he Weather ly and much colder on ay and Thursday night: generally fair.j C, r Sit igaz ~~ait Forgotten Students Are mnembered. V No. 95 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1934 PRICE FIVE A, I U )Ilfuss Is 7X10usTo 1934's Political Turmoil: No. 1: Dictionary Of European Politics Strife rs Period Of Amnesty Socialists If Fighting ops Before Tomorrow oAting Workers atrench Near City ign Capitals Fear An istro - German Liaison ay Result From Clash N'NA, Feb. 14. - (1f') - Diminu- hancellor Dollfuss, facing a re- Socialist attack on the Aus- capital, tonight personally past an appeal to revolting rs to drop their weapons and his madness" of armed opposi- > the government. n inducement he offered a pe- Af amnesty for peaceful sur- "but after 12 noon tomorrow will be no more pardon for e under any circumstances," he ed. d as he spoke, an estimated 3,- >cialists, beaten to retreat by c government cannonading in three days had contributed- are to a casulty list estimated 0 to'1,500 were reforming their red ranks. a high hill near Vienna, under of darkness, they were throw- breastworks and building ma- gun emplacements. the little Chancellor twice re- this ultimatum: >ugh of blood!" alists claimed that Julius h, general secretary of the So- Party and commander-in-chief outlawed Republican Guards, recting their "strategic retreat ointing them for a march on EDITOR'S NOTE: This article, writ- ten by Professor Slosson especially for The Daily, will be followed with others by faculty authorities. They, too, will deal 'with complex European, Euro- Asiatic, and Euro-American problems. By PRESTON SLOSSON (Associate Professor of History) Daily newspapers rarely explain the technical terms they use; that is left to the histories. This sometimes makes the foreign page of a metro- politan newspaper perplexing to the reader, especially as the political vo- cabulary of Europe is not identical with that of the United States. To us, for example, "Socialist" implies a rather radical political outlook like that of our Socialist party; an adher- ence to the theories of Karl Marx. In Europe it is used in a vaguer and looser sense: there are for example the "Christian Socialists" in Austria who are really Roman Catholic Mod- erates, the "National Socialists" in Germany who are extreme militarist reactionaries, the "Radical Socialists" in France who are anti-clerical mid- dle-class radicals, and so on. A few words of comment on the meaning now given to certain phrases in com- mon use may prove helpful. Right and Left. By an old French custom, dating from the first French revolution, radical parties sit to the left of the speaker, moderate parties in the center, conservativehor reac- tionary parties to the right. These phrases have been adopted by other countries. Thus a "man of the right center" means a rather conservative person; a "man of the extreme left" would probably be a Communist. Socialism. The word implies col- lective as opposed to individual own- ership of such property as mines, railroads, land, factories, etc., but it is often used more vaguely for any movement which strengthens the control of government over business. When contrasted with Communism in its present day sense it refers to ,the more moderate parties federated together as the Second International; while the Communists who follow the leadership of Russia form the Third International. Often the Socialists are called Social Democrats. All who pro- fess adherence to the theories of Marx, whether Socialists or Commu- nists, are Marxists. Not all Socialists are Marxists. The National Socialists or Nazis repudiate Marx and all his (Continued on Page 6) _________________________________________________________________________ . nan Alliance ociated Press) e upshot of a Social- strla may be a Ger- aison were expressed European capitals as waged in the little riumph of Naziism in Austria led inevitable by the official 1 Socialist party organ, the tische Korrespondenz in Ber- ria's Nazis, whose power and h are indubitably rooted in+ man people in Austria, know, .e same certainty that their 11 come, as they know Chan- )ollfuss' hour has struck," it said the Giornale D'Italia in .s viewing the Austrian situ- :ooly," but it said unofficially hat many Italians feared the night launch a drive for po- ower with the present crisis sis. >me the well-informed news- Xiornale D'Italia published a that Italian troops were in near the Austrian border. The had been denied by the gov- t. French cabinet decided that llor Dollfuss must be sup- dent Actors .11 Offer Pl y Elmer Rice Naples and Die," by Elmer elected as Play