THE MICHIGAN DAILY Band withI lamation." Special music by choirl View of American Education." All1 ;t conductor and harp, violin and organ trio. women interested Ain teaching are in- )anist. Following the Student r llo ffiip, vited to attend. }ol of Music supper at 6 o'clock, the Fellows hip -- Beth Allsop Orchestra of eighteen pieces will. give tChemzical IEngianoers: he regular :duation re- selections from the oratorio, "Elijah,:"lu ncheo;n br adluate students in An all musical program.eem l n ineeringwill be held oni Hill Audi- - - TuesdayAil! 3, at 12:15 in room Funkhouser, Young People's Society, Church 3201 E. Eninerring Building. Pro- recital. 0f Christ. (Disciples) : This Sun. .,y'3 fessor Mal:colm H. Soule will speak )ol of Music meeting will be devoted to a study of on "Some ^native Practices as Re- t Swetman, the religions of India. Charles Lar- garcds Disease tvi the Philippines." recital. inmert will give a short talk on Brah- maniSm, Jainish, Buddhist, and Bin t- Graduat' ClubIof:theiehzolof rJ- Katherine duism and will lead an open dis-' ucadon mzeetn in.1 the Elementary Dayton, O., cussion on these religions. Tea at School Librai r Monday, April 2, at; program in 6:00, meeting at 6:30. 7:15 p.m. An ec ,ptiolnally finie pro- sday after- - -jgr'am, the ex:actnture ofN'.-hich has o'clock tol Varsity Band--Very important con-.. r ............ .... r , ,r CLASSIFIED DIREC-lTORY CLASSIFIED Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Deopartme it. "t, classified columns close at five o'clock pre'. bus to day of insertions. !lox Nniibers may be seCUred at no Cash hii Advanec--il1c per reading line (om ai of five taverstge ward:; toj ine) foron or two ins;ertions. l~c pe:rcrading; line for three or wore inlsertions. Minimum three lines peg' Ilnsertion. 'elelione RateIU:- -iper reading liine frr onet or two insertion!S. 1r:: per readirn g line :'(r three :'ror 10',;,discount if'paid within ten cdays from thCe date of ltirnsr!ioln. Minimnum thlree lines per .n:>ertiou . 1,y Contract, per line-2 lines daiily, onef mnonth............... 4 i bme s E.QJ., 2 rnon th s ....,. 3c 2 1line.s di college yc;.r .....7w 4 l11e1,. 0. D _, college year . ..7 100 llines uedt as dc' itred...... tc 3W) lilies CCe as de!sired........t1'" 1 ,000 !rocs used as de-fired .. 2.0010 iies a, eed a; dered11,1.b Tse :above ate-; are per readling inre, b'sdon eight read4cinlg linies penr ichi NOTLICE AUTO LOiAN S AND RFINANCING Bring; your title As.sociacted Motor Ser-vices, Tinc. 311 W. Hturon, .Ph . 2-2001 12x MONDAY a nd Wednes,,day, Marcel or qhapo iad fng rwave, 50c. 1.gcyAnlmShop. Phone7561. 11x ARE ;YO011GOI1NGU HO ME? Indin TailStages ottfers low ra:tes # (%tll MierHoel. 3293 405 WVANTED cert band rehearsal a J 8:00 a. m. in Hill Auditorium. All members of the concert band must be Present on time. Ouh5.jI. pas a sure,:I c'. !)y Lthe com-! m ittfEe, has tbeen lnnd All grad- ua-e studenimS in Eduaion )are wel- come and ivied to be, present. Rogevr illians Gu ld: 8:,30, Las Uiest fMcig:nI.doCu ter Worship Service a t Guild House, il, etArl2,a 30 nro followed by breakfast in common,82o h ihga no.M.Mo and the church ser vice. 10 :45, Mr rc alr aaincmeca and orl trvelr, illta lk on Sayles wil speak on. "'the Soul's Is In igand wnlRadilleain. vincible Surmise.' iA lghsjr adoGtcIa g. 1U')i,1o noon UO~dcyb.UuU p.m. Meeting in Gzuild House, with refreshments. Dismiss early tLo ,attend the play Barabbas to be given In church auditorium by the Fellowship Porum n and G uild, 7:30 p~m . C m n v t t Lure, Sciencee, and thLe Arts: Amet ing will 13e h-eld on Tues day, April 3at 4 p.m. for students in the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in Business Administration. The meeting wil be addressed by Deian C. E. Griffin of the School of lusi- ness Administration. This will be the first meeting of a series designed to give info=-mation concerning opportunities in various professional fields. Special Assembly: There will be a special assembly for students in edu- cation at 4:10, Tuesday, April 3, in the Auditorium of the University High School. The program, which will be presented by student teachers, has