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February 15, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-15

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_. _ .._

ndian Life Is
Topic Of Guthe
On Radio Hour
)hrector Of Museum Gives
First Talk In Miehibgan
History Series
In an attempt to point out certain
neral conceptions of the life of the
ichigan Indians, Prof. Carl E.
uthe, director of the Museum of
ithropology, opened the series of
Iks on the colonization of Michigan
sterday. The series is to be broad-
st over the school program through
e campus studios of WJR on Wed-
sday of each week at 2 p. m. Prof.
B. Hinsdale was originally sched-
ed to give the talk, but in his ab-
ice Professor Guthe delivered the
Pointing out that nearly all of the
dians of the Great Lakes country
longed to the Algonquin language
>up at the time of the first Eu-
>ean exploration of the country,'
ofessor Guthe emphasized the fact
at Algonquin was not a particular
be, but was a name applied to a
aup of tribes speaking similar lan-
ages. "These languages had words
.d forms of expression common to
She continued, "but an Ottawa
ild not understand the Miami to
e south, or the Powhatans of Vir-
ia, any better than an ordinary
glishman can converse with a Ger-
.n, or a Hollander with a Scandi-

Austrian Socialists And Nazis Fight In Vienna Streets

750 Jobs Are Pneumonia Cases
Available For ,i"rease, j lalItal

Prof. Dani(


-Associated Press Photo
Once-gay Vienna became the scene of machine gun and hand grenade fighting as Socialists struck against
the threat that Austria's government would turn fasciist. This picture, taken during Nazi riots of last May,
shows how Vienna's streets appear iA turmoil.

3efore the coming of the white
n, there was no history of the In-
ns, and all the records that we
ve are the relics of the past, the
aker declared. "Prominent among
se archaeological remains of
chigan are the mounds of which
68 have been identified within our
'ders," Professor Guthe said.
early every one has been tampered
h, most of them have been de-
oyed, and only a few have been
died scientifically. We find that
or three kinds of mound builders
.abited Michigan, probably at dif-
ent times.
There were also fort builders in
chigan who left as part of the en-
ing record of their presence en-
sures surrounded by banks of
th," he continued. "However,
unds and forts, village sites and
neteries are not the only Indian lo-
ities revealed by a scientific survey
the State. Some of the prehistoric
lders of Michigan were also land-
pe gardeners who constructed the
sterious 'garden beds' in the
thern and western parts of the

Political Turmoil Of 1934:No.1-:
Dictionary Of European Politics'

Unti-War Group
1ves Statement
)f Its Purposes
The Michigan League against War
id Militarism, campus organization
posed to the R.O.T.C., has com-
eted arrangements for working in
ison with a similar group at Mich-
an State. The league plans corre-
ondence between the two grous
th a view to aligning other organ-
,tions into a state movement for
e abolition of militarism.
Leaders of Stalker Hall, Lane Hall,
e National Student League and the
nguard Club, along with other in-
ested students, are included in the
rnpus groups.
Their five-point statement of pur-
se embraces these proposals:
1. To work for the abolition of the
2. To combat dissem:naion of mil-
ristic propaganda through univer-
y channels.
3. To carry on education as to the
Le causes of war.
L. To co-operate with other organ-
Lions in anti-war activity.
5. To impress upon the student
dly that if their fight against war
to be effective they must recognize
e identity of their interests with
>se of the masses.
Evidence that human beings lived
the Atlantic coast of the Ignited
ates as far back as the time of
rist is seen in the discovery of a
00-year-old stone axe recently dug
in Albemarle County, Virginia.

