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March 13, 1934 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-13

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Summer School
Speech Bulletin
Now Available
Many Sp e i a1 Activities
And Courses Planned
For 1934 Session
A wide range of: courses and a
variety of special activities will be
offered by the Department of Speech
and General Linguistics in the Sum-
mer Session of 1934, according to an
official announcement issued recent-
ly and now available at the office of
the Director of the Summer Session.
This department, which was cre-
ated when the Department of Speech
and the Department of General Lin-
guistics were merged in 1932, provides
instruction in all types of speaking,
reading, and dramatic courses, re-
search and experimental laboratory
work in many pases of the subject,
and for training of especially quali-
fled students to become teachers in
one or more of the divisions of the
Among the special activities which
the department will have available
for its summer work in 1934 will be
a modern laboratory and a large
seminar room for the use of gradu-
ate groups. The Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater will be ready for all of its
classes in dramatic art and for its
major public productions and the
Laboratory Theater for its private
laboratory presentations.
All summer activities in dramatics,
tboth in courses and in the theater,
will be under the direction of Prof.
Thomas W. Stevens and Valentine B.
Windt, who has been in charge of
Play Production activities on. the
campus during the past six years.
Alexander Wyckoff will conduct ad-
vanced work in stagecraft, and Miss
Evelyn Cohen will give a special cos-
tume course.
The Laboratory of General Lin-
guistics and Speech is equipped with
apparatus for the experimental in-
vestigation of problems in phonetics,
and with charts and models for the
study of the anatomy of the speech
organs. Emphasis is laid on both the
physical and physiological processes.
Union Opera
Groups taking part in the Union
Opera will report as follows:
Groups I and II, 4 p.m.
Groups III, 4:30 p.m.
Group IV, 7:30 p.m.
slides. She will sing one song, wear-
ing her Norwegian student cap, a
black cap with a very long tassel.
Foreign as well as American students
are invited to come,
Luncheen for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, March 14, at twelve
o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League Building. Pro-
fessor John S. Worley, of the School
of Engineering, will talk on the St.
Lawrence Waterway project.
To the Members of the University
Faculty and Students: On Tuesday
night, March 27, an "All-Campus"
entertainment is being held at Hill
Auditorium, the proceeds of which
will go to send Detroit and Ann Ar-
bor delinquent, adolescent boys to the
University Fresh Air Camp free. In
behalf of all major campus organiza-
tions, who are sponsors for the pro-
gram, you are asked to keep this date
free in order to help sponsor this im-
portant sociological undertaking. This
is being held in preference to the
usual tag day, in order to entertain
you in return for your contribution.
Your support is needed!

Spring Parley Continuation Group:
Everyone interested in discussing
"Sex and the Family" in conjunction.
with the continuation group of the
Spring Parley and Mrs. Mallory of
the Psychiatry Department is invited
to attend a meeting at 4:00 p.m. at
the Union on Sunday, March 18.
Garden Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet Wednesday,
March 14, 3:00 p.m., in the parlors of
the Y:W.C.A. building. Members are
requested to bring their catalogues
and books on gardening. Discussions
on various phases of gardening will
be led by several members of the

Underprivileged Learn. To Sin cA,,t (ll

University Fresh Air Camp as
Taugrht Many Children To Swim

One of the many invaluable serv-
ices that the University Fresh Air
Camp has rendered to the thousands
of underprivileged children of Detroit
and Ann Arbor who attend the sum-
mer camp has been in teaching them
to swim.
Over the period of 13 years since
the camp was begun in 1919 it is
estimated that nearly 2,000 boys have
been taught swimming, or close to
one-half of the 4,500 who have been
at the camp. Swimming is one of the
principal sports that is carried on
at the camp, the daily schedule call-
ing for a short dip before breakfast,
optional for the braver ones, a 45-
minute swim before lunch, and a
third long plunge in the lake late in
the afternoon.
It has been shown numerous times
that swimming is one of the most
healthy sports for general bodily de-
velopment and camp officials stress it
in this manner as they aim toward
developing children at the camp as
completely as possible in the short
time they are there. Many of them
come to the Patterson Lake location
without ever having been out of the
city, and the advantages which it
offers them are felt to be of greater
importance in the determination of
their future careers.
Careful supervision of the children
while they are in the water is exer-
cised. There are five life guards and
four instructors on duty at all times.
Camp leaders have explained that
learning to swim not only gives these
hundreds of boys protection in case
of emergency but also gives them a=
feeling of achievement "so necessary
to character development." In addi-
tion they are taught many facts of
boating, such as how to get into and:
out of a boat, the maximum number
allowed in safety, how to use the oars,
First Graduation
Recital In April
The first of the annual graduation
organ recitals under Prof. Palmer
Christian of the School of Music
will be presented by Katherine Funk-
hotser at 4:15 p. in. April 4, in Hill
Miss Funkhouser's program will
consist of seven numbers. She will
open the recital with a Bach "Toc-
cata," followed by Caesar Franck's
"Fantasie in A Major," Weitz's "Ma-
ter Dolorosa," and the "Prelude" of
The three final numbers will be
Karg-Elert's "Landscape In Mist,"
"Intercession" by Bingham, and the
finale of "Symphony VIII" of Widor.
Later graduation recitals will be
given by Everett Jay Hilty, Thane
McDonald, and Mary Ann Mathew-
son on April 17, 19, and 24, respec-I

