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March 11, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-11

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The Weather
Cloudy and warmer today;
rain or snow probable tomorrow.


Sin anl


Ohio State Lantern
Views Our Hell Week,



Shields Is
Regent Of University May
Oppose Vandenberg In
Coming Election
Abbott Feels Dems
Will Support Him
Will Probably Announce
Candidacy Within Next
Two Weeks
The candidacy of E d m u n d C.
Shields, member of the Board of
Regents, for the United States Sen-
ate on the Democratic ticket will
probably be announced "within two
weeks," Horatio J. Abbott, Demo-
cratic national committeeman, said
last night. If Regent Shields de-
cides to run he will oppose Sen. Ar-
thur H. Vandenberg, whose term ex-
pires this year.
"Regent Shields has talked over
the possibility of his candidacy with
party leaders and is giving the mat-
ter serious consideration," Mr. Ab-
bott said. "If he runs, he will un-
doubtedly have the support of Gov-
ernnor Comstock and the majority of
Michigan Democrats."
Other candidates may p r e s e n t
themselves on the Democratic tick-
et, Mr. Abbott said, but Regent
Shields "will be outstanding."
Regent Shields, a former member
of the State Democratic Central
Committee, is one of Michigan's best
known Democrats. He was a close
adviser to the State government dur-
ing the administration of Wood-
bridge N. Ferris. Although several
times the State Democratic forces
have attempted to convince Regent
Shields to run for a major office, he
has always refused. But this year,
reports indicate, he may change his
mind and seek a seat in the Senate.
If Regent Shields secures the back-
ing of the Democratic organization
it will mean that Frank Murphy,
governor-general of the Philippines
and former mayor of Detroit, will
not be "recalled" to the states to op-
pose Senator Vandenberg.
Observers believe that other can-
didates for the Senate post on the
Democratic slate will be asked to
withdraw. Among those in this cat-
egory are Arthur J. Lacy, of De-
troit. Martin R. Bradley, speaker of
the State House of Representatives,
and Att'n-Gen. Patrick H. O'Brien.
'Richardson To
Conduct Panel
Presbyterian Minister To
Plan Evening Service On
Spring Parley Lines
In a program patterned after the
Spring Parley, Dr. Norman E. Rich-
ardson of the Presbyterian Theolog-
ical Seminary will speak before an
audience of the First Presbyterian
Church at 8 p.m. today on "Kagawa,
An Apostle of Social Reconstruction."
Dr. Richardson, author of many

well-known books, will preach in the
Presbyterian Church at 10:45 a.m.
today, speaking on "The Christ of
the Class Room." The evening meet-
ing, which will be in the nature of
a discussion group, will have a chair-
man and a panel. After Dr. Richard-
son's short address he will elaborate
on his topic in answer to questions
from the audience.
Some of his books are, "The Reli-
gion of Modern Manhood," "The Boy
Scout Movement Applied to the
Church," "The Religious vEducation
of Adolescents," "The Church at
Play," "The- Christ of the Class
Room," and "Religious Education and
Graduated from Lawrence College,
Wis.. in 1902, Dr. Richardson at-
tended the theological school of Bos-
ton University. Later he won a schol-
arship and spent two years studying
in Germany.
During the war period he was pro-
fessor of religious psychology and
head of the department of religious
education at Boston University, where
U-~~~~~~~~~n 1,.:4 1, n ,L rnlo air

