The Weather
Lower Michigan generally
fair and colder Friday; Satur-
day snow or rain and colder.
VOL. XLIV No. 120.
NRA Head
Takes Over
Aut RIssue
My Beliefs About Immorwality;
No. 4: Professor Sellars' Views
Johnson Assumes Task
Maintaining P e a c e
Labor Controversy
No Action To Be
Taken By Board
Organized Labor Warns
That Greatest Strike In
History Impends
WASHINGTON, March 15.- (A') -
Hugh . Johnson, recovery adminis-
trator, tonight undertook to main-
tain peace between employers and
workers in the automobile industry
after the former had defied the
unionsh and organized labor had
warned that the "greatest strike in
history" impended.
The administrator assumed the
talk virtually single-handed after
the National Labor Board, which had
heard the complaints and assertions
of both sides, considered the ques-
tion and adjourned without taking
On good authority, it was said
that the board was apprehensive of
another challenge of its authority at
this time and was awaiting the pas-
sage of the impending Wagner bill,
designed to give it power to enforce
its decisions, before proceeding fur-
W. S. Knudsen, of the General Mo-
tors Corp., and spokesman for the
industry, went into conference with
Johnson and three members. of the
labor board after the board's private
session had ended. At the conclusion
of a two-hour talk, a recess was
called with the explanation that the
conversations would be resumed later.
In two days of hearings the board
had received testimony ranging from
accusations that employers in the in-
dustry had refused to abide by the
code to a declaration by Knudsen,
flatly refusing recognition of the
Debate Team
Embarks For
Big Ten Battle
Squad Has Good Chance
For Victory; Seven To
Represent Michigan
With strong chances of returning
victorious, seven Varsity debaters left
yesterday for the newly inaugurated
Conference Debating Tournament,
which is being held today and to-
morrow i Evanston.
The following men were selected
by James H. McBrney, Varsity de-
bating coach, to re;resent Michigan
at the tournament: Samuel Travis,
'34, Edward Litchfield, '36, Jack
Weissman, '35, Stewart Cram, '34,
Edward Downs, '36, Clinton Sandus-
ky, '34, and Abe Zwerdling, '35.
Although only two men teams can
be used in the tournament, there is
no ruling saying that the same four
men have to participate in the de-
bates. Because of the weialth of
strong material .Mr. McBurney will
shift his teams around for each de-
bate, leaving. Litchfield as the only
negative debater who will be used in
all three debates and Weissman as
the only affirmiative speaker to be.
used in all three. Travis, Downs, and
Cram will each debate once for the
affirmative, while either Zwerding or
Sandusky will debate twice on the
negative team as there are only three
men on the negative squad.
The affirmative team meets North-
western in the first debate this af-
ternoon. Prof. Donald E. Bowen, of
Indiana, will be the critic judge. To-
night Wisconsin will be the opponents
of the affirmative with Prof. John
Winks of Northwestern acting as the
critic judge. In Michigan's final af-
firmative debate with Indiana, Prof.
C. E. Glander of Ohio State will act
as judge.
The Michigan negative team meets
Ohio State in its first debate this af-
ternoon with Prof. W. E. Waltz of Il-
linois as judge. In their debate to-
night against Illinois the negative
team will have Franklin H. Knower
of Minnesota judging. Prof. H. L.
Ewbanl of Wisconsin will judge the
I take it that we are all pretty well
agreed as to what is meant by im-
mortality. - It is the survival of theI
self after thedeath anddisintegra-
tion of the body. We are not con-
cerned with so-called ethical immor-
tality, which is a name for the fact
that both good and bad deeds live
on in their effects.
It is, I hold, quite essential to ois-
tinguish between the two questions
which are in people's minds when
they meditate upon personal survival:
th question of desirability and the
question of fact. Where events are
under our control, these two ap-
proaches, while still distinct, may
have this connection, that desire may
lead to an action planned to bring
about the event considered desirable.
But I suppose that few would hold
that man can by will make himself
immortal. Paul, it will be recalled,
put all his trust in the resurrection
of Jesus.
The desirability of immortality is
a very fascinating question. It would
seem that the personal equation en-
ters in to a marked degree. It would
be easy to quote in both directions.
People of exuberant vitality and joy
in life hate to think of death. Others
who have found life rather boring are
ready to welcome it as a sleep. And
the historian points out that ages
I wonder whether people stop to
consider how many unknowns there
are about survival. Until these are
filled in by some accepted faith, it
is hard to pas~ a judgment of de-
sirability. There are few who would
not prefer surcease to hell. And the
usual conceptions of another world
have not been particularly intriguing.