(Continued from Page 1)
works; they are socialistic in the
sense that they believe in government
control of private business but they
permit a wide range of private owner-
ship and they appeal to national or
patriotic sentiment rather than to
"class consciousness." Like the Com-
munists, but unlike most Socialists,
the Nazis appeal to dictatorship, that
is, absolute power vested in the hands
of one man or one party, as opposed
to democracy.
Bolshevism. Russia has contributed
many terms to politics. The Bolshe-
viki (the word means "majority" and
refers to an old party split among
the Russian Socialists) are the Rus-
sian Communists. Soviet (originally
meaning simply "council") refers to a
type of government by a hierarchy
of elected councils chosen by work-
ingmen and peasants. The U.S.S.R. or
Union of Socialist Soviet Republics is
the present official name of Russia
and is a federal government made up
of several national states within the
boundaries of the old Russian Em-
pire. Each branch of government has
its technical name; thus the commis-
sars are a sort of executive board or
cabinet, the Cheka was a secret police
organization for repressing opposition
to the government, and its functions
have been assumed by the OGPU, and
so on. The first Five Year Plan, just
completed, was a plan for introducing
modern machinery and industrial
methods into Russia by definitej
stages. The Kulaks ("fists") are the
wealthy peasants who have been per-
secuted for opposing socialism in ag-
riculture. The Mensheviki were the
moderate Socialists wio opposed Bol-
Fascism. In Italy under Mussolini's
leadership a political party called the
Fascisti (the word was derived from
the "fasces," or rods borne before Ro-
man officials in ancient times as em-
blems of authority, and might there-
fore be translated as "authorita-
rians") seized absolute power and
established a dictatorship. The chief
principles of the party, similar in
many ways to the later Nazi move-
ment in Germany, were militarism,
national patriotism, absolute govern-
ment control of all priyate activities
and enterprises, the placing of polit-
ical authority in the hands of one
political party and the prohibition of
political activity by other parties. The
Fascist uniform was the black shirt;
the Nazi the brown shirt; various
small groups in many other countries
call themselves Fascist and wear sim-
ilar uniforms.
International diplomacy makes use
of many terms which are taken for
granted without explanation. Th.-
the Anschluss means the proposed
union of Austria with Germany; the
Polish Corridor, the frontage of Po-

land on the Baltic; the Vatican, the
Papacy; Manchukuo, the new "inde-
pendent" monarchy of Manchuria
which is occupied by Japanese troops.
The location of a foreign office is
often a shortened term for the policy
of a foreign country. Thus "The Sub-
lime Porte paid little heed to the
representations of Downing Street
until the Quai D'Orsay signified its
agreement" means that Turkey would
not do what England said until
France joined in. An entente is an
unwritten agreement for joint inter-
national action; an alliance a formal
and written one. A colony is the pos-
session of a country with full title;
a protectorate may have its own ruler
but its foreign affairs are directed
by the protecting power; a sphere of
influence or sphere of interest is a
region where one country has domi-
nant privileges, especially in trade
and investments; a mandate is a col-
ony held in trusteeship for which re-
port must be made to the League of
The League of Nations consists of a
Council and an Assembly, the former
consisting of representatives of the
Great Powers and of a few smaller
states (chosen by election from them
all), the latter consisting of represen-
tatives of all member states of the
League. The Court of International
Justice or World Court is a perma-
nent judicial body for passing on in-
ternational questions, unlike the old
Hague Court which was merely i
panel of judges from which an arbi-
tral board could be selected. The
Paris Peace Pa (also called "Kel-
logg Peace Pact" is a simple agree-
ment to renounce war as a means of
diplomatic policy; it is to be di-
tinguished from the Lo -ar:o l'e':
Pact, which was a regional agre-
ment for the peaceful settlement c
problems arising in western Europ(
Many terms such as resa ations (wa
debts payable by German or her allie,
to the victor Powers), plebiscite (pop
ular referendum) and the like have
been popularized by the Treaty of
Versailles, which closed the war with
Germany. Thus you may read in any
paper of "the plebiscite soon to be
held in the Saar Valley" (a coalfield
Except Monday at
The Sugar Bowl
No Cover Charge
109 and 111 S. Main St.

formerly in western Germany, now
an independent state under the pro-
tection of the League of Nations).
Religion and race in politics. Cler-
ical means upholding church inter-
ests in politics; it is most used in
Roman Catholic countries, the oppo-
site is anti-clerical. "In Latin Europe
the Freemasons are counted anti-
clerical," "The old Center Party in
Germany was clerical," etc. A con-
cordat is an agreement with the Pap-
acy. Anti-Semitism means in actual
practice merely anti-Jew sentiment;
an old-fashioned ethnology divided
the "white race" into Aryans, Semites
and Hamites. These phrases are still
used in Germany, though they are
strictly rather linguistic than racial
terms. Most Europeans are "Aryans,"
but the Aryans are .subdivided into
Slavs, Teutons, etc. Hence Panslav-
ism, a movement to unite all the
Slavs, etc. Nordic is a more accurate
racial term; it means the tall, long-
headed, blond type of man, and is
contrasted with the Alpine or round-
headed type and the Mediterranean
or brunet longheads. These terms
have become political in consequence
of the German attempt to base na-
tionality on race.
I must apologize doubly; firstly, for
explaining the obvious in so many
cases, as many of these terms are
widely familiar already; secondly, for
leaving out so much. My excuse on
the first head is that terms familiar
to most may still be unfamiliar to
some; on the second that, as Ein-
stein has pointed out, "space is

