The Weather
Fair and warmer today; to-
morrow snow or rain. Colder in
west and north portions.
T h e Judiciary Committe
Opens The Door ...; Let's Giv
The Kid's A Break.. .
A&M Wins
Mat Crown
Indiana Grapplers Second
With 19 Points; 13 Other
Teams In Scoring
Mosier Is Second
In 145-Pound Class
Scores Only Points For
Michigan; Oklahomans
Oklahoma A. & M., with three na-
tiona champions retaining their
titles, last night won the team cham-
pionship in the National Intercol-
legiate wrestling meet held at the In-
tramural Building, with a total of 29
Indiana, Big Ten champions, took
second with 19 points, Oklahoma U.
had 14 points, Southwestern Teach-
ers College, Okla., 13, and Lehigh, 7.
Ben Bishop, Lehigh, winner of the
155 pound title, was awarded the
coaches' trophy as the outstanding
man in the tournament. The award
last year went to Alan Keller of
Okclahoma A. & M., who last night
champions entered, successfully de-
successfully defended his 145-pound
Thee Cowboy trio of champions,
Kelley, Rex Peery, and Ross Flood
alone accounted for 21 points to
guarantee the tem championship for
the. Agies.
Devine Defaults
All but one of the five individual
champions entered successfully de-
fended their titles, Pat Devine, of In-
diana, at 135 pounds, being the lone
champion to fall.
Devine entered the finals by virtue
of a close victory over Jack Harrod
of Michigan in the semi-final round,
but was forced to default when an
arm infection sent him under physi-
cians' care with a high temperature.
Wayne Martin of Oklahoma U. was
automatically declared the winner.
In an exhibition bout Harrod was
pinned by Martin in 8:07 with a
cross-scissors and head lock after the
advantage had changed several times
to make it one of the fastest bouts
of the meet.
Ralph Teague, Southwestern
Teachers College heavyweight, suc-
cessfully defended his title by pin-
ning Barney Cosneck of Illinois, the
Big Ten champion, with a head scis-
sors in 9:16."
Mosier Places Second
Michigan gained its only points as
Art Mosier, the Wolverine captain,
placed second in the 145 pound divi-
sion. Mosier met Kelley, of Okla-
homa A. & M., the defending cham-
pion, in the finals after defeating
Larson of Iowa U. in the afternoon.
The two presented diametrically
opposed styles of wrestling and the
fast working methods of Kelley tri-
umphed over the smooth style of
Mosier. Kelley "went behind on a
referee's hold at the end of two min-
utes of sparring and successfully rode
the Michigan ace for the four min-
utes. In the second period Mosier
failed to keep his advantage, and
(Continued on Page 6)
Cabinet Divided
In Opinion On
Oil Controversy
WASHINGTON, March 24. -(P) --
It was reported in usually reliable
oil circles today that a sharp dif-
ference of opinion existed between
the Interior and Justice Departments
over the advisability of the action
taken by the Federal Government in
obtaining indictments against the
Standard Oil Co. of California, The
Associated Oil Co., three asserted sub-
sidiaries and 41 individuals for al-
leged oil code violations.
It was said that the position
taken by Secretary Harold L. Ickes,
t'he oil administrator, in a commu-
nication with Attorney General Ho-
mer S. Cummings was that he did
not believe that the matters com-
plained of by the Justice Department
constituted code violations.
Ickes declined flatly to comment
in any way today on the return
of the indictments.
Reports were circulated in the Cap-
ital today that Kenneth R. Kings-
Dean of Columbia College
Mr. Thomas Connellan
The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
My Dear Mr. Connellan:
Your letter of March 8 has been referred to this
office for reply. You are correct in your under-
standing that beer is sold in certain of the Univer-
sity's dining halls.
Our experience of the last six months is that the
availability and consumption of beer has had no
undesirable effect on the habits of our students, nor
has it, so far as we can determine, resulted in an
increase in our disciplinary problems.
The availability of beer in the dining halls has,
further, given rise to practically no criticism or
objection on the part of people who it might have
been expected would oppose it.
Whether or not our dining halls sell beer probably
has no effect on the amount of beer consumed by
the students, since there must be twenty private
points of sale within a quarter mile of the campus.
Rather, the upshot has been that a large proportion
of the beer that our students consume has been
secured by them under conditions that have the
advantage of being controllable.
Yours very truly
Associate Dean
The above is a copy of a letter to the editor of The Michigan Daily
from N. M. McKnight, associate dean of Columbia College, New York City.
