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March 22, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-22

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L '1 I L 1.

_ _ . - --- ------= - -- -lL.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

After 30 Years Absence, ark
eturns To L*f Ialr

VOL. XLIV No. 125
Student Loans: The loan committee
will meet on Friday, March 23, at
2:00 p.m., in Room 2, University Hall.
Students who have filed applications
with the Office of the Dean ofaStu-
dents should call at that office for
an appointment with the Committee.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman.
Faculty, School of Education: A
special meeting of the faculty will be
held Thursday evening, March 22, at
7:30 o'clock in the University Ele-
mentary School library. The topics
for discussion are:
1. The reorganization of Education
Al and B20. Professor Jackson.
2. The work of the ElementaryI
School. Professor Olson.
3. The work of the High School.
Professor Johnston.
4. Budgetary matters. Dean Ed-,
C. O. Davis, Secretary.
University Radio Talks Over WJR:.
2:00 p.m., "The Dutch in Michigan,"
Dr. Albert Hyma, associate professor
of- history.
10:00 p.m., "Independence for the!
Philippines - Resulting Changes in!
Governiment and Trade Relations,"
Harvey B. Rohrer, professor of polit-
ical science.
10:15 p.m., "University of Michigan
Summer Sessiorn of 1934," Lewis A.'
Hopkins, director of the Summer Ses-
Students, College of Engineering:
Saturday, March 24, will be the final
day for dropping a course without
record. Courses may be dropped only
with the permission of the classifier
after conference with the instructor
in the course.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
City Badminton Tourna rent: All
students entered for this tournament
are asked to play off their games, as
soon as possible.
Academic Notices
English 48, Mr. Davis's section, will
not meet Thursday night.
Geology 31: Bluebook Friday,
March 23 at the lecture hour.
Econoinics 172: Laboratory problem
assignment due week of March 26,
Chapter XXVI, Nos. 4, 5, and 6.

Park Ave., Lakewood. A program of
modern American music will be pre-
sented under the direction of Miss
Louise Cuyler.
Slide Rule Dance Committee:
Meeting in Room 214, West Engineer-
ing Building, 8:30 p.m.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Service of meditation at 4:15 this
afternoon. The Reverend Edward M.
Duff will speak on "A New Outlook
with a New Bible."
Hillel Foundation: The Tau Epsi-
lon Rho Fraternity will sponsor the
tea at the Foundation from 4 to 6.
Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear-
sal at 7 p.m. in preparation for Guest
night beginning at 8 p.m. Full at-
tendance absolutely imperative.
Lenten Preaching Mission: Dr.,
Frederick B. Fisher will speak on "Is
Anyone Really Lost?" at 7:30 at the
First Methodist Church, State and
Washington Streets.
Vanguard Club meeting at 7:30
p.m. in the Union. The Club cor-
dially invites all who are interested.
Coming Events
Paleontological Journal Club meets
in Room 1532 University Museums
on Friday, March 23, at 5 p.m. All
those interested in a discussion of
paleontological literature will be wel-
Varsity Band: Following is a list
of the activities of the Varsity Band
for the next two weeks:
Thursday, March 22: Concert Band
rehearsal, Morris Hall at 7:15 p.m.
Friday, March 23: Full marching
band will play at the National Col-
legiate Wrestling match.
Saturday, March 24: Concert Band
rehearsal, Morris Hall at 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 24: Full marching
band will play at National Collegiate
Wrestling match in the evening.
Tuesday, March 27: Full marching
band will play at the All-Campus
Thursday, March 29: Concert band
Saturday, March 31: Concert band
Sunday, April 1: Concert band re-
Monday, April 2: Band concert at
Hill Auditorium.
Tuesday, April 3: Concert band
goes to Flint for concerts in afternoon
and evening.

