,
Caused By School Work,
Junior Girls Play
Was Happy When
Seen in Afternoon
Was Prominent In Campus
Activities, Member Of
Alpha Gamma Delta
Louise Van Ameringen, '35, 20 years
old, of 1402 Brooklyn Ave., committed
suicide about 5 p.m. yesterday in her
home, by shooting herself through
the heart4 She left no note, but it was
thought that a nervous condition
brought about by school work and
mid-semesters followed close on the
heels of the Junior Girls Play was
responsible for her action.
Earlier in the afternoon she had
been on the campus with a close
friend, who explained that Miss Van
Ameringen had left her to go home
at 3 p.m. When slie had last seen her
the friend said that she was "peppy
and apparently hAppy."
Miss Van Ameringen returned
home, according to the friend, plan-
ning to rest before .attending a re-
hearsal of Roy Hoyer's "Juniors on
Parade" about 5 p.m. Her mother had
offered to drop her off at the rehear-
sal while she was driving her husband,
Victor E. Ameringen, local attorney,
down town.
Declining the offer for a ride fromh
her mother, Miss Van Ameringen said
she wanted to rest for a while until
her mother returned to drive her to
the rehearsal. Her mother returned
approximately ten minutes later and
sounded the automobile horn for her
in front of the house. When her
daughter did not answer, Mrs. Van
Ameringen entered the house and
found her lying on the floor of the
living room. She had died instantly.
The body was r rived to the F. J.
Muehig Funeral Capel on William
Street about 6 p.m.
Miss Van Ameringen was a junior
on the campus and a member of
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, and
Kappa Phi, Methodist sorority. She
took part in the recent Junior Girls
Play, "Gang's All There."
She was graduated from Ann Arbor
high school in 1931 and was promi-
nent in class activities. She was an
only child.
Michigann Band
And Glee Club
Give Concert
FLINT, April 3.- (Special) - An
audience of nearly 1,000 persons
assembled tonight in the Industrial
Mutual Association Auditorium here
heard one of the most successful joint
instrumental and vocal concerts ever
given here when the University of
Michigan Band and Varsity Glee Club
appeared under the auspices of the
Presbyterian Church Society and
Michigan alumni.
Features of a large and varied pro-
gram were the bizarre James rhap-
sody, "General William Booth Enters
Into Heaven," arranged for male
chorus, brass, percussion, two pianos,
and organ, as presented by the glee
club. and Liszt's "Hungarian Fantasy"

as arranged for piano and military
band, with Prof. Joseph Brinkman
as soloist.





Epidemic Tale
Is Refuted By
Health Service
'Sleeping-Sickness' Case Is
Found To Be Endocardi-
tis By Physicians Here
The report current on the campus
that a case of "sleeping-sickness" has
been reported at the Health Service
and is now confined in the University
Hospital has no foundation in fact,
according to a statement made yes-
terday by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
Director of the University Health
"In the particular case in question,"
he stated, "the diagnosis was uncer-
tain for some time. The first evidence
was of brain malignial symptoms
which might suggest "sleeping sick-
ness," and at that stage the other
men in the fraternity of whichthe
patient was a member were warned
to report any other illness for obser-
"Since then, the development of the
illness has made it clear that it is not
contagious, but that the brain symp-
toms were just part of a generalized
blood-poisoning of a non-contagious
nature, a common complication of a
previously damaged organ, in this
case the heart."
The student now confined in the
hospital became ill with a sore-throat
which later developed into endocar-
ditis or blood poisoning. Some of the
preliminary symptoms were encepha-
litic, or pertaining to a type of brain
sickness, or which "sleeping sickness"
is one form.
When several of his fraternity
brothers also contracted sore-throats,
which, according to Health Service
physicians, are common at this time
of year, the fear arose among the
students that there was an epidemic
of the disease which the endocarditis
had resembled in its early stages,
"sleeping sickness."
After the rumor became known on
the campus, the Health Service was
flooded with telephone calls by stu-
dents who were worried about the
possibility of an epidemic. So effec-
tive was the report that some stu-
dents had planned to leavefor spring
vacation, which recalls the similar
move several years ago when an in-
fluenza epidemic shortly preceded
Christmas vacation, according to Dr.
The one "catch" in the students'
plan to avoid doing their school work
was the fact that the epidemic was
country-wide, so no benefit could be
gained by allowing the students to
go home. Coupled with this was the
fact that the epidemic was not very
severe, he said.
Deputations of local organizations
called in vain and even went so far
as to have other organizations pad
their sick rolls in order to make
Health Service physicians recom-
mend dismissal. All efforts, however,
were fruitless, school being continued
through the last class as usual.
Plan Evolved
To Stimulate
WASHINGTON, April 3- () -
Plans now being worked out by the
national emergency council for stim-
ulating construction and the heavy
goods industries will be given to
Hugh S. Johnson to administer in
conjunction with the NRA.
General Johnson discussing the
program today, emphasized that it
was to be done "merely because we
have the organization and they don't