Settlement Of Churches Will
Labor Problem Present Varied
Is Still Delayed Program Today
'Damned Nonsense,' Says Dr. Fisher Will Continue
NRA Head; Parley Still Series Of Sermons On
In Doubtful State Great Religions
(By Associated Press) The Rev. Frederick B. Fisher of the
The negotiations for the settle- First Methodist Episcopal Church
ment of the labor dispute in the au- will speak at 10:45 a.m. today on
tomobile industry dragged on into "John the Ba' "st- the Religion of
Sunday with Hugh S. Johnson, NRA a Changed Life." Dr. Fisher will con-
administrator, remarking Saturday tinue his Lenten preaching mission
night that the controversy had nar- at 7:30 p.m., in an address entitled
rowed down to such a point that it "Can You Explain Human Suffer-
was "damned nonsense.",,
The announcement that the out-in?
come of the negotiations wouldre "Social Problems And Social
main in doubt for at least another Change" will be the subject of Prof.
day came Saturday night after hours A. E. Wood of the sociology depart-
of talk ment at 10:45 a.m. in the Unitarian
Automobile makers agreed with la- Church. Prof. Edward B. Green of the
bor on setting up an impartial griev- psychology department will talk at
ance board, but demanded that un- 7:30 p.m. on "Intelligence and the
ion membership lists be submitted New Deal."
to them. At St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
"Refusal on the part of the unions the Rev. Henry Lewis will be heard
to say whom the union represents," at 11 a.m. Christopher Marks' can-
the automobile men said, "is the tata "Victory Divine," is to be offered
same issue of union domination in by the full men's and boys' choir as
another form." a special Palm Sunday program at
The difficulties between railway 8 p.m.
managers and brotherhoods on the Dr. Bernard Heller of the Hillel
wage question was complicated fur- Foundation will speak at 11:45 a.m.
ther by announcement from Joseph in the League. His sermon, "The
Eastman, Federal co-ordinator, who Truth About the Crucifixion," will be
has charge of the parley, that work- based on Conrad Moehlman's book,
ers again rejected the proposal that "The Jewish Christian Tragedy."
the present 10 per cent wage reduc- At the Baptist Church, the Rev. R.
tion be continued. Eastman said an- Edward Sayles will preach at 10:45
other conference would be held with a.m. on "What Will You Do With
managers today. Jesus?" The Rev. Howard Chapman
Violence in the New York taxi will lead the noon-day discussion at
strike subsided after 150 cars had the Guild House.
been wrecked and 60 drivers hurt. "The King Is Come" is the sermon
Bernard S. Deutsch, aldermanic pres- to be given at 10:30 a.m. at the Zion
ident, notified the disputing parties Lutheran Church. A cantata, "The
an impartial election would be held Paschal Victor," will be presented
to let drivers decide what union they at 7:30 p.m. by the choir under the
preferred. direction of Allen B. Callahan,
Public Utility Law, Securities
Act Discussed In Law Review
New Attitude Program For
Is Described May Festival
As Civiized' Is Announced
Secretary Of Labor Says Metropolitan Opera Stars
'Ragged Individualism' Feature List Of Artists
Became Objectionable Participating
Dependence Called Will Present First
Natural And Normal Concert May Ninth
Miss Perkins Denies That Final Offering Will Be
Democrats Intended To American Premiere Of
Take Over Country German Opera
By WILLIAM G. FERRIS Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School
Rugged individualism during the of Music, musical director of the
days of 1932 became "ragged individ- May Festival, has announced the
ualism" and it was this change in
the phrase of the governmental of- complete programs for the six con-
fiilwho first uttared it that has certs to be presented May 9, 10, 11
led so many to a sneering use of the and 12.
phrase, Frances Perkins, secretary of Among the artists participating
labor, said yesterdayIn an interview, will be three stars of the Metropoli-
The type of individualism to which
objection was made, Miss Perkins tan Opera Company, Lucrezia Bori
said, was that type which insisted and Rosa} Ponselle, sopranos, and
that the individual. caught in the Paul Althouse, tenor. Other famous
economic whirlwind over which he voices will be Jeanette Vreeland,
had no control should somehow find American concert and oratorio sing-
his own way out. It believed, ac-
cording to the secretary, that the er; Coe Glade, contralto of the Chi-
matter was entirely his own and that cago Civic and other operas; Arthur
he should not be helped. Hackett, tenor; Theodore Webb, bar-
Attitude Incorrect itone; and Chase Baromeo, basso of
This attitude was incorrect, Miss the Chicago Civic, La Scala, and
Perkins contended, and has been sup- th ag
plemented by the more civilized one South American operas.
