The Weather Rairy turning to snows lte to- day; mruch colder twuoltrrow With) possibly local snows. Y Sin an ~ ait Editorials Fraternities Need Thoroughgoing Reform I i VOL. XLIV No. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1934 PRICE %FIVE CENTS Dillinger Aide Shot To Death In Port Huron Negro Companion In Jail Break Is Killed By St. Clair County Officers Mi chigan Police On Trail Of Desperado Oficers Are Wounded As They Fight It Out With Coriered Negro - PORT HURON, Mich., March '16 - (P) - John Dillinger's negro aide in his sensational wooden gun es- cape from an Indiana jail lay dead tonight - the victim of his own boasting and the guns of four St. Clair county officers -and the trail of the fugitive desperado again was hot. Herbert Youngblood, who facing a murder charge when he accom- panied Dillinger in a break from the Crown Point, Ind., jail on March 3, died this afternoon a few hours af- ter he had shot it out with Sheriff William L. Van Antwerp and three deputie-s. They had gone in search of a negro who bragged of a success- ful jail break, and cornered Young- blood in a small South Port Huron store. Two Deputies Wounded Two of the deputies -under Sher- iff Charles Cavanaugh and Howard Lohr - were wounded seriously in the chest. Sheriff Van Antwerp re- ceived a bullet in one arm, but from his hospital bed he directed the "We are ready for Dillinger" Ann Arbor police officials stated last night. All officers have been warned to be on the lookout for him and radio messages have been coming in constantly warn- ing everybody in this district to be on the watch for him. search for Dillinger who, Young- blood 4aid, he had seen only last night. In Michigan and Ohtarib, pdlide were patrolling the highways, for the outlaw bank robber was variously re- ported speeding toward Detroit with two men in a small automobile, and to have crossed the St. Clair River into Canada, in a rowboat. Assisting in the manhut were Capt. Matt Leach, of the Indiana state police, who was in Detroit when to- day's shooting occurred, and John L. Murphy, an agent of the United States Department of Investigation. Four officers from Crown Point, Ind, left for Port Huron as soon as word of the latest development in the dis- couragirg hunt fcV (their escaped prisoner was received. Youngblood Reveals Identity Realizing he was dying, Young- blood revealed his identity after he was taken to a hospital here with six bullet wounds in the chest and abdomen, and said that Dillinger and' three other men had come to Port Huron with him. He made his state- ment between frequent intervals of unconsciousness, and much vital in- formation he must have possessed could not be obtained. He said, however, that he had seen Dillinger and three companions last night in a small (Ford V-8) automo- bile, and such a car, with either In- diana or Illinois licenses, was the will o' the wisp focal point of to- night's search 5-Day Truce In Auto Fight Averts Strike WASHINGTON, March 16.-P)- A five-day truce in the struggle be- tween the automobile industries and the union men of its shops resulted today from the intervention of NRA in a determined effort to prevent a strike which might seriously threaten the recovery program. With the executive committee of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce called to consider on Mon- day -a mediation plan proposed by Hugh S. Johnson, recovery adminis- trator, labor leaders postponed the threatened walkoulj until Wednes- day. "If the answer is not satisfactory," said William Collins, chief organizer for the Detroit area, "the plants will be closed down Wednesday and work will remain suspended until the gov- My Beliefs About Immortality; No. 5: The Rev. Sayles' Views EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth of a series of articles on "Immortality," written by prominent Ann Arbor cler- gymen. The sixth and last article, to appear in tomorrow's Daily, will be written, by Rabbi Bernard Heller of Hillel Foundation. By THE REV. EDWARD R. SAYLES (Of the First Baptist Church) By the life everlasting we mean survival of the essential personality. It is confused in some minds 1by a debate which is as old as the Phari- sees and Sadducees - the physical resurrection. The heart of the ques- tion is that of the survival of the essential personality. I have heard orators speak of the new life in the springtime and in particular the new life of the rose as it puts on leaf and bud and bloom with the return of the springtime. But the rose and other vegetable forms were not dead. The Christian Easter festival merged with the pa- gan festival of spring and is now ob- served at a movable date and in the spring season. Sometimes I hear men substitute the moral resurrection for the sur- vival of the