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March 16, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-16

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31mstock Edict
Sets April 6 As
State Army Day
ielebrations And Public
Programs Are Planned
For Memorial Exercises
Characterizing the United States
irmy as "an instrumentality of
eace," Governor William A. Com-
ock yesterday issued a proclama-
on asking the people of the state
f Michigan to observe Friday, April
as Army Day, for the purpose of
aying tribute to the armed forces
the nation for their services and
In the proclamation Gov. Com-
ock called particular attention to I
Le contributions of the military force
the national government in for-
arding President Roosevelt's plans
r national recovery, and asked that
ie flag be displayed and that dem-
rstrations be arranged for Army,

Congressional Coinntte Delates Proposed Airma il Bill

Explosion And
Fire Kill Many
In La Libertad

N!er University Head

Central American
Lie's A Ma:;s Of
Following Blast


-Associated Press Photo
Harlee Branch (right), second assistant postmaster general, was questioned by the House postoffice com-
mittee on the administration's bill to return mail-flying to private companies. Chairman Mead (left), New
York democrat, and Representative Kelly (center), Pennsylvania republican, are shown. The bill was criti-
cized both by the senate and house postofficq commit tees.

S &N SALVADOR, El Salvador,
March 15-- UP} - Much of the city of
La Libertad is a mass of smoking ru-
ins today -- leveled by fire which
spread after a port explosion in which
about 150 persons were killed.
The blast, which could be heard
here in the capital about 30 miles
away, occurred when dynamite ex-
ploded as it was being unloaded from;
a ship at the docks.
Fire broke out. Flames spread
quickly to buildings and swept over
many blocks. The city hall and a
church were among the important
buildings consumed.
Hundreds of firemen were rushed
from San Salvador along with scores
of relief workers whose automobiles
dashed in and out of the danger
zones, carrying the injured to hos-
pitals here.
Today, National Guardsmen and
Red Cross workers were joined by of-
ficials in directing remaining rescue
work. The President and high gov-
ernment officials rushed to the scene
In all, it was said about 250 cases
of dynamite went up in the explo-
sion. Officials said they believed
sparks from a locomotive set off the
It was that not one man of those
handling the explosives e s c a p e d

C. W. Hungerford of Detroit is to
e appointed chairman of the Ann
arbor committee, and plans are being
ormulated for a series of patriotic
xercises in public and parochial
chools. Public exercises, talks be-
ore local clubs and service organi-
ations, and other activities including
he establishment of displays in store
rindows will take place.
Mr. Hungerford, in speaking of the
lans for the celebration, urged that
articular honor be paid to the late
t. Rev. Msgr. Patrick R. Dunigan
f Flint, who was chaplain of the
ed Arrow division, and the late Col-
nel Fredrick M. Alger, and other
Iichigan soldiers and patriots who
ied during the past year.

English History
In Michigan Is
Topic On Radio
VanderVelde Is Speaker
In History Series On
University Hour
Although the British had legal pos-
session of Michigan for only 20 years,
they actually ruled the country for
36 years, even after the close of the
American Revolution, Prof. Lewis G.
VanderVelde of the history depart-
ment stated in the Michigan history
series broadcast from the University
studios yesterday.
The entire area of Michigan might
have remained British if, a different
method, proposed at the treaty con-
vention, had been adopted, Professor
VanderVelde pointed out. "In 1782,
the American commissioners pro-
posed to the British that the boun-
dary between theUnitedStatesLand
Canada extend from the St. Law-
rence to Lake Nipissing and thence
to the source of the Mississippi,"
This proposal was not met with
any great approval, and in the fol-
lowing month, the American dele-
gation proposed that the boundary be
a line through the middle of the
Great Lakes or the line of 45 degrees
of latitude. If the latter course had
been accepted, the Michigan boun-
dary would be just north of Traverse
City, and all of the land to the north
would have been part of Canada. If
this had gone through, however, the
United States would have gained a
considerable portion of southern On-
tario, Professor VanderVelde ex-

European Agreement To Make
Austria, Hungary Trade Center

WASHINGTON, March 15.- V() -
When premiers of Italy, Hungary
and Austria put their heads together
in Rome and discussed conditions
in Austria and its neighboring nomi-
nal kingdom of Hungary, steps were
taken to change the "cockpit of Eu-
rope" into a peaceful trade center.
That, in a nutshell, is the scheme
whereby Benito Mussolini hopes to
accomplish what post-war financing,
League of Nations' loansand political
maneuvers at Geneva have failed to

The struggle between city workers
and agriculturists became acute. Un-
rest was spurred by the world de-
(pression, and with political upsets
threatened by the growth of naziism
Dollfuss dissolved parliament and
started government by decree.

License Plates On
Sale At New Price
1934 license plates are now on sale
at the Chamber of Commerce offices,
4th and Ann Sts., at the new prices
of 35 cents per hundredweight, ac-
cording to a telegram received by
Mrs. Ella Gillen yesterday morning
from Frank D. Fitzgerald, secretary
of state.

