THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY I Nd41 M OPI NI Vit ftLMMNi 8 ~.5~ Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. --- 1933 CNAYI04A1 . ' COVE W RA)-1934 _ MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper andthe local news published herein. All rights of republication of special. dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, asy second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.25. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. harmonies with the most exquisite delicacy. He has an emotional power that has proved deeply effective, even if somewhat quiet." In place of the Beethoven Sonata of her first program, Mildner has selected a Haydn Sonata, one in E-flat major, that is hearty, vigorous and clean. The second movement is a short, effective- ly melodious adagio. This young pianist has added a strenuous task to her program in the "Wanderer Fantasy," Op. 15, in C major. This is the one that Schubert himself gave up in a pet once when playing it for his friends because of its difficulties in the last movement. The two Chopin, brilliant,, full of contrasts, dynamic and emotional, laden with that rare charm that is Chopin, are things that almost every student of piano, at sometime, haggles through; a technician's performance will bring a new delight in them. Mildner has added a modern Russian Impromptu in the small piece of Bcrtkeiwicz. This composer has written a piano-concerto, and numerous children's pieces. His style is "always pianistic and decidedly skill- ful." To close the program in a truly grand man-, ner, Poldi Mildner has picked out the Rhapsodie' Espagnol, in the arrangement for piano alone, which is unusual, since it's usual medium of per- formance is with orchestra, having been trans- planted to this form by the same Busoni that has made the Bach arrangements, and which has superseded the piano original of Liszt. It will .be interesting to see and hear this young girl, just college age, on the stage of Hill Audi- torium where a few prodigies have appeared, but where for the most part, veterans. and old hands at the concert game have thrilled audiences for many years. like spring water smoothing away a hundred feet from the spring. A mingling this of plain and true and direct with the scarcely insistent meta- phor and the symbol that fades and flashes. Here is writing that hears, that sees; that senses, and yet writing that may in an instant stay the evanescent moods of a woman's labyrinthian mind. Does Celie fear? Her fear is "as small as a bead on the rim of her glass," and yet Popoca- tepetl in all his fury has not such power as this tiny fear. Does Celie cry out her wrath? Her voice has in it a half sob that goes into the walls of the box-like house and becomes part of their timber. Exquisitely subtilized at times, at times strong and plain - the style of Fireweed. It is satisfying to observe that this novel in itself out-modes alike green fancies impacted with sex and sadistic bitterness smartly' clicking its tongue in uncouth urbanity. It brings us for- ward through sensible maturity into a wholesome treatment of life. In the work of Mildred Walker the efforts of our writers at the University of Michigan have gained authentic representation. The work is sound. Fireweed merits its honors and worthily carries its responsibilities. To the literary nation it makes us known honestly and as we should like to be known. Our work here, already significant, will through this book become more significant. For us, the publication of Fire- weed is in a true sense epochal. Screen Reflections AS _, Q Michigan aily Classified Ads Get Results V EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 495 MANAGING EDITOR ..........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN CITY EDITOR........... ........BRACKLEY SHAW EDITORIAL DIRECTOR .............C. HART SCHAAF SPORTS EDITOR...................ALBERT H. NEWMAN DRAMA EDITOR. ........JOHN W. PRITCHARD WOMEN'S EDITOR. ... .............. CAROL J. HANAN NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, John C. Healey, George van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car- stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. :Martin, .Marjorie Western. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn, John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, ,Richard E. Lorch, David .G. -Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parkcr, Wil- liam R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur. M.. Taub. Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Sally -Place,.Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn. Rietdyk, Jane Schneider. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-114 BUSINESS MANAGER...........W. GRAFTON SHARP. REDIT MANAGER...........BERNARD E. SCHNACKE' WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.............. .......................CATHARINE MC HENRY DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her- trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising Contracts, Jack Belamy; Advertising Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef- roymson. ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-f ner, John Ogden,Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard, James Scott, Dlavid Winkworth. Jane Bassett. Virginia Bell, Marv Bursle. P e r'. dart -S. P. }, "b99 Vdl&y, ., FieJd, Loise ;sriffiths,Jran et 'gall, Margaret'' ;n; Louise Krause , Barbara r;, Betty Sitnoncis. NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH G. COULTER Forgotten Students' Ire Remembere #... EFINITE announcement that needy= Vichigan students are to receive york under the Federal relief administration to fnable them to continue their education was made esterday. One hundred thousand college stu- lents in the United States will benefit from this pochal move -up to 700 of them at Michigan. In addition, those receiving the aid will earn t as any other student who is working his way hrough college would do, so they will not be enefiting from charity, but helping themselves. t means that thousands of students the country ver who have seen their "castles in the air" uilt on foundations requiring a college education, oppling to the ground, will have another chance o build for themselves. And they should be bet- er Americans because of it, inasmuch as it is heir government that has given them the op- ortunity. We feel that the Federal officials who have been he leaders in this movement are deserving of heir own little niche in history. In any event, hey may feel sure that they have won the deep- st gratitude of thousands of students who seri- usly want an education but, without aid, have een unable to carry through financially. Musical Events OLDI MILDNER CONCERT Prelude and Fugue in D Minor..Bach-Busoni Sonata in E-flat Major... .......Haydn Allegro Adagio Presto Wanderer Fantasy . . .... . .........Schubert Waltz, C-sharp Minor, Op. 64, No. 2) Scherzo, C-sharp Minor ) Chopin Impromptu ........ , .............Bortkeiwicz Rhapsodie Espagnole .................. Liszt VOLDI MILDNER has given concerts in Ger- many, Holland, Italy, Rouipania, France, Swit- erland, aid some of the Balkans, winning fame nd praise wherever she has played. And now he has come to America where she is continuing o win more fame 'and more praise. When she" vas eleven she made her debut in Vienna, playing i Beethoven Sonata, two Chopin Waltzes and the Aiszt 'fungarian Rhapsody No. 13. Since that ime, a half dozen years 'ago, the type of program hat Podi Mildner is giving has not changed . ' About Books FIREWEED, by Mildred Walker, New York: Harcourt Brace (1934).- A Review. By BENNETT WEAVER "Fireweed" is a simple book. It deals with life tenderly, intimately. It is not for the sophisticate, the bitter, and the wise. It will leave some critics chewing the fur on their tongues and caressing the mould on their word-hoards. Those will appre- ciate it most whose eyes have been cleaned with sunlight, whose throats have been refreshed by winds from the white pine, whose hands have twisted the fibres of trees and felt the grain of earth and gravel. Here is a book of life begotten in the open-iri the open wher'e fireweed flames- begotten there and born in such love and agony as befits the coming of a new generation. Simple, yes; for it is the story of passion, conception, birth; of growing and becoming aware and for- getting; of death and burial. Behind us stand the forests forever renewing their strength against fire and lightning and storm; before us moves Superior unrestless with cosmic power; over us the grey skies change and roll apart to reveal the glittering eternality of the stars; and between forest and lake and under the heavens man sets his naked hand to work for life and woman gath- ers her children close against her to sense the only comfort for her pristine fear, the warmth of generations young on their way. This book is as simple as life.- The story never gets in the way of itself. It does not trip"itself with intricacies. We are in the northern lumber town of Flat Point; we see the rows of box-like houses joggled away from the mill; we meet the Svensons and the Hein-' richs,' the French Canadians and the Finns; and straightway we are told that "The Hendersons have a daughter, Celie; Lin Linsen has a son, Joe." Celie has blue eyes, "Real Swede eyes," her father says. "They could grow dark with pity- Or they could turn light blue like a child's when a little edge of fear crept into them." Celie is seventeen, hungry for experience, for pretty clothes, for romance and adventure in life beyond the Point. Joe's mother is a French woman. His hair is black; but he has blue eyes that go at once for Celie and rest on her. The story is of these two; and the counter characters who come in from the outside cannot break through the integ- ument of it. They can only pull the weaving tight. We do not depend on devices here; we study the human heart. The fate of this man and this woman comes out of themselves, and their pas- sion determines their way. "The fireweed moved in the wind." Rose Marie is born of them; and Ole, the father of Celie, is killed and put into the earth. The fireweed springs again, and little Jole is born. Christina, the mother of Celi, dies and is put into the earth. Then, in one of Christina's trunks which has come from Sweden, Celie finds the wedding picture of her mother. "She looked at it a long time. Christina looked back at her with merry eyes. Soft loops of fair hair lay under the coquettish lace cap. Celie noticed the firm throat above the collar of the dress. She remem- bered Christina's neck with the deep hollows and her wrinkled, sagging breasts . . . Celie set the picture on top of the sideboard. She showed it to Joe when he came home to dinner." What inti- mate courage! This is the story. "Thus do the generations of the earth . . Those whose palates are not high-cloyed or curry-killed will find the story sufficient. But in this little town, from which Greek-wise we have no escape and wish none, we are yet to live with many kinds of people. In her characterizations Mildred Walker has