THE MICHIGAN DAILY All-Expense Tours Gain Increasing Favor With Americans Summer Tour For Students Starts June 30! ADay At Oberammergau, Passion Play Will Bel Feature Of Trip Featured by a day at the Oberan- mergau Passion Play, the annual summer tour of western Europe for students, faculty, and alumni of the University will leave Quebec June 301 and return Aug. 2. An extension of the main tour will go on from Switzerland into Italy, and return Aug. 16. Both are under the direction of Frederick S. Randall assistant general secretary of the Alumni Association. Sailing on the "Empness of Brit- ain," the parties will -o together to London, through the Shakespeare country, on to Holland, into Ger- many and over the famous Rhine River trip by steamer, to Heidelberg and Munich, and to Oberammergau. The main lour, passing through Switzerland, will go directly to Parisj for six days and seven nights in theI French capital, sailing from Cher- bourg on the "Empriess of Britain." Leaving Lucerne, the extension tour will take in Lugano, Milan, Ven- ice, Florence, Naples, two days in Rome, Genoa, the Italian andI Ancient Street In South American Town --Courtesy The Detroit News. A winding, rocky street in the ancient town of Cuzco, Peru. . safe frcm the inroads of the motor car. Suggests Travel In Spain 10 Take Advanta oe Of Exchanges French Riviera, and will have three days in and near Paris before sail- ing for home. Spain is one Europ-an country Accompanying Mr. Randall, a where the exchange is not against, graduate of the class of '23, will be his wife, the former Madeline Snow, also of the class of '23. The main tour will cost $499 from Quebec to Quebec, and an all-expense price of $706 has been set for the extension tour. Floating University Goes Around World A fall semester in the Philippines, Japan, China, and the Strait Set-E tlements. Christmas vacation in the East Indies . . . A second-semester' opening in India, continuing on to the Mediterranean and Scandinavian countries, and returning to New York in May . . That is the curriculum of the "Floating University," to sail from New York Oct. 4 on the Holland- American liner, "Vollendam," for a 225-day world cruise during the school year 1934-35. While standard courses of univer- sity and preparatory grade are con- ducted on shipboard, students of this floating university will have the whole world for their campus, visit- ing 60 ports in 34 countries.. Educational features of the trip, with a full ye'ar's college credit being I given students passing the courses ®ONOLU SYDNEY Sail on Cv Aorangi,c comfort ii "Class. Fr nect at H Ask about HONOLULU - JAPAN - CHINA -l Choice of 2 routes-Direct Express: of Asia make Yokohama in 10 days by Empress of Japan, Empress oft Frequent sailings from Vancouver "Empresses" at Honolulu. To Hon Shanghai, Hong Kong, Manila. First Class to Yokohaia, $285 up low-cost Thir'd Class. FOLDERS, MAPS, INFORtMATIO~ your own local agent, or C nadia Agent, 1l Wiahinton Blvd., D Canadia' the American and travel is still as reasonable as it was in 1928-1929, ac-j cording to Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history department. In boom years the peseta was 16 but the lat- est exchange rates quote it at 13.4. In addition to this favorable ex- change'rate, Spain offers another ad- ventage in her automobile roads which are as fine as any in the and taking the examinations, will be' under the direction of James E. Lcugh, former dean of men at New York University, who has been the leader in this field of education for 'he past eight years. The faculty will be made up of men from colleges and universities# throughout the country, and the stu- dent body will be enrolled from un- dergraduates in all parts of the United States. As in all universities, athletics will play an important part in stu- dent life. The ship will be equipped with a gymnasium and swimming pool, and contests in various sports will be scheduled with teams of Ha- waii, China, Japan, and other coun- tries visited. Several inquiries have already been received from Michigan students, ac- cording to Frederick S. Randall, manager of the Michigan Alumni Travel Bureau. LU - SUVA - AUCKLANI) - - f !antdian Australasian motor-liner or the Niagara . . . designed for ni tropic seas. First, Cabin, Third om Vancouver and Victoria. Con- onolulu with California sailings. ilti sie T41ous. MANILA Express of Russia and Empress flat. Via Honolulu: 3 days more Canada. and Victoria. Or. connect with Uhluu, Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, ). .. Tourist Class, $160 up . . . N on any Canadian Pacific service, n Pacific, M. E. Malon, Generl i Pacific world and offer the traveler a more intimate trip than is possible by train. An ideal trip to Spain can be made by way of France. Landing at Le Havre or Cherbourg one should first visit Normandy, Brittany, and the Loire country. P r o f e s s o r Aiton stressed the desirability of approch- ing Paris through the