Production's fering, will be given Feb. 22, 24. In presenting "See Na- d Die," Play Production is its usual policy, of present- y the more classical type of a present one which is of ead interest, according to ne B. Windt, director of the ation. >lay is a satire on Americans continent, with all the ac- ying political intrigue and :erernony. In form it resem- comic opera without music, really a satiric but carefree ganza done with the "usual netration and adroitness," Mr. Committee Will Discuss Fate Of J-HopScalpers Undergraduate C o un c ili Disciplinary Group To Weigh Evidence A meeting of the Undergraduatet Council Disciplinary Committee for 5 p. m. today in Room 306 of the Union to discuss the situation caused by the scalping of J-Hop tickets was called yesterday by Gilbert E. Bursley, president of the Council. Evidence against two students who are alleged to have sold tickets for a price higher than the original pur- chase price after University author- ities had warned against such action is at present in the hands of Walter B. Rea, assistant to the dean. He will present this evidence to Council dis- ciplinary committee members and they expect to take whatever action they believe is warranted. The disciplinary committee of thet Council has the power to take any; action it wishes. It then notifies the, University disciplinary committee of its action, and this latter body makes the final official decision. So far1 this year the University body has1 agreed with the recommendations of the Council committee in every in-, stance in which trouble has occurred, regarding student conduct. Says Students ; Need Not Seek Religious Proof Religion must be approached in, an appreciative way, not as an idea to prove but as a concept to appre- ciate, said Dr. Theodore O. Wedel, secretary for college work of the Episcopal church, speaking last night in the initial session of a three-day religious conference on the general topic, "Is Religion Necessary?" Taking as his subject for the first discussion "The College Student and God," Dr. Wedel maintained that al- though the student is, on the whole, ignorant of most of the fundamental facts of any one religion, he is, by vir- tue of his being at the most plastic Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, re- ligious counselor of the University said last night: "I hope that as many students as possible take advantage of this opportunity to hear Dr. Wedel. In addition to his being an inspiring and worthwhile speaker, he can offer what many need, a definite and thoroughly thought out concept of religion which may serve to keep them continuously oriented in life." age of life, open to assimilation of any well-presented theories. It is necessary, he emphasized, that Christianity be well presented, and that students be offered thorough and basic instruction in it as in a study of any religion. "If a student does not understand Christianity, that proves a defect in the educational system," Dr. Wedel Burton's Widow Is To Marry In May BERKELEY, Calif., Feb. 14.- OP) Dr. W. W. Kent, head of the depart- ment of education at the University of California, said today that he and Mrs. Marion LeRoy Burton, widow of Former President Burton of the Uni- versity of Michigan, will be married here the latter part of May. He said Mrs. Burton would leave next week on a trip to Ann Arbor, Mich. Many Students Attend Tryout Opera Meeting Production To Burlesque .-C1urrent affairs On This Campus, Peterson Says Union opera tryouts yesterday at- tracted a large and enthusiastic group of students, according to Mil- ton Peterson, director. Additional reg- istrations will be received between 2 and 5 p. m. today in the Glee Club Room at the Union. It is planned at present to announce the date of ac- tual tryouts, when preliminary regis- tration is completed tomorrow. Mr. Peterson stated that he is very well pleased with the turnout so far and is convinced that all those who registered yesterday were very much interested in the revival of the Opera tradition. In discussing the coming produc- tion, he explained that there will be between 75 and 100 students in the cast, and approximately two dozen of these will be singing parts. The Opera is to consist of two acts divided into 10 scenes. In order to clarify his previous statement that this year's Opera will revert to those of 1910-15 rather than to the last few that were staged, Mr. Peterson described the coming pro- duction as essentially a burlesque on current conditions and affairs on the Michigan campus. Fledges May Ask Initiation OfCommittee 17-Year-Old Girl To Give I Recjtal Here Poldi Mildr4er To Appear