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March 21, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-21

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Rain and warmer, today; to-E l
morrow colder and possibly ~

rod Primacy
ar Fascit Italy . f

Roosevelt Acts To
Temporarily Halt
Automobile Strike

Chief Executive Steps In,
Requesting A 48-Hour
Johnson Confers
With Motor Men
Conference Of Officials Of
Industry And A. F. Of L.
Planned For Tomorrow
(By Associated Press)
Acting on President Roosevelt's
request, the central committee of
the auto workers' union, meeting
at Pontiac, Mich., speedily voted
unanimously for the 48-hour
truce in the proposed strike yes-
The action at Pontiac presaged
similar agreements to withhold
strikes in the -Ohio territory
where Cleveland labor leaders
said they expected to follow the
decision of union heads in Mich-
WASHINGTON, March 20. - Pres-
ident Roosevelt personally took
charge this afternoon and averted
the threatened walkout of employes
of the automobile industry, scheduled
for Wednesday morning.
The executive wired his request for
a forty-eight hour postponement to
William Collins, organizer for the
American Federation of Labor at De-
troit, and was assured that the walk-
out would be postponed.
Shortly after the President acted,
William Green, president of the A. F.
of L., sent a message to Collins which
practically instructed him to abide by
the request of President Roosevelt.
Others Had Failed
Other officers of the National Gov-
ernment having failed in efforts to
avoid a strike which would have af-
fected more than 200,000 employes in
five states at least, the President
stepped into the picture personally
late in the day. His action followed
receipt of messages from Ohio, Wis-
consin, Missouri and California that
workers in plants in these states
would follow whatever action was
taken in Detroit, Pontiac, Flint and
Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, adminis-
trator for the NRA, has spent two
days in New York in conference with
Alfred P. Sloan, president of Gen-
eral Motors; Walter P. Chrysler,
president of Chrysler Motors, and Al-
van Macauley, president of the Na-
tional Automobile Chamber of Com-
merce, the automobile code authority.
N.A.C.C. Is Authority
These three officials comprise the
Executive Committee of the N.A.C.C.,
and as such are in reality the Code
Gen. Johnson was in constant
touch with the White House Monday
and Tuesday and shortly afterward
informed the President that a strike
appeared unavoidable. He had failed
in his efforts to get the N.A.C.C. to
agree to deal directly with the A. F.
of L. officials.
President Roosevelt will confer with
the officials of the industry some time
Wednesday and will probably bring
them into a conference on Thursday
with the representatives of the A. F.
of L. The White House declined to
comment tonight on what plans the
executive had in mind for the solu-
tion of the problem faced in the
automobile industry.
Lient. Gray Will Address
Reserve Officers Tonight
Lieut. Louis G. Gray, '5E, secre-
tary of the Oakland County Chapter
of the Reserve Officers Association,

will give an illustrated address on the
Piave Campaign on the Italian-Aus-
trian front during the World War at
a meeting of the local chapter at
8 p.m. today in the Union.
Mr. Gray, who had 'made an ex-
tensive study of the Piave campaign,
says that it was largely responsible
for the breaking down of the Aus-
trian resistance.
Reserve officers, members of the
Army and Navy Club, the R.O.T.C.,
and their friends are welcome.

Kansas University
Finds Its Tonnt' Is
Only , Mental Case
LAWRENCE, Kas., March 20-
When doctorsdiagnosed his case as
physcho-neuritis, a European stu-
at the University of Kansas who had
been posing as a German Count fled
down the fire escape.
Under the title of Count Paul
Gregory Herschel von Leipnitz, he
claimed to be a graduate of Heidel-
berg University. His father and
mother, he said, were killed by Hit-
lerites, but the date of their assas-
sination was in the pre-Hitler era.
Under a verbal third degree he
abandoned his German role, and ad-
mitted that he was an Austrian Jew.
In fact, he claimed to be a descendant
of Frederick the Great of Austria.
Economist Says
Russian System
Similar To NRA
Hugh Dalton Claims Soviet
System Resembles Ours
In Form, Not Manner
Drawing an analogy between the
Russian experiment in Communism
and the American experiment under
the blue eagle of the NRA, Dr. Hugh
Dalton, British economist and labor
leader, outlined the general purposes
of economic planning in his lecture
yesterday in Natural Science Audi-
torium on "Economic Planning in
Theory and Practice."
The Russian system, declared the
speaker, resembles our own, not in
its form, but in the manner by which
it is being put into effect. The psy-
chology of the American experiment
is characterized by the great vigor
and the tendency toward extremes
which is a part of the Russian plan
in the direction of a planned eco-
Experiments Are Valuable
Experiments in planning, such as
are going on both in America and
Russia, whether they are in the right
direction or not, are stimulating to'
the economist in that they show
whether the laissez faire economic
system should be discarded or mod-
ified, he declared. Experiments of
this type were called vital, as a sub-
stitute for the anarchy of rugged in-
Dr. Dalton pointed out the differ-
ence between economic planning and
True, he declared, dictatorship
might involve the question of plan-
ning, which is the case in Italy and
Russia, but one does not go with the
other necessarily. The NRA experi-
ment in America clearly is not a dic-
tatorship, for the rights of the vote
and freedom of speech and press are
maintained in this country, giving
the people the power to recall their
political leaders, and to substitute a
new policy if they are dissatisfied
with the present one.
"No Socialism in America"
The speaker characterized the
American experiment as one of
"much planning and much socialism."
The NRA, he said, occupied the posi-
tion of semi-public control of busi-
ness, in which there is a division of
powers and responsibilities between
government and private enterprise.
The general purposes of a planned
economy, he declared, will come when
the information of the results of
planning in many countries will be-
come clear, continuing by saying that
a clear formulation of the purpose