and further details. There are 12 steel o l "Ghost
boats at the camp which are available
at stated periods for individual rec-
reation. French Swindler Br in g
Occasionally the entire group in A ibi A
the camp goes for a boat ride to- Jail.TO iMany; AIlibis,
gether, utilizing the two big sea-going In Line For Others
life boats which were given the camp
by Henry Ford. Their enjoyment is PARIS, March 12-(-)-Stavi
added to through group sings on the ky's ghost haunts political France
water and other co-operative activ- The shade of ."Handsome Alex
ities. fantastically audacious peddler
Even greater plans for the aiding of nearly $40,000,000 in worthless bond
these underprivileged children are refuses to stay buried.
being made this year. It is felt that Rioting which cost 25 lives ar
there will be additional calls to give overturned cabinets followed belat
children of this area a week or two charges that, despite a 20-year-lo:
at camp and consequently an ambi- police record, this notorious Russia
tious program to gain support is to born adventurer had "been able
be held. It will be an all-campus en- grab a city's pawnshop and use it
tertainment March 27 in Hill Audi- mulct thrifty Frevchmen of million
torium and talent for the show is
being signed up daily. Women, wine and song, figuri:
literally in his supposed operation
only heightened the public indign
Old-Time Captain Of tion. He even imported a Hung
:ian operetta, with a blond sta
Whaler Doesn't Know simply as "atmosphere" for his fir
-and unsuccessful - flight in hii
When Whales Sleepfinance.
A bullet through his brain, officia
SEATTLE, March 12.---W)-Capt. ly recorded as self-fired, spared St
Fred Peterson knows all the answers visky the final accounting to the la
about whales - except one. Political big-wigs, journalists a;
He cannot tell how or when a underlings, who are charged wi
whale sleeps and he's been in the having helped him build his flim
whaling business 20 years. financial houses, were left to face t.
The skipper, who has captured music. Several are in jail and othe
housands of the largest beasts of have alibis ready.
the world, believes a whale sleeps Long Podicc Record
the same as every other living thing, Stavisky, too, knew the feel
but whether they doze on top or un- handcuffs. On a midsummer ev
der water, and how long he doesn't ning in 1926, when he was entertai:
know. ing a gay party in his villa at Marl
"I have never seen any of my old ie-Roi, a suburb of Paris, poli
friends out late at night so they broke into the dining room and a
must cat-nap under water," said rested him on charges of swindlir
Capt. Peterson today while he was receiving stolen goods and issuir
painting one of the steel ships of the worthless checks. Mlle. Arlette S
American-Pacific Co. mon, now his widow, was arreste
"W.e know that a whale must have with him, but later exonerated.
"We nowtha a halemus hae SchaAlexandre Stavisky then w
air about every 45 minutes so I have Sachaaxold, h avisybeenr
a hunch they doze just under the 40 years old, having been born
surface and stick their snoots out Sobodka, near Kiev, Russia, in 188
when necessary." He was a naturalized Frenchma
like his father, a dentist, who broug:
him to France in 1900.
Will Give Examinations His police record began in 19
For Architects Of State with a sentence of 16 days for abu
of confidence, a charge on which h
State examinations for architects again received a six months' sex
will be given here April 12, 13, and tence in 1915.
14, according to an announcement The charges in 1926 grew out
issued by the Michigan State Board the disappearance of nearly $1,00(
of Examiners for the Registration of 000 worth of securities from vario
Architects, Engineers and Surveyors. brokers' offices. Stavisky spent
Application blanks and full infor- months in jail awaiting trial. The
mation may be obtained by writing he was released under bond. Tri
to the office of the board, 1205 Gris- was postponed 20 times, the last tin
wold Bldg., Detroit. after his suicide.
Prof. H. C. Anderson of the engi- BALLROOM
neering college and T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary of the Alumni DANCING TAUGHT
Association, will attend the annual ROY HOYER STUDIO
banquet of the University of Mich- 3 Nickels Arcade
igan Club of Adrian Thursday night.




"EIabeth The Queen"
March 14, 15, 16, 17
Tickets 35c - 50c-75c
lii--"- -. --.-. --~'-- ---'I

He'd take your pants in a
horse trade. But he had
a mellow heart under his
hard head.



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