of aiding those people who need aid. Young Violinist To Play
This substitute of mutual social re- Instrumental music will be fur-
sponsibility for "ragged individual- nished by Guila ustabo. youthful
ism" was merely an indication of a
more "civilized" atttude toward the American violin virtuoso; Mischa Le-
workers, Miss Perkins insisted. vitzki, eminent Russian pianist; and
"We are all more or less dependent Palmer Christian, Universityof Mich-
upon one another- and a complete igan organist.
'rugged individualism' is practically Four group organizations, includ-
impossible," she said:. "It would be ing the Chicago Symphony Orches-
'rugged individualism' for a man who tra, with Dr. Frederick Stock and
was sick to remain alone and not see Eric DeLamarter as conductors; the
a doctor. But that would be fool- University Choral Union, directed by
ish. He naturally calls a doctor. The Professor Moore; the Young Peo-
same dependence upon others is nat- pe's Festival Chorus of 400 voices,
Ural and normal in a o4e of econom- with Juva Higbee, conductor; and
ic illness." the Stanley Chorus, made up of
Not To Take Over Country women's voices are to be heard for
But if this willingness of the gov- the first time at the May Festival in
ernment to aid the economically Loeffler's "By the Waters of Baby-
stricken was more apparent today lon."
than it has been in the past, it did Stanley Chorus To Sing
not mean that the Democratic Par- The Stanley chorus is a re-organi-
t entire copunaring totruake ove ezation of the University Girl's Glee
Club. Its name was chosen in mem-
who taught that, Miss Perkins felt, ory of Dr. Albert A. Stanley, founder
were just silly. of the Festival.
Man eeln ofbokrpossheAmeri- The first concert will be presented
can Federation of Labor as some gi- on Wednesday evening, May 9. The
ant organization which is attempting Chicago Symphony Orchestra will
to enter their plants, when, as aoChepgogrym ity r.Stock's'
matter of fact, it is simply a federa- open the program with Dr. Stock's
tion of other labor organizations, said arrangement of Bach's "Prelude and
tion ofPoterlabors. rgE athiu shaitFugue (St. Anne's) in E Flat Major."
Miss Perkins. Each industry has its Rosa Ponselle will then sing the "Bel
own labor organization, she said, and Raggio Lusinghier" aria from Ros-
the A. F. of L. is a very loose fed-
eration of these local labor organi- sini's opera "Semiramide." Miss Pon-
zations. "People who raise a great selle will follow this with the aria
protest over the American Federation from Claude Debussy's "La Mer," the
of Labor entering their shops are three movements of which will be
looking at the matter incorrectly. presented by the orchestra.
The federation doesn't want to en- Will Present Ravel's Work
ter their shops. What is wanted, is In the latter half of the program
simply an organization of the la- Dr. Stock will conduct the orchestra
borers in that industry." in Ravel's "Rapsodie Espagnole" fol-
lowing which Miss Ponselle will pre-
sent with piano accompaniment Ste-
O era Tickets fano Donaudy's "Freschi Luoghi Pra-
ti Aulenti," "Marietta's Lied" from
Erich Korngold's opera "Die Tote
Placed On Sale Stadt"; "Respetto" by E. Wofl-Fer-
rari; Tosti's "Si Tu Le Voulais"; and
By Union StaffMy Lover He Comes On A Ski" by
If JClough-Leighter.
Michigan Defeats
Butler Relay Title
Jamboree Will
Feature Noted
Detroit Chorus
Announcement Made Of
Program; Skit From Old
Opera To Be Presented
The Ukrainian Choir of Detroit,
under the direction ofLeo Soroch-
inski, will be one of the main fea-
tures offered on the "All-Campusy
Jamboree" program to be presented
at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Audito-
rium, proceeds of which will go to
maintain the University Fresh Air,
Camp for underprivileged boys.
