ther ncreasing cloudiness with ng temperature Friday, and iw. Saturday generally fair. L it ga ~~Iait~ Editorials The Opera Is Dead, Long Live The Opera . . L. XLIV No. 96 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEB. 16, 1934 PRICE FIVE Need Of Legal Reform Stated By Sunderland Administrative Bodies To Assume Courts' Duties, Law Professor Warns Address Delivered To Cincinnati Bar Cannot Dispense With The S e rvices Rendered By The Courts, He Says Legal reforms must be made in order to prevent administrative bod- ies from assuming the present duties of courts and taking practice away from the bar, was the warning sounded by Prof. Edson R. Sunder- land of the Law School in an ad- dress today in Cincinnati before the lawyers club of that city. "Services rendered by the courts are not absolutely indispensible, but only relatively so," he said. "The extent of their use depends upon their speed, their convenience, the expense involved, and the degree of success with which predicted results can be actually obtained." Professor Sunderland stated that, while the bar performs functions which are monopolistic in character, it does not follow that its services cannot be dispensed with. "This is obvious in the field of adminis- trative law," he continued, "for there the initiative in instituting and con- ducting the proceedings is lodged al- most entirely in the official staff of the bureau or commission." Lawyers Called Necessary Lawyers were said by Professor Sunderland to constitute a necessary part of the machinery of justice un- der the present scheme of court organization, yet he claimed that the courts themselves may be relegated to a much less important place in the scheme of justice than we have been accustomed to accord to them. "Other means than the courts for liquidating disputes may be found as more and more time is consumed in efforts to obtain relief, as disturb- ances to the peace of mind and busi- ness of the litigant increase, and as expenses and hazards multiply. Loss- es may be charged off and forgot- ten, settlements entered into, and ar- bitrations effected," Professor Sun- derland pointed out in describing the future unless reforms are made. There is also the possibility that the government may come to the aid of those who. find the processes of the courts too slow, and may set up administrative offices, tribunals, or bureaus, he said. Sees Change As Cycle "The process of change may be represented as a cycle with three phases; first representing a construc- tive but ineffectual effort to obtain better service by means of judicial remedies; the second constituting a refusal to employ unsatisfactory fa- cilities offered by the courts; and the third resulting in the creation of new administrative agencies for giving otherwise unobtainable relief," Pro- fessor Sunderland explained. In closing, he told the lawyers that, "If the administration of justice is to meet the needs of the public, a thorough testing and overhauling of the organization and operation of the courts, commissions, and other cog- nate agencies must take place." Concert-Goers Fascinated By Poldi Mildner In Which A Journalist Lectures On The AmenitiesOfThe aily By WILLIAM G. FERRIS r staff decorously put it. The literati - Once again the call for tryouts has risen from the Student Publications Building on Maynard Street, and once again the smart freshmen on campus, their eyes bright with antici- pation and cheeks rosy with hope, will compete for positions on the editorial staff of the Michigan Daily. For it is the editorial staff of the Daily, rather than other publication jobs, which attracts the really bright young men. The -lesser literary influ- ences of the building are secluded from the members of the editorial staff, who are - a fact admitted, sometimes subconsciously, by all in- habitants of the building - the gen- uine intelligentsia of the place. The sports staff is piled over in one corner with the cuts, mats, files, and similar inanimate matter - es- sential material, but devoid of men- tality on its own part. The members of the women's staff are given a desk to make them feel good and1 keep them quiet. This is not always successful. There are a lot of other folks about the room -business managers who walk with majestic strides (when they're able to walk), Gargoyle guys who still chuckle over mother-in-law jokes (There are funny magazines in that section. They get them from other colleges via exchanges), and a general supervisor for all of us youngsters. The supervisor answers ,the telephone. But all of these people are merely impedimenta, as we on the editorial and let this be emphasized - are on the editorial staff. The work of these nascent Heming- ways and Lewises consists of getting the important, first page news of the paper. This brings them in contact with the leading figures on campus - with heads of departments; professors who are knownthroughout thecoun- try, with visiting celebrities, and