the instantaneousness of a woman and the subtle sureness of an artist. With a stroke she gives us the big and brutal Anna Andres, cursing at the scum of her own body; with another the dipsomaniacal doctor, with "his sad, weak, brilliant face intent." Now she presents Mrs. Maloney, hearty as the Wife of Bath, who "had some jokes that would make a woman laugh fit to start her labor pains"; and now she brings forward the mad old lumberjack, filthy and smell.. ing of filth, who gives the flowers of the fireweed to baby Rose Marie and then shuffles away to nameless'nothingness. Upand down the street we go, in and out of these box-like houses, meet- ing people, until human life comes about us warm and real. It is the old truth: where the artist's eye looks, there is the eternal world. The ways of American literature do not lead to New York, ART CINEMA LEAGUE PRESENTS "CHINA EXPRESS" This week the Art Cinema League is presenting the all-Chinese production "China Express." This evening a performance will be given at the usual 8:15 hour, while Friday and Saturday evenings will see two runnings at 7:15 and 9:00 each night. This production involves some of the latest de- velopments in screen direction and production and these qualities might be worth a word or two. At the present moment Sergei Eisenstein seems to be the pace setter of the eminent Russian cinema movement and this picture "China Ex- press" is directed by one of his ardent followers Illya Trauberg. Trauberg owes much of his train- ing and directing skill to the famous Russian and his works are flavored with that Eisenstein touch that is the envy of most modern directors of today. Eisenstein's belief in the non-professional actor is reflected in Trauberg's work and the se- lection of the casts used in his productions re- veals the fact that people "in the same boots" as the person they are about to portray are best for that part. After all, why make an actor train for a part of an old man when you can get a man who has been training for the part fr 80 years or so? Such is the Eisenstein attitude, and hence the Trauberg one. The reflection of such a philosophy in pictures should prove in- teresting to the audience and mate for' a new type of cinema drama. The main point of interest in "China Express" is what takes place on one of its journeys from whence much excitement and chance for fine act- ing is derived? "Soviets on Parade," the added attraction ac- companying "China Express" and "Pied Piper I of Hamlin," has received much praise from critics throughout the world ani is a two-reel dondened affair with the choicest bits taken from the origi- nal full feature picture of the same name reveal- ing the amazing strength of the Russian army of today and has a huge cast of some 160 million odd people of which the New York Enquirer has said, "a thrilling panorama." People who missed Walter Disney's "Pied Piper of Hamlin" will get a chance to see it this evening and again have a chance to remark, "gosh!" -R. E. L. To the Butterfield Theaters: "The Private Life of Henry VIII" is undoubtedly one of the best pictures so far this year. Why is it that an inferior picture such as Eddie Cantor's "Roman Scandals" is allowed to run a full week while "The Private Life of Henry VIII" remains for a short run of four days? Many people will undoubtedly miss this fine picture for the reason that it was here for just four days and it will be some time, if I know anything about bringing back fine pictures to this town, before it will re- turn to Ann Arbor. Many will undoubtedly agree on this point. -R. E. L. CollgiteObsre e -- a- By BUD BERNARD This-is an authentic story coming from 'the Cornell Campus. Two co-eds of that institu- tion were arguing over the eligibility of the prospective date of one of them. "I think Bill is swell," said one of them. "The only thing you can possibly question is his morals, but of course you can't expect him to have everything." University graft is a legend on many campuses, but promulgators of these legends should doff their hats to the vague rumor that the president of the University of Missouri student council paid the paltry sum of $3750 for his job and the attend- ant glory. A professor at the University of California, discussing Lucretius' conception of matter and void, found the following note on 'the black- board: "Can matter be considered a dirty void?" And the dear prof, ignorant of this particu- lar brand of collegiate humor, very earnestly devoted the hour to explaining this difficult problem. ii* * ii At Stanford University a co-ed can stay out as late as 12 o'clock on week nights and 2 o'clock on Saturday nights -if she passes a physical 'exami- WHY NOT SAY "HELLO" TO MOTHER AND DADP -RATES ARE LOWESt AFTl i:30 PM. In five plaCes At once Conference telephone service -a new telephone convenience-enables a number of'people far apart to talk together as freely as though gathered around a table. This fosters quicker interchange of ideas in business - saves time and money -expedites decisions. For example: an executive wishes to discuss plans with his district managers. His tele- phone is connected simultaneously' with each of theirs-all can talk, all hear everything that is said! Through constantly developing new uses, Bell System service grows more and more valuable. BALL TELE, f - SYSTEM i. k tUYR,( e O ' A -.. '~,-. - -~ - I* *a No Matt er Whit Yo 'umChoo'se- To Do Without Durim Lent Dont; give up this chance to buya GR AND MARCH PICTURE of the 1935 JmHop for only 'ONE DOLLAR at tile Student Publications ,Building Maynard Street