In short, there are so many X's in the
equation that I am surprised that
the previous contributors have had
so little hesitation in passing the
judgment of desirability. I presume
the problem was softened for them
by the emotional momentum of.
Christian beliefs. The implications
of a paternal theism were operat-
ing to solve the X's. Otherwise what
inductive basis is there for the prop-
osition that another life would be an
improvement upon this? The proba-
bility that it is worse is at least as
great as the probability that it is bet-
So much for the question of desira-
bility. It is, I think, evident that
it cannot be answered in a theological
vacuum. The soul might well be a
lonely and gibbering thing lost in the
interstellar spaces or keeping near
human habitations.
And now to the question of fact.
Survival implies that the human is
a composite of two kinds of things:
(Continued on Page 2)
Large Group
Hears First
Aeadey T alk
Dr. McIlwaii Addresses
200 In Fe'ature Event
Of History Section
Anthropology Group
Hears Six Readings
Group Discussions
Research Lectures
Begin Today
Power Alcohol
Is Possible Aid
In Farm Relief
Would Prove Benefit To
Farmers And Motorists,
Believes Christensen
The blend of gasoline and power
alcohol, an anhydrous alcohol made
from farm products, would not only
be an economic aid to the farmers,
but also would be a distinct advan-
tage to motorists, declared Prof. L.
M. Christensen of Iowa State Col-
lege, yesterday in a lecture given
in the Chemistry Amphitheatre on
"Power Alcohol in Relation to Farm
Professor Christensen stated that
the over supply of such farm prod-
ucts as corn, oats, and wheat could
be utilized in this way. Moreover, he
said, the resulting fuel would pro-
vide easier starting, smoother general
performance, less carbon deposition,
more mileage per gallon, and might
well take the place of the rapidly
decreasing petroleum.
Professor Christensen illustrdted
the physical-chemical properties of
this blend, and went on to show that
tests made in a number of middle-
western states proved that the mix-
ture could work satisfactorily in cars
now using plain gasoline, and that
no new attachments would be needed
for the consumption of a solution
with as high as thirty per cent al-
cohol, although the normal amount
would be 10 per cent.
He added that there would be a
premium of an average of two cents
per gallon, but he did not believe
that the public would mind paying it
in view of the facts.
In an interview held just previous
to the talk, the Professor stressed
the economic value of his plan. He
declared that this fuel was the "shot
in the arm" needed toward curing
the depression.
Pack Forgets D';
Wants Legislaure
To Honor Hobbs
The next time one of your pro-
fessors gives you a "D," assuming
that you are one of the people who
get them, take it philosophically and
say to yourself that someday you will
repay that extremely evil act with
That's evidently what Phil Pack,
athletic publicity director and State
representative did, for Wednesday he
introduced a measure in the State
House of Representatives asking that
the Legislature publicly thank. Prof.
William H. Hobbs for his long serv-
ice to the University and the State,
his researches, explorations, and gen-
eral human qualities. He retires at
the end of the Summer Session.
Phil Pack received but one grade
of "D" while he was in the Uni-
versity, and that was from the same
Professor Hobbs. The grade was orig-
inally a "C" but Mr. Pack went to
Professor Hobbs and said, "Don't you
think this grade ought to be
"Yes," Professor Hobbs answered,
and he did change it . . . to the
next lower letter. Apparently it was a
case of over-rating and under-rat-
ing, viewed from the eyes of the two
Mr. Pack's motion was passed by
the House and sent to the Senate,
INDIANAPOLIS, March 15. - (/P)
-World War veterans of the United
States today celebrated the fifteenth
anniversary of the founding the
American Legion.
Almost every local post in the
country planned to observe the event
with special meetings and programs
tonight but the National organiza-
tion has saved its celebration for
Sunday night at Washington.
Speaking before an audience of
more than 200 in Natural Science
Auditorium yesterday afternoon, Dr.
Charles H. McIlwai of Harvard Un-
iversity, noted author and vice-presi-
dent of the American Historical As-
sociation, delivered the feature ad-
dress of the 39th annual meeting of
the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts, and Letters. Dr. Mclwain dis-
cussed "Whig Sovereignty and Real
The members of the Academy will
begin group discussion and research
lectures in earnest today. All of the
13 sections, ranging from anthropol-
ogy to zoology, will meet.
In his talk, Dr. Mcllwain present-
ed a careful and complete analysis
of the political beliefs in England
and America from the Seventeenth
Century through the colonial period.
The theme of the address was a refu-
tation of the theory of Hobbe, "that
might is. right."
