_T H E._MICHGANDAILY 1 IE MICHIGAN DAILY .i -.w. another. It could have been made into a de- licious comedy bubbling over with laughs, or, if the proper polishing and finesse had been applied, it could have become a very fine piece of serious drama. The story deals with four people who have to leave their trafnp steamer because the Bubonic Plague has broken out among the coolies and the crew. They come ashore on a cholera-infected island, and have to find their way through the jungle in order to get to the nearest seaport from Il 1 ublished every morning except Monday during the versity year and Summer Session by the Board in 'trol of Student Publications. [ember of the Western Conference Editorial Association I the Big Ten News Service. $sceiuted 4ollegiate rs _ - 1933 (HA11Ort CVAAA 13 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS be Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use republication of all news dispathces credited to it or otherwise credited in thi paper and the local news .lished herein. All rights of republication of special atches are reserved. ntered at the ost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class matter.mSpecial ratA of postage granted by rd Asistant Postmaster-General. 8scrilption during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall, 0.- During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by 61ic'es: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2214. Representatives: College Publications Representalves, Inc., 4G 'East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Byson Street. Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Cicago. EbITORIAL STAFF Telephoe4925 MANAGIN EDITOR ......THOMAS K. 'CQNNELLAN EDITORIA DIRECTOR............. HART SCHAAF E°ITY EDITOR...........BRACXL1kYSHAW J3 RTS EDITOR.............ALBERT H. NEMAN AMA DEDITOR..........JOHN W. PRITCHARD W IS EDITOR..........CAROLJ. HANAN ]IGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis' Ball, Rahph 0. Coulter, William U. Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Wbippe, Jr. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car- stens, Roland L. Martin,. Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn, John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard . Levick, David G. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell, 18eineth Parker, William R. Reed, Robert S. Rowtch, rthur 8 Settle, Marshall 1) iveran, Arthur M. 'Thub. Dorothy Oies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor- rison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-24" BUsINESS MANAGE. ......W. RAFON SHARP O; EDI MANAGER .. BERNARD E. SCHNACKE WQEN'S BUSINESS MAAGER......... .............................. CATHARINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur- ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounta, Allen Knuist; Clrcula- tion and Contract-s, Jack Efroymson. ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Trnard Ros- enthal, Jo' Rothard, George Abe rtn. Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary ursiley, Peggy Cady Virginia Muff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Fied, Lous Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Grve, Billie Griffiths, Janet Jackjson, Louise Krause, Barara Morgan, Margaret Mustard, Betty Simonds. FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis Gold- smth, David Schiffer, Wiiiam Barndt, Jack Richardson, Charles Parker, Robert Owen, Ted Wohgemuth, Jerome Grossman, Avner, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall, -Ross Levin, Willy Tonlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn. NIGHT EDITOR: GEORGE VAN VLECK Publc Officials Should H.ave Ailequate Salaries ... ME complaint some time ago of Claude Bowers, United States Am- bassador to Spain, concerning the comparatively insignificant salaries 'paid to American minis- ters, brings again to mind that age-old blot on American democracy, a problem which has evoked argument ever since the founding of the diplo- matic service. John Quincy Adams, minister to Russia and later to Great Britain, found himself, as James Truslow Adams expresses it, "in the usual dis- agreeable predicament of every American diplo- mat, from his day to our own, who is not pos- sessed of ample private means and who has to live on the beggarly salary provided by a govern- ment whose roots are in main street." The richest country in the world still prefers this situation, to continue in Mr. Adams' vein, punctuating its regular course by the occasional humiliation of an indispensable man who doesn't happen also to be a millionaire. The result of this condition is that only wealthy men can afford to accept these posts, for the expense incident with the upkeep of an embassy in an important European capital is much greater than the $17,500 per year salary of an ambassador can take care of. The talents of the rich men may be of the highest caliber, but