provinces, oe- cause much of the flavor of the trip is lost if one goes directly to the cap- ital. From Paris the trip south may be made through Nimes, Aries, Avignon, the Riviera, and across to Carcas- sonne. From Carcassonne the route to Spain lies through Barcelona. From Carcassonne the route to Spain lies through Barcelona. A circular trip through Spain will allow the traveler to see the majority of places of interest. From Barce- lona one may go down the east coast to Valencia, Alicante, and Murcia, then to Granada by way of Elche, visiting Malaga and Gibraltar. Then there is Cadiz and finally Madrid. Before leaving Spain you will prob- ably wish to visit Toledo, and San Sebastian. You are again near 'the border of France and after a glimpse of the Pyrenees, Pau, and the Basque country you are ready to go back to Paris. Professor Aiton suggests that trav- elers to Europe this summer pur- chase all expense paid trips because of the fluctuating exchange rates. You may not save money but you 1 remove the uncertainty. ReduICed Rates To~ IAlV Many Abroad (Continued from Page 6) they will be unprotected from the sun. But the match is only incidental, compared with the view of the crowd. When the "luncheon interval" or the "tea interval" interrupts the play, Americans who really want to see the English at their best descend and stroll on the playing field or be- hind the large and uncomfortable locking "tally-hoes," on which are seated Britain's blue-bloods, laugh- ing, shouting, and having the snack that they call "tea." SEE AN by expert planning Your time in iEurope is - precious. Don't waste it! Our planning will make the most judicious use of every day and hour-will avoid uncertainties, de- lays in connections, will pack the most pleasure into every moment. Let us handle reserva- tions and all details for you. No charge to you Travel As Aid To Education Is Described People, Customs Of Old World Help I Study Of The New, Says Davis The educational benefits which can be derived from travel are almost unlimited, in the opinion of Dr. C. 0. Davis of the School of Education. Dr. Davis was speaking from experi- ence, for he has traveled extensive- ly, not only in this country but in Ehurope, Asia, and Africa as well. One of te first things that strikes the traveler to the countries of the Near East is the great difference be- tween the standards of living in these countries and in our own, Dr. Davis says. In Egypt especially, beggars crowd the narrow streets and when night coies or when they feel the need of rest they slump down where; they are and fall asleep. Another characteristic of Egypt which also reflects the Egyptian standards of living are the flies. According to Dr. Davis, children go around with swarms of black flies clinging to their faces without even bothering to brush the insects off. Precautions Interesting To an American who is accustomed to numerous automobile and train accidents every year, the precautions which European railroad take to prevent such accidents comes as a pleasant surprise. Every crossing, no matter how much traffic there is, is protected by a gate and a watchman. The more important crossings have subways for the vehicular traffic, Dr. Davis said. Many amusing experiences come about as the result of trading with native merchants. The accepted plan is to make the price high when a traveler approaches - at least four or five times what the dealer really expects to get, Dr. Davis thinks. They will lower the price to within a rea- sonable amount of the actual value and below that they will not go, even though they loss a sale. Every Mode of Land Travel In the narrow streets that are characteristic of many of the cities of Egypt and western Asia can be seen almost every mode of land trav- el known, except, of course, railroads or street cars, according to Dr. Da- vis. Autmobiles follow the pace set by natives on horseback, muleback, or even on foot. People carrying baskets on their heads pass in and out among the moving traffic and Dr. Davis says he has yet to see an accident occur. The unhurried stead-- iness with which everything is done is wonderful to see, he said. "There are so many little incidents which occur on a trip such as we took (a Mediterranean cruise) and stick in our memory that it would take hours to tell of them all," Dr. Davis said. The things that can be learned from traveling even for a short time in a foreign country, which give us a better understanding I of the people and customs on the other side of the world, are really invaluable in the better understand- ing of our own country, he said. Rond $679 up first class $451 up tourist class * Na se t schtduie. 4 No routine travel. 1Ticket: good for two years. e Op ional travel east or west. ""You ""ai choose from 215 tineraries . . embracing Eu- rope, ihe Mediterranean, the Near E tsi, the Far East, New Zealand, Australia, and South Seas . . . prt ieally the entire ,lobe.y t Stzy over aiiyViiere you Iikc * lo - i y