want to create any new administra-
The NRA administrator expressed
a hope that the Industrial Recovery
Act would be let alone by Congress
this session and said rather than
have the entire act reopened to
amendment he personally would be
satisfied to let the power to license
industries lapse. It was authorized
only for one year ending June 15,
and has never been used.
Housing and home modernization
are integral parts of the plans.

Piecrad Brothers To
Attempt Another Flight
DETROIT, April 3. -- (R) -Another
flight into the stratosphere, from De-
troit or nearby, is planned by Prof.
Auguste Piccard, of Belgium, and his
brother, Dr. Jean Piccard of Wilming-
ton, Del.
Under present plans the flight will
be attempted sometime next summer,
with the balloon used in the flight at
the Chicago Century of Progress ex-
position last year. The balloon at
present is stored in a local warehouse.
Spending Cut
Is Foreseen In
Refund Plan
Holders Of A Billion In1
Fourth Liberty Bonds
Offered 3% Per Cent
WASHINGTON, April 3-(P) -
Secretary Henry C. Morgenthau to-
day held the treasury's billion-dollar
financing to a strictly refunding ba-
sis and by seeking no new cash in-
dicated curtailed government spend-
ing in the immediate future.
A series of 10- to 12-year Treasury
bonds paying 34 per cent was of-
fered holders of a billion in fourth
Liberty Bonds maturing April 15,
and of $244,234,600 in Treasury notes
maturing May 2.
By allowing only exchange sub-
scriptions, Morgenthau gave evidence
that the treasury's present supply of
ready cash - $2,000,000,000 exclud-
ing the $2,810,000,000 profit on dol-
lar devaluation -was ample to meet1
spending needs until the end of the
fiscal year on June 30.
With the deficit at the end of=
nine months reaching only $2,542,-
000,000, Secretary Morgenthau's fi-
nancing plan was interpreted as in-
dicating the year-end deficit would
fall well below $5,000,000,000 as com-
pared with January budget estimates
of more than $7,000,000,000.
The new issue of bonds will be
dated April 16 and mature April 15,
1946, but the treasury may call them
on or after April 15, 1944.
Holders of the called Fourth Lib-
erties and May 2 notes have the
option of taking the new bonds in
exchange or accepting cash. The
Treasury expects a big majority to
avail themselves of the exchange op-
Insull Ready
For Return To
United States
ISTANBUL, April 3.- (03)--Samuel
Insull, beaten in his long fight against
extradition to the United States, ex-
pressed his readiness tonight to re-
turn to America if he could be as-
sured that he would not be perse-.
cuted by his "enemies."
Jurists declared that he could not
appeal from a decision of a penal
court on which Turkey's decision to
send him back was based; the gov-
ernment kept him in jail and con-
sidered his case closed; and Amer-
ican officials prepared to come and get
Disconsolate in the drab surround-
ings of a prison hospital room and
depressed because of the latest de-
velopments in his dramatic fight
against three governments, Insull
cabled to his London representative
for funds. It is generally believed that
he is comparatively poor.

In a conversation with an attorney
Insull said that he would not hesitate
to return to the United States and
even to surrender himself to Amer-
ican Ambassador Robertson but for
the fact that he feared "the influ-
ence his enemies in America might
The first American boat to leave Is-
tanbul sails April 10, and it ap-
peared likely tonight that Insull would
be aboard.
At the American Embassy it was
announced that the Washington gov-
ernment was considering several ways
ns 1 nvAi- , *ie . _' ,,tiry o th

