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March 30, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-30

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The Weather
Probably occasional snow, o
colde ibnbsouthpotintosy 41t tj 0
tomorrow mostly cloudy.

noring Jim Cristy ...
~Or 300 Feet?E

Mid night
Beer Law
Ordinance Committee Will
Act On Commission's
Ruling Tonight
State Says Closing
Hours Are 2 A.M-

President Roosevelt Leaves For Fishing Trip

Officials Seek
American In
Mysterious Man Thought
To Be Connected With
Judge Prince" Murder
Three Men Grilled;
Two Others Sought

Stavisky Called Suicide
Experts As A Result
Second Autopsy


Citizens Express Desire'
Keep Consumption
Beer In Check


An opinion that Ann Arbor's mid-
night closing ordinance for drinking
establishments is invalid, and the
formation of a citizen's group op-
posed to'ratifiCation of beer west of
Division Street, were outstanding de-
velopments in the local drinking situ-
ation yesterday.
Chairman Leigh J. Young of the
ordinance committee of the city coun-
cil expressed his belief that "there is
nothing to do but conform to the
State ruling." This ruling, made pub-
lic yesterday, holds that municipali-
ties may restrict the sale of liquor
in every respect except closing hours.
This must remain at 2 am. as is spe-
cified by the State Liquor Control
Whether an amendment to the
city regulation specifying midnight as
the closing hour will be introduced
Residents of Ann Arbor may
express their views on the propo-
sal to lessen the required dis-
tance of drinking places from
schools and churches, at a pub-
lic meeting to be held at 7:30
p.m. today in the council cham-
bers of the City Hall. It has been
moved that the present restric-
tion be modified from 500 feet
to 300 feet.
at Thursday's council meeting is un-
eidd I t xtedhat this
will be 'decided at a 'meeting of the
ordinance committee tonight:
Eight citizens were present at the
meeting at the home of Horatio Ab-
bott called to discuss the proposed
charter amendment which, if passed
by the-voters Monday, will allow the
sale of beer west of Division Street.
Those present agreed that the "con-
sumption of intoxicating liquors
should be kept in a well-policed zone
away from the residential and school
Individually, each member of the
group expressed his opinion that the
sale of beer should be restricted to
the area in which merchants are now
allowed to offer it for consumption on
the premises.
No action towards forming a group
to campaign against the proposed
aimendment was reported. Those
present included, in addition to Mr.
Abbott, Melvin E. Donally, Attorney
Florence E. Pollock, George J. Burke,
University attorney, Dana E. Seeley,
Otto W. Haisley, superintendent of
schools, and James Inglis.
Samuel Insull
Waits Outside
Turkish Port
Maiotis Rides At Anchor
While Country's Cabinet
Has Special Session
ISTANBUL, Turkey, March 29-
(R) - While the Greek freighter Mai-
otis rode impatiently at anchor in
Istanbul harbor tonight, apparently
stalemated in an effort to take Sam-
uel Insull to a new refuge, the Turk-
ish cabinet conducted an extraordi-
nary meeting at Ankara, the capital.
Although no inkling was given as
to the object of the special session, it
was considered specially significant
since it was called on the last day of a
national holiday.
Insull, fleeing to the very doors of
Asia in his desperate effort to evade
American extradition demands, ap-
peared to have found the modern por-
tals of the mysterious East not so
softly yielding as the old oriental ro-
mances picture them.
Officially there was no explanation
of the Maiotis' prolonged stay here,

htif et.f.c+mprtl a of fhp chin's nffit!prfi 1

-Associated Press Photo
President Roosevelt is shown as he waved a greeting to crowds
that gathered to see him leave Washington for Jacksonville, Fla., where
he boarded Vincent Astor's yacht for a week's fishing trip.
Otto Kahn, Famous Financier,
Dies Suddenly While At Work