with the gentlemen who run the Univer- sity. The tryout will find that these men are, in almost every case, all that they should be: agreeable, hon- est, frank, modest -in short, good guys. There are other things that the tryout learns. He is shown how to headline, a cute process which entails putting the substance of the story into two or three lines of 12 or 13 letters per line, and how to copy- read, which is mainly a matter of scratching out what the other fellow wrote and substituting your own ver- sion (it makes you feel good to do this, unless its's women's copy, which makes you sort of sick), and how to proof-read, and how to go to bed at 3 a. m. once a week and yet get up the next morning for your 8 o'clock (that is, if you're that sort of a per- son). It's hard work, and the fun comes in working hard. It's good newspaper training because it's real newspaper work; not simply the jotting down of nice notes delivered from the profes- sorial platform. You dig up your own story. You don't have it come to you. And you do it daily. Applicants For FERA Jobs To Report To Dean Must S i g n Applications Which Will Determine Their Eligibility All students who have registered for special work under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, as well as others who wish to apply for such work, should report at once to Room 2, University Hall, according{ to an announcement made yesterday1 by Dean Joseph A. Bursley. At this time they will sign the reg- ular application blanks used, which contain questions t h e answers to which will determine whether or not applicants are eligible to receive this assistance according to the qualifi- cations which have been set down governing the administration of the grants. In order to qualify under the reg- ulations the applicant's financial sta- tus must be such as to make his continued attendance at college im- possible without this help, and he must be of good character and pos- sess such ability as will guarantee his doing high-grade-college work. Both men and women students are eligible to be given the jobs that are being created through the Federal provision. They will be allotted ac- cording to the per cent of men and women in the University. Types of work that will be done include li- brary, clerical, research, w o r k on buildings and grounds, in dormitor- ies, and in dining halls where these exist. Ensian Calls For Editorial StaffTryouts All second semester freshmen and sophomores interested in editorial work on yearbooks are asked to re- port at 10 a. m. Saturday at the edi- torial offices of the Michiganensian in the Student Publications building. The work on the 'Ensian gives ex- perience in all phases of the tech- nique of book building. The tryouts will first be assigned to the copy- reading desk and will also do some interviewing and copy-chasing on campus. Wally Graham, '34, managing ed- itor, issued a special call for students with artistic talent. At this time espe- cially, there is work for junior and sophomore students who have had experience in drawing. Students who have worked on high school annuals will find their experience helpful in their work on the 'Ensian, but former experience is not necessary. There is wonderful opportunity for amateur photographers to get further More Investigation Sought On Scalpers After investigating the evidence against two students charged with scalping J-Hop tickets, the Under- graduate Council Disciplinary Com- mittee last night decided that further investigation concerning the incident is necessary before any definite pen- alty can be applied. In the case of one of the two stu- dents under suspicion it is understood that the. Council members considered the evidence conclusive enough to1 warrant a penalty, but there is con- siderable doubt as to the guilt of the other accused student. Consequently, the Council decided to suspend its opinion until further evidence with regard to the second student is at- tained. A decision will probably be reached, Council members said, in the early part of next week. Women To Meet Albion Team In Annual Debate Chicago University Plan Is Subject For Dual Non- Decision Contests Eight women debaters go to Albion Saturday morning for the annual dual non-decision debates with women of Albion college. The Mich- igan affirmative team will meet Al- bion negative Saturday morning and the Michigan negative team meets the Albion affirmative Saturday afternoon, all debates being on the season question: the efficiency and worth of the Chicago University plan. Elizabeth Smith, '35, Dorothy Saunders, '35, and Winifred Bell, '36, will represent Michigan on the af- firmative team with Katherine Stoll, '35 as alternate; while Eleanor Blum, '35, Katherine Cof field, '34, and Mar- abel Smith, '34Ed., will form the neg- ative team, with Helen Podolsky, '34, alternate. Floyd K. Riley of the speech department is coach. Albion College will send two teams here Friday, Feb. 23 for a return