it is undeniable that other men of equally great accomplishments are often prevented from contributing to the nation's well- being. It also prevents career men from rising to the top in their profession, regardless of their worth, An interesting sidelight on the situation is the policy of the constitutional monarchy Great Britain, which pays its minister to Washington $75,000, as much as the President of the United States receives. Looking at the situation in the states, we find that the, governor of Michigan and of a good many other states, with a few notable exceptions, receive salaries of as little as $5,000 a year. It is plain that the same problem exists here, except that talented and worthwhile men are less likely to- run for governor than to remain in private but well-paying businesses. It is a financial lia- bility to be governor of this state -which is a misfortune for democracy. Screen Reflections which they can get another steamer back tp America. They expect the trip to take about three days, but they become lost, and take much longer, having a variety of experiences. during the trip. The four people themselves make the story in- teresting. The heroine, Judith Jones, is a love- starved, ingrown school teacher, who blossoms forth when she breaks her glasses and is robbed of .her clothes, and finds that she can be a real, alluring woman. Mrs. Marsdick is a humorous, reforming club woman who is much concerned with the birthrate of the natives. The men are Arnold Ainger, a sardonically diffident chemist, and Stewart Corder, a famous newspaper column- ist of the Walter Winchell type, except that his forte is excitement of all kinds. The conflicts that ensue between these differences in character are treated in a somewhat careless manner, but they could have been overdone, creating a poor1 effect. The point of the picture is to show what lack of civilization produces in these people. Each one finds his own reality. However, too muchi sentiment, or What appears to be sentiment, is employed, and' melodramatic tricks put "FourI Frightened People" on a lower plane than itt should be,1 Claudette Colbert is refreshing and real in hert characterization, and she gives a genuine insight into the typical American school teacher's mentalt makeup. Mary Boland produces some hilarious moments, but she has not been given adequate material with which to make her personality as funny as it can be. Herbert Marshall and William Gargan seem to have been limited in their pos- sibilities also, but they do well in their parts. Something went amiss in "Four Frightened Peo- ple"; but in spite of that it is entertaining. The high school comedy, a short subject, is calculated to produce something of a revolution-1 ary attitude in the audience, because it is terri- lWle. In the news reel, Tillie, a scrubwoman onI Welfare Island, is interviewed by what seems toi be the Fusionist party with a result that it isc new and different. Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not he con- strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anionymnous coinmtunicaions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be re garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to -be brief, ,onrh[inhng thnielves to s than 300 words if possible. COMMENTS ON DAILY REVIEW OF "THE GONDOLIERS" To the Editor: "A great injustice has been done" as was done to "The most beautiful blossom in all the South- land." I refer to the review of the opening night of "The Gondoliers" by your esteemed critics. The defects of the show, to the contrary not with- standing, so ably detected in the article, the show was jolly entertainment- "swell" in our vernacu- lar. The audience, naive and unsophisticated and undiscerning, actually enjoyed the whole thing; and those in the production believe that the spirit of "Dem Bones gonna rise again" put the show across. The performance wasn't so bad that it slew the blithe entertainment of Gilbert and Sul- livan. The good spots might have been emphasized; that fact that there was a short time for re- hearsals, "an insufficiency of time" could have been stated that the production was surprisingly dashing and well turned off in spite of a limited time spent on it. The dances could have been mentioned more prominently; Mrs. Knapp's pro- fessional work added much; the ensemble of the Duke's entourage in typical G. and S. tongue- twisters was admirably done; there were many high spots that could have been checked in order to give the optimistic touch. It was more than an experiment. It was good entertainment. -M. A. I --- . L k v FOUR DAYS MAY 9-1-11-2, 1934 six CONCERTS HILL AUDITORIUM PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT I Earl V. Moore, Musical Director Frederick Stock, Orchestra Conductor Eric DeLamarter, Associate Cnductor Juva Higbee, Young People's Conductor . . _ ,r _.r _._ ._ _._._._._.... n LUCREZIABORI.........'...'