Lead To Friction
The speaker showed how English
statesmen, in following this theory
of "popular" sovereignty, adopted a
course which led inevitably to fric-
tion between England and the colo-
nies. The American revolution took
place because whig sovereignty had
grown in England, and the colonists
wanted a popular democracy which,"
Dr. McIlwain declared, "is only pos-
sible in a true demoracy."
Dr. Mcllwain presented the theo-
ries of John Adams and others-"a
supreme but lim t" ovaieignty
which can't overleap the bounds of
its foundation, its constitution'-.
in refuting Hobbe's theory. He point-
ed to the difference between laws
setting up government and laws
which the government has set up in
illustrating the conflict.
Sanders To Speak
Prof. Henry A. Sanders, chairman
of the department of Speech and
General Linguistics, will deliver the
presidential address, "Recent Text
Studies in the New Testament," at 8
p.m. today in Natural Science Audi-
Outstanding among the six papers
read at the anthropology section of
the Academy yesterday was the il-
lustrated talk on "The Taj Mahal;
the Culmination of Indian Archi-
tecture" by Mrs. L. A. Kenoyer, of
Mis. Kenoyer stated that the Taj
Mahal was "the result of 2,000 years
of inspired Indian architecture," and
that "Indian art expresses the spir-
itual realms within.,"
Volney H. Jones, University fellow
in anthropology, spoke on "a Chip-
pewa Method of Manufacturing
Wooden Brooms." He exhibited two
wooden brooms made by Indians and
small models of his own design.
The other three papers presented
to the anthropologists were: "Hail
in Greek and Roman Magic and Folk-
lore," by Eugene S. McCartney; "The
Characteristics of the Thymo-lym-
phatic Type," by Dr. Raphael Isa-
acs; and "Notes on Sandia Pueblo"
by Prof. Leslie A. White, which was
read by title.
Waltz Loses Way;
4nd Phi Psi's Get
GramT o Fire To Discuss Tariffs
Less Need Of
To Discriniiate Against
Students Not In Need Of
Immediate Relief
Application To Be
Closely Examined
Many Discharged Due To
A Misunderstanding In
Signing Of Pledges
The second stage in the Federal
Emergency Relief Administration
work being conducted at the Univer- Associated Press Photo
sity, was considered reached yester- HANS LUTHER
day when Prof. Lewis M. Gram of
the engineering college, FERA ad-
ministrator, announced that he is X!d"rll l
planning to weed out the less needy
workers in favor of more needy ap- Tr
More applications are being re-o Be ; n
ceived than the present grant per- To Bigned
mits the local administration to hire,
he stated.
Hitherto. Professor Gram said, it Reciprocity Plan Disliked
has been the objective of the local In American Foreign Af-
management to get as many needy fairs Circles
students to work as soon as possible.
Now a discrimination will be made
in favor of those whose need is great- BERLIN, March 15- (VP) - Ger-
est. man official circles expect new trade
Applicants for work as well as agreements with the United States
those who have already received po-soon, it was learned today.
sitions are being closely examined The 1925 treaty with its "most fa-
by the office of the dean of students vored nation" clause is subject to
in an effort to determine those who notice of renunciation by either coun-
need the work, try this year, and it is believed her
This is in accordance with the that President Franklin D Roosevelt
stasentmwhicrsdentlexw deintends to replace the pact with one
statement which President Alexander calling for reciprocal tariffs.
G. Ruthven made last week in whichcalnforeioaltifs
he stressed the fact that an examina- Some preliminary conversations
tion into the qualifications of stu- have been held by Mr. Roosevelt and
dents would be held later, as soon Dr. Hans Luther, German ambassa-
as the clerical difficulties of handling dor to Washington, it was stated, but
the current applications could be no conclusion has yet been reached.
taken care of. The idea of reciprocity is accepted
While definite figures could not be with mixed feelings here. One of-
obtained last night, it is believed that ficial declared that "the more the
a substantial number of those who reciprocity principle is insisted upon,
already have FERA jobs are being the more difficult it will be for Ger-
discharged on the grounds that they many to pay her standing indebted-
do not need the help to stay in ness to the United States."
school. Foreign office attaches hold that
Most of the cases which result in Washington is pursuing an economic
the dismissal are the result of a mis- policy toward one of her greatest
understanding of the pledge which debtors - Germany - which not on-
each applicant had to sign, affirm- ly precludes an improvement of mu-
ing that he would not be able to con- tual trade relations, but is calcu-
tinue in school without such aid. lated to render uncertain the hope
of Germany's repaying her obliga-
KrusWillStu yiHns.
