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April 01, 1934 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-01

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Seek Rides At
Union Bureau

The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
under the direction of Dr. T. Luther
Purdom, has recently completed a
survey of the results in their at-
tempts within the past four months
to place University of Michigan grad-
uates in teaching positions under the
new FERA adult educational pro-
gram. The bureau has co-operated
with Fred R. Johnson, State Relief
Administrator, and the various Su-
perintendents of Schools throughout
Michigan; and their results in secur-
ing positions for Michigan alumni,
who were unemployed at the time,
were highly pleasing, Dr. Purdom
Instructors Chosen
While the Bureau of Appointments
has been successful in its efforts to
bring the names of Michigan stu-
dents before the educational heads
throughout the state, it has also been
instrumental in choosing instructors
in the city of Ann Arbor, where each
member of the FERA teaching staff
is connected in some manner with
the University, many having com-
pleted their undergraduate work here.
Most of the accepted applicants are
graduate students, many working for
degrees in Master of Arts or Doctor
of Philosophy.
The instructors for the Ann Arbor
schools were chosen by Superinten-.
dent of Schools Otto W. Haisley, di-
rector of the local program which
has been in effect since Jan. 8 and is
expected to continue until at least
May 1. Applicants for the teaching
positions were judged according to
experience, training, and especially as
to their immediate need for work.
Under the FERA program, workers
are paid from 60 cents to $1 an hour,
depending upon the size of the city,
with a maximum weekly wage of $15
in all cases.
Average Enrollment 1,605
The average enrollment in the Ann
Arbor adult school up to March 17
was 1,605. Any person over 14 years
of age who was not at the time en-
rolled in a public school .was eligibl-2
to attend classes. The facilities of
Ann Arbor high school, Mack jun-
ior high school, Jones junior high
school and Tappan Hall, as well as
the Union and Y.M.C.A. swimming
pools have been used by the FERA
workers for their evening meetings.
20 Subjects Offered
Over 20 subjects of a varied nature
are being offered to the large group
of Ann Arbor adults. According .o
the office of the superintendent of
schools, the most popular courses
have been: music, including begin-
ning and advanced piano and cho-
rus singing; creative writing; parlia-
mentary law; drawing and painting;
beginning and advanced French;
sewing; cooking; and practical nurs-
ing, which has been the largest group
of all.
Other courses which have had
large enrollment are: English litera-
ture; metalcraft; Esperanto; Ger-
man; History of the Negro Race; as-
tronomy; psychology and sociology;
in addition to courses in physical ed-
ucation and swimming..

-Associated Press Photo
Joseph B. Eastman ('center), Federal railroad co-ordinator selected
to arbitrate wage differences between railroad managements and work-
men, is shown conferring in Washington with Otto Beyer (left), director
of labor relations in the co-ordinator's' office, and W. F. Thiehoff,
chairman of the railroads' committee of managers.
Hessian Captains Letters Give.
Account Of Revolutionary War

(Continued from Page 1)
jor Moncrieff, English military en-
gineer who directed the defense of
Savannah and the construction of
trenches for the attack on Charles-
ton, as "truly great."
Hinrichs believed that the taking
of Savannah might have acted as a
boomerang to the revolutionary cause
by causing dissension between Amer-
icans and French.
"When D'Estaing summoned the
garrison to surrender in the name of
the King of France, he made it plain-
enough that he would not be will-
ing to leave as quickly as the rebels
might have expected."
Capt. Hinrichs' journal begins with
the sailing from New York, Dec. 20,
1779, of 80 British ships for the seige
of Charleston, under the command
of Sir Henry Clinton. After en-
countering severe storms the expedi-
tion reached Tybee island, near Sa-
vannah, Feb. 1, 1780. The army of
6,500 men landed Feb. 11, and the
siege began March 31. s
General Washington had advised
his southern generals to leave Char-
leston and save their army, but they
elected to stay in the city and as a
result 5,000 revolutionists were cap-
General Benjamin Lincoln was the
Art Cinema League
To Give Soviet Film
The Art Cinema League will close
its 1933-34 season with "The Road
to Life" which will be presented in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre April
4, 5, and 6, according to Jack Seidel,
head of the organization.
"The Road to Life," the first So-1
viet sound film, deals with the chaos.
of post-War Russia, a period when
thousands of children were left or-
phaned and fell into ways of crime.
It tells of the efforts to reform the
children without much success. They
were, however, won over by one sym-
pathetic leader after a series of ups
and downs.
The story has been written around
actual incidents in the history of1
these "wild boys," in addition to us-
ing as players in the picture a num-
ber of the boys who figured in the
"The Road to Life" was voted as.
one of the ten best cinemas in the
world in the 1931 annual interna-
tional poll conducted by the German
newspaper, Der Deutsche.