essential personality and again this is to evade the issue. I love those words of George Eliot: "Oh, may I join the choir invisible fOf those immortal dead who live again In minds made better by their pres- ence; live In pulses stirred to generosity, In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn Of miserable aims that end with self, In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars, And with their mild persistence urge men's search To vaster issues. May I reach That purest heaven - be to other souls The cup of strength in some great agony, Enkindle generous ardor, feel pure love, Beget the smiles that have no cruelty, Be the sweet presence of a good diffused, And in diffusion even more intense! So shall I join the choir invisible, Where music is the gladness of the world." This is immortality of influence (Continued onPage 6) Seven Students Given Jobs On Inland Review New Literary And Critical Magazine Plans Meeting For Next Tuesday The appointment of seven students to the staff of the Inland Review, proposed student literary and critical magazine, and a meeting for further organization of those interested, was announced last night by Arthur M. Coon, Grad, editor. The students who were appointed by Coon are Otto Bird, Grad, Arthur Carr, '35, T. C. Wilson, Grad, Judd Polk, '35L, John Pritchard, '34, James McCandless, Spec, and William Ol- son; '37. The meeting will be held Tues- day at 7 p.m. in the Union. All who would be interested in working on the magazine are asked to attend. "If the magazine is a success," Coon stated, "a number of positions will have to be fiilled, and the or- ganization meeting offers a par- 'ticularly good opportunity to those who would be interested in such posi- tions. There are especially good openings for people on the business staff." Although the magazine is still in a tentative state, manuscripts are already being considered. These may be on any subject which is tenable with a magazine of this type and should not exceed 1,000 words as a rule. These should be left at the English Department office, 3221 An- gell Hall, a n d accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelopes. Subscriptions, at $1 for for quarterly issues, may also be handed in at the office. TO SIGN PACT ROME, March 16.--(P)-A political consultative pact, stimulating that that Italy, Austria and Hungary will seek each other's mutual advice on matters of interest to all three, will be signed tomorrow, a government spokesman announced tonight The signers will be Premier Benito Mussolini, Chancellor Engelbert Doll- fuss of Austria and Premier Julius Goemboes of Hungary Review Of All Nations To Be GivenApril 3 Program Promises To Be Among Most Colorful Of Dramatic Events Promised as one of the most col- orful dramatic events of the year, foreign students of the University will unite in a performance to be known as "The 1934 All-Nations Re- vue," Tuesday, April 3, in Hill Au- ditorium. Although somewhat similar to the International Night produced in for- mer years for foreign students, the program will be more carefully ar- ranged and proportioned than before it was announced, Phe Ann Arbor Kiwanis club has taken charge of all business arrangements and pro- ceeds from the production will be divided equally between the Foreign Students Scholarship fund and the Underprivileged Welfare fund of the club. Prof. Raleigh Nelson, director of foreign student activities in the Uni- versity, has taken charge of pro- ducing the show and at present many scenes are in rehearsal. The program as planned will con- sist of a rapidly moving series of scenes-some ceremonial, some ex- pressed in the dance .that will move the audience from the United States through foreign climes, back to this country for a moment, and then again to some distant land. .1 In order to aid in enlarging the scope of the production, Professor Nelson has obtained the co-operation of the following University and city organizations: Play Production, de- partment of physical education, the University glee clubs, the Shool of Music, and the Hoyer Studio of Dance Announcement will be made in a few days concerning the distribu- tion of tickets. EMMA GOLDMAN TO SPEAK Emma Goldman, well-known an- archist who was deported from the United States in 1917, will speak at the Detroit Institute of Arts Sunday. Her subject will be "Living My Life." Miss Goldmanis in the United States on a special 90-day visiting permit. Col.Lindbergh Claims Liberty Is Threatened Tells Senate Committee Administration Air Mail Bill Is Dangerous Attacks Barring Of Offending Concerns Says Cancellation Violated Fundamental Rights Of The American People WASHINGTON, March 16 .