"The moment that America liber-
Graduate Pro gram alizes the conditions for the impor-
tation of German goods," a foreign
office spokesman said, "mutual com-
Dr. Charles A. Kraus of Brown mercial relations will improve and
University and one of the most dis- the debt question will in turn auto-
tinguished scientists of the East, will matically solve itself."
arrive here today to study the gradu-
ate curriculum of the University, as r hiefBreaksInto
part of a survey for the National Re-Bk
search Council Fellowships in Sci- es
ence. Dr. Kraus was named field sec- cat
retary of the science fellowship board
last December. Phi Gamma Delta and Phi Kappa
Findings from Dr. Kraus' survey Tau fraternities were broken into by
will be used to determine the Na- an unidentified person early yester-
tional Research Council policy on fel- day morning and were robbed of
lowships. Approximately 60 gradu- more than $100.
ate students now hold National Re- Phi Gamma Delta, 707 Oxford Rd.,
search Council fellowships in Ameri- was entered sometime between 2 and
ca and Europe. 7 a.m., and $15 in cash was stolen
Dr. Kraus has had wide associa- by the thief, who entered through
tion with learned societies and their the front door.
work. At present he is research pro- Phi Kappa Tau, 1223 Hill St., lost
fessor of Chemistry and director of $86, the robber this time making an
the Newport Rogers Chemical Labor- entrance through one of the windows,
a tory at Brown University. which was later found open.
A Day Of Unique Occurrences
Comes To The Health Service
By DAVID G. MacDONALD The next person to apply was a
For a physician at the University boy who had been trying to put a
Health Service no day is a hum-drum glass tube into a rubber cork. The
affair, but occasionally there is one attempting of this job by students
of such unusual activity that even a in the chemistry department is one
doctor's poise is shaken. Such a day of the reasons that Health Service
occurred for Dr. William F. Brace of physicians are kept so busy. This
the Health Service on Friday (not the one had slipped and suffered from
thirteenth) of last week. a deep cut in his hand.
The day started mildly enough He watched with fascination as the
with a run of colds and sore throats, dH e atolyi ot s in a i h
but its continuity was soon broken. doctor began to lay out sur'gical im-
bt is cotnuuty wasesoontbromen.plements in a gleaming white tray.
The first unusual case that came to His eyes grew wide as the wound was
the attention of the busy medico wasclae an dinfcdbtwn
that of a law student. "I was just cleaned and disnfected, but when
taking a shower bath," he said. "I the curved needle and surgical thread
slipped and threw out my hand to made their appearance, he rose in
steady myself. It went through a vociferous protest.
window!" "Cut that out -put it away. I
To the doctor the only unusual don't want you to do that," he cried.
thing about this case, originating in More or less surprised at the quick
the Law Club as it was, was that the succession of unusual cases which
student's breath was faultless. The had marched through his door, Dr.
Around The World For $50 Is
Saga Of Chinese Globe Trotter
"Around the world for $50" might
well be the motto of Poon Tuck-
Ming, 25-year-old Chinese who ar-
rived in Ann Arbor last night after
having travelled more than 23,000
miles on foot.
Three years ago Tuck-Ming set out
from Shanghai to walk around the
globe for the purpose "of seeing the
world and collecting things for a
museum." Now with his journey half
over, he has done both, and all for
Armed with only a Chinese gong
"with which to scare away the wild
beasts," he has encountered both
tigers and bandits. Carrying a 35-
pound pack, he has braved the driv-
ing sands of deserts, the intense heat
of mid-day Asiatic wastes, and the
bitter cold of high mountains.
Poon Tuck-Ming's itinerary in-
cludes Indo-China, Siam, Maylaya,
Persia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, the
United States he has the signatures
of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
and of nearly all the cabinet mem-
bers. He has been interviewed and
photographed by nearly every large
newspaper in the world.
Though many miles of his jour-
ney have been travelled by bicycle,
Poon Tuck-Ming has worn out 21
pairs of shoes. With the exception
of Asiatic desert wastes, he says that
he has. been quite comfortable
throughout his trip. He especially
likes Americans, but says he has been
well treated wherever he has gone.
His trip has brought him a con-
firmed faith in human nature, he
And as if he has not goie far
enough, he is starting out today for
California. He plans to go 20,000
miles more, and his route includes
Mexico, Panama, South America, New
Zealand, the Philippines, Japan, and
finally, China and home. Tuck-Ming'
Freshmen have some excuse for
getting in the wrong fraternities
during rushing, but Stanley Waltz,
manager of the Union, should be able
to do better after having been here
nearly 10 years. He should . . . but
he didn't.
Wednesday night the faculty-stu-
dent plan of having professors and
others visit fraternities for dinner
and informal talks originated, and
Mr. Waltz was on the list to go to a
house. About dinner time he ap-
peared at the Phi Kappa Psi fra-
ternity, to the great astonishment of
the brothers, for he wasn't expected