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March 14, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-14

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Puiblication In the Bulletin is eOnstructivp notice tJo all members of the
University. Copy received at the offie of the nAslslistn to the P'estIdent M1nt11
s:3O; ] 1 :30 a. M, Saturday,

VOL. XLIV No. 118
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to students of the Univer-
sity on Wednesday, March 14, from
four to six o'clock.
Ars Islamica: Single copies of this
new journal on Mohammedan art are
on sale at the Information Desk,
Secretary's Office, University Hall.
Subscriptions will be received at the
Editorial Office, 3214 Angell Hall.
University Radio Talk Over WJR:
2:00 p.m., "Forest Zoology," Earl C.
O'Roke, assistant professor of forest
C.C.C. Camps: The director of
emergency conservation work has ar-
ranged to offer opportunity for en-
rollment in C.C.C. camps to 500 for-
estry and pre-forestry students who
will have completed two or more
years of college work by the end of
the present academic year. All inter-
ested in applying for enrollment
should see Dean Dana not later than
March 17.
University Lectures: Thursday,
March 15, 4:15 p.m., Natural Science
Aditorium. Dr. Charles H. Mcllwain,
of Harvard University: "Whig Sov-
ereignty and Real Sovereignty,"
Thursday, March 15, 4:15 pm.,
Chemistry Amphitheater. Professor L.
M. Christensen, of Iowa State Col-
lege: "Power Alcohol and Farm Re-
lief." The public is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Professor A. J. Jo-
bin will give the fourth lecture on
the Cercle Francais program: "Les
premiers Francais dans le Michigan."
Wednesday, March 14, at 4:15 o'clock,
room 103, Romance Language Build-
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured at the door.
Frances Perkins Lecture: Secretary
of Labor Frances Perkins will speak
in Hill Auditorium on Friday eve-
nmgi, March 23, at 8:15, under the
auspices of the University of Mich-
igAn Oratorical Association. Tickets
will not be available until Thursday
of, this week, at which time they
wil be on sale at Wahr's State
Street store. There will be no advance
in prices over the regular Oratorical
Association admission fees. Season
ticket holders may reserve their reg-
ular seats for this lecture at a re-
dticed price; to avail themselves of
this uPrivilege, season tidket holders
must make their reserations on
either Thursday or Friday of this
Acade micNotices
Fifth Freshman 1*cture in Hygiene
for Men, will be given in Waterman
Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday,
March 15 and 16, at the following
hours, Thursday 3:15, 4:15 and 5:15
p.m., Friday 3:15 and 4:15 p.m. This
requirement includes all freshman
in the regular physical training
groups and others that have been ex-
cused from these groups.
Graduate Students and Underclass-
men Concentrating in Economics will
meet at the Michigan Union today at
8 p.m. Committees on organization
will report.