The complete program of enter-
tainment, as announced by the campa
committee also includes J. Fred
Lawton, '11, well-known Michigan
alumnus and author of the lyrics to
the "Victors," as master of cere-
Band To Play
The Varsity Band, with Leonard
Falone as guest conductor, will
march from Morris Hall to Hill Audi-
torium at 7:30 p.m. and play until
approximately 8:15 p.m. Following
the introduction of Mr. Lawton by
Coach Harry G. Kipke, will come the
presentation of "Little Blossom," or
"The Wolf at the Door," a one-act
"melodrammer" by John Silberman,
'34, which was given at the League
Fair in connection with the Sopho-
more Cabaret.
Nan Diebel, '34, character lead of
the current J.G.P., "Gang's All
There," will do a specialty tap dance
number; Trumbell S. Jackson, '34E,
will play two numbers on a musical
Will Sing Folk Songs
The Ukrainian Choir will sing nine
Ukrainian folk songs. Following the
choir Miss Jesus Alsaro and Miss
Alicio Cabrero of the Detroit Acad-
emy International of Dance will pre-
sent two dance numbers, a Garave
Toppio and an Argentine tango.
The next event on the program
will be a presentation of a skit from
the "Bum Army," Union Opera of
1909. The skit will. feature Lawton
and several members of the original
cast, all members of the Vortex Club
of Detroit. The music for this opera
was written by Prof. Earl V. Moore
of the School of Music.
Following this skit Lawton has
promised to put on his famous imita-
tion of Athletic Director Fielding H.
Yost, which is supposed to be taken
from an actual incident between the
halves of the Michigan-Pennsylvania
game in 1909, in which the "Grand
Old Man" laid down the law to his
Concluding the program will be a
group of numbers by the Varsity Glee
Club under the direction of Prof. Da-
vid Mattern of the School of Music.
Ward Gets Two Firsts, One
Second, For Total Of
Thirteen Points
Nebraska Hurdler
Sets World Reco
Hunn, Lamb, Relay Team
Contribute Points To
Wolverine Scoring
HOUSE, Indianapolis, Ind. March
25 - (M)- The University of Michi-
gan, led by the versatile star Willis
Ward, tonight won the second annual
Butler University indoor team cham-
pionship with a point total of 18%,.
The meet saw a new world's in-
door record of 6.7 seconds set for the
60-yard low hurdles by Heye Lam-
bertus, the great Nebraska hurdler; a
listed world's mark of 6.2 seconds for
the 60-yard dash, equalled by Ward
and the Intercollegiate mark of 7.4
seconds for the 60-yard high hurdles
equalled by Kenneth Standbach of
Purdue, who kept the Michigan Ne-
gro from scoring a triple win, by
nosing him out at the tape.
Ward Jumps 6 Feet, 5 7-8 Inches
In addition to winning the dash,
Ward jumped 6 feet, 5 7-8 inches to
beat his own Butler Relays' record
and with his second in the high hur-
dles, contributed 13 'points of his
team's winning total.
Glenn Cunningam, University of
Kansas miler, who holds the world's
indoor record of 4:08.4, won an easy
victory over Ray Sears in a special
invitational mile, then returned to
anchor the Kansas mile relay team
to second place in its heat of the
University mile relay.
Two-mile University Relay - Won
by Indiana (Fuqua, Chattin Hobbs,
Hornbostel); second, Michigan State;
third, Purdue; fourth Notre Dame.
Time 7 minutes, 57.8 seconds,
Sixty-yard low hurdles - Won by
Lambertus, Nebraska; second Sand-
bach, Purdue; third Knappenberger,
Kansas State; fourth, White, Ohio
Wesleyan Time 6.7 seconds. (NeW
world and intercollegiate record; for-
mer record 7.8 seconds by Lambertus
in 1934.)
Pittsburgh Takes Relay
Two-mile college relay -Won by
Pittsburg, Kans. Teachers (Bell, Ter-
williger, Smith, Brown); second
Western State; third, Miami; fourth,
Depauw. Time, 8:11.2.
Sixty-yard dash - Won by Ward,
Michigan; second, Hall, Kansas;
third, Russell, Illinois; fourth, Lamb,
Michigan. Time, 6.2. (Equals Relays
record set by Metcalfe, Marquette,
1933). -
Invitational one-mile run -Won
by Cunningham, Kansas; second,
Sears, Butler; third Milow, Chicago;
fourth, Glendenning, Purdue. Time,
Shot put - Tied for first and sec-
ond, Dees, Ohio State, Kansas, and
Cook, Illinois, 48 feet 7 3-4 inches;
third, Neal, Ohio State; fourth, Davis,
Hillsdale. (New Relays record. Old
record 46 feet 7 1-2 inches by Cook,
Sixty-yard high hurdles -Won by
Fandbach, Purdue; second, Ward,
Michigan; third, Schmultz, Kansas
State; fourth, Schoeniger, Illinois.