League Judiciary Council
Reverses Stand; April
19 New Election Date
Caucus Ban Was
Recently Repealed
Council Will Not Penalize
Offenders; Sophomore
Women Vent Opinions
In a ruling considered to be a direct
contradiction of its former stand, the
Judiciary Council of the League yes-
terday postponed the election of
women to the central committee of
the 1935 Junior Girls Play.
"Excessive caucusing" was cited as
the reason for the action, in spite of
the fact that the body had recently
repealed its ban on the practice. April
19 is the new election date.
"Advice" against caucusing was
given when the Council gave its tacit
approval to the practice by repealing
the former rule, but the fact that the
regulation was wiped from its books
at all was interpreted to mean that
the solidifying of support for a can-
didate was permissible.
Did Not Approve
Changing of the ban against the
practice was not meant to convey the
impression that the Council approved
of caucusing however, according to
Harriet Jennings, '34, president.
Rather it was an admission that en-
forcement was impossible.
On the new election date the system
which will be used is one aimed at
making any campaigning impossible,
she added. Sophomores were given to
understand that countenance would
not be given the practice, even though
enforcement was recognized as an im-
In commenting on the move, Ruth
Duhme,2'34, a member of the Council,
said, "I suppose it was rather silly
to make this move, but we had no
idea that caucusing would reach such
No definite solution as to-how the
objectionable parts will be eliminated
at the later date were given, although
Miss Duhme said the Council had a
secret method "up its sleeve" which
would be disclosed the day of the elec-
Council To Decide
Under the new plan, members of the
Judiciary Council will practically have
the right to decide which candidates
for the positions may be voted upon,
as they will receive applications and
from them select those candidates
which they think most fitted for the
positions. Then, after this first elim-
ination, the election proper will de-
termine which are chosen from the
The Council will not give out any
penalties to the alleged offenders,
Miss Duhme said.
Members of the Council stated that
the sophomores themselves were dis-
satisfied with the trend of the election
this year. Sentiment of this nature
was expressed by several sophomores
contacted last night, while others
maintained that the council had made
an unnecessary move.
Complaints Received
Complaints had been received by
the Council from both upper and
lower classmen on methods being
used this year, Miss Jennings said.
Applications now required will con-
tain a list of previous activities of
the writer, her scholastic average, and
an enumeration of any special capa-
bilities she considers herself to pos-
sess. No mention may be made of
what position is desired on the central
committee. The applications must be
in by April 18.
Sophomore women interviewed were
of the opinion that caucusing will
always exist and some said it should

be allowed as much at an election of
this sort as when class officers are
chosen. Their principal objection was
to the last-minute rule change, how-
Opera Tickets May Be
Exchanged At Union
Exchange tickets for the Union
Opera may now be turned in at
the Union lobby for regular re-
served seats, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday by
Allen McCombs, '35, chairman of
fle finrb onmm.

J.G.P. Elections Postponed;
League Judiciary Council


Neces s ity

Rainstorm Spre ads Havoc Over
Southeastern Michigan;I Dead

For Men's Hours
Co-ed speakers will attempt to
prove to their masculine opponents
tonight that men students should be
compelled to observe the hour reg-
ulations women have. The men, mem-
bers of Alpha Nu, national speech
club, will try to convince their oppo-
nents who belong to Zeta Phi Eta,
national forensic league, that man's
present freedom is right and justified.
The debate, a yearly meeting, will
be held at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the
Alpha Nu Room, Angell Hall and a
general invitation has been issued
to anyone interested by heads of the
two organizations which have engaged
in this humorous inter-society debate
for a number of years.
C ^f T . i a 110 - -nh e n nn- iat

(By Associated Press)
Striking with the fury of a hur-
ricane, a rainstorm carried along on a
50-mile an hour wind, swept over
southeastern Michigan today, killing
one man, injuring at least three
others, and leaving trees,, bafns, and
signboards scattered over the land-
scape, in its wake.
Arthur Graham, 75 - year - old
farmer, was instantly killed near Fow-
lerville in Livingston county, when
the storm demolished his stock barn.
Graham was crushed by falling tim-
bers while trying to save his live-
stock. Several head of cattle in the
barn were killed.
Frank Anderson, another Living-
na r nntr- r f tt- n- ri3 1'- - ,'Ut't

prevalent throughout the Great Lakes
region. The gale which struck south-
eastern Michigan about 2 p.m. swept
down from the northwest, uprooting
trees and toppling signs and outbuild-
ings, and deprived several cities and
towns of their electric light power for
a few minutes.
The heavy downpour of rain that
followed the gale amounted to a half
inch fall according to weather bureau
reports in Detroit. Traffic, power and
telephone communication in some
places were temporarily paralyzed.
Detroit was plunged into darkness
for several minutes and thousands
sought the shelter of nearby buildings
as torrential rains beat down on the

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