THE MICHIGAN DAILY FDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication In the Bulletin sconstructive notice to all melnbera of t e UrIversity. Copy received at the offire of the Assistant to the Presideht until 3:30: 11:30 a. m. Saturday. Ex-PresidentVisits Kansas Journalist SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1934 VOL. XLIV No. 133 Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at laome to members of the faculties and othier residents of Ann Arbor on Suday, April 1, from four to six o'clock. E1acuty Meeting, CUilege of Litera- ttfr, Sc enee, and mrts: The regular Aril meeting will be held in Room 1025, A.H. Monday, April 2, begin- ning at 4:10 o'clock. Agnda: 1. Report of Executive Committee, Professor Bradshaw. 2. Report from the University Council, Professor Bonner. Y3. eport of the Deans' Confer- . ence, Pean Kraus. 4. New business. 1*niel L. Rich, Necretary. To Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their posses- sion bdks drawn from the Univer- sity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, April 2, be- fore the impending Spring vacation, in pursuance of the Regents' regula- tion: "Students who leave Ann Ar- bor for more than a week must first return all borrowed books." ~2. failure to etun books before fhe ,vacation will render the student liable t an extra fine. 3. Students who have special need for certain books between April 2 and tle beginning of the vacation may ptain such books by applying at the Charging Desk on April 2. 4. Students who have urgent need for certain books during the vaca- tion, will be given permission to draw these }oks, provided they are not in general demand, on applicatron at the Charging desk after April 2. Vim. W, B ishop, Librarian. Students in the College of Litera- 4nrw, Science, and the Arts, who in February became, eligible for admis- ion to candidacy for a degree, and oo have not as yet returned their a'hi iotn forms to Room 4, U.H, ate aked to do so iimediately, as the if1cial records will be printed diririg Spring Vacatioh. : Uitiverslty Bureau o f Apointents 3 & Occupational Informatin has re- 6eived nbtde of the following Civil S'SCrfce Exarminatons litrit Supervisor, Bureau of In- dustral Alcohol, Treasury Dept. Junior Scientific Aid in Textile Arts, Associate Warehouse Examiners - In cotton, peanuts, grain. Announcements are on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. AIl those interested in the arrange- rnept of the Junior Girls' Play music of this year in booklet form with muusic and words combined sign up for such in Miss McCormick's office at the Lealgue' cade wic Notees ~istry 144: Midsemester examina- , ton, Tuesday, April 3. Students with names beginning with letters from S to Z ill meet in 1020, A.H. All others in the lecture room, B, Haven. Exhibition )uibition: The College of Archi- .cttre and the Architectural Society re showiig one hundred original daraings of the Walt Disney studios ittraylng "'The Art of Mickey MCouse" These drawings are hung in the thi.'d floor exhibition room of the Ccllede of Architecture and will be open for the last time on Sunday, 1:0,0 to 5:00 p m. To cover the cost df i r:ing this exhibition to Ann rbor the small admission charge of ten cents is being made. The Douglass pastels and etchings will also be on view. Events Today Pi Tau ei Sigma: Initiation cere- monies this afternoon and evening. Le'aving Automotive Laboratory. 1:00 vim. Formal initiation at Inverness Country. Club, North Lake this eve- hing. All members please be present. Varsity Band: Very important con- cort band rehearsal at Morris Hall at 1:$0 p.m. All members of the con- cert band must be present. The time of the Sunday rehearsal has beent changed to 8:00 a.m.f Graduate Outing Club: There will be a supper hike at the forestry .cabin in Saginaw Forest today. The group will leave Angell Hall at 3:00 this afternoon and hike to the cabin, four 'miles west, and return after dark. All 'graduate students are welcome. W -U wUaERH Please make reservations by signing on one of the notices posted on the bulletin boards of the General Li- brary, Angell Hall, and by the west door of Natural Science Auditorium, before this noon. Special Seiies of Holy Week Serv- ices: The final program will be under the direction of the Episcopal stu- dents at 4:30 in the Upper Room of Lane Hall. Everybody is cordially in- vited to attend. Presbyterian Students are invited to come to the Church House this evening eight to eleven. Hillel Foundation: Seder services at G:45 at G05 Forest Ave. oneert Graduation Recital: Elizabeth All- sop Leslie, violinist, with piano ac- companiments by Raymond Kondra- toricz, will give the following gradua- tion program, Tuesday night, April 3, at 8:15 o'clock at the School of Music Auditorium, to which the general public with the exception of small children is invited: Sonate for piano and violin . .Franck Allegretto ben moderato Allegro Recitativo-Fantasia Allegretto poco mosso Largo and Allegro Assai from Conata in F.........Bach Air from Violin Concerto ..Guldmark L'Abeille........ .'chube frt Chanson Triste .........Kalinnikow Perpetuum Mobile .........Novacek Symphonie Espagnole.........Lalo Allegro non troppo Andante Allegro Coming Events Women's -Education Club meeting will be held on Monday, April 2, at 8:15 in the library of the University Elementary School. Dr. Howard Y. McClusky will speak on "An English View of American Education." All wonen'interested in teaching are in- vited to' attend. Woman's Research Club: Regular meeting Monday, April 2, Room 3024 Museutrhs, 7:30 p.m. Varsity Glee Club: Final rehearsal at the Union, Sunday at 4:30 o'clock, for the trip to Flint. Student Press Club: Will meet Monday evening, 8 o'clock, Room 210, Haven Hall. Prof. Max S. Handman of the Department of Economics will speak. All students of Journalism are urged to attend. Dean Griffin To sjteak First In Ie)eiesI ilegir AiiiuRI Series Fioi' tLiferni'y Students The first in a series of lectures for students in the Literary College and others interested in future work in Business Administration will be de- livered by Dean C. E. Griffin of the, School of Business Administration at 4 P.m., Tuesday, April 3, in room 1025 Angell Hall. Dean Humphries of the, Literary College will preside at the first meeting. This series of lectures is presented each year by the various colleges of the University and is primarily of interest to undergraduate students" who are contemplating entering one of the various professional schools in the near future. The meetings, which have aroused considerable interest in the past, are designed to give infor- mation concerning opportunities in various fields and the qualifications necessary. Arrangements for the lectures are being made by Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Literary College. Announce- ments of the colleges which will be represented at subsequent meetings and the dates for the lectures will be made by the Dean's office as soon as pplans are completed. SOriental Art Is Rceived -I .1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertions. ox aNumbersmay be secured at no extra charge. Cash in Advance-llo per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) fot one or two insertions. 1Oc per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines pee' insertion. Telephone Rate--Me per reading line for one or two insertions. 19c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discont if paid within ten days from the date of last in1sertion. MIni mu- three lines per insertion. fly Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one Mont1........ ...........Be 4 1l1~'s E.0O3D,. 2 mnonths. 3 2 lines daily, college year. 7' 4 li1es 1:. 0. D., college year .. ..'i 101) llines u:sed as desi redl. ....l9c ,00 1lijes tised as desilred....... Be 1.000 llnes used as desred.~..7 2,000 lInes used as desired .....C The aIove rates are pr re-ading line, based on eight reading lines per inch o f V: 00point onic type', pper and lower. case. Add 6e per lne' to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above "or bold rce, ppver and lower case, Adid 10 per line to abhovi rates for bold race capital tletters. TAXICARS TAXI--Phone 9000. Seven-passengel cars. Only standard rates. x ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com- fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x LAUNDRY fiA NDRtY 9-1044,. ~ Sox anedi. CsreTfid work_ at low price. 4x FOR RENT WOMAN STUDENT: Room near the campus, in private family, Board if desired. 9642. 407 SUITE: Cheerful, reasonable. 714 church Street, lox LOST AND FOUND WILL THE PERSON who took ox- ford gray overcoat from Water- man Gym by mistake please return to S. Beckman, 1301 Wells St. MAN'S Gruen wrist watch lost be- tween Forest Ave., and Dental Bldg., Thursday, March 29. Call1 S. W. Miller, 5607. Reward. 406 NOTICE AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCiNG Bring your title Associated Motor services, Inc. 311 W. Huron, Ph. 2-2001 12x PERMANENTS: Our $5 steam oil permanen~t with il shampoo, $3, this week and next1 Raggedy Ann Shop. Dial 7561. llx ARE YOU GOING HOM E ? Indian Trail Stages offers low rates Call Milner Hotel. 3293 405 CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR' I -Associated Press Photo herbert Hoover and William Allen White are shown at the rioted editor's home in Emporia, Kas., where the former chief executive spent the night in the course of his automobile trip from California into the Midwest. _oove o0 Visit I owa; Political Aolivel Is Seen In Autito Toti r WANTED WANTED: MEN'StOLD AN))NEW suIits-. Will pay 3, 4, 5. 6 anod 7 dol- lair.PhonIe Ann Arbor 4:306, ChiA- (cago Buyer'. Temralr~ity offiWe. 200 ,,, Mididay ETening Drama Section of the Faculty Womens' Club will meet at 7:30 p.m., April 2, at the home of Mrs. W. . 'Taylor, 2007 Washtenaw. Assistant hostesses for the evening will be Mrs. M. B. Stout, Mrs. A. H. Copeland, Mrs. J. D. Elder, and Mrs.. A. W. B3roage. Stalker Hal: Suday 6:30 8:00 a.m. Sunrise Communion Service at First Church. 