at the office of theGerman De-
Ev.eits 'loday
Alpha Nu meets at 7:30 in the
Alpha Nu Room, fourth floor Angell
Hall. Charles Rogers will lead a drill
in parliamentary procedure. Prior to
the meeting at 7 :00, tryout speeches
will be heard from anyone wishing to
apply for membership.
Pi Tau P1 Sigma: Meeting tonight
7:30 X-ray department office, Uni-
versity Hospital. All members please
be present,
Phi Sigma meeting at 8:00 p.m. in
Room 1139 NS. Mr. Rolf Haatvedt
will talk on "University of Michigan
Archeological Excavations in Egypt.,"
ft will be illustrated with motion pic-
tures. Election of new members will
follow the regular meeting. Full at-
tendance is desired.
Sigma Delta Chi: Dinner meeting
at 6:30 p.m., Michigan Union, for
all members and pledges. Mr. Stuart
Perry will address the group.
Michigan Technic: Annual staff
banquet at the Union, 6:00 p.m. New
staff will be announced.
Transportation Club: Meeting at
7:30 p.m., Room 1213 East Engineer-
ing Building. Professor R. L. Morri-
son will speak on "Present problems
in Highway Engineering," Everyone
interested is invited.
Stump Speakers' Society: Regular
meeting at 7:45 in the Union. Ten
minute business meeting and full time
for circle meeting. Older members
interested in forming a circle for
older members, be there at 7:45.
University Girls Glee Clu: Regular
meeting will be held promptly at 7:30
in the League. Please be on time as
there is important business to dis-
Adephi house of Representatives:
Regular meeting today in the Adelphi
Room, fourth floor Angell Hall. Prof.
Dwight L. Dumond will be guest
speaker and will begin promptly at
7:30 p.m. An open forum will follow
and the public is cordially invited.
Luncheon For Graduate Students
at twelve o'clock in the Russian Tea
Room of the Michigan League Build-
ing. Professor John S. Worley, of the
School of Engineering, will talk on
the St. Lawrence Waterway project.
Latin American Society: Annual
banquet at the Michigan Union, 6:30
p.m. Professor Charles P. Wagner, of
the Romance Language Department,
will be the main speaker.
Sociedad hlispanica regular meet-
ing at 7:30, Michigan League. Mr. J.
M. Albaladejo, of the Spanish Depart-
ment, will talk on the folk songs of
Southeastern Spain. Everyone is cor-
dially invited to attend.
Comedy Club: Tryouts for the next
production will be held this afternoon,
and Thursday, at 4:00 in the League.
Room will be posted on the League
Bulletin Board. All members who plan
to participate in any phase of the
show should attend the tryouts at
least one day.
Hillel Players meeting at 7:30,,;
Hillel Foundation. All members please 3

Thomas Is To
Talk In Detroit
Lecture Series
Lowell Thomas, world adventurer,
author, and radio reporter, will soon
appear in Detroit to recount his ad-
ventures around the world and on the
air. The internationally famous news
gatherer will speak Wednesday,
March 21 for the Detroit Town Hall
Series at the Wilson Theatre.
Thomas' passion for seeking news
and adventure has lured him to
many lands where he has met most
of the famous personages of today.
He has worked as gold miner, cow
puncher, and reporter and editor of
publications. During the war he was
sent to Europe on a roving commis-
sion to visit all fronts and report to
the people of the United States. It
is said that "he saw more of the
world war than any other man."
Thomas has led expeditions into
the arctic, into the tropics, and across
remote sections of Central Asia. As
a lecturer he has probably appeared
before more people than any other
man. He has delivered one lecture,
"With Lawrence in Arabia and with
Allenby in Palestine," to over 4,000
audiences in all parts of the world.

Wins(tetare Medal

Un-ion Opera


Groups taking part in the Union
Opera will report today as follows:
Groups I and 11--4 p.m.
Gi'oup 11-4:30 p.m.
Group IV-7:30 p.m.
speaker at the Seminar at 4 o'clock in
room 3201 E. Engineering Bldg. on
the subject, "Apparatus Design for
the Measurement of Solubility of
Gases in Liquids."
Harris fall: At 8 a.m. thee will be
a celebration of the Holy Communion
in the Williams Memorial Chapel.
The Religious Educational Group
will not meet this afternoon at four
o'clock but will meet next week and
Professor Howard McClusky will lead
the discussion.
Open house and tea from four to
six this afternoon for students.
Theosophical Club meeting at 8
p.m., League, will be open to the
public as usual. This meeting con-
tinues a series of club discussions on
the teaching of Reimbodiment. All
interested are invited to attend.
Coming Events
Gallery Talk: Wilfred B. Shaw will
give a gallery talk on the etchings
of Donald Shaw MacLaughlan and
the etchings in the American Print
Makers Exhibition of 1933 Thursday
evening, March 15, at 8:30 in the
galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Eta Sigma Phi meeting Thursday
evening at 7:45 at the League. All
members are urged to attend.
Deutcher Zirkel: Meeting Thurs-
day, 8 p.m. in League. All interested
are invited.
Varsity Band: Band rehearsal will
be held Thursday at 7:15 p.m. in
Morris Hall.
Slide Rule Dance Committee:
Meeting in Room 214, West Engineer-
ing Building, 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Cosmopolitan Club meets Saturday,
March 17, 8:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Mrs.
Charles E. Koella will be the speaker.
The title of her lecture will be "Nor-
way, by song, by word and by pic-
ture." She will appear in Norwgian
national costume, sing Norwegian
songs, talk on Norway and show
slides. She will sing one song, wear-
ing her Norwegian student cap, a
black cap with a very long tassel.
Foreign as well as American students
are invited to come.
Outdoor Club: Will go to High-.
land Lake on Saturday afternoon and
return Saturday evening. Leave Lane
Hall at 1:30 sharp. Transportation
and supper will be provided for ap-
proximately 50c. All members and in-.
terested individuals are invited to
come. Leave reservations at Lane
Hall, 8969.
--Double-Feature Program-
Sally Eilers Norman Foster