NEW YORK, March 29- (P)-Otto
H. Kahn, whose operations in the
field of finance wielded a powerful
influence on the early twentieth cen-
tury, died suddenly today. He was
67 years old.
At 1:45 p.m., the banker-patron
of art and music slumped in his chair,
fell to the floor of his private office
in the firm of Kahn, Loeb & Co., of
which he had been a dominating
partner since leaving his native Ger- .
many for the United States years
A clot on the heart caused his
Word that Kahn had died spread
over Manhattan rapidly. But the
banking firm made no statement of
it until the stock market had closed,
fearful. of a possible influence on
Though a bit weakened by age and
recent ailments, Kahn yesterday and
earlier today had appeared in fair
health. He occupied early this week,
his box in the "Golden Horseshoe" of
the Metropolitan- an institution he
helped to build to pre-eminence in
the operatic world, only to lose his
grasp on its affairs several years ago.
His powerful voice in the direction
of the "Met" was diminished with
the return to prominence in the
great lyric house by oldtime families,
Weekly Paper
Termed Ideal
Student's Job
Editor Tells Sigma Delta
Chi Of Opportunities In
Small Press Field
The weekly newspaper as an ideal
field for the college graduate was
described. last night by George R.
Averill, publisher and editor of the
Birmingham (Mich.) Eccentric,
America's largest weekly newspaper,
in a talk before the local chapter of
Sigma Delta Chi, national profes-
sional journalistic fraternity.
"As training for higher branches of
journalism, but most particularly in
the leadership culture it affords, the
weekly newspaper proves of immense
value," the publisher declared. "The
graduate of a college journalism de-
partment or of a collegiate newspaper
staff can gain much valuable experi-
ence by working on a weekly before
attempting the 'big time.'"
Considerable stress was placed by
Mr. Averill on the social training af-
forded by executive positions on a
community weekly. The editor of the
weekly newspaper is an influence in
his community, the publisher told his
audience, and thus can fit himself for
nearly every other form of public
B.M.O.C. Bluebook
Is On Sale Today
Price for the B.M.O.C. Bluebook,
which will appear for sale on cam-
pus today, was set at 15 cents yes-

including the Astors, the Vander-
bilts and Morgans.
In November, 1931, he resigned as
chairman of the board of directors,
to be succeeded by Paul D. Cravath,
a prominent attorney. However, Kahn
retained his membership in the di-
The international banker's connec-
tions in music circles brought him
into legal tangles on several occa-
sions. He was sued for breach of con-
tract by two singers, Lydia Lindgren,
Swedish soprano, and Rosalinda Mo-
rini. Both actions were settled.
St. Andrews To
At Noon Today
Good Friday services of the St.
Andrews Episcopal Church will be
held from noon to 3 p.m. and will be
conducted by the Rev. Henry Lewis,
who will speak on "What 'Things
should We Stress In Our Lives Be-
cause of Good Friday?" Following
the main talk the Reverend Lewis
will give an answer in three differ-
ent addresses to the question asked
in his sermon.
The Good Friday services to be
used this year are the same that have
been used since the origin of the
church. The St. Andrew's services
have become a tradition. People may
come and go at any time during the
three hours of services.
An Easter pageant will be present-
ed in the church at 4 p.m. on Easter
Sunday. The pageant this year is
"The Heavenly City" arranged by
the late Rev. William Torrance, the
former rector of St. Andrew's Church,
Detroit, and has never before been
given in the Ann Arbor church. Di-
rection of the pageant is in charge
of Mrs. A. 0. Lee assisted by the fol-
lowing committee: Robert Granville,
Ruth Nelson, Josephine Hadley, '36,
John Husselman, Mrs. M. W. Whee-
ler, Mrs. Earle Moore, and Virginia
Fire Destroys
Reed's Home;
Contents Lost

PARIS, March 29- (') -A mys-
terious American whose name wasi
vaguely given as Johnson was sought
tonight for questioning about thee
slaying on Feb. 21 of Judge Alberta
Prince, who "knew too much" about
the $40,000,000 Stavisky pawnshop
bond scandal. -
It was learned police were on hisn
trail after the arrest and grilling ofe
two men -who were charged latern
with murder - the detention of a9
third suspect in Marseilles, and the
announcement that two Argentines0
also were sought.
The American was supposed to havee
frequented the same night 'club ase
did those arrested.
Experts, meanwhile, concluded af-h
ter a second autopsy that Serge Sta-
visky, "master swindler" and founder
of the Bayonne pawnshop, had com-v
mitted suicide when police closed int
on his chamonix hideaway Jan. 8.p
Their findings refuted publica
charges that Stavisky had been killedt
by police to keep his mouth shut. Thec
collapse of the Bayonne institution n
and the subsequent accusation of ju-a
dicial and official laxity led to fatal
street riots early in February, the 1
downfall of two cabinets, and a bloody c
trail of murder and suicide.n
Those in custody are aetanL'he-
ruon de Lussats, a natiye of Monaco
who is called "Baron" Paul Carbonneb
Bonaventure, a Corsihn- both of
whom were charged with murdering
Prince - and Francois Paul Spirito, k
who was held in Marseilles. The
names of the Argentines sought were
not given out.
May Publish Paper
Competing Against
Harvard Crimson
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 29-
(Special) - Strong differences of
opinion on policy among membersh
of the editorial staff of The Harvardr
Crimson, student newspaper of Har-
vard University, have culminated int
a move to establish a new publica-
tion in opposition to the Crimson.f
The basis of the controversy be-0
tween the liberal and more conserva-t
tive elements of the staff was thet
recent proposition of the former
group to enlarge the paper to six1
pages containing wider news of ac
general nature. The conservatives
continued to favor the present policy
of a four page paper of strictly uni-r
versity news.4
The new paper is backed by the
Harvard Liberal Club and "will de-t
vote itself to liberal, political, and
social problems which may be botht
national and international in scope."
Among those whom it was reportedt
were supporting the idea of the news-
paper are J. J. Thorndike, Jr., presi-
dent of The Crimson and two other
members of the editorial board.
Pollock Says Soldiers
Run Modern Germany
"The modern Germany is not run
by Hitler, but by a group of hard
boiled soldiers" according to Prof.
James K. Pollock, of the political
science department, who spoke at the
regular meting of Iota Alpha, engi-
neering society last night.
"Hitler is the hot air of the move-
ment but by no means the brains," he
said. "He is one of the only fewr
good orators that Germany pro-
duced." Professor Pollock believes
there are so few speakers because of3
the unmusical sound of the German
language, but the people are moved
by Hitler enough to allow him to dic-Y

