THE MICHIGAN DAILY Assistants For Penny Carnival Are Announced Booth Preferences Being Given Houses Retaining Last Year's Projects With plans going ahead for the Penny Carnival which is to be held April 21, the first Saturday after va- cation, chairmen of the various com- mittees have chosen their assistants and have them working on the proj- ect. Florence Shaw, '34Ed, has chosen the following people to assist her in work on the booths: Elizabeth Coo- per, '34Ed, Florence Harper, '36, Lil- lian Weinman, '34SM, Harriett Hath- away, '37. Assisting Margaret Cowie, '36, on the entertainment committee are Florence Bingham, '36, Jean Laitner, '36, Katherine Leopold, '35SM, Betty Ann Beebe, '37. Lucille Betz, '35, chairman of the floor committee, named the following women to her committee: Jane Brucker, '35, Hazel Hanlon, '36, Ruth Root, '35Ed, Mary Savage, '35, Betty Hulwick, '37, Doro- thy Oostdyck, '37, Marie Mette, '37. On the publicity committee headed by Eleanor Blum, '35, are Dorothy Gies, .'36, and Anita Noble, '35, and Helen Foley, '34. Sue Thomas, '35, chairman of the decorations commit- tee has assisting her, Betty Chapman, '36, Marjorie Warner, '35, and Elsie Pierce, '37. Levinia Creighton, '35, chairman of finance, has on her committee, Bea- trice DeVine, '35, Ruth Root, '35, Bar- bara Jean Owens, '35, Mary Potter, '37, Maryanna Chockley, '37, Ger- trude Morris, '35, and Patricia Wood- ward, '35. Houses that have not already start- ed to plan their booths should do so, according to Marie Metzger, '35, gen- eral chairman. Preference has been given those houses who wish to keep the project which they had at the last Carnival. BLACK QUILL MEETS "Modern Tragedy" by Phyllis Bent- ley, was reviewed by Grace Haxton, '34, at the regular bi-monthily meet- ing of Black Quill, national literary society for women, held last night in the League. A routine business meeting fol- lowed the book review. Mosher-Jordan To Many Rushing Hold Tea Thursday DinnersHeld Mosher-Jordan Halls are giving a D tea Thursday from 4 to 5:30 in honor Despite Exam s of all former residents of the dormi- tory. The tea will be held in Jordan In spite of the mid-semester ex- living room. Dean Alice Lloyd and aminations, sororities and fraterni-: Miss Inez Bozorth will pour and Miss ties are quite active. Many are hold- Isabel Dudley and Miss Dorothy Bird- ing parties, while one is having a zell, social directors, will act as host- formal faculty dinner, and another esses. The University Men's Glee elected its officers for the coming Club will give a program of songs and year. the hall will be decorated with spring Alpha Epsilon Iota flowers and tapers. Alpha Epsilon Iota sorority will Janice Rice, '35, is in charge of the entertain Dr. and Mrs. Nozy and tea and assisting her are Betty Ann Dr. and Mrs. Stockard at dinner on Barthel, '37, Camilla Bowman, '35, Thursday night. Kathleen Higer, '37, Elizabeth Ober- Chi Omega dier, '37, Lois Keddy, '35, Hazel Pforr, Chi Omega sorority is entertaining '37, Alma Wadsworth, '35, Louise 14 guests at a rushing dinner to- Sprague, '37, Emma Luening, '34, night. Decorations for the dinner, Dorothy Webb, '37, Jean Greenwald, which is in charge of Catherine Yaw, '37, and Jean Hatcher, '37. No in- '36, will be in accord with the Easter vitations will be mailed and all for- season. mer residents of Mosher-Jordan are Delta Delta Delta urged to attend. The birthday dinner for March will At a meeting held Monday night, .helthe following members were elected be held tonight at Jordan Hall ac- officers of Delta Delta Delta for the cording to custom. The girls will be oingoyea:DeaDelt, Hrrte wit icoming year: President, Harriet cakese andt lightedl candles.with l eil Yo n ,' 6 h us tr a re , W if d seated at special tables Th large Spiess, '35; vice-president, Eleanor celebrating this month are MarysYoung 36; house treasurer, Winifred Trebilcock, '36; fraternity treasurer, Crane, Mary Jane Castle, '36, Esther Louise Stone, '36; rushing chairmen, Falk, '35, Angelina Firelli, '36, Pearl Catherine Shannon, '35, and Char- Grant, '35, Jean Grosbur~g, '36, Bar- lotte Whitman, '35; rushing secretary, bara Hanna, '37, Dorothy Hotchkiss, Dorothy Shappell, '36. '36, Helene Kipf, '37, Katherine Macks, Ella Miller, '36, Reta Peter- Delta Gamma son, '35, Irene Rosen, '34, Eva Sni- Betty Aigler, '35, is in charge of derman, Nancy Sheppard, '35, Gene- the arrangements for the faculty for- vieve Hofeur, Helen Stetson, '35, Al- mal which is being held tonight. The ma Wadsworth, '35, Joan Whetstone, decorations will consist of spring '35, Edith Fromm, '37, Mary Louise flowers and pastel candles. The mem- Burgess, '35, Phyllis Whiteley, '36. bers of the faculty and their. wives and Lorraine Mark, '37. who have been invited include Prof. and Mrs. MacLaughlin, Prof. and Mrs. Aiton, Prof. and Mrs. Tilley, Dean and Entertainment For D.A.R. Mrs. Humphreys, and Prof. Arthur Convention Is Arranged Cross. Phi Kappa Sigma The 34th annual state conference Phi Kappa Sigma entertained seven of the D.A.R. will neet at the League guests at a rushing dinner Monday. April 3, 4, and 5. President Alexander Sigma Kappa G. Ruthven and Governor William A. Seven guests were entertained at a Comstock will give the welcoming ad- rushing dinner Monday at Sigma dresses on Tuesday before the gen- Kappa sorority. The decoration; eral reception. planned by Jacqueline Sanborn, '35, It is expepted that 500 mothers of were daffodils and green candles. University students will attend, and.