In Hill Aditoriunm For First Tim4 Tonight Hailed B Critics As 'Child Prodigy' Has Studied Piano Since Age Of Eight; Appeared With Vienna Symphony At the age of 17, Poldi Mildner, young Austrian pianiste, who is to appear here under the auspices of the University Choral Union tonight in Hill Auditorium, has swept her audiences off their feet both here and in Europe. Triumph has cbme to her at the age of 17. She Ahas studied piano since the age of eight. Under the tutelage of her aunt, Elfreda Mild- ner, she progressed so rapidly that she soon learned ;all that her tutor could offer. It was deemed advisable that she, continue her studies at Vienna, but her father, Hugo Mildner, thought she should stay at home. In spite of his objections, she was given an au- dition before the famous Moriz Ro- senthal, and immediately enrolled as his pupil. Studied In Vienna One week out of every month she went to Vienna, where she stayed, for a week at a time, taking a lesson every day. She did this for two years. When she was eleven, she gave her first concert. She played a Bee- thoven sonata, twO waltzes of Cho- pin, and the Hungarian Rhapsody 13 for a large audier ce at the Vienna Concert Hall. The notices she teceived were tre- mendous in the ap royal of this child artist. As a resu of this concert, she was engaged Pto play with the Vienna Sympho1y Qrchestra., Still her father maintained his stern disapproval of her career, and' stuck to his belief that she ought to be at home, like other children. He has become reconciled to her suc- cess, however. Thought Only Of Music Success is no surprise to Poldi Mildner. She explains this attitude by saying, "In all my life I have never thought about anything but music." Some people explain her triumph by saying that genius is re- sponsible. There has been no genius to speak of, aside from herself, in her family. Her father played the violin a lit- tle, and her mother danced some in the ballet. There have been no dis- tinguished musicians among her an- cestors. She comes of a line of worthy but undistinguished bour- geoisie. According to a telegram received last night by Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music, Miss Mildner created a sensation in her concert appearance in Chicago. One critic said, "Not since the debut of Joseph Hofmann have we heard such technique, such tone, such strength, and such feeling." The wire was from Siegfried Hearst, of the National Broadcasting Company. Tickets may still be secured in the president's office in the School of Music, at $1, $1.50, and $2, To 9. Annual Meeting Of Academy To OpenMarch 15 Prof. Charles H. Mcdlwain Of Harvard Scheduled As Main Speaker The thirty-ninth annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Sci- ence, Arts, and Letters will convene here Mar. 15 for a three-day session devoted to discussion of technical and general material in 13 branches of study. Dr. Charles Howard Mclwain, Ea- ton professor of science and govern- ment at Harvard University, will be the chief speaker at the meeting. Professor McIlwain is an author of note in the field of political science, having won the Pulitzer prize in 1923 for his book, "The American Revo- lution." He also edited "Wraxali's Abridgement of the New York In- dian Records," and the "Political Works of James I." The discussion sections, at which experts from the University, educa- tional institutions in the state, and other bodies will speak, will be di- vided into 13 different groups. They are as follows: anthropology, eco- nomics and sociology, botany, forest- ry, geography,igeology and minerol- ogy, history and political science, languages and literature, philosophy,' psychology, sanitary and m e di c a 1 science, and zoology. The Michigan Academy originated 39 years ago as an organization for the advancement of science, but it soon developed to include practically all branches of study. Its main pur-' pose, today is to encourge by bring- ing together men doing wk n vari- ous fields to report their work. Chinese Film P re s ented By Cinema ]Leagoue "China Express" will be the picture presented by the Art Cinema League at 8:15 p.m. today and Friday and Saturday at 7:15 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. with two added features, "Soviets On Parade" and "Pied Piper of Hamlin." This picture features the exciting trip of the China Express from Nan- king and Suchow and advanced re- ports say it is one of the finest films from the Chinese studios. "Soviets On Parade" depicts the present Rus- sian army in a parorama with a cast of 160-million people. "Pied Piper of Hamlin" is one of Walter Disney's