THE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY ,: v* w. I -. Publ shed every niorning ekcept Monday dhiring the U iiversity year and Sumnmer Se iozc1 by the Bioh-rd In (ontrol of St ldent Pnlications . Membber of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the ig Ten News Service. sso0Cialed 0r1giate . rtso MEMBER OF THE ASSOCATED PRESs$ The Associated Press is Pncliusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or not otherwise credited In tbk; paper anct the local news pu1ished herein. All rights of reutblication of special dlspatches are reserved. Epatered at the i'ost Office at Ann Arbor, Michiigan, as lecond cIass matter. Special rat of postage grauted by Third Aaistant Postmaster-General. St1ascrilrtion dming suimmer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, L,50. During regular school _year. by carrier, $3.75; by mall, $4.25. Offices2 Student Publicatiuns Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MichlIgan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: Coege Publications Representatives, Im, 4(: Last Thirty-Fourth Street, New YorL City; 80 Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chic~ago. - EDITORIAL STAFF Telephonie 4925 MANAGING EDITOR .. ..THOMAS K. CONNELLAN EDITORIAL DIRECTOR.............C. HART SCHAAF CITY E,,ITO. ....... ......BRACKL4Y SHAW SPORTS EDITOR... ...........ALBERT H. NEVMAN DRAMIA EDITOR....... ... ...JOHN; W. PRITCHARD WOMEN'S E .DITOR...................CAROL J. HANAN riaHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, RThlph 0. Coulter, William 0. Ferris, John C. Healey, Geolge Van Vhl ck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.1 300 feet would be a more reasonable distance than 500 feet. The common council, however, decided that in view of the controversial nature of the question the people should have the opportunity to express their opinions at a public hearing. The ordinance committee will meet directly following the hearing to decide upon a recommendation to be made to the council in the light of the opinions expressed. The Daily appreciates the fact that the Council is experimenting in an almost unprecedent I1 field, and is proceeding cautiously and rationally, with the interest of Ann Arbor at heart. The Daily would, however, like respectfully to recommend that they so modify the liquor ordinance that it will not eliminate clean, respectable cafes, selling beer, from entertaining the students within the city. Such modification might best take the form of relaxing the restrictions on the closing hour (in accofdance with the ruling of the State Liquor Control Commission) and permitting dancing under propitious conditions. The Council would still retain its most potent weapon, by which it can best weed out those places it deems unfit - the clause that requires all such places to be licensed by the council. By making these licenses renewable each year, and revokable anytime, by granting them with judicious discrimination, and with a full cognizance of the circumstances under which the place is to operate, the council may con-' trol the amusement cafes with an even greater flexibility than under the present ordinance. It scarcely need be pointed out, further, that the tax from such places would not be unwelcome to the city. The Council has indicated its desire to hear the opinions of the residents of Ann Arbor. The Daily urges that all who have a valid reason for or against the proposed distance amendment attend the public hearing at 7:30 tonight. Screen Reflcations d1- - - - - - --- _--- -- - - - - -- - - -y - 4 As Others See It THREE CROSSES AND THREE NOOSES This week is Passion Week and millions of Christians all over the world will attend religious services and listen to sermons depicting the suf- ferings of Christ, leading up to his crucifixion. As we look forward to next Friday, we visualize three victims, hanging upon three crosses, on Cal- vary's Hill. As we look backward to last Friday, we see three young Negro men, swinging from three gallows, down in Mississippi. The trio in Mississippi went to their death last Friday, for an alleged criminal assault upon a woman. One of the spectators who witnessed the triple execution, was the father of the girl against whom the crime was said to have been committed. He was not content with the fact that the men had been condemned to die; but he had sought through the Mississippi Legislature the privilege of being the executioner to spring the death trap which would take the victims' lives. His petition was fortunately denied. While the girl's father looked on, with murder in his heart, he saw the three young men mount the gallows; he saw the noose placed about each victims' neck, and a black cap drawn over his eyes; he saw the trap sprung and the three bodies dangle in the air. There were others present at the execution, however, whose vision was not blinded with the- spirit of vengeance and race prejudice. They looked upon those three lifeless bodies hanging on the gallows, and asked themselves these ques- tions: "Were they guilty?" ".Did they have the same consideration and impartial curt trial; that white men would have been given, under similar circumstances?" "Was this another instance of innocent Negroes being put to death, to satisfy some enemy's secret grudge, or to shield a woman from blame?" These are the questions which white America might well seek to answer at this time, as the nation faces Passion Week and Good Friday. -The Tribune Independent qf Michigan ---- ------- ,i ! .v S r_ TUESDAY, APRZIL 3 YOUR LAST CHANCE To BUY A MICHIGANENSIAN FOR 9. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car- stens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REPORTIIRS: - C. Bradford Carpenter, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn Join Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard B. Levick, David G. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed, Robert S. Riuwitch Arthur S. Settle, Marshall 1). Silverman, Artur- M. Taub. Dorothy Cies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Mor- rison, Sally .Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider. BUSINESS STAFF' Telepone 2.24 BUSINFES8. MANACiER............W. GRATON SHARP OREDIT MANAGER............BERNARD E. SCHNACKE' WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.................. .........................CATHARINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur- ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising{ Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circula- tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymrson. ASSTSTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, hernarl Ros enthal, Joe Rolhaird, (eorge Aiwriom. Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bfursley. peggy Cady, Nirginia (iff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve lield, tLoise I"ore2, Dorik (Miri:y Betty (reve, Billie rifiths, Janet :Pagksn, lA1IIF;e Kraiwe. hiBarbara Mrga, Marart~e Mustard, Betty Simonds-. FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson, Louis fol- smi-T, David Scliifer. Wlib 1am Barndt, Jack Richardsoni, Charles Parker, Robert Owen, ed wohigenoth, Jeromine Grossman, Aver, Kroinenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom Clarke, Scott., Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall, Ros Levin, Willy Toaiinson, Bean Asselin, I,yman ~itittmnan,,olir"f ark: Dn on uton, Allen UIpson, ehard tlrdenbrdok, GCordon Coh n. NIGHT EDITOR: A. ELLIS BALL Jim Cisly . .. IM CRISTY won the 1934 Big Ten athletic and scholarship medal. The 1933 award went to Ivan Williamson. The points of similarity between these two men are too marked to be disregarded. Let us point out1 a few: Both captained great Michigan teams. William- son's football team was awarded the National Championship under the Dickinson rating sys- tem. Cristy is captain of one of Michigan's typi- cally strong swimming teams. They already holdJ the Big Ten title and are calculated to make a strong bid for the National Championship at Co- lumbus this week-end. Both, were inspiring leaders of the traditionally quiet Michigan type. Both were selected as cap- tain over flashier team-mates. Both made sacri- flees - all Michigan captains do. Williamson played Saturday football all season with a dam- aged knee that, surprisingly to those not in the know, went to pieces as soon as the season was over. Cristy two weeks ago sacrificed his chances to set a new Big Ten mark in the 440 because ie wanted to save his strength for the 220 yard event. Both compete with the quiet intensity that makes champions. Experts agree that Williamson was a better end than his more spectacular team- mate who won All-American mention. Cristy never blows, even pokingly. In practice he swims -anid swims - and swims -up and down the 25-yad pool, more than a mile every day. It ws ythis same quiet intensity that made them good students - it takes intensity to get good grades and still spend hours every day practicing football or swimming. It is a great honor to receive the Big Ten medal for proficiency in scholarship and athletics, but almost unnecessary, it seems to us. After all, weren't they Michigan captains? **PtJUS i' AT THIE MAJESTIC "THIS DAY AND AGE" Garrett .............. Charles Bickford Gay Merrick ...............Judith Allen Steve Smith .......... Richard Cromwell It is a long time since this reviewer has seen a film directed by Cecil B. DeMille; but if this one can be taken as authentic, the old master has lost very little of his old art and technique. There are mass scenes in this film reminiscent of the "Ten Commandments." Mr. DeMille shows himself capable of his task, pliable to the chang- inig interests of the day. The action of this film is so rapid that it would be impossible even to outline the story. Thie best ( can do is to give a brief appetizer of the plot, hupitig that eahers will be dissatisfied elwogh to pay the price of admission and find out the rest for themselves. A gang --- the ever-present gang - is success- fully creating, a labor racket of tailor shops in a small town, which has so much of a high school that its other buildings cannot be seen. A tailor, befriended by the students, is shot because of his refusal to join the gangster association. The stu- dents go after the gangsters, two of their number are killed in the attempt. After this their efforts are trebled. They way in which they succeed is, o say the least, fantastic; but this being a movie, we'll let it pass. The one and main objection I have to offer is this: Mr. Director should have known better than to give to a high school a college atmosphere and college students. There is no reason why the substitution of a college would not have been better. The story in no way would have been in- jured. For such a mistake, for such a ridiculous mistake, it rates no more than two stars plus. There were times in the film where this reviewer "jest set back and enjoyed hisself," momentarily forgetting his role as a critic. DeMille's power of holding interest fascinated him. The director has created a spirit of youthful exuberation, enthu- siasm, and vitality that is thematically dominant in the film. The youthful actors really enjoy themselves here. They don't have to act. They portray roles that are perfectly familiar to them, for they simply act naturally. This naturalness is a great help both to themselves and to the audi- ence. -J.C.S. -- --- - ------ Music AEvents GOOD FRIDAY MUSIC THIS AFTERNOON Toccata per l'Elevazione........Frescobaldi Choral Prelude: "O Sacred Head Surrounded" ...................... Bach Choral Prelude: "When on the Cross the Savious Hung"................Bach Prologue tragicus............... Karg-Elect Good Friday Music (Parsifal) .......Wagner Golgotha ......................... Mailing The Hour of Conservation ............ Bossi Crucifixion (Passion Symphony) ......Dupre Campus Opinion Letters nlished in this column should not be con- stru d as expressling the editoriail opinion of The Daily. Anonymous conmo nications will be disregarded. The 7 names of con inlant will, however, be re- garded as confid<-joiul upon request. Contributors re isked to be brirf, coitiilng tiemselves to less than :M0 words r pOi:si bie. DAILY DEVOID OF SOCIAL IMAGINATI ION, INTELLJaCTUAL VISION To the Editolr: There is 1 phase of the beer-sale issue that has not, beti, touched upon yet; in the voluminous and contitiiots publicity given it in the columns of The Daily. Possibly it is one of the most signifi- cant phases of the entire issue, I fe.el that college generations in the far future will certainly judge it sm. This issue represents an extremely inter- esting and in many ways accurate index of the scale of values, both journalistic and moral, of The Daily. Future generations will get the picture of a university newspaper so utterly devoid of social imagination and intellectual vision that, in the midst of revolutionary social and economic changes throughout the lane, it could only find one cause to champion- the sale of beer on State Street. Social and economic justice, world peace and understanding, the development of a more functional educational system and a host of other vital issues meant little or nothing to this Paper. At least so it would seem from the Paper itself. Surely by its fruit alone one must know it. What a sorry state of affairs this is! . I would vote against this beer issue for no other reason than that it is a manifestation of a totally inade- quate social intelligence and set of moral values on the part of a large section of the Campus, as represented by The Daily. And I want to protest against such inadequacy. Gordon B. HaIstead MaLke Second 1,r11 I'4cd pay-Ifici l'srthe Shidetlit Pliblie;.Iions Bl-dg. NOW-! MII .. E FOUR DAYS MAY 9-10-1 1-12, 1934 six CONCERTS HILL AUDITORIUM PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Earl V. Moore, Musical Director Frederick Stock, Orchestra Conductor Eric DeLmararter, Associate Conductor Jiuva Higbee, Young People's Conductor Collegiate Observer By BUD BERNARD It doesn't matter if you don't know the answers at West Point. When an army plebe has been asked something he doesn't understand by an upperclassman, he must reply: "My head is of Vermont marble, laminated lay- ers of ivory and hardest teakwood. Nothing known under the sun can percolate through the chrome- vanadium steel casing; the density of the noggin resting on my shoulders resists the advent of all factual material. . . in other words I don't know the answer.". After interviewing over 400 co-eds at the Uni- versity of Missouri, the ideal man was found to be a salmagundi of the following traits: Able to stand the patter of women without be- ing bored. Good manners ulithout being awkish. Independent. Conceited. Capable of asserting himself and be domineer- LUCREZIA BORI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Metropolitan Opera Association Soprano ROSA PONSELL E ........................ Metropolitan Opera Association JEANETT E VREELAND ...................... American Concert and Oratorio Singer COE GLADE........................ Chicago CiYic and other Operas PAUL ALTHOUSE........................ . Metropolitan Opera Association ARTHUR HACKETT ........... .......... American Opera and Concert Singer THEODORE WEBB .......... ........... . American Oratorio Singer CHASE BAROMEO.............. .. ... Chicago, LaScala, and South American Operas GUIL A BUSTABO . . . . . . .. .. Young American Virtuoso .. .Soprano Soprano .. Contralto ... .Tenor ... Tenor Baritone ....... Bass Violinist 500 Or 300 Fee?.. JHE Good Friday organ recital, given annually by Palmer Christian, has come to mean a great deal on the campus, as a special way of recog- nizing the day and its significance: even those people who ordinarily miss either the regular weekly recitals, or regular attendance at Church, make an effort to hear the Passion music selected for this occasion. It is hardly astounding that the instrument which has been nurtured in the Church should possess great works, from the earliest times in organ history to the present, marking the great drama of the Church. Perhaps best known and most endeared to an audience is the Parsifal in. Sense of humor, No obvious line. Be a conversationalist- and one insisted he be 6 feet tall, be a good dancer, have a tsar, plenty of money, and be handsome. * * -1 that good M ISC HA LEVITZKI ........................ Distinguished Russian Player MABEL ROSS RHEAD...................... Choral Union Accompanist PALMERCHR ISTIAN...................... University of Michigan Organist Pianist . Pianist Organist " I WO DECISIONS of major import- ance to the liquor situation in Ann Arbor will be made within the next three days. The first will be made at the public hearingI that the Council has called for tonight on the question of the distance that should be observed between liquor dispensaries and churches and The Western Reserve Red Cat suggests the following for an ideal prom: . Date - Easter Vacation. From Sunday to Saturday. Ltccatiou - S.S. Saratoga cavAv - ,v I.nmbirdn (Aih Callm- The University Choral Union. 300 Voices The Stanley Chorus . .........40 Voices Chicago Symphony Orchestra .70 players Ninth Symphony ............Beethoven Young People's Festival Chorus 400 Voices The Seasons....................Haydn w . b - -- r-- ,. r rsr T S I aa - o -e n