Students Here
(Continued from Page 1)
here, said, "It is a very opportune
action on the part of the government
in connection with the needs of stu-
dents. I hope that they will not delay
in taking advantage of it."
Dean Joseph A. Bursley, who will
have charge of that part of the pro-
gram dealing with determining which
students are to receive help, said that
it will be "A tremendous help for a
number of needy students. We have
already received a number of applica-
tions from men and women not in
college at present who would like to
come if financially possible." Dean
Bursley explained that, as soon as
plans are completed, announcement
will be made giving the time applica-
tions will be received. It is expected
that this will be within the next day
o" two.
- Prof. Lewis M. Gram, head of the
civil engineering department and di-
rector of plant extension for the Uni-
versity, will handle the clearing of
r projects on which the students will
work. He stated that the University
will now be able to help more fully
needy students whose applications for
such work have been so numerous.
in thepast. "We hope that the fac-
ulty will co-operate in listing work
that can be done by these students,"
he said.
Motorist Bears
Too Heavy Tax
Levy -..;Charge
(Continued from Page 1)
this spring to beautify Michigan
roads as it is his opinion that the
only way in which we can keep Mich-
igan residents touring our own state
is to beautify roadside conditions.
Three other papers were delivered.
The first by E. R. Liteheiser, Chief'
Engineer, Bureau of Tests, in the
Ohio State Highway department on,
"Slag as an Aggregate for Concrete."
The second paper on "Vibrated Con-
crete" was given by V. L. Glover of
the Illinois State Division of - High-
ways. "Tests of Highway Guard
Rails" was the last paper of the
afternoon session and was read by
P. J. Freeman, consulting engineer
of the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory.
Clarence E. Weiss, State director of
the National Re-employment Service,
declared at the morning meeting yes-
terday that any program of work re-
lief is preferable to dole, but that a
program taking into consideration
the skills and proven capacities of the
worker is even more to be desired.
Fred R. Johnson, director of the
State Emergency Welfare Commis-
sion, explained provisions of the
CWA, in a talk following that of Mr.


SOFTENER, 5 lbs....
3 packages for.'.'.....

50c Squibbs, Iodent
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Giant Size .. .. . .

2-packages for
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PIPES, All Shapes...


lieu liReportiys
Student health for the month of
January was unusual only because of
an increased number of pneumonia
cases, recovery in all of which has
been good so far, according to the
monthly report of the University
Health Service released yesterday.
A few cases of "contagious" disease
appeared shortly after the Christmas,
vacation, but their number, five, was
less than the 10 cases of a year ago-.
Pneumonia cases were eight as com-
pared with one a year ago. Acute
respiratory cases ("colds") decreased
from 1,308 in January, 1933, to 1,140
in January of this year. Acute appen-
dicitis cases also showed a decline
from 12 to nine for the month.
The services of the dietician, now
at the Health Service for part time
work, were used by 43 students, and
treatments by the dispensary nurse
increased from 609 to 625. Physiothe-
rapy treatments increased from 816
to 862, and the number of prescrip-
tions filled increased from 1,304 to
A decline from 10,076 to 9,851 was
recorded in dispensary calls, and den-
tist consultations fell off from 91 to
57. Consultations with the otologist
dropped from 367 to 264. The num-
ber of infirmary patients remained
nearly the same, 174 being taken care
of in January of a year ago and 172
this year.
One of the finest morgues operated
by a college newspaper is maintained
by the Temple University News which
began keeping clippings of all its
material in 1926.

Book To Be Of
Press Feb. 2
Facts about corporation bala
sheets, of utmost importance and
nificance to stockholders, bondh
ers, potential investors, and ban
especially during this period of
nomnic strain, are considered in "I
poration Financial Statements," w
ten by Prof. M. B. Daniels of
School of Business Administra
and published by the Bureau of B
iness Research.
Professor Daniels has examined
fancial statements of 294 indus
and utility companies, and this s
contains a critical analysis of t
form and content. Present day
dencies toward more complete
closure of asset and liability it
are considered together with fac
which are influencing accoun
practice in this respect.
References are made in the p
lication concerning standards of
curacy and adequacy of bala
sheets and are clarified by exam]
of published corporate stateme
Impending increases in the regula
of corporate accounting practice
or through the stock exchanges w]
is now being debated in Cong
made the questions covered in
study of vital importance.
Such theoretical discussion as
study contains centers about
number of weaknesses in curi
statement practice, such as write
or write-down of assets, surplus
justments, reserve accounts,
meaningless income statements.

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S21$--S. State St. (Goldmian Bldg.) We Deliver- - Phone 9,392

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