cartoons with color and humor. The New York American has said of "China Express," "It is one of the most impressive dramas yet to emerge from the China studios," while the New York Herald - Tribune named "Soviets On Parade" as "photo- graphed with stark, clearcut powei and dynamic forcefulness that has made the Soviet dramatic films so distinguished." Tryouts For Daily Staff May Report Tomorrow Tryouts for the editorial, sports, and society staffs of The Daily have been requested to report at the Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, at 4 p. m. to- morrow. Second semester fresh- men who have received at least one grade higher than a C, and no grade lower than a C, are eli- gible to try out. Motorist Bears Too Heavy tax Levy -- Charge Chevalier States Gasoline Revenues Ought To Be Used Only For Highways Declaring that gasoline and other motoring taxes are not taxes fairly distributed among the public, Col. Willard T. Chevalier, publishing di- rector of the Engineering News-Rec- ord, told delegates to the Michigan Highway Conference last night that such taxes should be used for high- ways and for no other purposes. The middle and lower classes stand the greater part of the burden of gasoline taxes, Colonel Chevalier stated, and in those states in, which automobile registration is declining, it is doing so in direct proportion to the increase of gasoline taxes, se said. Colonel Chevalier spoke at the ban- quet of the conference held in the Union. The conference will close with a business meeting at 9:30 a. m. to- day in the 'Union. Horatio J.'Abbot, Democratic na- tional committeeman, spoke briefly in place of Gov. William A. Comstock, denying what he called "malicious" rumors that the governor was going to build an expensive mansion here or in Grosse Pointe. Other speakers were Raymond M. Foley of the State Highway Depart- ment and Dean H. C. Sadler of the engineering college, who gave the welcome speech in President Ruth- ven's place. Horatio Earle, first State Highway Commissioner of Michigan, who celebrated his seventy-ninth birthday today, was present at the dinner. In the afternoon session of the conference, Prof. Edwin C. Goddard of the Law School spoke on "Road- side Improvement.", Professor Goddard expressed the hope that sufficient funds could be obtained from the CWA and PWA (Continued on Page 6) Daily Business Tryouts Are o Meet Monday 100,000 College Stud Throughout Countr Be Aided'By Plan Applicant's Need First Considerat Other Qualifications Ar Ability In College Wort Good Character One hundred thousand needy co lege students in the United Stat approximately 750 of them at Mic igan, have been thrown a lifeline the Federal government in the for of definite action providing for fun to create part-time work for them their respective institutions. Announcement of Michigan's quc of 752 was made here yesterday Shirley W. Smith, vice-president the University, after receipt of woe from Fred R. Johnson, director the State Emergency Relief Comm sion. The number is 10 per cent the full time enrollment as of O 15, 1933. -'Types of work for which the funs will be used, when available here, I dlude clerical, library, research, a similar fields. About three-fourths the students to be aided will be tho who dropped out at the end of t first semester for financial reaso: and the other fourth will be th( who would enter the college if fina cially able, but have not yet done Bases of Selection Listed Selection of students for the jc will be made on the following consi erations: 1. The student's financial stat must be such as to make his attew ance at college impossible withc this aid. ' -. The students 'shall be of go character and shall possess such abi ity as to give assurance that tl will do high grade college work. 3. Not more than 75 per cent the funds allotted to any one c lege shall be paid to students w were regularly enrolled in some c lege in January, 1934. 4. Jobs shall be allocated betwe men and women students in propo tion to the enrollment of each. 30-Hour Week Limit Set 5. The rate of pay is to be such is commonly paid by the instituti for such work as shall be done, b is not to be less than 30 cents hour. The number of hours a day limited to eight, and the numbei week to 30. It is expected that wages th earned will range from $10 to $24 month, with the average being ab $15. In each institution receiv funds, the president of the college designated as the official responsi for the program in his institutic President Alexander G. Ruthv in speaking of the aid to be receiv (Continued on Page 6) Council Adopts City Hfall Plans 1Discuss Lictuo 