-Associated Press Photo
Mrs. Genevieve Brady of New York
was awarded this year's Laetare
Medal by Notre Dame for outstand-
ing achievement in women's busi-
ness and professional circles.
Instill Awarded
Tfravel Permit
I y U S o
ATHENS, March 13 -- 1) The
United States consulate today issued
a travel document for Samuel Instill,
Sr., Chicago fugitive, establishing his
identity. The document was for-
warded to the foreign office imme-
American oflicis said it had been
ssued at the suggestion of Greece
under permission of the United
States government at Washington
for the facilitation of visas. With
this travel document in the bosses-
lionI ofth2 foreign ministry the re-
spousibility of obtaining visas to per-
mit Insull to travel in other countries
now rests directly with Greece:
The reason for this procedure was
not immediately made public, but it
was assumed that Insull, battling
against the Greek government order
that he must leave the country on
or before Thursday, may have iciured
to pay for the visas necessary before
he can travel.
Still there was no auhenticated
suggestion as to where he would go
or how. Warrants charging him with
grand larceny and embezzlement in
connection with the collapse of his
middle-west utilities empire await
him in the United States.
Michigan Club To Elect
Board Members Soon
Candidates for election to the
board of the University of Michigan
Club of Anp Arbor were nominated
and will be balloted on this week by
the members of the club. Ballots
were mailed yesterday by Milo Oli-
phant, secretary of the club, with
canvassing of the vote scheduled for
The nominees are: Prof. Orlan W.
Boston, Lewis G. Cristman, Dr. How-
ard H. Cummings, H. Grant Iler,
Charles R. Henderson, and Laverne
H. Taylor. Three of these candidates
are to be named to the board for a
three-year term to succeed Dr. Ther-
on S. Langford, George Burke, and
Prof. John Brumm.
Vandenberg Asks Inquiry
Into Munitions Business
WASHINGTON, March 13.-(/P)-
Investigation of the activities of mu-
nitions makers and dealers in pro-
moting wai' propaganda was asked
in the Senate Monday by Senator
Gerald P. Nye (Rep., North Dakota,
and Senator Vandenberg. -
NORMAN, Okla., March 13.-
Pledges of the "Ruf Neks," campus
pep order at the University of Okla-
homa, began letting their beards grow
They will not be allowed to shave
until the Easter holidays when a pub-
lie shaving will be held. No varsity
athletes are eligible.

