THE MICHIGAN DAILY w Works Of Lucille Doutrias Are Shown In Architectural College Extradition Ordered CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY By FRED H. ALDRICH (Instructor In Painting) A collection of pastels and etchings which should create wide interest is being shown on the first floor of the building of the College of Architec- ture. It consists of a large number of il- lustrations of a little known and ro- mantic Asiatic culture - in the main, the ruins at Angkor, capitol of the Klmers who entered Cambodia from India during the dawn of the Chris- tian Era. In the sixth century they were a powerful people but the splen- dor of their civilization was eventu- ally destroyed by the Siamese and is now but fragmentarily revealed in architectural ruins. Has Extensive Background Lucille Douglas, the artist, has a background of world-war service, newspaper work in China, several years residence in Indo-China, Java, and Bali, illustrations for the French Colonial Government, and associa- tions with French archeologists dur- ing their restorations at Angkor. This full knowledge of the orient of the present and the past is re- vealed in the work on exhibition. We are not surprised to find her a public speaker, re-creating for the present the history, art, legend and color of a fragment of the past. While the recording of this little known culture gives the collection a wide interest, the painters will want to see especially her pastels which are more than a vigorous declaration ! Those taking part in the Union Opera rehearsals will report as fol- lows today: Group I, 4:15 p.m. Group II, 4:15 p.m. Group III, 4:15 p.m. baud will play at the All-Campus 29: Concert band 31: Concert band Concert band re- of the vivid colors of the orient. Working in the tradition of the im- pressionists, the artist has given us an exhibition of skill that reveals a competent craftsman working in a medium not frequently enough seen by the Ann Arbor public. Color Stands Out "Here is color!" will be the exam- iner's first impression, and tge mem- ory of color will linger as a delight- ful recollection. "The Bride's Chair," observed twice in crowded streets, has given the ar- tist two opportunities to play with the painter's most splendid scale of color - vermilion, yellow, blue, green, and magenta - easily productive of chaos in the hands of the unin- formed but the delight of all when skillfully arranged. "Red Bridge - Canton" again toys with this scale accenting the variations from ver- milion to yellow, contrasted with light yellows to magenta pinks. One must cross our southern borders to find this exciting combination more pleasingly understood. Fall Gray Is Used "Blue Rialto - Bankok" plays with that other section of the spectrum. so greatly enjoyed by colorists, while in "Singapore - Noon," using a full range of colors, the painter almost achieves a gray - the vibrant gray which we see across the Varsity bowl on sunny fall afternoons when the throng has assembled to watch the games. Not that the gray reaches of the palette are shunned. In "Crowded Hour" and "Bridge-Soo Chow" these hues are woven into rich satisfying patterns of vibrant, pulsating colors. This delightful appreciation is matched by the simple directness of the use of the crayons. The surface is filled with broad lines of color - that is all. Line Called 'Adequate' There is a question whether in a line treatment the line would not have been more satisfying had it been more searching -yet it is ade- quate. The critic probably errs when, in a color study, he is not satisfied with a color arrangement. Its hold- ing merit is that it is a declaration of interest by an alert, venturing and competent observer. To those interested in the crafts- manship of the arts it shows what is possible with a medium long fa- vored by colorists and to one knowing of the rough handling that a travel- ing exhibition is subjected to, these large sheets protected only by card- board mats will go far in demon- strating that pastel drawings are comparatively permanent declara- tions of appreciation. Addition For Engne School Neart Fiished Work on the engineering court was near completion today. CWA labor- ers, in conjunction with the build- ings and grounds committee, are en- gaged in the task of pouring concrete for the inclosure, which is located in the rear of the East Engineering building and faces Church Street. Edward C. Pardon, superintendent of buildings and grounds, said that the project would definitely be fin- ished by the end of the week. While the present task is difficult, workers faced a more trying prob- lem in the early weeks of the enter- prise, in early February. At that time a layer of frost three feet deep covered the broken ground and it was necessary to summon profession~al dynamiters to loosen the crusted earth. After this had been done, the wood forms were set in prepara- tion for the present pouring of the concrete. SPEECHES BY 'PHONE ITHACA, N. Y., March 16 - A de- vice which will enable a speaker to address an audience any distance by simply talking into a telephone was demonstrated by the New York Tele- phone to faculty members yesterday at Cornell University. Professor Montgomery, director of extension, stated that its chief use is for emergencies and small meetings where it is not particularly important ;that the speaker be present and where by the use of the device ex- pense is saved. Monday, April 2: Band concert at Hill Auditorium. Tuesday, April 3: Concert band goes to Flint for concerts in afternoon and evening. Slide Rule Dance Committee: Meeting in Room 214, West Engineer- ing Building, 8:30 p.m., Thursday. Csmopolitan Club: Meeting on Sunday, March 24, ,8:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Mr. Wolf-I ebrand Much, a student from Vienna, Austria, will be the speaker. He will portray the ac- tual conditions of Austria, touching on such subjects as Education, eco- nomics, Social and Politics. He will also appear in his national costume. Everyone is welcome. OitGOr Clpb: Is holding an all- day outing and dance at the Sylvan Estates Country Club this coming Saturday. Group will leave Lane hall at 1:30 p.m. and return to Ann Arbor about twelve. All members and those wishing to , participate are invited. Individuals will not be taken unless registered at Lane Hall, 8969, by Fri- day noon. AI-Canp4s Jaipbfree: Hill Audi- torium, Tuesday night 7:3.0, March 27. All students and faculty are urged to attend, inasmuch as the proceeds go to the University Fresh Air Camp. The program, to date, includes the Varsity Band, Varsity Glee Club, the famous Ukrainian Choir, the "Bum Army" (Union Opera of 20 years ago), and J. Fred Lawton, master of ceremonies. Entertainment numbers are being added daily. Music Section of the Faculty Wom- an's Club will meet Thursday, March 22, at 8:00 p.m., at the home of Mrs. R. E. McCotter, Park Ave., Lakewood. A program of modern American music will be presented under the di- rection of Miss Louise Cuyler. University Girls' Glee Club: Be- cause Wednesday is the guest night for the seniors at J.G.P.; the club will meet on Thursday instead of Wednes- day. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:30, and will meet in the usual room. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertions. Box Numbers may be secured at no extra charge. cash in Advance-11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. TelephonemRate-15c perreading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minknun three linesnper insertion. By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one month..... .............8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months......3c 2 lines daily, college year ......7c 4 lines E. 0. D., college year .. .7c 100 lines used as desired ......9c 300 lines used as desired.......8c 1,000 lines used as desired...7c 2.000 lines used as desired...6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch of 7? point Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10 per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. NOTICE AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Bring your title Associated Motor Services, Inc. 311 W. Huron, Ph. 2-2001 12x FOR SALE CROSY compact 6-tube radio. Pur- chased in January. New condition, Cost $31.50. Sell for $23.00. Box 41. 395 LAUNDRY WANTED EXCEPTIONAL immediate demand for short stories, articles, talking picture and radio scripts. Liberal rates. Amateur writers especially invited. Submit your manuscript through us. Typed or pen. We crit- icize, revise and market your story. Fee 50 cents per 1,000 words. Full particulars upon request. National Publications Editorial Bureau, 1229 Park Row Bldg., New York City. 394 WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temponry office. 200 North Main. 5x -Associated Press Photo Martin J. InSul (above), former Chicago utlities operator and broher of Sanwel Insuldl,was ordered extra- dited froin Canada to the Unite States, apparently ending his long fight against return to face trial on embezzlement and larceny charges.. . Postpone Date For Pouring Of giant Mirror Michigan's Telescope To Obtain Second Largest Mirror In The World Due to the fact that the glass on hand was not up to standard, the Corning Glass Works in Corning, N. Y., have had to postpone the pour- ing of Michigan's new 84-inch tele- scope mirror. The mirror was not cast S u n d a y, as was originally planned, but Dr. Heber D. Curtis, head of the astronomy department, said that it would probably be done within a week.1 At the time of pouring the mirror will take its place as second largest in the world, and will hold that po- sition until a 200-inch mirror is cast for the California Institute of Tech- nology in the race to equal the ef- ficiency of the present 100-inch rec- ord-holding mirror in use at the Mount Wilson Observatory in Cali- fornia. The competition started when the Corning Glass Works announced that it would experiment with large-size mirrors made with a new heat-re- sisting glass. Three large mirrors have so far been cast: a 72-inch disk for the Dominion Astro-Physical Laboratory, a 7-inch mirror for the University of Toronto, and an 80- inch mirror for the Yerkes Obser- vatory. When it was announced that it was more economical to pour as many of the mirrors as were desired at one time, an anonymous donor offered to pay for an 84-inch reflector for the University observatory. Aside from its dimensions, the tel- escope will be remarkable in that it will embody many of the best in- ventions of the last two or three years. First among these will be the use of aluminum rather than silver for coating the huge mirror, a process only recently perfected by Dr. Strong of Mount Wilson, who succeeded in coating a 36-inch mirror with it. The University plans to coat its own 37- inch mirror in the largest telescope now at the Observatory with alumi- num next summer. Many other parts of the telescope will be made of aluminum instead of the metals or- dinarily used. WALTER GIVES RADIO TALK Types of the essay, with various classical examples were discussed by Prof. Erich Walter of the English de- partment on the school program broadcast from the University studios in Morris Hall ysterday. LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. FOR RENT New Book List To Be Published By Bureau Of Alumni Relations A new book list will be published by the University within the next two months, containing a complete list of books that will be helpful for a reader wishing to gain a knowledge of any subject, according to Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alumni rela- tions. The list is published by the Bu- reau of Alumni Relations in co-op- eration with the Library Extension Service. The first copy, printed in 1931, was a 160-page book containing lists of the best publications on a majority of subjects. Lists were sent to alumni and requests for other book lists have been coming into the University in such great nunber that it has been decided to publish a sup- plement to the list of three years ago. The book lists contain the name of the book, the author, publisher, price, and a brief note on the con- tents. All publications are arranged under the subjects they deal with. Because of the many requests the new book will contain a hobby book list. Faculty members, who-are leaders ii). the different fields of study, com- pile the lists and because of the helpfulness and the great variety of subjects treated the book has been used by libraries and individuals throughout the United States and foreign countries. The book list will be printed by the University Press some time in May. Over 3,000 have been sent out in the last three years but a much larger STARTING EARLY CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 19. - In an interview with the Harvard Crimson yesterday, Edwin C. Hill, noted news writer and radio speaker, predicted a sure re-election for Roosevelt in 1936, even if only one- half his projects succeed. WUERTIH MATI NEES - 15c "TAKE A CHANCE" number of the new edition is ex- pected to be distributed, as it is rap- idly growing in popularity. ONE SINGLE or double room, shower. Modern furniture. Convenient loca- tion. Privacy. Call 7362. 1002 Forest. 397 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Brown leather case containing four keys Monday night after 4:30 p.m. Please Phone 2-1772. 396 LOST: Between W. Eng. and Chem. Bldg., Monday, 1 drawing set in blue cloth case. Reward. Finder please phone, 2-1559. 393 LOST: An official Michigan Seal Ring in Haven Hall, Men's Room, Saturday noon. Reward. Call 4437. 392 TAXICABS TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger cars. Only standard rates. 1x ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large on- fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x 4x h_ _ rw 4 breath-taking story blended into a musical romance .. . RO ALD 11 and the