750 Students Here Will Make Jobs Available As Part Of National, Progra Prof. Courtis Would Eliminate Paternalism In Ideal University Petitions of 'freshman fraternity pledges who may have valid reason for seeking special permission to be initiated into their fraternities should be presented to Maxwell T. Gail, '34, Interfraternity Council secretary- treasurer, it was a n n o u n c e d last night, so that they may be considered at the next meeting of the council Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee is in the habit of granting special permission to be initiated only in case there is valid reason for making the excep- tion, Gail said. A drive to have council dues paid up as soon as possible has been launched by council officials and is being carried on by the junior try- outs. Of the 49 houses customarily mem- bers of the council, 12 have failed to pay their dues on time. No direct penalty is being planned by council Professors who do not teach and a{ college whose only desire and purpose } is to "put each student in as fine a3 shape as is possible" are parts of a' unique university plan advanced by Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the School of Education as his ideal of the mod- ern education. Professor Courtis was speaking informally before members of the Graduate Luncheon Club yes- terday in the Russian Tea Room of the League. The present-day university was scored by Professor Courtis as "pater- nalistic, and autocratic." It deals in thought rather than in action, he said, and it does not teach co-opera- tion. Work is done in the midst of archaic institutions for artificial re- wards. "The present-day university is futile." "The entrance requirements for my towards his own goal for the assist- ance of society. The men who are to guide the students of tomorrow, the lecturer believes, must be actively in touch with all phases of the world's work. The teachers will not hold classes, but will be on call half of their time at regular hours and students may ask for assistance if they require it, Dr. Courtis went on. The professors will never outline a course of actions for the student, he said, but will render specific help in any one phase of study which may puzzle him. The model university will provide labora- tories aild libraries for individual re- search work and the student will be expected to do his own study in his own way in this ideal of Dr. Cour- tis. "There will be a research depart- ment in my model university," went A call for second semester fresh- men to try out for the business staff of The Daily at 4 p. m. Monday, Feb. 19, was issued yesterday by Grafton Sharp, '34, business man- ager. All second semester fresh- men and any sophomores who wish to come out are eligible for the try- out positions providing they have one grade above C and none below. Work on The Daily affords op- portunity for practical experience in all departments connected with the business offices of newspapers and other publications. It includes sell- ing advertising, handling accounts, and laying out the pages. Besides the specialized training provided by this work, general business experience is gained. The tryouts are in competition for six junior managerships and for two senior positions, all of which pay a salary. All second semester freshman wo- men interested in the business side of newspaper work should report at 4:30 p. m. Tuesday, according to Catherine McHenry, women's busi- ness manager. The tryouts are given work in advertising and accounts and become assistant managers in their junior year. The senior posi- tion pays a substantial salary. t r 's Y F i S I Meeting in a special session, t] Common Council last night accept the option for the purchase of strip of land south of the City H which is necessary to the propos enlargement of the building. '] architects' fees and trucking cos submitted at this time were also a cepted, bringing the total expen ture of the city to-$8,600. If the proposed extension is. cepted by the CWA board, the moi necessary for the construction wo will be taken from the State CVO fund, bringing the entire expen tune to $66,261.45. Upon the adjournment of the s: cial session of the council, a me ing of the committee of the whn was held for discussion relevant the proposed liquor ordinance, wh will be presented for its final read at the regular meeting next M day night. An amendment to the propo ordinance stating that all beer tablishments must close at twe and that anyone in the store af 12:30 a. m. be liable to arrest for d I s and Die" is under the James V. Doll, a former tion student. Mail or- .>lJ7a.L u-t i