.............. Metropobitan Opera Association Soprano To the Editor: Would you please remind your "music critics" (?) of the good old saying: "There is so much bad in the best of us, And so much good in the worst of us, That it ill behooves any of us, to talk about the rest of us." "There's my sentiments" after having read the lousy write-up given the opening performance of "The Gondoliers." If the critics can't do any better, why don't they hush up? Recital season is just around the corner. Do you suppose you can instill the above maxim into their petty brain work -- and give the amateur affairs, student re- citals, etc., a break - for once in the history of a typical small town newspaper? We all think the performance of "The Gondo- liers" was "swell" - if you will pardon the Michi- gan vernacular, and it was well worth the time and money spent -- which is more than I can say for the five cents spent for a certain paper. -S. I. ROSAPONSEL E ........................ Metropolitan Opera Association JEANETTE VREE LAND.-.................... American Concert and Oratorio Singer COE GLADE......................... Chicago Civic and other Operas PAUL ALTHOUSE.................*... ..... :Metropolitan Opera Association ARTHURH ACKETT'.........'........'-.. American Opera and Concert Singer THEODORE W EBB ........... .......... .... . American Oratorio Singer CHASE BAROMEO.................. . . . Chicago, LaScala, and South American Operas GUILABUSTA.BO . . . . .. Young American Virtuoso Soprano Soprano Contralto . Tenor .Tenor Boritone ... Bass Violinist -C, B. C. Musical Events DEBUSSY OPERA THIS AFTERNOON "Pelleas and Melisande" based on Maeterlinck's play and set in its musical form by Claude De- bussy will be broadcast this afternoon at 1:45 p.m. by the National Broadcasting Company un- der the auspices of the American Tobacco Com- pany. Act I, Scene I. Golaud, lost in the forest, meets a beautiful girl weeping by a spring. She has dropped a golden crown into its depths but will not permit him to recover it. He learns that her name is Melisande, and, as it is growing dark, in- sists that they seek shelter. Scene II. Six months later in the Castle of Arkel, King of Allemonde. Genevieve is reading to the King a letter from Golaud, telling of his marriage to Melisande, in which Pelleas is re- quested to intercede with their father. Scene III. Genevieve, Melisande and Pelleas leave the gloomy castle to watch the sunset. Gene- vieve returns, leaving the two alone. Pelleas an- nounces that he must make a long journey on the next day and she expresses her regrets. Act II, Scene I. To escape the heat, Pelleas and Melisande have come to a remote part of the woods and the same fountain near which Go- laud first met her. She, playing with her wed- ding ring, accidently lets it slip into the fountain and it is lost. They cannot retrieve it for the well is immeasurably deep and they are due back at the castle. Scene II. Golaud having been injured in a fall from his horse, is lying in bed; Melisande is at his bedside. She bursts into tears and admits she is not happy at the castle. Trying to console her, he takes her hands and notices that the ring is missing. Evasively, she says that she dropped the ring in a grotto by the sea. He orders her to find it immediately and sends Pelleas to es- cort her. Scene III. Pelleas and Melisande are groping their way along in a dark, echoing cavern by the sea. A sudden flood of moonlight shows a group of paupers who have sought shelter there and Melisande becomes frightened. They hurry back to the castle. Act III, Scene I. Melisande is at a window in one of the towers combing her long hair and singing. Pelleas, walking, halts beneath her win- dow. She extends her hand for him to kiss and, leaning down, her long soft hair comes stream- ing down over her and all his love is aroused. Golaud comes upon them and charges them with childish behavior. Scene II. Golaud has led Pelleas to the depths of the castle to view a stagnant pool. .Together they lean over the chasm, Golaud's arm, holding the light aloft, trembles and Pelleas is alarmed; the two hurry out in silence. Scene III. Ascending from the cellars, Golaud cautioning Pelleas to refrain from again engag- ing Melisande in the "childish play" of the pre- vious evening, mentions her impending mother- hood. Scene IV. In the garden Golaud questions Yni- old, a son by a former marriage, of the state of affairs between Pelleas and Melisande but the child's answers are vague. A light appears in Melisande's window and Golaud holds Yniold high so that, he can look into the room. Act IV, Scene I. The day before his departure, i Collegiate Observer By BUD BERNARD A professor at Oklahoma A. & M. who is said to understand the collegians mind was lecturing his class on the stern necessity of getting to work. "Why, when I was nine years old," said the pro- fessor, "my father decided I ought to learn to swim so he took me down to the river and tossed me in and I swam out." From the back of the room came the voice, "Yeah, but he probably didn't expect you to." Salt of the earth, huh? A speaker at an eastern university compares girls who neck to rock salt placed in a trough for cattle to lick. The Colorado School of Mines has a ruling which prevents sophomores from paddling fresh- men. The sophs get around the rule by making the first year men paddle each other. : : . " M ISCHA L EVITZKI'.................. Distinguished Russian Player MA BEL ROSS RHEA D...."