(Continued from Page 1)
Denver Times, the old New York!
Journal, and other papers. Rising
from a cub reporter, he became city'
editor of the Detroit Tribune.
The Journal, which was edited by
Albert Pulitzer, the brother of the
donor of the Pulitzer Prize, was the
"dirtiest paper I ever worked on,"!
said Dr. Park. It seems as though
the Journal catered exclusively to a
very class-conscious type of reader,
and any stories that declaimed the
Jack Dalton type of millionaire
wronging the pretty but ignorant
servant girl, was a sure-fire beat, and
the circulation of the paper would
boom with every new sensational out-
burst of journalism of this type.
Those were the days, it should be re-
called, when the rich city slicker
was anathema to every righteous
soul in the nation.
Met ]tiis As Reporter
It was as a police reporter on the
Journal that Dr. Park met Jacob
Riis, the original muckraker. Riis,
of course, was working under Charles
Dana of the Sun, and his beat was
covering police headquarters on lIul-
berry Street. Park had been assigned
the Essex Market Court, and his path
crossed Riss' very often, but Dr. Park
admits very readily that he was in-
variably scooped by the pious Dane.
However, muckraking continued to
interest Park throughout his news-
paper career. He tells the story of
the time his city editor sent him
out to get a story on an opium and
gambling ring which the police could
not track down. "I got into the op-
ium den with good luck," he said,
"and I had a few pipefuls of that
awful stuff. The place was crowded
with the riff-raff of the town, and.
they were talking openly about the
gambling house that I wanted to get
"One of them, not knowing who I
was,econsented to take me tothe
place. We did get in, but we didn't
get very far. One of the men who
owned the 'establishment' was dell
known at the police court, and in
turn knew every reporter on the beat.
He recognized me, and you may be
sure I was hustled out of that place
on the spot. Scared? You can an-
swer that! But I did get the story."
Fared Badly In Greek
Taking an interest in sociology
as a result of his wide acquaintances'
in the slum district, Park gave up
newspaper work in 1899, won his
master's degree at Harvard, and then
his doctor's degree at the University
of Heidelberg. The meaning and sig-
nificance of newspapers as an insti-
tution was his main interest through-
out his graduate work, his doctor's
thesis being based on "The Crowd
and the Public."
Returning to America, Dr. Park
continued his work at Harvard, where
he concentrated in developing a sci-
entific point of view on collective
psychology. Later he became affili-
ated with Tuskegee Institute, where
he made the acquaintance of the
great Negro educator, Booker T.
His study of Negro life and prob-
lems soon qualified him for a teach-
Rev. Fisher To Deliver
Fifth Sermon In Series

ilig poritiO1 in the University o1 Chli-
ca. where he tught courses in
sociology on the "Crowd and the
Public" and the "Seeial Survey." One
of Is students in the latter course
~as Rocleric D. McKen'ie, now
chairman of the sociology depart-
mei. here.
The book on which Dr. McKenzie
and Dr. PaI are colioratig now
ceniit a rournd the study of human
ecoloy, and represents a point of
view covering the territorial organi-
zation of society. In preparation for
the volume Dr. Park made a tour of
the world, spending two years doing
actual field research on the condi-

,ake Plans To
Will Ra-e Fiinds , hrough
The Sale Of White Cross!
Seals Until Easter
Plans for Ann Arbor's drive for
the sole of White Cross seals to aid,
the crippled children throughout the
nation, were outlined at a meeting of
the local committee here yesterday t
by Wilfred B. Shaw. Director of
Alumni Relations and chairman ofI
the committee.,
The group has pledged the sale


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tions of society in foriegn nations. of 75,000 seals at one cent apiece. i
As an author, Dr. Park is recog- 1At yesterday's meeting quotas of lo-
nized as beirg one of the foremost cal service organizations were estab-!
men in his fold. He collaborated lished and seals distributed for the1
with E. W. Burgess on "The Intro- drive, which will begin this week and
duction to the Science of Sociology," coninuc until Easter Sunday.
with Herburt A. Miller in "Old The Undergraduate Council will
Worlds Transplanted," and he also be asked to co-operate in the sale
wrote "The Immigrant Press And of seals to students.
Its Control." Members of the committee for Ann
Went To Harvard, Heidelberg Arbor are Wilfred B. Shaw, chair-
Dr. Park tell, an interestiing story man, Mrs. Charles Sink, vice-chair-
of how' he fared in the University, { man, Dr. Harley A. Haynes, direc-
showing that the school has not tor of the University hospital, G.

suits. Will pay 3. 4. 5, 0 end 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4303. Clii-
cago Buyers. Temporary office. 200
North Main,5x

changed much in the last 47 years.
Taking Greek under Professor Albert
H. Pattengill in his senior year in
1887, Park neglected to prepare five
assignments in the course, in favor
of organizing the famous annual
torch-light parade. Warned by the
professor, Park failed to make up hisI
assignments, with the result that hei
was not permitted to take his exam-
ination in the subject.
Graduation seemed impossible, but'
the University did confer on him a
bachelor . of philosophy degree, in-
stead of the ordinary B.A., permit-
ting him to be a bona fide alumnus
of the University.
Radio Fanis Not Morons
As Popularly Supposed,
MnnesoSurvey Shows
MINNEAPOLIS, March 21- Ard-
ent radio fans who have heretofore
hidden their inclinations for fear of
being called a "radio moron," may
now come out into the open and
twiddle the dial to their hearts' con-
tent. It has been proved, definitely
and finally, that there is no con-
nection between one's intelligence
and the time. he spends listening to
the radio.,
A University of Minnesota sociolo-
gy professor, Clifford Kirkpatrick,
was the Galahad that came out of
West to the rescue. Hearing cruel
epithets being thrown at the poor
defenseless radio fans, he was moved
to conduct a survey to determine
whether there really was any truth
in the theory that "I.Q." is inversely
proportional to time spent at the
radio. Answers to questionnaires
which he sent out completely shat-
tered the theory, being conclusive
enough to bring peace and content.
ment to even the most rabid radio
Electrical Savings
Shown Byr Pardon