-(P)- Col. Charles A. Lindbeirgh told a Senate committee today that the can- ellation of airmail contracts "vio- lated fundamental American rights" and that a section -of the Adminis- tration's airmail bill was "as con- trary to American liberty as any- thing I have ever seen." This reference was flung at a sec- tion of the proposed measure which would bar the companies whose con- tracts have been annulled from bid- ding for new awards if they press claims growing out of the cancella- tion. Lindbergh's views on the airmail episode have become well known since Postmaster General James H. Farley announced recently that contracts were scrapped because of fraud. Lindbergh's appearance today, how- ever, gave him an opportunity to tell the members of the Postoffice Com- mittee face to face what he thought of the measure which is before them and to discuss the cancellation and aviation in general. Should Have Trial "I feel these companies have - and should have had - the right to trial before being convicted of guilt which is only implied and not proved," he said earnestly. Once or twice the queries swung to the testimony before another Sen- ate committee that lid the founda- tion for the cancellation. "I knows.noing. w that," Lind- bergh said crisply when asked by Chairman Kenneth D. McKellar about the circumstances under which the contracts were let in 1930. He agreed with a suggestion by] Senator M. M. Logan, Kentuky Dem- ocrat, that the contracts should be1 restored to the private companies pending a final review of the entire 'situation and a "definite determina- tion of guilt." Question Salary and Bonus The committee members ques- tioned him briefly about his salary and stock bonuses from Transcon- tinental and Western Air Express. "Let me say," he smiled, "that I've never received a gift or gratuity from an aviation company. I've worked for them. I might have received more in another field - probably could7 have - but I preferred aeronautics."I He described the cancellation as a blow to American aviation "whose' extent is as yet unrevealed.'" He did not criticize the Army's un- lucky effort to take over the job. "The Army mail carrying was not as efficient as that of the private companies," he said, but added that the service lacked "proper equipment and the time to prepare for the task." Alumni To Hold Fourth National Meeting Soon The fourth national triennial con- vention of University of Michigan Alumni Association will be held on Friday and Saturday, June 1 and 2, at the Hotel Pantlind in Grand Rap- ids, according to plans formulated at a preliminary meeting of the Uni- versity of Michigan club of Grand Rapids. The program as outlined includes business sessions, social activities, and recreationai programs. Further plans for the convention program will be organized by a committee acting in co-operation with President Alex- ander G. Ruthven. At the most recent triennial held in Cleveland a large group of alumni were in attendance. The speakers in- cluded several university presidents, among whom were President Clar- ence C. Little of Michigan, Glenn Frank of Wisconsin, Lotus D. Coff- man of Minnesota, and former Pres- ident Stratton D. Brooks of Okla- homa and Missouri. Tag Day Will Be Replaced By Jamboree University Camp For Boys To Receive Funds From Entertainment Entertainers Will Volunteer Services To Be At Hill Auditorium March 27; Will Try To Care For 125 Boys In place of the annual Student Christian Association Tag Day drive to raise funds for the University Fresh Air Camp for underprivileged boys, a huge jamboree, with enter- tainers furnishing their services free, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 27, at Hill Auditorium. For 13 years the camp, a project in human engineering, has been in existence, supported by University alumni, and by the campus drive. Three hundred and fifty boys are sent to the camp, which is located among 180 wooded acres on Patterson Lake. Here, waifs who ordinarily would never have the opportunity for such pleasures learn the principles of healthy living. They lead a cosmo- politan life, no racial or color bar- riers being raised. Donations Obtained The'donations obtained from "Tag Day" drives in the past have sent about one third or 125 to camp. Last year because of poor campus support the camp ran for only five weeks. "We believe that students are get- ting tired of supporting every organi- zation that comes along," stated George. G. Adler, director of the camp, last night. "Therefore, with the Jamboree we plan to give the stu- dents something for their contribu- tions. We need the support of the campus. A near capacity crowd at Hill' Auditorium will mean that 125 more boys will be able to get off the city streets and also the camp will be able to run its regular eight weeks instead of five." To date many entertainment fea- tures have been solicited and it is expected that within a few days a headliner will have been obtained. J. Fred Lawton, '11, has been secured to act as master of ceremonies. Law- ton, who wrote the words to the "Victors," will also present a short skit from the "Bum Army," third Union Opera of 1909. Most of the original characters will re-enact their roles. Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School of Music wrote the score for this opera. Lawton Imitates Yost Lawton has promised to give his famous imitation of Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost, taken from "Cul- ture," the Union Opera of 1908. This rendition represents Yost giving his men a fight talk between the Mich- igan-University of Pennsylvania game of 1908. There will be two types of tickets on sale for the Jamboree; the reg- ular ticket which will cost 50 cents -nd the patrons ticket for which any price above 50 cents may be paid. Both will be on sale at the League and Union Monday. President Alexander G. Ruthven in a statement issued recently said, "I do not think that there can be a single individual among the stu- dents, faculty, and officers of the University of Michigan who would not say if asked about the Univer- sity Fresh Air camp, 'Yes, it is a splendid thing.' It is obvious that the camp is entirely altruistic in its purposes and that it offers, both to the boys who are taken to it and to the college men who work with them and for them, rich opportunities for the building of character. 11 -Associated Press Photo -Associated Press Photo COL. CHARLES A. LINDBERGH House 1Trims Senate Bons Appropriation Defeat Measure By Margin Of One Vote; Kennedy Is Deckling Factor WASHINGTON, March 16._(')- By a margin of one vote, the House insisted today that veterans' allow- ances approved by the Senate be trimmed substantially. The vote was 190 to 189. On a previous roll call it appeared that the House had voted for the Senate-approved $118,000,000 instead of the $90,000,000 the representatives previously had agreed to. But Rep. Martin J. Kennedy, New York Democrat, shifted his "aye" vote to "no" and the Administration forces won. When it first appeared that the House had reversed; dtself by the same vote of 190 to 189, Speaker Henry T. Rainey ordered another roll call. A decision on the veterans allow- ances, as well as restoration of Gov- ernment employees cut pay, now will be worked out by committees repre- senting the Senate and the House. Rep. William P. Connery, Massa- chusetts Democrat, made the move to get the House to reverse itself on both the Government pay and vet- erans' proposals. The House wants 5 per cent of the cut pay restored as of Feb. 1 and " per cent on July 1. The Senate voted for 5 per cent as of Feb. 1 and 10 per cent on July 1. The House proposition was esti- mated to cost the Treasury about about $28,000,000 to July 1, and about $125,000,000 in the next fiscal year, compared with the $190,000,000 un- der the Senate amendment. Ward Leads Negro Symposium Group A Negro symposium led by Willis Ward, '35, was held last night at Ann Arbor High School. The ques- tion under discussion was "A critical survey of the problems confronting the Negro in the following fields: history, social progress, law, litera- ture, public health, and education." Those besides Ward who partici- pated in the discussion were H. J. Harrison, Grad., James O. Sladle, Grad., George Crockett, '34L, Cecil A. Blue, Grad., Paul B. Cornely, Grad., and Doxey A. Wilkerson, Grad. The chairman of the symposium was C. E. Boulware, Grad. Otto W. Haisley, superintendent of Ann Ar- bor Public Schools also participated in the discussion. The Bethel A.M.E. choir rendered several selections. In Senate Inquiry I 11 Academy Will End sessions Final Speeches In Many Sections Will Be Heard On Last Day Of Meeting Political Discussion Is Held In Union Prof. Sanders Delivers His Presidential Address On New Testament Texts Members of the Michigan Acade- my of Science, Arts, and Letters will conclude their three-day stay in Ann Arbor today when final speeches will be given in the various section meet- ings. The program yesterday was fea- tured by the annual president's mes- sage, delivered by Prof. Henry A. Sanders, chairman of the Depart- ment of Speech and General Linguis- tics, who discussed "Recent Text Studies in the New Testament." An account of Professor Sanders' ad- dress will be found on page six of this issue. Popular interest centered in the main about the history and political science section, which met yester- day afternoon on the Terrace of the Union for a discussion of the Euro- pean situation, the situation in the United States, and the South Ameri- can dictators. Slosson Discusses Europe Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department, who