no special theme and is for the most part just for fun. Any meniber of the University community is invited to attend. Botanical Semninar meets Wednes- day, April 4, at 4:30, room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by T. Eliot Weier "A comparative study of the Golgi zone of the animal cell, the plant vacuole, and the plastid." Womian's Research Club: Regular meetingMonday, April 2, Roomt 3024 Museums, 7:30 p.m. Women's Education Club meeting will be held on Monday, April 2, at 8:15 in the library of the University Elementary School. Dr. Howard Y. McClusky will speak on "An English r-->j ss.Add 6(1 per luineto above rotes1for "8udent P ress (;l: .PWill l(('t a11ll pial letters.Add Ge(per lin to Mody nYg ' ek Bur. 1u, !case. Acd10 per lnto iave rrates or0 bodfve for bld faeI uperand ow jpek. All F~tdlt 1,~l'll~l r OR RENT uged to attend.I'WOMAN STUDENT: Room nearth tarl ,y > zc: r~c~i- jcampus, in private family. Board9 ing of the entire ^;r jp Monday at ifdsr.9G.40 4:45 in Hill Auditorium. Everyone LOST AND FOUND must be there as we are preparing - for our concert to be given Tuesday. MAN'S Gruen wrist watch lost be- --tween Forest Ave., and Dental Koassky-Krook.' Dr. Vladimir ! Bldg., Thursday, March 2:). Catll 'f'imeshenko will speak on "Agricul- S. W. Miller, 5607. Reward. 40(; tural Developments in Soviet Rus------- sia," at the meeting Wednesday, April scmvation committee of the Michigan 4, 8:00 p.m., Lane H-all. All interested y 1edem ated Gar'den Club, will give an are cordially invited, illustrated lecture entitled, "Building --- a Garden." Members may invite M.iichigan League Against War and fr'iends. Militarism will meet at 5 p.m. Mon~ day in the Upper Room, Lane H-alt.. P lay- Rea ding Section of the, Fac.- A retor't ofn Nflns _for the anti-war u ty Woncils Club) will meet on sut.Will pay 3, 4, , 6 and 7 dol- ]: ,s. ~ie Ann tllArbor 4306. chi- caglo Buyi''eniporary office. 200 North MNai n. 5X TAXICABS TA'X1 - Fl oe _000. ynpaegr cr.Only sanar ates. 1X ARCADE) CAB,. Diatl 611G- tLarge coin- fte ab. tad -d.Acs. 2x P JJ'ONA~laund'y srvice. We take nitlvida nteestini the(-laundry pm'olk'11ofour Cstol 1er5GirlS' ;3]lltC'l. 1Me'1; Stshi.tsoour spUc(.ialty. Call h)-oi' v ive.2-34178, 5594. Wil E. lloover. 9X lAUINDRFY 2-10,141, Su 'i,(d. Careful work ,,t low pr-ice. 4x Light on Cepheids." Tuesday, April 3, '7:30 p.m., Room 2082 INa(tural Si sc-ence Building. SmaRho Tau : Regular meeting Wednesday at 7:45 in the Union. Finals in intercircle story telling con- test which were to have beeni held last week will be held next Wednes- day. Stories are not to be more than seven minutes in length. The rest of (Contiolued..ocn Page 8) , . E' t x 1 contemence May 4 ard 5 will be given.' Everyone invited. Monday Evening Drimna Section of the Faculty Wiron-es' Clb will meet at 7:30 p.m., Apr'il 2, at the home of Mrs. W. R.."Taylor, 2007 Washtenaw. Assistant hostesses for the evening will be Mr's. M. B. Stout, Mrs. A. 11, Copeland, Mrs. J. D. Elder', and Mrs. A. W. Bi'omage. Garden Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Wednesday, April 4, 3:15 p.m., in the small ball- room of the Union. Mrs. Clifford Kirkpatrick, chairman of the con- Tuesday, April League. 3, at 2:15, at the Junior Research Club: Dr. M. W. Senstius. "Weathering of the Sili- cates." Dr. W. C. Rufus, "More 15c until 6 P.M. -- 2.5c after 6 NOW! TODAY and MONDAY- The Blue Ribbon Picture of the Year with MARGARET SULLIVAN and JOHN BOLES and cast of 93 featured players 14 { t 5 t ..strenth l and artistry in the production and direction of this Soviet Drama. "RtOAD 'TO LIFE": direction, artistic, photography, ex- ccl~ent."'--Film haily, ,Jan. 31 oi__ ®' o _ _ . 1 i I __. HOT BUTTER TOAST EtD.NUr III 80c a Pound Bridge Mixed Nuts Brazils Almonds Pecans Cashews a~lb / Corre(ction : Price q uoted above er-one- Gusly azppeared a't7; 4O~ in March 31 issute Calkins 10 Phone 71 13 We Deliver Ntx i-the Acd W1~ATCH FOR OUR _WEEKLY SPECIA~LSt I MAJESTIC George Who 1934 "Setndt Brawy. s too big Bi~oodwaegg br'ouht it to screeflfoi lwl Ott $ t~ an ItI. I -- -- , n r ktI; U U I wirhR0BE T \ 4' I I with R 0 B E R T 1 II I