7:00 8:30 a.m. Kappa Phi will serve breakfast at Stalker Hall. 10:30 Dr. F. B. Fisher preaching on "Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Immortality.," H1alf My Goods" will be pre- sented by Wesley Players at Stalker Hall. 6:00 The Wesleyan Guild. Dr. George E. Carrothers will speak on "The Challenge of Faster to the Campus." 7:00 Fellowship and supper. '7:30 Dr. F. B. Fisher, preaching on "How Can We Be Sure of Im- mortality?" at First Church. Monday at 5 p'.m. Michigan League Against War and Militarism at Lane hall. Easter Sunday at the First Meth- odist Church, State and Washington streets: 6:30 to 8:00, Sunrise Com- munion Service: 10:30, Easter Morning Worship, Dr. Frederick B. Fisher preaching on "Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Immortality." At 7:30 p.m., closing service of Lenten Preaching Mission, Dr. 'Fisher preaching on "How Can We Be Sure of Immortality?"I KANSAS CITY, March 30- (IP) - A smiling, sun-tanned Herbert Hoo- ver headed for his boyhood state of Iowa today, leaving political tongues wagging. The former President spent the night here - the scene of his nomi- nation for the presidency - the lat- est stop of an automobile trip through the West that seems to swell in ex- tent and significance with every mile. Today he had as a companion Law- rence Riche, one of his White House secretaries who hurried here from Washington by airplane to join him. When the former chief executive left his California home last Satur- day, the journey was described as a short vacation trip. There was no indication that it was to carry him as far east as Kansas City. He said he "might drive on to Chicago." Wlle he is not the same fatigued man who left the White House two years ago, ie was as untalkative as ever, "Theie's nothing to say," he told questioners, "nothing at all. No poli- tics. No schedule - visiting a few friends and relatives." Here as in Arizona, New Mexico,' Choral; 9:00 a.m. Holy Communion, choral; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m. Festival Morning Prayer, Sermon and Holy Communion, the Reverend Henry Lewis will preach the sermon. The men and boys vested choir will sing special Easter music including the Hallelujah Chorus by Beethoven and "Upon the First Day of the Week" by: Myles Foster. At four o'clock there will be an Easter Pageant, "The Heavenly City" presented in the church. ltairris lall: Sunday evening there will be the regular student meeting at seven o'clock. All students are cor- dially invited. Presbyterian Student Announce- ments, Sunday: 9:30 Easter Breakfast to be held at the church house. 10 :30 Morning worship. Dr. Richard- son', "The Christ of Experi- ence." 5:30 Social hour and supper. 6:30 student forum. Dr. Richard- son, "The Value and Purpose of Prayer.,, Lutheran Student Club: Regular meeting 5:30 p.m. Sunday at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, E. Washington St. at S. Fifth Ave. There will be a student discussion led by Rolfe Haat- Vedt on the subject "What was Jesus' Life Purpose?" Colorado, and Kansas, the former president met and conferred with Re- publican leaders. With him Thurs- day night was Arthur M. Hyde, his secretary of agriculture. Although Mr. Hoover says the trip is'without political significance, lead- ers pointed out it is giving him a "grass root" survey of how the west- ern and midwestern farmers feel about the "New Deal."! 'me trip is being mde at a time when congressional campaigns are being opened and Republicans are re- building their organizations in hopes of regaining ground lost in the 1932 Democratic landslide. By the time the former president reaches home again, friends said, the trip should have put him in touch with party headers in at least a dozen states, and more, if he takes a north- ern route back to California. ,con sensits a e rn TO Ineline Towair The {Nicer' ti.r i, rls "Bad Girls" are by their actions' leading themselves to spinsterhood, if a survey recently conducted in a local fraternity house can be taken as carrying any weight. Given three types of girls from which to choose for marriage, the men were almost unanimous in their preference for the girl who drinks, smokes, etc., only in moderation. In the hypothetical case as set up, the men -were presented with three girls, one of which they were entitled to select as a wife. All were of equal beauty, intelligence and wealth, their only difference being in their pres- ent estimation of what enjoyable liv- ing is. Girl Number One was the cold girl, who never drinks nor smokes, and will allow her escort to put his arm around her only after he has had her out about 11 times. Girl Number Two was the "luke- warm" type, smoking, drinking and "necking" only to be sociable. Girl Number Three went the full way, drinking and smoking more or less habitually. Whatever the fraternity boys' in-a clinations are in their college days, they made it clear by their votes that girl number three would not be tolerated as a life mate, according her only three votes. Number two was selected by most of the men, although the first girl ran her a close race, receiving 14 votes to her opponents' 16.l Will Exhibit The Articles When Expedition Comes ! tck Next May 'The oriental aesthetic arts divi- sion of the Museum of Anthropology is unpacking and studying the 12 cases of articles of Tibetan and In- dian culture recently received from the University's expedition to "India and Tibet headed by Dr. Walter N. Koelz. Included in this shipment were Ti- betan paintings, which are banners that hung in temples, utensils and devices used in worsbip, articles of perisonl adornment, Tibetan books, tea tables, textiles from India and S'ibet and sever 1)idols. Th articles of worship, such as amlet cases and icons, are those used in the Lamaistic religion which is the Buddhism of Tibet. 