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March 21, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-21

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eal Sale Will
Help Crippled
Children Here'

Children Study Botany At Fresh Air Camp

Service Clubs Organizing
To Carry On Drive; Will
Be Next Week
Plans for a comprehensive cam-
paign throughout Washtenaw County
for the sale of Write Cross Seals for
the benefit of crippled children were
formulated Friday evening at a meet-
ing of representatives from 20 groups
interested in child welfare work.
As no one has been appointed to
an authoritative position in control
of the sale, service organizations have
been asked to co-operate during the
week previous to Easter Sunday.
In speaking of the situation which
prompted the calling of the meeting,
G. Claude Drake, who outlined the
problems to representatives from Ann
Arbor, Ypsilanti, and rural districts
in the county, emphasized the fact
that the care of crippled children is
not financed by either the local or
State governments but is entirely in
the hands of organizations and indi-
viduals which are interested and wish
to aid in the work of charitable insti-
tutions which are doing the work at
present. A goal of one seal for each
person in the county has been set by
the committee. The seals are to sell
for one cent each.
A meeting will be called next week
at which all interested organizations
will be represented. A central or
steering committee will be set up to
control the work. According to the
plan of the International Society for
Crippled Children, the probate judge,
county welfare agent and commis-
sioner of schools will be included in
the controlling committee.
Returns from the sale of the seals
will be apportioned between the in-
ternational society, the State organi-
zation, and the Washtenaw County
Society for the Care-of Crippled Chil-
dren, with 50 per cent of the'proceeds
to be given to the county group to
be used in the relief of its patients.
Formation of the seal campaign
was instigated by the fact that the
society.which heretofore depended on
private contributions this year finds
its source of income shut off. The seal
campaign is therefore to be conducted
through service clubs, schools, and
churches. Definite plans are to be
made later by the steering committee.
Dr. C. M. Elliot, director of crippled
children education at Michigan Statej
Normal College, presided as tempo-1
rary chairman at Friday's meeting.
Ethel Taylor of the State Normal Col-
lege was elected secretary and Percyt
Angove, state campaign manager,
presented plans for the local cam-!
paign and explained the nature of the

* * * * *
Seerets Of Nature Offered
By MichiganFresh Air Camp

Rainey's List
Gets Results
For President
Wrong' Democrats Turn
To Support Of Roosevelt
Because Of Speaker
WASHINGTON, March 20 - -
Speaker Rainey had some reason to
think today that his newly-compiled
list of house Democrats who voted
"wrong" on administration measures
might be a pretty good thing.
For instance, even the most san-
;uine supporters of the Bankhead
cotton production control bill did
not envision so favorable a vote as
the 251 to 114 ballot by which it
hot through the house Monday.
Observers from the vantage point
,f the press gallery were quick to
dote that many Democrats who had
,aid previously they w o u 1 d vote
against the measure answered "aye"
when their names were called.
Rainey let word get around also
that the new famous list of "wrong"
voting Democrats would contain, in
addition, the names of Republicans
who had voted "right" on the mea-
sures he labels as "administration."
"There is a possibility," Rainey
said, "that we might not fight some
of them (Republicans) so hard for
re-election, if their record is good.
as we would if it were bad."
Other Democratic chiefs were quick
to put in, however, only if "good"
Republicans were unopposed by Dem-
ocrats would they get any consid-
eration from Democratic powers-
Many of the politically-minded
saw somewhat the same attitude re-
flected by Chairman Farley of the
Democratic naitional committee in
his indication that the administra-
tion would not lend support this fall
to Senator LaFollette, a Wisconsin
independent Republican.
Opera Stars Will
Sing Old Favorites
On New Broadcast

Shot By Gangster

The chance to become acquainted
with the mysteries of nature is onel
of many features offered to under-1
privileged boys attending the Uni-
versity of Michigan Fresh Air Camp.
The camp. which is on Patterson
Lake, is situated in the heart of
about 60 acres of the finest woods as
are to be found in southern Michi-
gan. Besides this there is the added
privilege of visiting the botanical
tract of the University which is situ-
ated nearby. Regular class instruc-
tions in nature study and such other
things as building nature trails, rus-
tic seats, and bridges are offered.
In the course of their nature study
Enrollment For
Semester Set At
8,771 Students