of planning and a means to achieve
this purpose will then be possible.
The purposes of economic plan-
ning, are, according to Dr. Dalton:
first, the stabilization of the price
level to prevent the business cycle;
second, scientific direction of invest-
ment to production where socialcre-
turns are greatest; and third, decen-
tralization of light industry to less
thickly populated areas.
BATTLE CREEK, March 20. -

March 14, 1934
Mr. Thomas K. Connellan,
The Michigan Daily,
Ann Arbor, Michigan
My Dear Mr. Connellan:
You are correct in your understanding that beer
is sold in restaurants, taverns, and other places around
Harvard Square in Cambridge. The only restriction
is that beer as well as wines and hard liquor may not
be served to persons under twenty-one. In. accord-
ance with the provisions of the state law, beer is now
being served to students over twenty-one in the din-
ing halls of our residential Houses. Under the provi-
sions of the law, such persons have to be served at
tables reserved especially for those of twenty-one
years of age or over. So far, there has been a com-
paratively light sale of malt beverages in the Houses.
To answer your specific question, I have had no
evidence that the easy access to beer has in any way
increased disorderly conduct either in the day time
or at night. If anything, it has perhaps decreased
somewhat the demand for hard liquor.
Very sincerely yours,
A. C. Hanford
The above is a copy of a letter to the editors of The Michigan Daily
from A. C. Hanford, dean of the college at Harvard University.

Farley Defends
Cancellation Of
Air Contraetsl
Claims C e r t a i n Interests
Are Seeking To Reap All
Benefits Of Recovery
WILMINGTON, Del., March 20.
-()-In a speech that sounded a
keynote for the coming congressional
campaign, Chairman Farley of the
Deniocratic national committee to-
night defended cancellation of the
airmail contracts and assailed inter-
ests he said were seeking to take all
the benefits of recovery and "let the
rest of us revert to the misery of a
year ago.,,
"If you look deep enough," he said,
"you will find behind every attack
on the President and his policies a
special interest which seeks to re-
establish the advantage it held so
long by controlling the government.
His speech was delivered at a
Jackson Day dinner,events which
have come to mark the opening of
Democratic campaigns.
Construction Of
Engine Testing
Shop Proposed
Lay Suggests Replacing Of
Old R.O.T.C. Building
With New Laboratory
Tearing down the old building used
by the University Reserve Officers
Trainin'g Corps and the construction
on the site of a testing laboratory
for motors was recommended as a
CWA project yesterday by Prof. Wal-
ter E. Lay of the College of Engi-
"At the present time," he said,
"there are no facilities available for
the use of automobile and airplane
engines as a partof engineering in-
struction. We have an over-supply of
equipment and power plants, but
their operating noises prevent us from
using them."
A sub-basement might be con-
structed under the proposed labora-
tory and so completely eliminate any
noise. The strenuous objections to
motor testing lodged a few weeks ago
by residents of the Lawyers Club were
pointed to as indications of the need
for such a laboratory.
"Besides providing an excellent op-
portunity for students in the me-
chanical engineering department, the