-Associated Press Photo
Prof. Arthur Cutts Willard, acting
dean of the college of engineering,
was named president of the Univer-
sity of Illinois.
College Leaves Education
To Students' Own Ability
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 13.-
The University of Kansas City has
recently adopted a system taken from
the University of Chicago which
leaves the student's education entire-
ly up to his own initiative. This plan
is putting into actual use one of the
most radical changes that has as yet
been made in fields of higher edu-

In connection with the state and
national programs, radio broadcasts
are being arranged by the state com-
mittee for both afternoon and eve-
ning of Army Day.
In asking the people of the state
to observe Army Day, Gov. Com-
stock's proclamation was as follows:
"By the sixth of April it will be 17
years since our nation entered the
World War. Therefore, in commem-
oration of- the honorable and victor-
ious service rendered in that war by
our land forces, we dedicate that
day each year as Army Day.
"During the last year we have seen
the United States army function as
an instrumentality of peace, placing
its knowledge of organization at the
task of getting Civilian Conservation
Camps under way, and making, in
other fields of endeavor creditable
headway furthering the President's'
plan for national industrial recov-
"In recognition of the dependa-
bility of our army in times of peace,
as well as in times of war, I, William
A. Comstock, do therefore designate
Friday, April 6, to be appreciated byj
public display of our National Em-
blem and proper demonstration."
Delay In Mailing
In answer to student complaints on
delay of launctry mailed out of Ann
Arbor, post office officials explained
yesterday that the last parcel post
collection at the Nickels ArcadeI
branch is at 5:15 p.m. daily, except
Saturday when it is at 11:15 a.m.
Late mailing results in a delay of
24 to 48 hours in dispatching, it was
said, because laundry mailed after
5:15 p.m. week-days is not sent out
until the following day, and that
posted after 11:15 a.m. Saturdays
lays over until Monday.
Opponent Of Waterway
Is Pleased With Decision
(By Associated Press)
Premier L. A. Taschereau of Que-
bec, always an opponent of the St.
Lawrence waterways plan, expressed
satisfaction over its defeat in the
American Senate Wednesday in four
"Great joys are dumb," he said.
In other parts of Canada, however,
the Senate decision received varied
Government officials in Ottawa did
nt comment, but it was indicated
:hat the failure to ratify the deep
vaterway scheme would be considered
by the Canadian Parliament.

He let it be known, with charac-
teristic bluntness, that he had un-
dertaken the task because of what he
called "abundant proof of hostile in-
activity by other countries." Only a
prosperous Austria can be contented,
is the Italian argument, and only a
contented one can be considered safe
against inroads of naziism and even-
tual "anschluss" or political union
with Germany.
Present day Austria is about as
large as Indiana, and the kingdom
of Hungary, which is struggling along
under the regency of Admiral Hor-
thy, is almost the same size.
In the reshuffling of territory to
create Czechoslovakia and Poland, to
make Serbia into a greater kingdom
tunder the name of Yugoslavia and
to enlarge Rumania and Italy, the al-
Lied powers limited the old Austro-
Hungarian empire, which had access
to the Adriatic, to a rather restricted
Austro-Hungarian control of com-
merce on the Danube, the greatest
waterway of Central Europe.
Slav Centers 'Lopped Off'
The great Slavic populations scat-
tered heterogeneously throughout the
Austro-Hungarian empire were large-
ly lopped off and joined to other
powers. The Pan-Slavic movement
which had oriented these groups to-
ward Russia, Serbia and Montenegro
was regarded by many students of
international affairs as an important
cause of the world war.
Consequently, the reduction of
Austria to a predominantly German
population and the restriction of the
remade Hungary to a Magyar group
'lessened the clash among conflicting
races. But it also deprived the rem-
nants of the old dual empire of mar-
kets provided by a population of
36,000,000 and started them on a
rtruggle for existence in a continent
reorganized along political rather
than economic lines.
Isolated from the sea by the loss
of the Trentino to Italy, with Tran-
sylvania given to Rumania and §horn
of Polish Galicia, Slavonia, Croatia,
Bosnia, Herzegovina and the terri-
tory which makes up Czechoslovakia,
Austria and Hungary were in a sorry
Hungary Agricultural
Hungary, being primarily an agri-
cultural country and able to produce
a surplus of foodstuffs, suffered less
than industrial Austria with factories
and workers whose output could not
find its way over the tariff hurdles
of neighbors.
In the Austro-Hungarian empire
the virile Magyars, ever ready to
fight and defend their rights, had
given the less combative Austrians
support which was sadly missed after
the dissolution of the Hapsburg mon-
archy. Vienna, with nearly 2,000,000
inhabitants, almost a third of the
population of. the Austrian republic,
and the other Austrian industrial
centers, became strongly socialistic.

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