work the boys are taught to know
and keep away from poison ivy, to
know frogs and toads, and still not
abuse them, to know snakes which
are harmless and those which are
poisonous. Each boy interested may
build an aquarium, and also micros-
copic work of a rudimentary nature
is done by the campers.
The purpose of the Fresh Air
Camp, which each summer takes
care of 350 boys, is to render a
much-needed social service to under-
privileged boys by bringing them into
personal contact with college men
interested in their welfare, and sec-
ond, to give undergraduates and col-
lege men an opportunity to under-
stand boys from the crowded centers
of the city and to gain training un-
der supervision in meeting their
In selecting the boys for the camp
the director's require definite infor-
mation on each one. A minimum
amount of case history data is fur-
nished on each boy by the respec-
tive social agencies. The following
information is required of each boy;
intelligence quotient, developmental
age, character and behavior data,
personal habits, use of leisure time,
association, general adjustment to
camp, attitudes, individual and fam-
ily background, physical data, and
growth changes.
This year to raise funds for the
camp an "All-Campus Jamboree" will
be held Tuesday, March 27, at Hill
Auditorium. In the future this event
will take the place of the annual
"Tag Day."

--Associated Press Photo
Sheriff William L. Van Antwerp
(above) of St. Clair county, Mich.,
was wounded in the gun battle in
which Herbert Youngblood, Negro
who escaped jail with John Dillinger,
was fatally wounded.
S irina Rho Tau
Preparing For
Many Debates
Michigan System Is To Be
Used By Stump Speakers
Against Opponents
Sigma Rho Tau, stump speaker's
society, is again buzzing with activity
as it prepares for a busy season. The
debaters will once more use the Mich-
igan system which is causing many
changes in the usual debating proce-
The schedule includes debates with
Northwestern University and possibly
Ohio State University. Local discus-
sions will be for the Hall of Fame
honors, while the debate for the va-
rious chapters will be on the govern-
ment airmail question.
Decide Debate Question
At a recent meeting held at the
Union, presided over by Prof. A. R.
Alliason of Wayne University, Detroit,
the question for debate was decided
upon. The question is, "Resolved:
That the United States Government
Should Cover the Airmail." Special
notice was called to the words
"Cover" and "Government," for the
question does not mention the Army,
but it does include the actual flying
of mail by the government.
Debates will begin some time before
spring vacation and the finals will be
run off during May.
Sigma Rho Tau, as Prof. Robert
E. Brackett explained, uses a de-
bating system developed exclusively
here. It is not the two-man Oregon
system which the team will use
against Northwestern, but a system of
3 to 5 speakers. The time limit is
only applied to the first speaker of
each side and is usually 10 minutes.
After that the speakers divide 30
minutes among themselves. No one
may talk less than two minutes, how-

Hoosiers Seek
Vengeance At
Butler Relays
(Continued from Page 3)
of lesser positions picked up by its
large squad, was able to turn to
good advantage the five-position
method of scoring used for the first
time in the Conference indoor meet
this year, and end the two-year
reign of the Hoosiers. Indiana's re-
cent indoor loss was suffered in
much the same way as was the de-
feat in the Big Ten outdoor last
spring when the large Wolverine
squad nosed out the small all-star
group of Hoosiers.
However, with such s t a r s as
Ralph Metcalf of Marquette and
Glenn Cunningham of Kansas en-
tered along with a powerful field
generally, the outlook is brighter
for the Hoosiers. Indiana's first
place performers feel they are cap-
able of winning their ranking posi-
tions no matter how strong the op-
osition, and so should profit from'
he stronger field. Hornbostel and
Fuqua, with their versatile ability,
,vill be invaluable to several of the
relay combinations.
Ward Handicapped
"On the other hand, Ward, being
a jack-of-all trades, will have his
hands full trying to repeat his bril-
liant Big Ten meet performance,
and a relay carnival doesn't give
him the opportunity to show his
wares to such brilliant advantage.
"The lesser positions that Michi-
gan bulked during the Conference
meet may be frozen out of the points.
in the Butler meet.
"When Coach E. C. Hayes learned
that a complete Michigan team
would enter the meet he declared:
'That's different. We will have our
hands full and have to work hard
to be ready for it.'
"Any Indiana track m a n can
vouch for it that the coach meant
every word he said, and the intensive
Michigan-Indiana r i v a l r y should
provide no small attraction for this
meet - one of the most colorful in-
d'oor athletic events in the mid-