Claude Drake, Alton Hewitt, and Mrs.
Albert Crittenden.
Rise Of Steel Pipe
Traced In Speech
The stages in the development of
pipe, from bamboos to the modern
steel, galvanized pipes, were de-
scribed, last night, by Dr. H. T. Mil-
ler of the National Tube Co., speak-
ing in the East Engineering Build-
ing before a joint meeting of the
student branch of the A.I.Ch.E. and
the Metallurgy group on the "Manu-
facture of Steel and Steel Pipe."

LOST: Between W. Eng. and
Bldg., Monday, I drawing
blue cloth case. Reward.
please phone, 2-1559.

set in

Cadet Stabs Himself As
He Attempts Maneuver
BERKELEY, Cal., March 21-The
"horrors of war" were vividly recalled
by Naval R.O.T.C. cadets yesterday
when Cadet Kenneth W. H i n es
tripped and stabbed himself in the
neck with his saber while executing
an intricate maneuver. As the wound
is not serious, naval authorities are
undecided as to whether Hines will
be decorated for bravery.

Forsythe Warns Against Our
Adhering To-Dogas

SINGLE ROOM for rent to graduale
woman. Washtenaw, campus one
block. Attractive, convenient. Write
Box 43, Michigan Daily. 398
ONE SINGLE or double room, shower.
Modern furniture. Convenient loca-
tion. Privacy. Call 7362. 1002 Forest.
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. ix
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
Announce Hygienle
And ealth lse
The regular announcement of the
courses in public heialth for the 1934
Summer Session to be held June 25
to Aug. 3, designed for administra-
tors, nurses, inspectors, laboraorian,
and teachers, has been issuedand is
now available in the office of the Di-
rector of the Summer Session.
Courses in hygiene and public
health, as offered in the Summer
Session by that division, are designed
to fit the needs of those desiringto
specialize in some particular )hase
of public health, as well as of thos-e
desiring to acquire only a general
knowledge in the field.
Live in FRENCH
L ive i- cc aTonal ) to oe heart of
French Canada. Old Country
Frenchl'. Only Fren:h pok-
Advanced. Certificate or Coleg'
Credit. French entertainmenors,
sig;ht-seeing, sports, etc.
Foe i50Bord nd Tuition.
June 27-Aug. 1. Write for circu-
lar to secretary. Residential
French Sume r chool.
Montreal, Canadla

Several decades ago bananas were
forbidden fruit. You were careful
of tomatoes - they might poison you.
"And no less ludicrous are some of
the personal opinions, half-baked
truths, and dogmatisms taught today
by teachers and others," in the opin-
ion of Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, di-
rector of the University Health Serv-
"In all too many instances the
layman looks upon the physician as
one possessed 'of some mysterious and
magical power," Dr. Forsythe said
yesterday in a talk before the Gradu-
ate Luncheon Club. Primitive man'
considered the medicine man, the
priest, and the doctor as the same

logically possible to do harm by over-
ingestion of water."
Deep-breathing exercises, a popu-
lar feature of hygiene instruction,
are harmful or useless, and breathing
should be automatic,tinvoluntary
and only in response to stimuli re-
sulting from bodily activity, Dr. For-
sythe said. Other outworn beliefs
'cited by Dr. Forsythe as suitable for
discard were:
That halitosis results from a stom-
ach condition or other remote source;
that any room can be so deficient in
oxygen as to be dangerous; that
bathing frequently has much value
ether than the esthetic and social;
that pains in the backĀ° are a symp-
fnm of lrrliintr lirnci e - 1.+ r -

University Lecture: Thursday,
March 22, 4:15 p.m., Natural Science
Auditorium. Professor Max Handman
of the Department of Economics:
"Can and Should America be Self-
The public is cordially invited.
Frances Perkins Lecture: The Sec-
retary of Labor will speak in Hill Au-
ditorium tomorrow night at 8:15 p.m.
on the subject "American Labor in
1934." Tickets are available at Wahr's.
Exhibition: The College of Archi-
tecture and the Architectural Society
are showing one hundred original
drawings of the Walt Disney studios
portraying "The Art of Mickey
These drawings are hung in the
third floor exhibition room of the
College of Architecture and may be
seen daily from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.,
March 22 to 31. To cover the cost of
bringing this exhibition to Ann Arbor
the small admission charge of ten
cents is being made.
Events Today
Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Dr.
M. A. Biot -"An Exact Solution of
the Bending of a Beam on an Elastic
Foundation." Prof. H. L. Kohler -
"Knee Action." Meeting in Room 445
West Engineering Building at 7:30
Engineers: There will be a meeting
of the class of '36, at 1:00 p.m. to
choose the class jackets.
Music Section of the Faculty Wom-
an's Club will meet at 8:00 p.m., at
the home of Mrs. R. E. McCotter,