13 F. March, curator of the division of oriental aesthetic arts, said these articles would be placed on exhibi- tion in May when Dr. Koelz returns. In addition to the articles of Ti- betan and Indian culture the Koelz shipment consisted of 10,000 herba- rium plant speciments and 2,000 bird specimens from the same region. P ,rofi s .4ro . .f-1 To al Over $100OO Profits from the 1935 J-Hop amounted to $1,178.31, Philip A. Sin- gleton, '35E, announced yesterday. Of this amount, $883.73 will be given to the Student Good Will Fund, and $147.29 each 'to both the Uni- versity Fresh Air Camp and the fund raised annually by Galens, honorary medical society. Phi Beta Kappa Elects New Officers For Year At the annual meeting of Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic society, held March 28, the following officers were elected: President, Prof. John W. Bradshaw of the mathe- matics department; secretary-treas- urer, Prof. Orma F. Butler of the Latin department; executive board, Prof. Theophil H. Hildebrandt of the mathematics department, Prof. Philip L. Schenk of the English department and Prof. Verner W. Crane of the history department. C NEW YORK, March 30. -- (/P) - With signs of a possible breakdown of the gold bloc multiplying, mone- tary experts are trying to calculate propable repercussions on the rest of the world. Most informed circles in Wall St. are inclined to the opinion that abandonment of the old-fashioned gold standard by France and her fi- nancial satellites might be momen- tarily disturbing here, but doubt that it would have a deflationary effect upon American price levels. It is pointed out that American price levels have given decisive indi- cations of sensitiveness to the ratio of the dollar with the pound Sterling and the Sterling group of currencies, but little if any tieup is seen between French price levels and ours. While a sharp drop in the pound Sterling might tend to depress Amer- ican price levels, owing to the im- portance of the Sterling bloc of cur- rencies in world trade, some econ- omists are inclined to the view that a drop in the franc rnight be almost ignored. A drop. in the gold bloc currencies would, of course, tend to remove the advantage which American exporters have had in selling their goods in those countries, since the dollar was devalued, and to that extend might be considered deflationary. In view of the recent tendency of the pound Sterling to strengthen against both the dollar and the gold bloc group, some exchange experts point out that a decisive tottering of the continental currencies might prompt a sharp rise in the pound, in terms of the dollar as well as those currencies. It has appeared that nervous cap- ital from the gold bloc currencies has been flowing to London rather than to New York, so the principal effect might be a sharp increase in the demands foi- pounds, with notably less change in demand for dollars. "Road To Life" is one of the greatest pictures I ever saw anu, as a depiction of the work that Russia has done for th reclamation of its orphan chil- dren, it is incomparable." Dr. John ilaynes Holmes Monetary Experts Studying Trend Of Gold CirculatrIn READ TIIE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS --' --_~~~ ____ ~.."-" ~__ ~~~~__ ~~~~-~ ~~ ~ TODAY - Matinee 2:30 Evinug 8:30 TH E GONDO 'ULI ER Gilbert and Sulli's Coic Opera LYDIA MENDELSSOHN1 THEATRE - PHONE 6300 Box Office Open Daily 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Phone 6300 for Reservations Price Scale: Evenings 50c, 75c, $1.00 - Matinee 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c BIG ER,DrRIGH TER, tFLASHIER, FUNNIER ;than the lavish production that yearly electrified Broadway G3 Dieted bya Ceorge Whhte 111-9l Sairit Andrew's 'Episc.dpal Church: Services of worship Easter Sunday are: 7:00 a.m. Holy ComflafUnion - School of Social _ Mxncinq Taught daily, 10 to. 10. Terrace Garden Studio Phone 9695 wurh hatr-lg I i TONIGHT- ONLY f I r 1d ! MICHICA Tm' onghtf - CECIL B. DcMILLE'S Four Frightened1 with Claucei Will N '--- People *t Marshall Boland tte Colbert iam Gargan - Herber - Mary GRANGER'S BALLROOM Prescn Is FLETCH'Eft t t 1I 'Cl ck Vaudeville Show HARRY HINES, "The 58/h Variety" LANE AND HARPER, "Di, mbellS" CARMEN BELL BROS and GRACE "A Lit/Ic Bit of iery/hiig" K ARRE LeBARON & CO., "Ailagio JDancers"' i HENDERSON ;1 U d