Time, 7.4. (New relays record; old
record 7.8 by Pantlind, Michigan,
University medley relay - (440,
880, 1320, mile): Won by Indiana,
(Continued on Page 3)
Exchange System Will
Used In Distribution
The second concert on Thursday
evening, May 10, will give Haydn's
"Seasons," participants of which will
be Jeanette Vreeland, Paul Althouse,
Chase Baromeo, Mischa Levitzki, Pal-
mer Christian, the University Choral
Union, and the Chicago Symphony
(Continued on Page 6)
Red Wings Defeat
Toronto Leafs, 6-3
TORONTO, Ont., March 25- (A')-
The surprising Detroit Red Wings
trounced the Toronto Maple Leafs,
6 to 3, tonight to hand up their
second successive victory in the na-
tional hockey league's first place
play-off. The Red Wings won the
first game of the first three out of
five series at Toronto Thursday night,
2 to 1, in overtime.
The New Deal as an extension of
public utility regulation to private
business is discussed by Prof. Edwin
C. Goddard, and the background,
provisions and effects of the Secur-
ities Act of 1933 are set forth by Prof.
Laylin K. James, both of the Law
School, in the March issue of the
Michigan Law Review, which ap-
peared recently.
Legislation regulating private bus-
iness, states Professor Goddard, whose
article is entitled "Public Utility
Law," may be upheld on the grounds
that a national emergency exists, but
-44 - ... I TA II...arb
measures at least a sympathetic con-
In mentioning thepossibility of the
appointment in the near future of a
new justice to the Supreme Court,
Professor Goddard writes that "the
choice of the successor lies with a
President who is sure to seek one of a
mind that puts human above prop-
erty rights."
Professor James states, in his ar-
ticle, "The Securities Act of 1933,"
that "fundamental changes are apt
to develop in securities marketing,"
unless the provisions of the act are
Reserved Seats
Tickets for the 25th annual Union
Opera, "With Banners Flying," will
be placed on sale for the first time
tomorrow, using the exchange sys-
tem. All members of the Union's
,student staff will distribute them.
Prices range from 55 cents for bal-
cony seats to $1.25 for those in boxes.
Intermediate between these are seats
at 88 cents and $1.10.
The exchange system of tickets
involves offering stubs for sale which
later may be turned in at the Union
office for reserved seats. Allen Mc-
Combs, '35, ticket chairman, said that
the advantage of buying these lies
in the fact that they will be given
preference when the reservations are
Monday, April 2, has been tenta-
tively set as the date on which these
stubs may be exchanged for reserved
seats. They will be good for any of
the six performances and a stub may
Eugenie Leontovitch Will Be
Featured In Dramatic Season
Madame Eugenie Leontovitch will
be featured in the leading role of Mrs.
Pepys in James Fagin's comedy of
the Restoration, "And So To Bed," at
the Ann Arbor Spring Dramatic Sea-
son, according to a dispatch received
recently from Robert Henderson, di-
Formal approval was granted last
week by the University Committee on
Theatre Practice and the Civic Com-
mittee of the Dramatic Season under
the chairmanship of Prof. Howard
Mumford Jones of the English de-
partment. The season will be pre-
perial Theatres of Moscow and St.
Petersburgh. She was later decorated
by the Czar.
Following the revolution, Madame
Leontovitch fled to Paris, and later
to the United States, with her hus-
band, Gregory Ratoff, now playing in
the films. She attained the praise of
numerous New York critics for her
work in "Grand Hotel."
Rollo Peters has been engaged for
the role of Samuel Pepys opposite
Madame Leontovitch in Mr. Hender-
son's announced "And So To Bed."
The play, according to Henderson,
tr,.c ,in n nrlrnmnnnpar the nmnr-
Gentlemen Thieves
Loot Tri-Delt HOuse,
Take Fifty Dollars
Page Dick Tracy! Such was the
cry of Delta Delta Delta sorority yes-
terday morning when they awoke
to discover a thief had stolen more
than $50 from various rooms during
the night.
He did so in spite of the fact that
every door and window in the house
was locked at night and undisturbed
in the morning. The solution to this
apparently perfect crime was reached
when local police found that the
thieves (there were two of them) had
crnto,'cr1 f3he YbniPa hafrPit had ihPn