New Telescope
Mirror Will Be
Poured Sunday
University Is To Be Given
Third Largest Lens As
Anonymous Donation .
Pouring of the rough disk of an 85-
inch mirror which has been anony-
mously given to the University as the
first part of a proposed new telescope'
will be witnessed in Corning, N. Y.,
by five Michigan astronomers Sun-
day, March 18.
Prof. Heber D. Curtis, director of
the University Observatory, will head
the party to consist of Dr. Robert M.
Petrie of the astronomy department,
and Judge Henry S. Hulbert, Robert
R. McMath, and Francis C. McMath,
honorary curators, of Detroit. The
securing of this mirror is regarded
locally as the beginning of a move
toward equipping the University with
the third largest telescope in the
Cast By Corning
The mirror is being cast by the
Corning Glass Works and the same
company is casting a 200-inch mirror
for the California Institute of Tech-
nology which will provide them with
the largest instrument in the worl
when completed.
A special variety of pyrex glass is
being used for these mirrors, it hav-
ing such a low coefficient of expan-
sion that it is practically equal to
fused qualrt in this respect. This
group of mirrors that is being pre-
pared at present is the first set of
important ones to be produced in
this country, Germany having been
the leader previously.
Actual pouring of the molten glass
into a mold as large as that required
for the new mirror which Michigan
will receive requires from 10 to 15
Cooling Takes Months
After pouring, the disk is allowed
to cool but later is put through an
annealing process consisting of rais-
ing it to a red heat again and then
cooling it very gradually. The entire
cooling process takes four to five
months and is generally done with
electrical heating under automatic
arrangements which lower the tem-
perature from five to ten degrees
every 24 hours.
Acquisition of the new rough disk
is a second step toward the eventual
provision of an up-to-date observa-
tory for the University, as a legisla-
tive grant previously provided the
site, a few miles north of Dexter.
Preliminary to its use the new disk
will have to be ground to shape and
an elaborate mounting constructed.
Drawings for the latter have already
been made by Professor Curtis and
consist of 132 sheets, testifying to the
intricacy of the mechanism involved.
When finished the disk will have a
clear aperture of 64 inches or pos-
sibly slightly more. The rough -disk
will be 851,% inches in diameter, 163/4
inches thick, and will weigh approxi-
mately four tons.
Holds Election
Four off icers
At an election held recently the
new council of the Michigan Co-op-
erative Boarding House was elected.
The council is composed of six
elected members and three appointed
members. The six elected members
of the council are Edward A. Stone,
'36, Fred W. Kelly, '37M, Ralph Mea-

fus, '36, Hyman Sapakie, '36, George
Blackwood, '36E, and John Manley,
Grad. From this group Stone was
appointed chairman and Kelly secre-
tary of the council.
The appointed members of the
council are Arthur Bernhart, Grad.,
treasurer, Alexander Randolph, '36E,
buyer, and Frank Wengren, 35L, per-
sonnel manager.
Rogers Hornsby amazed members
of the Browns' clerical staff by
spending two hours each day writ-
ing personal letters to young play-
ers seeking baseball instruction and


Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous ro day of insertions.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance-Ilc per reading line
(on basis of fivis average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Minimum three lines per insertion.
'elephone Rate-15c per reading line for
one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month .................8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months......3c
2 lines daily, college year. 7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year .... 7c
100 lines used as desiredr......c
300 lines used as desired.......Sc
1,000 lines used as desired .7c
2,000 lines used as desired...6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch of
7'2 point Ionic type, upper and lower
case. Add 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Add 6c per line to
above for bold face, uipper and lower
case. Add 10 per line to above rates f rr
bold face capital letters.
WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3739
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work atlow price. 4x

suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office. 200
North Main, 5x
LOST: A set of drawing instruments
with the name, C. Rosa, on the in-
side cover. There is a reward for
their return. Phone 2-3859. 380
LOST: Lady's wrist watch. White
gold, March 6. Name on back. Re-
ward. 379
LOST': Scarf nd two ties tied up
together Monday morning between
Forest and Fifth Ave. Finder please
call 2-1902. Reward. 385
LOST: Z.B.T. fraternity pin. Initials
on back are L. C. B. Jr. Phone 3590.
Reward. 384
LOST: On Campus: black and silver
Parker pencil and English journal.
Reward. Call 488--2-3281. 377
FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001
1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models 12x
TAXI 1 ione 9000. Seven-passeinger
cars. Only standard rates. Ix
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fo;table cabs. Standard rates. 2x

Items From Other (Iamnpuses


LINCOLN, Nebr., March 13-
Harry Foster had just dropped to the
floor, blood oozing from his chest,
when his assailant, still holding the
smoking gun, was rushed by a room
full of law students.
Only after several policemen and
an ambulance had arrived did the
situation clear up. The incident was
staged as a part of the classroom
work in which the students were to
settle the question of who "shot"
Harry Foster.
BERKELEY, Calif., March 13.-
University of California debaters met
their most energetic opponents Sun-
day when they went to San Quentin
prison to debate the convicts on the
subject of government ownership of
According to leading debaters at
the institution debating is the chief
source of pleasure for many of the
prisoners and this coupled with the
fact that they have a great deal of
time in which to prepare arguments
makes them exceedingly formidable
Said a member of the team, "They
are much more expert judges than
people on campus and they make a
more critical audience."
BERKELEY, Calif., March 13.- A
cadet in the Naval R.O.T.C. at the
University of California tripped dur-
ing a recent drill and stabbed him-
self in the neck with his saber.
Since the wound was not serious,
naval authorities are undecided as to
whether he will be decorated for
EVANSTON, Ill., March 13. -
Twenty-four Northwestern freshmen
were taken for rides by members of
the Evanston police force after
"crashing" a local theatre.
Originally assembled on the cam-
pus to hold a cap-burning, the fresh-
men conceived the idea of admitting
themselves, free of charge, to a local
movie house after five fire engines
had brought their cap-burning to a