de- bate on the same question. A dual debate with Wayne Uni- versity, formerly Detroit City College, has been scheduled for Monday, Feb. 26. The members of the team have not been announced and while ar- rangements are not complete the meet will probably be held here. The first of the annual conference debates will be held March 1 when the Michigan negative team meets Northwestern's affirmative at Evan- ston. Ohio State University's affirma- tive team will come here March 5 for the second conference debate, meeting the local negative team in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The conference meets are decision debates. TI -n Tryouts For Daily Staff Report This Afternoon Tryouts for the Daily editorial, sports, and society staffs are asked to report at 4 p. m. today at the Daily offices, Student Publications Building, Maynard Street. Second semester freshmen who have received at least one A or one B and have received no grades lower than C are eligible for work on the Daily. Aspiring Soubrettes Will Exhibit Talent For Roles In Opera Lured by the call of spotlights, twinkling toes, and the chance to impersonate the "weaker sex" for a night, more than 125 men students will begin actual tryouts for the Un- ion Opera this afternoon. Milton Peterson, director, will meet the candidates at 4 p. m. in the Glee' Club Room of the Union and from then on it will be a period of dance routines, vocal practices, and histri- onic exhibitions. Out of this bedlam1 members of the cast and choruses will be selected - more than 75 of1 them in all. Registrations were re- ceived against yesterday afternoon and even a greater number than that of Wednesday was signed up for the tryouts. It is not yet too late, how- ever, for others wishing to become 1 chorines may still have a chance by appearing this afternoon. The show itself is going to give the "bird" to a number of dignified campus institutions, both student and faculty, and in such a way that those being r a z z e d will probably' laugh more than any others. Similar shows to that being planned here are presented annually at a number of other schools, among them the Triangles shw at Prince- ton, the productions of Mask and Wig at Pennsylvania, and Harvard's1 Hasty Pudding presentations. There will be one big difference, however, and that is in the mechanical plans for the opera here. It will be en- tirely the work of students, and Mr. Peterson said thatj all those wishing to design costumes or scenery should report to the Union at the same time as the others. The costume designers in particu- lar will have more than enough work to do, for they will design gowns that the male chorus girls will wear in their numbers, as well as those for the "girl" cast members. Elect Williams To Head Highway Body Allen M. Williams, county high- way engineer of Ionia county, was elected president of the Michigan As- sociation of R o a d Commissioners and Engineers at a business meet- ing yesterday which closed the 20th annual Michigan Highway Confer- ence here. The conference itself does not have any officers or formal organization, Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the en- gineering college explained, and is sponsored annually by several or- ganizations in the State, of which the road commissioners' group is one. Other organizations interested in the conference were the State High- way Department, the Michigan Good Roads Association, the Michigan De- partment of Public Safety, and the Michigan Traffic and Safety Direc- tors' Association, and the program was under the direction of the Col- lege of Engineering. EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, writ- ten especially for The Daily by Dr. Long, will be foilowed with others by faculty authorities. They, too, will deal with complex European, Euro- Asiatic, and Euro-American problems. By DWIGHT C. LONG (Of the History Department) We mgy preface consideration of recent events in Austria w i t h a sketch of some pertinent post-war developments. The disintegration of the Haps- burg monarchy left the almost ex- clusively German section which is now Austria with about one-eighth the area and population of the old empire. It has lost its chief indus- trial section, Bohemia, its chief gra- nary, Hungary, and many other im- portant sections, while its great city of Vienna, economic heart of the empire and much of southeastern Europe, was forced by barriers of na- tionalism suddenly to curtail its far- reaching and life-giving activities. The Allied Powers refused to sanc- tion Austria's union with Germany and it was their responsibility then to keep the exhausted state alive. On- ly drastic economy measures (part of the painful operation of shrinking the ill-balanced organism of the em- pire-remnant to the form of the new state) and aid from the League of Nations saved Austria at the time. Turning to internal politics, we find that following the war the two chief parties, the Christian Socialists (pea- sant and Catholic moderates) and Analysis Of Austrian Civil War the Social Democrats (socialists in the usual sense), joined in a coali- tion, but in October, 1920, the former were able to dominate the govern- ment with the support of a small Pan-German party. This situation prevailed up to the end of the par- liamentary regime in March, 1933, except that the Pan-Germans shifted to the socialist side and two small groups, the Heimwehr (a Home-de- fense Fascist organization) and the Landbund (an agrarian league) sup- ported the Christian Socialists. The industrial areas had become great strongholds of the Social Dem- ocrats, with Vienna as the outstand- ing example, and the political strug- gle in Austria has been chiefly be- tween these sections and the rural supporters of the Christian Socialists. Meanwhile the plight of Austria was constantly becoming worse, and it was at this juncture, in May, 1932, that Dollfuss was called to form a cabinet. He held power by the pre- carious thread of a single-vote ma- jority, but vigorously began to arouse national spirit to maintain Austria's independence, so seriously threatened by Hitler. By an accident the Aus- trian parliament committed suicide in March, 1933, and Dollfuss, seizing his opportunity, began his rule by decree pending the adoption of a new constitution. The Schutzbund (military guard of the socialists) and the Communist Party were dissolved, (Continued on Page 6) b s' t tl t C r w C h i a c r. is c f s v s e , t T t 1 i New Crisis DevelopsIn Austria As Groups, Within Doilfuss Cabinet Disagre Christian Socialists Sf 1934's Political Turmoil: No. 2: Petition To Chance To Convene Parliani Four-Day Rebell< Seems To Be 0 Tension Of Home Gi And Christian So Wing Is Critical Speed Work On Liquor Store To Open Its .Doors Inventory And Labeling Of Cases Progresses As City wits Ann Arbor's parched throats will not have to wait long before there is legal liquor to quench them. While a definite date could not be set last night, the work of inventory and labeling the 832 cases of the first legal spirits the city has seen in 15 years went ahead at full speed. The opening of the store is de- pendant on the progress of getting the stock ready for public consump- tion. The amount of liquor received from Detroit by trucks was the larg- est and most complete yet received by any store in Michigan. Students will be able to make pur- chases at the store. The only stipu- lation, one set down by the State government, is that each purchaser must sign a statement saying that he is at least 21 years of age and that the liquor he is buying is in accordance with the provisions of the State Liquor Control Act and the. Rules and Regulations of the Com- mission. There will be no unreasonable limit set on the amount of liquor sold to one person, Charles H. Dawson, man- ager of the store said. Sellars Speaks On New Trends In Philosophy He Discusses Metaphysics, Logic, And Theory Of Knowledge Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the philo- sophy department delivered the fifth lecture of the University series yester- day on "Present Trends in Philo- sophy." He stated that philosophy is a cul- tural tradition, differing from special sciences in that philosophers never expect universal agreement. The three chief trends which he discussed were logic, theory of knowl- edge, and metaphysics. "The difficulty in attaining agree- ment in logic," he said, "is because of the fact that each school ap- proached logic from assumptions that were irrelevant to it." There are four chief trends in logic, according to Professor Sellars. They are the tra- ditional school, the mathematical school, the psychological school, and the idealistic school, the speaker said. Opposing Views Of Knowledge Under the theory of knowledge Professor Sellars discussed the two chief views which directly oppose each other. They are idealism and realism. Idealism stresses cosmology, .on- tology, and metaphysics. On the theory of knowledge idealists tend to adopt a negative view. According to Professor Sellars they believe in sub- jective idealism but rather favor the objective view. Turning to realism, he said that believers in the New Realism have shot their bolt because they tried to defend the view that things literally are as they seem. "They are lost," he continued, "when they are asked to explain phenomena like dreams, er- rors, and hallucinations." The view that Professor Sellars is most inclined to favor is the theory expounded by the Critical Realists, which is an epistomological dualistic position. Discusses Critical Realism "Critical Realism succeeds," stated Professor Sellars, "because it can an- swer the two questions which caused philosophers to disbelieve Locke's theory of Representative Realism. The first question is, 'How can we know external things if they are causes of ideas and our ideas cannot get outside our consciousness?' The VIENNA, Feb. 15. - (P) -Amid th blood and