(Continued from Page 3)
Greek office-boys and go into the in-
ner sanctum.
There is Mr. Nick Londes, seated at
his desk like Solomon in all his glory.
He has on a light grey suit, mottled
purple tie, a shirt with purple stripes,
a purple-striped hanky in his pocket,
and a carnation in his buttonhole. He
offers us cigars.
BUT AFTER these preliminary po-
litenesses were over, Mr. Londes
comes forth with "Wall, now I sup-
pose that you are going forr to call
the profassionals pallukhas, eh?" And
then it starts. Keen still wishes that
he could take up Londes' original of-
fer about his amateur rasslers and
it is practically impossible to explain
why the offer cannot be taken up
as there is no way to keep Mr. Lon-
des from breaking in and talking on
his own account. Mr. Londes will talk
the Michigan Debating team and pin
them in fifteen minutes catch as
catch can, no holts barred.
Mr. Keen then explains that he will
still take up Mr. Londes' own personal
challenge and Mr. Londes explains
that he will take up Mr. Keen's chal-
lenge and the question then is when.
Mr. Londes has a right hand which
is in bad shape, but he offers to
take Mr. Keen on after the finals
of the Intercollegiates on Saturday
night providing the hand is all right.
T[HE DISCUSSION winds up when
my frand Nick accepts my frand
Cliff's invitation to come out for the
final afternoon and evening of the
"Yah," says Nick, "I will going for
to come out and see wot kinda paluk-
has you got out there!"
HilIlIAud. 50c Mair. 27


Figures Released Show A
Loss Of 2.2 Per Cent
Over Last Year
A total of 8,771 students are en-
rolled in the University for the second
semester, figures released yesterday
by the President's office revealed. The
figure represents a drop of 197 over
last year's figures, or a loss of 2.2 per
Student enrollment for this year
includes 6,284 men and 2,847 women.
Last year the total included 6,461
men and 2,507 women.
Individual college registration fig-
ures include the literary college, 4,-
002, a gain of 186; graduate, 1,473,
a loss of 201; engineering, 1,276, a loss
of 77; law, 513, a gain of 7; medicine,
462, a loss of 28; education 255, a loss
of 49; architecture, 203, a loss of 25;
nursing, 202, a gain of 3; dentistry,
177, a gain of 9; music, 176, a loss of
20, business administration, 124, a
gain of 2; pharmacy, 57, a gain of
7; forestry, 50, a loss of 9, and oral
hygiene, 18, a loss of 6.

u he. Coach Is

Happy He Has Lftf
Field For MedicineI
(By Intercollegiate Press)
CLEVELAND, 0., March 20.- Dr.
kndrew J. Oberlander, known simply
s "Swede" when he was a halfback
n the Dartmouth football team, set
side his microscope in his office at
,akeside Hospital and confessed that
.e was glad he deserted the ranks of
ootball coaches to study medicine.
"You may be subject to call 36
ours out of each 48," said Dr. Ober-
ander, who has blue eyes and a 200-
>., muscular six-foot frame. "You
nay have to work like the devil be-
>re you feel you're making any prog-
ess in this profession. But when I
ee what's happened to some of the
ountry's best football coaches in the
ist few months, I'm glad I'm in a
ifferent business.
"Now you take Sam Willaman,"
>ntinued Dr. Oberlander, who was
laced on the All-American team of
925, "He lost one game last year
o probably the best team in the
,untry, and lost his job. No, sir, foot-
all coaching is too hazardous an oc-
"I don't blame anyone for this
hifting about of coaches. That's the
hool's own business. But I've just
ecided that the medical field is
here I'm staying."
Dr. Oberlander admitted, however,
hat if he were offered a position
fter he had finished his interneship
-which ends in 1936 - one that
ould enable him to practice medi-
ne and coach or direct athletics at
ae same time, he would give that
ffer serious consideration.
"Football enabled me to do what I
anted most," he said. "If I hadn't
layed football, I wouldn't have been
ble to coach football for seven years.
nd if I hadn't coached, I wouldn't
ave been able to go on and study
"No, highly organized football
rder competent coaches is a good
zing, I believe. It's really fun while
ou're playing and mighty beneficial
"However, in this medical business
>u're set if you behave yourself."
tudent Drug Smoking
Leads To Investigation

Glider Club To
Enter National
Soaring Contest
The University of Michigan Glider
Club will enter in the National Soar-
ing Contest ,to be held June 23 at
Elmira, N. Y., it was announced yes-
Stanley Smith, '34E, Floyd Sweet,
'36E, Henry Whiteman, '36E, Nelson
Shapter, '36E, Kenneth McAdam,
'34E, and Robert Auburn, '36E, will
represent the club at the contest this
In last year's tournament the Gli-
der Club won both of the trophies of-
fered, one for the best, group per-
formance, and the other for the in-
dividual high point winner, taken by
Stanley Smith, president of the club.
"We are confident," declared Smith,
"that we will accomplish as much
this time as we did a year ago."
The club is planning to buy a new
glider this spring, which will ma-
terially increase its chances in the
national contest. The members of
the Glider Club can be found every
afternoon practicing out at the Ann
Arbor Airport.
Liquor Body Plans
Seven New Stores
.LANSING, March 20- (P) - Open-
ing of seven new liquor stores within
the next 10 days is planned by the
state liquor control commission.
New stores are planned this week
in Cadillac, Ludington, and Ionia and
a second store in both Flint and
Grand Rapids.
The commission hopes to open
no,,, ctfnroc.in 'T'ror.vpmp it.,nendfMit