Theosophiy: The Ann Arbor Theo-
sophical Society will discuss "The Im-
manence of God," by L. W. Rogers,
Friday evening, at 8:00 in the Mich-
igan League. Those interested are
cordially welcome.
Cosmopolitan Club: Meeting on
Saturday, March 24, 8:00 p.m., Lane
Hall. Mr. Wolf-Isebrand Much, a
student from Vienna, Austria, will be
the speaker. He will portray the ac-
tual conditions of Austria, touching
on such subjects as Education, eco-
nomics, Social and Politics. He will
also appear in his national costume.
Everyone is welcome.
All-Campus Jamboree: Hill Audi-
torium, Tuesday night 7:30, March
27. All students and faculty are urged
to attend, inasmuch as the proceeds
go to the University Fresh Air Camp.
The, program, to date, includes the
Varsity Band, Varsity Glee Club, the
famous Ukrainian Choir, the "Bum
Army" (Union Opera of 20 years
ago), and J. Fred Lawton, master of
ceremonies. Entertainment numbers
are being added daily.
Outdoor Club: Is holding an all-
day outing and dance at the Sylvan
Estates Country Club this coning
Saturday. Group will leave Lane Hall
at 1:30 p.m. and return to Ann Arbor
about twelve. All members and those
wishing to participate are invited.
Individuals will not be taken unless
registered at Lane Hall, 8969, by Fri-
day noon.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher preaching
Friday evening at 7:30 at the First
Methodist Church, State and Wash-
ington streets, and every evening next
week except Saturday.

individual, and some of this attitude;tom of Kidney diseasea t good
remains today, the physicianide- posture has any effect on health;
claresd and that food exposed in a can is

The Rev. Frederick B. Fisher will
speak today at 7:30 p.m. in the First
Methodist Church on "Is Anyone
Really Lost?" This talk will be the
fifth in a series of sermons given
during the Lenten preaching mission.
Albert E. Buss of Detroit will direct
the musical sections of the programs.
Tomorrow Dr. Fisher will speak on
"How Do You Know You Are Saved?"
Students are especially invited to at-
tend these talks which are in the
form of a "modernized revival."
HAMILTON, N. Y., March 21.--
The most unique will ever written is
that of a New York banker who
wrote, "to my mother-in-law I leave
my seven years' itch -it still has
five years to go. To my son I leave
the pleasure of making a living for
himself-for 20 years he has thought
the pleasure was all mine."


A savings of 10 to 14 per cent a
month in electrical expenses for the
University has been made in the
electricity saving drive which was be-
gun last summer, according to E. C.
Pardon, superintendent of buildings
and grounds. It was pointed out that
at regular rates the amount saved
per month amounts to $1,500.
"I have 'been pleased with the
thorough co-operation given me by
the students in my campaign to cut
electricity costs," the superintendent
A recent important electrical sav-
ing has been accomplished by switch-
ing the electric power of Ferry Field
from the Detroit Edison Company
to the University's own power plant.
This change will result in. a $6,000
saving, the superintendent said. Al-
though much of the material was
paid for by the athletic department,
the undertaking itself was a part of
the CWA program.

The prevalent notion that a drug
exists for every ill and that it takes
only the magic of a physician's touch
to select the proper drug for the ail-
ment was attacked by the speaker.
"The scientific physician would not
be handicapped even if he was re-
stricted to a dozen drugs and all the
rest thrown into the sea," Dr. For-
sythe said.
Fear of eating between meals is
one of the popular bugaboos that
has no basis in fact, Dr. Forsythe
said. "Our periods of eating should
be regarded solely as social conven-
tions and not on a basis of health,"
he said.
"The idea that our internal econo-
my needs washing somewhat com-
parable to an artificially-acquired
high standard of external cleanliness
may be responsible in part for the
emphasis on drinking six to eight
glasses of water daily, regardless of
one's thirst. Thirst should be the
determining factor, and it is physio-
-- Ends Tonight-Double Feature --
Alice Brady Lionel Barrymore
James Dunn - Buddy Rogers
"M R, aSKdITCH"' I
__CGeorge O'Brien

j dangerous.
"Green apples, peanuts, and a host
of other foods not in themselves par-
ticularly unwholesome are all too
frequently blamed for attacks of ab-
dominal pain which should be re-
garded as probably acute appendici-
tis or some other trouble equally
needing careful medical attention,"
Dr. Forsythe said, classing the tak-
ing of physics in this situation as
"in the class of suicidal procedures."
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