confusion of a Socialist in surrection, a new crisis in the civi war abruptly developed tonight whe the commander of the Fascist Heim wehr publicly accused politicians o Chancellor Dollfuss' own party of th real responsibility for the sanguinar; conflict. Leaders of the group, the Christiai Social party, promptly petitioned th Chancellor to reconvene the Austria parliament which he shelved a yea ago so he could rule by decree. The four-day rebellion seemed t. have been put down. All municipa apartment blocks, where the Social ists made their most tenacious stand were this evening in the hands of th army or police. Reports of the situation in provin cial districts were conflicting, bu nevertheless seemed to indicate tha the government was nearing an en in its efforts to curb the civil war. Politicians Blamed The Home Guard leader, Princ Ernst Rudiger von Starhemberg, de clared in a funeral oration for fallen comrade that "the blame tha so much blood had to be spilled rest with Democratic corruptionist poll ticians . . . who betrayed the nativ population of this country with the shameless dickering with the Reds Never since the Fascist Heimwil entered the Dollfuss cabinet has tt tension between Home Guard and It Christian Social wing of the goverr ment come to such a critical stage. "Back to the parliament!" was th cry of deputies of Dollfuss' own pai ty. It was a flat negation of every thing the Heimwehr has been figh ing for. If Dollfuss listens to his party co leagues and resurrects the Parli, ment the Home Guard would I faced with the choice of ousting t Chancellor by a putsch or meek: taking a smashing defeat to its pre tige. May Desert Party On the other hand, there we many well-informed persons who b lieved Chancellor Dollfuss * o u1 throw his party colleagues overboal and take the Heimwehr men in' the cabinet to steer a 100 per ce Fascist course. In either event, a showdown b tween the rival wings in the go' ernment seemed imminent. Adding to the tension of the siti ation was a speech broadcast fro Munich tonight by the Nazi lead Theodore Habicht to the effect th Austrian Nazis were "prepared fi action." Rumors circulated that a N putsch could be expected this wee end. Morality'is Topic Of Talk By Dr. Wede Maintaining that most people w "discontentedly decent" in their w of living, Dr. Theodore o. Wei spoke last night on "Morality" the third of a series of talks in a x ligious conference for students a faculty, sponsored by St. Andre Episcopal Church. In his discussion Dr. Wedel poini out the difference between seemi and being good. He said that "wh seeming to be good will get you you won't be truly happy unl you're actually good." "Morality," he said, "is only re tive to the moral standards of d ferent ages, but does depend, in large measure, on such perman standards as kindliness and decene Speaking of sex morality, Dr. We stated that "you can't meddle w brilliantly before an en- audience, blonde Poldi armed Ann Arbor concert- light in Hill Auditorium.: ag Bohemian pianiste, in >pearance here under the the University of Mich- 1 Union, played a program of the old master com- ch, Haydn, Schubert, Cho- szt. She seemed reluctant 1e applause, and saved her ;l after the final number, Espagnole," by Franz t = r 4 S Poldi Mildner Characterized By Her Gay Matter -Of -Factness By MARGARET D. PHALAN I Petite, blond 17-year-old P o 1 d ii Mildner is nothing like her sophisti-1 cated picture -which has been smil- ing from posters in every store win- dow for a week. This amazing young woman is one. of the most famous pianists in the1 world. She was born in Vienna, but1 lived and went to school in Czecho-I slovakia and still makes her, home there during her brief and rare va- cations. As a pianist she is one of the marvels of the concert stage -1 "almost a child prodigy," the critics! who speak of her in superlatives call her. She began her piano study at the age of eight, tutored by the fa- mous Moriz Rosenthal in Vienna, gave her first concert at the age of 11 in the Vienna Concert ,Hall, a n d man words or shrugs and laughs. She is very gay, very much amused at herself, and she takes her tremen- dous success with the least concern. She looks even younger than her 17 years, but she is admirably poised. The, most characteristic thing about her might be her sense of humor and her gay matter-of-factness a b o u t herself, her success, and her career. She was on her way to buy cam- era film with her mother when she was interviewed in the lobby of the League. Every place Mlle. Mildner goes, she takes snapshots, and she was planning to get a picture of Hill Auditorium. She has played in con- certs in Montreal, Quebec, Chicago, and New York and is looking forward to a tour in California next year. She will go back to her own country Miss Mildner seemed tired follow- g the brilliant display of technique the last number before the inter- ission, Schubert's "Wanderer Fan- isie." Her sympathetic rendition of Cho-