Abridged Bible
Is Described
B Waterman
"Not a radical change to improve
the complete Bible, but rather a re-
arranged edition to interest people in
the reading of the "Book of Books,"
Prof. L. R. Waterman said in describ-
ing the Short Bible published several
months ago by a University of Chi-
cago professor.
The revised edition of the American
Bible, which places the significant
books first, and moves Genesis back
to 17th place, has caused considerable
comment among those who hold re-
ligiously to the King James version
of the Bible.
Professor Waterman explained that
the Short Bible in no way attempts
to take the place of those versions of
the Bible now in common use. It is
merely a revision which somewhat
shortens the old and new testaments,
and tends to read as a continued
story to stimulate the reader to the
reading of the longer editions, he
The text of the Short Bible is taken
from an American translation of the
old testament, upon which Professor
Goodspeed, author of the new revi-I
sion, and Professor Waterman, to-I
gether with several other eminent
Bible scholars, collaborated in 1923.

Rosa Ponselle, soprano; Nino Mar-
tini, tenor; and Grete Stueckgold,
popular concert singer; all of the
Metropolitan Opera Co., will sing the
best loved American songs of yester-
day and today in a new series of
broadcasts to be heard three times
weekly over the Columbia Broad-
casting System, beginning April 2.
A 40-piece orchestra and a chorus
of 16 voices, under the direction of
Andre Kostelantz, will accompany
the vocalists and present unusual ar-
rangements of modern dance tunes
and ballads.
The programs will be broadcast
from 9 to 9:30 p.m., EST, every Mon-
day, Wednesday, and Saturday. Miss
Ponselle will hold the spotlight on
Mondays; Martini will be presented
in the Wednesday night period, and
Miss Stueckgold will be the Saturday
night star. For the first week only,
Miss Stueckgold will be heard on
Wednesday, with Martini on Satur-
day. The programs are sponsored
by Liggett & Myers Tobacco Com-
pany, in behalf of Chesterfield ciga-
The three great singers will bring
their unusual vocal talents to the
presentation of many familiar and
well-loved American songs, such as
"Kiss Me Again," "Just A Song At
Twilight," and "At The Bend of The.
River." Songs of more recent com-
position will also be included.
An extraordinary feature of Kos-
telantz's orchestra will be the use of
23 string instruments out of the total
of 40. The gentle rhythms of the
waltz will be given a premier posi-
tion in each program with a special1
waltz melody i n c l u d e d in every
SEATTLE, Wash., March 20 - The
University of Washington is giving
a course in "bluffing." It is given in
conjunction with the English and
history departments.


rates for

calls from Ann


Arbor to representative points are shown below.
Rates to other points are proportionately low.

(4:30 a.m.-
':00 p.m.)

(7:00 p.m.-
8:30 p.m )

(8:30 -P.m.-
4:30 a.m. )


1 15

.. . 85


BAY CITY .........70.

.55 .


Explains Michigan System
A feature of the Michigan system
is the cross examination and the ob-
jection rule. These both serve to keep
the audience and the chairman on
their guard.
Professor Brackett believes this
type of debate to be more fitting for
college students than the usual high
school procedure. "It is more business-
like and practical-more like real
life," he pointed out. A number of
secondary colleges and high schools
are already interested in this new
system of debating.
Among the many other spring con-
tests is the Hall of Fame project. This
is an individual project carried on by
members of the Society. A speaker
chooses a famous engineer, or archi-
tect, who he thinks is worthy of hav-
ing his picture or bust in the Sigma
Rho Tau Hall of Fame.




. 35


DETROIT ........
FLINT ...........

1.05. -





.30. .



.35- -


















Standard Electrical Handbook. .......... $ 7.00
Kidder & Parker-Architects' and Engineers' Handbook 8.00
O'Rourke-General Engineering Handbook' ..4.00
Walker -Building Estimaters' Reference Book.........10.00
Marks - Mechanical Engineers' Handbook 7.00
Warner & Johnston - Aviation Handbook 7.50
Blanchard - Highway Engineers' Handbook 6.00
Hudson - The Engineers' Manual.. . . . . ........2.75
Kent - Mechanical Engineers' Handbook 6.00
Hodgman - Handbook of Chemistry and Physics......3.00






.30 . .30.



. . . .. . .45 .


... . ... 1.15 .


TRAVERSE CITY . 1.15 ..... .



(On a call costing 50c or more, a Federal tax applies)

n& 8



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