__________ invitations will be issued to all cam-, pus women who send in the names TO DESCRIBE "RAINBOW" of their mothers belonging to a D.A.R. Prof. L. A. Baier, of the depart- chapter, or whose fathers belong to ment of naval architecture and ma- any S.A.R. chapter. Late permission' rine engineering, will speak Friday until 12 p.m. will be granted women evening before the Detroit Yacht Club attending the dance Wednesday night on the design and construction of the at the League. Bob Steinle's orches- new America's Cup Defender "Rain- tra is to play for the affair. bow." Martha Cook PlansI Dinner For Faculty Martha Cook dormitory will give an informal faculty dinner tomorrow night. The guests include Prof. and Mrs. Bennett Weaver, Prof. and Mrs. Raleigh Schorling, Prof. and Mrs. Clarence D. Thorpe, Prof. and Mrs. Howard McClusky, Prof. and Mrs. Joseph Brinkman, Prof. and Mrs. Ed- son Sunderland, Prof. and Mrs. Dwight Dumond, Prof. Howard Ehr- mann, Prof. Margaret Elliott, Prof. Eugene Rovillain, and Mr. Glenn Mc- Geoch. Katherine Coffleld, '34, is in charge, assisted by Edwardine Hoyt, '35. Swere To CO. r Selections from "Gans All There," I Ation Pictures: Michigan, "Hips, 1934 Junior Girls Play, will be fea- Hips, Hooray," with Wheeler and tured tonight at Stunt Night in the Woolsey; Whitney, "Counsellor at League Grill.' Law' and "The World Gone Mad" Charlotte Whitman, the feminine, with Evelyn Brent; Wuerth, "Nuis- lead, and Beatrice DeVine, who played ance" with Lee Tracy and "Hoopla" - with Clara Bow; Majestic, "Lady Kill- er" with James Cagney.E Dancing: Stunt Night at League Grill Room, Preketes, Hi-Hat Inn, Eugene and Frederic Tavern. Croquignoe and Spi French Lecture: "Un chef de bri-' Eugene andrrederi gands au XVIII siecle: Louis Domini- jCroquignole End Cu que Cartouche"; by Mr. Louis Cha- CAMPU pard; 4:15 p.m. in 103 Romance Lan- Phone 2-1379 711 guage Building. opposite her, will be on the prograi Billie Griiliths, who portrayed tJ nigh t-club blues singer will add the entertainment as well as the tri of Maxine Maynard, Ruth Kaser, an M.ry Morrison, who scored such saccess in their scrubwomen numbe Jack Nestle will act as masterc ceremonies and Treasurer Haley also to appear on the program. nent Specials Combination ral Wave, Complete $3'50 c, $1.25 irl, Complete JS BEAUTY SHQP No. University Open Evenings i t t E E , . ; Ig 7 p 0 CAMPUS FASH ION-CENTER I t ACCESSORIES TO PEP-UP EASTER & SPRING OUTFITS NECKWEAR- Clever new styles of organdy, silk and plaid cottons -plain and pastel taffetas. $1.00, $1.25, $2.00 SCARFS- Bright colored silks and gros- grains - Triangles and ascot styles. $2.00 and $3.50 JEWELRY- Supplies the sparkle, -and the novelty - White and the new plaids-clips, earring and brace- lets. $1.00 PURSES- Styles you'll be eager to carry with that new ensemble-leath- ers and fabrics. $$.00 t $6.00 GLOVES- Best to have a pair for each dress occasion-white silk pique $1.50 -White Cotton Seersuck- er; $1.00-Beige or Navy Cham- oisette; $1.25 -Kidskin gloves in pull-onand novelty cuff styles at $2.150 t9$3.95 UNDIES- that supply the smart founda- tion to Easter costuming-Kay- ser undies of rayon - lace- bottom petticoats $1.09; Low- brassiere top slips $1.75-Two- piece pajamas $2.00; Panties at 75c and $1.00.- Kayser Balbriggan at $2.50 Satin Flowered silk nighties $6. Satin flowered panties at $3.00. BLOUSES-' I Ill tree wear :i.e . Three women ... , all, nedium and tall. .. often take the same foot size ~tockings, but require different widlths and leng1s. )o not misunderstand. belle-sharmeer does not offer Photo from Stock Crystal Blue Silk Sheer An alluring formal in that beautiful crystal blue shade- accented with a shirred collar of white net and a spar- kling rhinestone buckle -No lovelier gown will be seen at any party. I t's size 16. With it wear rhinestone jewelry - bracelet and earring $1.00 each one stocking that stretches to fit all legs, but comes in all leg sizes ... as well as foot sizes from 8 to 11. HE best-dressed Easter ankles will be seen in belle-sharmeer stockings. There are delightful new shades to complement your costume or match your furs... tender greys and sunny beiges. But much more important... belie-shaneer stockings are "made-to-measure" for each smart Easter parader. You and you and you. Whether you're adorably small or stunningly Look for the ' gjnafeA t . . Ask for your foot size by number tall; divinely average or deliciously plump. there's a personal proportion to fit you exaetly . in width and length as well as foot size. By all means, do your Easter parading in your own stockings ... your individual belle-sharmeers. They'll be good for your peace of mind .. . and very easy on the treasury. They're waiting for you .. . ex. clusively here. I new idea in beauty, fit, and service III I I