PITTSBURGH, March 13. - Since
the Carnegie Institute of Technology
only has two songs which "are re-
peated so often that they have be-
come tiresome," the Institute's Ath-
letic Council announced today that
it will sponsor a "footbab ll song con-
test," to1)e held in the immediate
The idea, according to Arthur W.
Tarbell, dean of men, is "to choose
several new songs for Carnegie Tech
suitable for football games by en-
couraging all students and alumni to
try their hand at song writing."
Prizes, of a nature to be decided, will
be offered. The present . songs are
"Dear Old Tech," and "Fight for the
Glory of Carnegie."

Reading Requirement in German
for Ph.D. Candidates: For the second
semester this examination will bel
given on Wednesday, March 21 at 21
p.m. in Room 203 U.H. Every studentj
planning to take this examination
must register with the German De-
partment one week before that date.
Detailed information can be secured
A Golden
pportunity cross
From the Campus...
We use the phrase advisedly. Fast
chazngin g conditions are the order
of the day. Dislocations destroy,
plans on every hanld.7Professional
problens are as numerous as bus-
iness problems. The old law of
turvival of the titterst is still
o pering and individuals are sur-
rounded by interrogation points.
It may be worth your while to
nlote onje trik ingexception -
higly trained private secretaries
enjoy immunity from all this tur-
mol and confusion, and for good
reason. As long as big things are
to Lc done, so long Will the weil
equippedl secret-ary b5,.indi<speosa.-
rle to 11trigc eci e - ~ pe ~ .
Therefore we feel .1ljtified in
stating that our secretarial train-
ilg offers a golden opportunity to
those select students who are
quaied and whlo are inl a posj-
tion to carry on our training
coure together with their regu-
lar stuedis.
Individual instruction. You may
therefore choose loulrs to fit your
.'cl ed e. Write today for hcular
(w pliol , No, :330.
Ann Arbor Secretarial School
334-340 Niel. :eArcade

Sororities, Dormitories and Houses:j
All athletic managers must be pres-
ent at 4 p.m. in W.A.A. office at
League. Bring suggestion of booths
for Penny Carnival.
Men's Archery Club meets at 4:00
in the Archery Club Room, Yost Field
House. Everyone interested in Ar-
chery is invited. Experience unneces-
Freshmen Rendezvous Club meets
, at 7:30, Lane Hall. All freshmen are
cordially invited. To further fellow-
ship and to develop individual per-
sonality are the aims of the organi-
zation. Activities of the club this se-
mester will include addresses, bull
sesions, hikes, swimming parties, sun-
rise breakfasts, competitive sport
tournaments, and social entertain-
ments, Until further notice meetings
will be held every Wednesday evening.
Freshmen, old Rendezvous men, and
all :re wulcome to attend the Ren-
dezvous St. Patrick's Day dance at
Lane Hall this Friday evening. Tick-
ets may be secured at Lane Hall.
Dancing from 9 to 1 ad refresh-
Aiki A bhr Stamp 3C ineet s at
p.m., Michigan Union. There will be
an auction. Visitors welcome.
lche mical Engineering Seminar:
Mr. Leonard Boddy will be the


It. 1I

3 Nickels Arcade


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hon-se tdie. But hie had
DA ~mlII



VINA DELMAR'S pulsing story of people like us ...
who sinned and were sorry and sinned again.



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...and they

're leaving Cuba Flatter!


ake-ilmL TLm. no vAm mvohl



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