led the on- sideration of the European political set-up, said that in his opinion the European dictatorships rest on a pre- carious foundation exemplified in the lack of provision for an orderly suc- cession in the headship of the state. The result of the demise of the dic- tator, Professor Slosson stated, is civil war and the imminent possi- bility of hostilities with a foreign power. South American dictatorships are the culmination of personal ambition on the part of political and military leaders and may be interpreted as the manifestation of a desire to emerge from the period of war and chaos, Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history department declared Terror In South America "We have seen in South America the period of the 'strong arm' men who ruled by terror and in spite of opposition secret societies," Profes- sor Aiton said. "There followed a period of dictators who worked just inside the law. After that there came the period of economic storm and 1930 and 1931 saw the rise to power of new dictators in several of the South American countries. "The future of South America lies in the balance. Communism is mak- ing a strong bid in several sections of this continent. At any rate, the South American dictator seems des- tined to go on for some time in this part of the world." An economic plan which will pro- vide work for all who want work must be devised by the United States unless we are pulled out of the de- (Continued on Page 6) Greece Moves To Extradite Insull o U. S. Utilities Magnate Captured On Greek Steamer Near Island Of Crete ATHENS, March 16-(1) - The Greek Government, thoroughly an- gered at Samuel Insull, whose- sen- sational attempt to escape on a grimy tramp steamer was frustrated today, will return him to the United States for trial. Insull was near the Island of Crete today when authorities established contact by wireless with his boat, the Greek freighter Maiotis, and ordered its master to turn about and bring him back. Irate that "last week's invalid" had abused Greek hospitality by try- ing to flee, authorities let it be known that they would have no further hesi- tation about expelling him. While the Maiotis steamed back Suggest Various Solutions For Seniors' Extra Hour Problem ------- By WILLIAM G. FERRIS What the senior woman is to do with that extra hour, now that the benevolent authorities have (with considerable frothing) given it to her, has caused a number of charm- ing, or something, suggestions. These suggestions have come to The Daily and are printed herein with the hope that the women will take them for what they are worth. Although the suggestions are printed in The Daily, the reader must understand that they do no necessarily represent the edi- torial opinions of this paper. 1. Play "roller-butch". This should be a popular game now that spring is approaching. The idea is to get a pair of roller skates, skate up and down before the house of President gold ball. The idea of this game is for the senior women to shinny up the pole, without using their hands, and get the ball. The preservation of dignity and decorum is most essen- tial to the genuine enjoyment of this game. No suggestion has been made as to what to do with the ball after the women have got it. Perhaps it would be a good idea to shinny back and put it up there again. After all, the flag pole would look sort of bald with out it. 3. Diagonal Hops. This game is played with beer bottles (purchased on the wicked side of Ann Arbor, of course), hence the name. Idea: place beer bottles, 25 of them, a distance of three feet from one another. Hop over the first beer bottle. Then drink Edmonson Sees Threat To Free Education In Proposed Changes "There is no nationwide organized conspiracy against the public school system, but there are numerous pro- posals for changes in the policies of public educations that would ulti- mately destroy our present program of free publc education," Dean J. B. Edmondson of the School of Educa- tion declared in an address given recently before the Teachers' Club of Grand Rapids. However, there is such support for these proposals, ac- cording to Dean Edmondson, that there is strong suggestion of con- spiracy with "shrewd and aggressive -p u b1.ic schools of a community through local property taxes. The danger in this proposal, Dean Ed- mondson said, is to the equality in public education which most educa- tors are striving to achieve. Neigh- boring communities with different per capita wealth would necessarily have different educational facilities for their children. This would of course destroy any hope of giving all children equal education oppor- tunities in life. The second proposal, if adopted generally, would restrict the public