American commander at Charleston.
Hinrichs describes a disaster in
which 200 men were killed while
the American militia were piling
their arms after the capture of Char-
leston. The rifles were thrown into
a building which had been used as
a powder magazine. A rifle was dis-
charged and the bullet struck a bar-
rel of powder.
Many Injured
"It was a terrible sight. Some were
smashed, others thrown 200 paces
against walls and doors, some had
their legs, others their arms torn off,
and a still greater number were
bruised, burnt and otherwise in-
Some of the best gunners and arti-
ficers in the English army, "as well
as the worthy Capt. Collins and the
very promising Lt. Gordon, were
snatched away in a most disgrace-
ful manner." Hinrichs and other Hes-
sian officers blamed British "heed-
lessness" for the explosion. Some 2,-
000 to 3,000 rifles were destroyed,
which had been meant to arm the
back country peoplpe, "all of whom
were loyalists, or at least pretended
they were.
"Indians Have Honor"
"The safe rule," wrote Capt. Hin-
richs, "according to which one can
always ascertain whether a man is a
loyalist or a rebel, is to find out
whether he profits more as to his pri-
vate interests . . . There are only very
few exceptions to this rule: On the
side of the enemy are a few enthu-
siasts and some pseudo-philosoph-
ical-political dreamers, who have
read - but did not understand -
Hugo Grotius' Law of Nations, while
on our side there may be a small
number of whom one can say with
conviction that love and faithfulness
to God and their lawful king has
brought them under the colors of
their *sovereign.
"These Indians," said the staff
captain from Hesse, "are not as sav-
age as one imagines them to be; they
have definite principles concerning
honor, stealing, religion, friendship
and revenge."
Hinrichs rose to the rank of lieu-
tenant general in the military service
of Prussia and lived until 1834.
Downtown - 206 North Main St.
Dial 2-1013 Next to Downtown Postoffice
Typewriting Paper at Reduced Prices

Transportation Facilities t
To All Parts Of Country
Available At Union
More than 50 students have regis-
tered at the Union ride bureau in
the past week and about half of that
number has already been accommo-
dated, according to a report made
by John Donaldson, '35, student ex-
ecutive councilman in charge of the
He predicted that a great many
more undergraduates would avail)
themselves of the services offered by ,.
the ride bureau during the next week.
At present there are more applicants
desiring rides than offering them, Assocated Press Photo
but transportation is still available to A complete shakeup of the NRA,
all parts of the country, Donaldson changing into a machine to admin-
said. is ter nearly 400 coded industries, has
officials emphasized the fact that been started by Administrator Hugh
the facilities of the bureau are open S. Johnson, with youthful W. Averell
thefaclites f he ureu ae oenHarriman (above), in charge of the
to women as well as men. The only
rule under which it is operating is transformation.
that no commercial schemes will be
promoted and private parties alone OLD AGE IS NO EXCUSE
will be accommodated. BERLIN, March 30. -(P)-A spe-
Students who have already regis- cial court held today that old age is
tered will be notified by Union com- no excusce for not reading the news-
mitteemen as soon as rides have been napexcusceRehm entenews-
obtained for them. Registration will papers. Justice Rehm sentenced two
be conducted from 3 p.m. ,to 5 p.m. old ladies to a year in prison for fail-
every afternoon this week in the stu- ing to report foreign currency in their
dent offices. possession.
Special Student Rates and Service over the
Country's Leading Bus Systems
BUFFALO - $6.70 Round Trip CHICAGO - $4.50 Round Trip
NEW YORK- $12.90 Round Trip ST. LOUIS - $9.00 Round Trip
Similar Low Fares To All Points
CHUBB'S 12--8 P.M. PHONE 9142




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Students Asked
Act As Counselors

An appeal to secure applications
for positions as counselors atCamp
Moriah, a camp, for Jewish boys, from
graduate or undergraduate Jewish
students, has been received by the
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information. Camp Moriah
is situated on Lake Moriah, Grand
Junction, Mich., near South Haven.


--t Ie den is
0 1
again open..
sunday hours twelve to twelve
you are cordially invited to
take sunday dinner at this mod-
ern restaurant and cafeteria ...
---you will be surprised at tie
large array of fine foods. .. you
will also be amazed at the low
cost of these foods to you .. .
~dancing in the evening from
nine until eleven .. . with waiter
service .. .of course.

It's a drive for new eustomers and a greater volume of sales in 1934
before buy-ig a pair of Spring Shoes
12 NEW STYLES 14 NEW STYLES 15 Stunning Styles
Priced Very Low Priced for Quick Selling Worth $100 a Pair More
o 3 .o $ q
-95 95
Offered in Black, Brown, Blue, Grey, White and many combinations.
They are the greatest values we have offered in many years.

ICE CREAM has been awarded
the seal of approval by "GOOD
--the first to receive it.
We use this wholesome Ice
Cream in all of our delicious
sodas and sundaes-
We Feature-

Men's New Snappy Oxfords
Equal this, if you can.
These come in Black,


fingerle operated
south university


Remember every shoe we offer you is a high grade sh oe. You will like to trade at the
I CAXT* P -w fi* T I%,V


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