... ....... . Choral Union Accompanist PALMER CHRISTIAN............' .'.'. University of Michigan Organist * * * * iPianist . . . . . . . . . Pianist S' Y i '' Organist The University Choral Union 300 Voices The Stanley Chorus . . 40 Voices Chicago Symphony Orchestra 70 players Ninth Symphony . Beethoven Young People's Festival Chorus 400 Voices The Seasons ..Haydn American Premiere (specially translated The Ugly Duckling English into English) of "Song of Peace" (Ein The Waters of Babylon ... Loeffler Friedenslied) .............Robert Heger Season tickets $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 (if Festival coupon is enclosed deduct $3.00). Orders by mail will be filled in advance in sequence and will be sent out about April 20, at purchasers' risks unless fee of 18c is enclosed for registration. CHARLES A, SINK, President School of Music, Ann Arbor, Michigan DAILY (LASSIFIEDS ADS ARE EFFECTIVI; -l--cv ti-e-s- - Here is a poem from a romantic man at Ohio State University: ODE TO BLONDES or fresh- An Apology to Brunettes Her hair is curly but it's black Of course her eyes are too; It's too bad she's been bereft Of all the golden hues Brunettes are never loved Beyon' the fact they may be sweet, The reason gentlemen prefer blondes Is where's there's light, there's generally HEAT Students at Colorado University have passed a law requiring every student crossing the bridge over the campus to shake hands with every other person who happens to be on the bridge at the same time. And at Vassar they have passed a ruling not to speak to each other on the campus. If some of the co-eds had the power in their eyes that they think they have, they could stir their coffee with a dirty look. A two dollar fine per head was put on 62 stu- dents of Queens College for hazing freshmen by rubbing rotten eggs and overripe tomatoes in their hair. Very reasonable price, a bargain, we would say. From a nearby campus we learn that a college man is made up of the following "ations": Registration, contemplation, pro- crastination, examination, prevarication, con- sternation, and probation. I wonder if we may add inebriation? at the castle. Arkel and the physician having left thelm, Golaud begs her forgiveness and asks if she really loved Pelleas. She answers quietly, in the affirmative; appearing to be in a state of semi-consciousness, she greets her newborn baby dispassionately. The serving women of the castle enter and take places along the walls of the room. First Methodist Episcopal Church A COMMUNITY CATHEDRAL State and Washington Ministers Frederick B. Fisher' Peter F. Stair 10:45-Morning Worshlp. "Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Immortality" Dr. Fisher STALKER HALL For University Students 5:00 P.M.-"The Half of My Goods," an Easter drama, presented by the Wesley Players. 6:00 P.M.-Wesleyan Guild Servi'~e. Dr. G. E. Carrothers, speaker, on "The Challenge of Easter to the Campus." Fellowship hour fol- low. 7:30 P.Mv.-Evenlng Worship. "How Can We Be Sure of Immortality?" Dr. Fisher St. Paul's Lutheran (Missouri Synod) West Liberty and Third t'it . April 1, 1934 6 :00A.M --Sjnrise Service- "Christ Is Risen- A Certainty" Selections will be given by the senior and junior choirs. Hillel Foundation Corner East University and Oakland Dr. Bernard Heller. Director April 1, 1934 11:45 A.M. - Sermon at the Michigan League by ,Dr. Bernard Heller- "Passover and Easter" The Origin and Orientation 4:00P.M.-Meeting of the class in Jewish Ethics. Passover meals served at 605 Forest Avenue. 8:15 P.M.-Open houses The Fellowship of Liberal Religion (Unitarian) State and Huron Streets 10:45 A.M.-Sunday Morning Sermon: Dr. Sidney S. Robins wili speak Zion Lutheran Church Washington St. at Fifth Ave. E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor 9:00 A.M. - Bible School--Topic: "The Risen Lord" 9:00 A.M.-Service in the German language. 10:30 A.M. - Service- "The King Triumphant" 5 :30 P.M.-Student supper followed by a discussion on "The Meaning of Easter." 7:00 P.M.-The Sunday School will present the Easter Service, "Faith, Hope, and Love" St. Andrews Episcopal Church livision at Catherine Street SERVICES OF WORSHIP Easter Sunday. April 1, 1934 7:00 A-M. Holy Communon, Choral 9:00 A.M.-Hoiy Communion, Choral 11:00 4.,M-Kindergarten 11 -rlan a P r __ ---- _- __ _. .. _._._.:.._...... __..._ .._..... p..._r _ __.. .__ _ ,ss r _._ ,,