tate their religion.
Opera Issues Last Call
F'nr hanrms AsrnnUrats

Board Meets
To Deliberate
Group, First Of Its Kind,
Will Decide Procedure
Before Starting Work
Tfo Consider Union
Men's Complaints
Body Is To Meet Daily And
Will Continue Until Job
Is Finished
DETROIT, March 29. - (A) - Sail-
ing an uncharted course, the newly-
appointed automobile labor board met
here today and planned how to make
effective the settlement that averted
a general strike in the automotive in-
Dr. Leo Wolman, who has given
up, temporarily, his position with Co-
lumbia University to serve as neutral
member and chairman of the board,
explained that he and his fellow-
members were without precedents to
guide them, since it is the first board
of its kind, and that several decisions
on procedure would have to be made
before the board can start itshwork in
He said the board would meet daily
except over week-ends, that the
members expected to put in long
hours and that it would continue
"until the job is done."
William S. Knudsen, executive
vice-president of the General Mo-
tors Corp.; Edward F. Fisher, vice-
president of the Fisher Body Corp.,
and Merle C. Hale, director of indus-
trial relations for General Motors,
conferred with the board this after-
noon. Hale said it was merely a "get-
acquainted" meeting.
Consideration of complaints by
union men that employers have dis-
criminated against them will be a
major part of the board's duties, and
Dr. Wolman said a number of such
complaints were on file when the
board convened.
Seek Hoodlums
After Kansast
Election Riots
Two Dozen Persons Held
As Authorities Search
Underworld Resorts
KANSAS CITY, March 29. -(p) --
More than two dozen persons were
held prisoner today as authorities
raided underworld resorts for hood-
lums who stained Kansas City's elec-
tion with blood.
Witnesses of, shootings in which
four persons died, as well as victims
of many sluggings, were called to try
to connect the prisoners with the
Sheriff Thomas B. Bash and po-
lice pushed independent drives to
catch the guilty. Incensed at the slay-
ing of a deputy, Lee Flacy, the sher-
iff remained in personal charge of his
raiders although he had not slept for
48 hours.
No charges had been filed against
those held.
The National Youth Movement,
sponsors of the Citizens -Fusionist
ticket that unsuccessfully challenged
the Democratic organization of Tom
Pendergast, planned to carry on its
"anti-boss" campaign despite Tues-

day's defeat.
Sales .Drive To
Start Tuesday
Last Chance To Purchase
University's Year-Book
At Special Low Price
A sales campaign' for the 1934
Michiganensian will be launched next
Tuesday, April 3 it was announced
The preparation of the University's
year-book is going ahead: rapidly,
with a large share of the printer's
proof already completed.
Sales have been very satisfactory
so far, and it is likely that few copies
will be left at the time of distribu-
tion. Orders should therefore be

Believe A Faulty
Cause Of Blaze
Valuable Books


Fire late yesterday completely de-
stroyed the home of Prof. Thomas
H. Reed of the political science de-
partment. The house, which was lo-
cated on Packard Road one mile out-
side of the city limits, and therefore
without fire protection, was a total
The fire was discovered shortly be-
fore 7 p.m., when Mrs. Reed returned
to find neighbors attempting to
rescue furniture from the flames.
Over $6,000 worth of books and per-
sonal effects were destroyed.
The entire personal effects of Alan
L. Mitchell, research assistant in the
znn1noo inartment who resides with

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