Rev. Fisher To
Talk On Lenten

Accused In
Air Scandal
Cabinet Of Ex-President Is
Charged With Serving
Air Mail Combines
Aviatrix Advocates
Changes In Air Bill
Andrew Mellon Is Attacked
By Senator Robinson In
Mail Controversy
WASHINGTON, March 20.-- (A') -
Members of President Hoover's cab-
inet were charged in the Senate to-
day with having given "their services
to an unlawful and fraudulent" air
mail combination.
Senator Robinson of Arkansas, the
najority leader, made the charge
during another warm exchange on
cancellation of private contracts
which brought Senator Fess, (Rep.,
O.) to his feet with a quick de-
This latest outburst of the mail
controversy on the Senate floor came
a short while after Amelia Earhart
Putnam, transatlantic aviatrix, had
appeared before Congressional com-
mittees to advocate changes in the
administration's air mail bill, saying
that the aviation industry "is still
young and it should not be killed be-
fore it develops."
Senator Robinson, who has stoutly
asserted the administration did its
duty in cancelling the mail contracts,
began the tilt with Fess by announc-
ing on the floor that Andrew W. Mel-
lon "took exception to a statement
in my address of last Thursday."
He quoted from a letter he had re-
ceived from the former secretary of
the treasury:
"In your sp ech you referred to
the Pittsburgh Aviation Industries,
Inc., as a 'strong political factor in
Pennsylvania' and stated that 'the
Mellons were prominent stockholders
and officers in that company.'"
Mellon said his family owned only
inconsequential amounts of stock in
the Pittsburgh Aviation Co.
Byrd Flies To
Aid Of Stricken
Air Companions
Encounters Difficulty In
Achieving Rescue Of 2
Expedition Members
LrlTLE AMERICA, Antarctica,
(Via Mackay Radio) - (-') - Rear
Admiral Richard E. Byrd flew today
to the rescue of two members of his
second Antarctic expedition whose
plane was forced down during a
heavy fog Saturday, but encountered
difficulties himself.
Pilot William C. Bowlin and wire-
less operator Clay Bailey, who had
to come down 15 miles from Little
America on their return trip from a
supply base, were found asleep in
their fur bags in a small tent near
their monoplane.
Only when Byrd and his compan-
ion, Pilot William McCormick, pushed
open the tent flap did the two ma-
rooned flyers awake.

Admiral Byrd and McCormick took
off at 6 a.m. to guide a ground party
travelling with dog teams.
Byrd's plane was subsequently
grounded by engine trouble and the
Admiral had to return to the main
base by dog team to direct plans both
for the rescue of the relief plane and
for the machine it set out to help.



In the fourth of his Lenten Preach-'
ing Mission Services at 7:30 p.m. to-
day at the First Methodist Church,
the Rev. Frederick B.4Fisher will dis-
cuss the question "Is Forgiveness
The Lenten Preaching Mission,
conceived by Dr. Fisher, is being
backed by an inter-church movement
in which the Rev. John H. Shilling,
pastor of the West Side Methodist
Episcopal Church, is co-operating.
"Our Preaching Mission," said Dr.
Fisher, "is a modernized revival or
evangelistic effort." The purpose of
these meetings is to give, to those per-
sons who feel the need, a deep re-
ligious experience.
Albert E. Buss of Detroit, distin-
guished cornet soloist and baritone
who is leading the musical sections
of the programs in using the old gos-
pel hymns for the mission services.
At each service Mr. Buss offers one
of the great church hymns as a bari-
tone solo and another as a cornet
The services are given each night
with the exception of Saturdays.
These sermons are designed to give
spiritual answers to vital questions.
College Entrance
Exams Will Be Held
For the first time, college en-
trance examinations will be given in
Ann Arbor from June 18 to 23 in ad-
dition to the other centers in Mich-
igan, located at Detroit, Grand Rap-
ids, and Cranbrook School, Dr. Ira
M. Smith, registrar, announced yes-
Dr. Smith explained that these ex-
aminations are accepted in any col-
lege or university, and are not just
local admittance tests. "The regis-
trar's office is now receiving appli-
cations for next year's freshman
class through the regular channels.

Adelphi And Alpha Nu To Hold
Traditional Freshman Debate

No one seems to know just when
Adelphi-Alpha Nu debates first be-
gan. It was probably not a great
many years after the founding of the
organizations in 1857and1843 re-
spectively. At any rate great rivalry
attends each inter-society meet.
Tonight for approximately the
twventieth time, freshman represen-
tatives of Alpha Nu, national men's
debating club, and Adelphi House of
Representatives, local speech club for

phi are: Eugene Wilhelm, Robert
Brown, and Robert Boynton, with
Victor Weipert as alternate, while
Alpha Nu will be represented by
Frank Aldrich, Herbert Witke and
Karl Nelson.
The Oratorical Association pre-
sented a cup in 1929 to be retained
by the team winning three consecu-
tive debates. Alpha Nu won from its

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