Series On Immortality
ByCam-pus Clergymen
Will Start Tuesday
Just what is immortality and how
can one attain to it? The answers
to these and other questions bear-
ing on the same general subject will
be presented next week in The Daily
when it offers a series of articles
written by campus clergymen on the
topic "Immortality."
Feeling that Michigan students
would appreciate reading v a r i e d
opinions on such a controversial sub-
ject, The Daily has asked represen-
tatives of the Catholic church, the
Jewish church, and four Protestant
churches to write their impressions
of the possibility and meaning of
The Rev. Henry Lewis of St. An-
drews Episcopal Church will begin
the series in Tuesday's Daily. He
will be followed by the Rev. R. Ed
ward Sayles of the Baptist Church,
Father Allen J. Babcock of St. Thom-
as' Catholic Chapel, and the Rev.
Frederick B. Fisher of the First
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Others who will write in the series
are Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the phi-
losophy department, who will rep-
resent the Unitarian Church in the
absence of its pastor, the Rev. Harold
P. Marley, and Rabbi Bernard Hel-
ler of the Hillel Foundation, who will
conclude the series next Sunday.
Will Replace
Camp Tag Day
Program To Raise Funds
For Needy Children To
Be Given March 27
Replacing the annual Tag Day car-
ried on by the "M" Club, funds for
the 1934 University Fresh Air Camp
for underprivileged children will be
raised this year through an all-cam-
pus entertainment to be given March
27 in Hill Auditorium.
Varied talent is promised for the
event, including the original group
that first sang "The Bum Army" in
one of the Union Operas, stars from
the Detroit Civic Opera, the Michigan
Band, the Varsity Glee Club, Fred
Lawto:, '11, author of "Varsity," and
many ethers.
An average of 400 boys each sum-
mer have been given an opportunity
to enjoy from 12 to 18 days apiece
in the camp in the 13 seasons it has
been operated. It is located on Pat-
terson Lake, near Pinckney, and is
organized "to render a much-needed
social service to underprivileged boys
by bringing them into personal con-
tact with the college men interested
in their welfare, and to give under-
graduate college men an opportunity
to understand boys from the crowded
centers of the cities and to gain
through service," in the words of the
camp circular.
The campaign this year to gain
support for the camp is being joint-
ly sponsored by the Student Chris-
tian Association, the League, the
Union, The Daily, the Undergraduate
Council, the Interfraternity Council,
the Varsity Band, the Varsity Glee;
Club, the Washtenaw Federation of
Women's Clubs, the Wayne County
Federation of Women's Clubs, and the'
Rendezvous Club.]
The Alumni Association, the De-
troit Alumni Association, the Uni-
versity Outdoor Club, the Council of
Religion, the Camp Committee, the
Michigan Theatre, and the Interna-
tional Council of the State Federa-
tion of Women's Clubs.

Additional talent for the entertain-
ment will be procured and announced
later by the committee.
Fire Rages In
grade Section
Of Birmingham'
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 10-
(R) -T wenty-four persons injured{
and property damage totalling $3,-
000,000 was caused here this after-'
noon by a fire in the heart of the
downtown business district, against
which every fireman in the city and
suburbs battled and brought under1
control early tonight.
Every piece of fire fighting appa-
ratus in the city was pressed into
service, while additional engines and
apparatus stood by in Atlanta and
Montgomery, ready to rush in by
special train if needed.
Seores of firemen battled for more

Miss Perkins
Speaks Here
On March23
Comes From Washington
To Discuss Problems
Facing Labor In 1934
Is Responsible For
Minimum Wage Law
Oratorical Series Brings
Woman Cabinet Member
To Hill Auditorium
Frances Perkins, secretary of labor
and only woman ever to hold a Cab-
inet position, will speak here under
the auspices of the Oratorical Asso-
ciation Friday night, March 23, in
Hill Auditorium.
Miss Perkins will come here from
Washington to speak on "American
Labor in 1934," according to a tele-
gram of confirmation received here
from her office in the Capitol by Carl
G. Brandt, business manager of the
Oratorical Association.
She personally is largely responsible
for the formulation of New York's
minimum wage law. She first joined
the New York state labor department
during the time Al Smith was gov-
ernor, and remained there until she
was summoned to Washington by
President Franklin D. Roosevelt as
"the best qualified woman in public
life today."
Since taking over her Cabinet
office, she has won the hearty ap-
proval of labor for the manner in
which she has fought in their behalf
during such crises as the steel code
She has been active as a social
service worker having served on state
labor, health, sanitation and indus-
trial commissions in New York. Miss
Perkins also worked for a short time
under Jane Addani at Hull House in
Brandt stated that, 1though it was
impossible for the Oratorical Associa-
tion to complete negotiations for Miss
Perkins' appearance in time to in-
clude her in the regular series, hold-
ers of season tickets will be granted
a special price rate for the lecture.
He added that tickets would be sold
to the public at large at the same
price as is customary with Oratorical
Association attractions. Tickets will
be placed on sale Thursday in various
prominent places.
Bragg Speaks
At Unitarian
Church Today
Chicago Clergyman Will
Deal With Morals And
Religion Of Russia
Appearing at the Unitarian Church
at 10:45 a.m. today, the Rev. Ray-
mond B. Bragg, of Chicago, will ad-
dress members of the church on
"Russia, Religion, and Morals." He
has traveled extensively in Europe
and has studied conditions in Russia
during the last three years. His ob-
servations, it is said, will stress the
social, rather than the economic sit-
uation of Russia today. At 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Bragg will lead the Liberal Stu-
dents Union of the Unitarian Church
in a discussion of "Hitler - Revolu-
tion and War."

In another pulpit an address on
Hitler will be made today also. The
Rev. Frederick B. Fisher of the First
Methodist Episcopal Church will con-;
tinue his series of sermons on greast
national figures with a discussion of
"Adolph Hitler - The Theology of a
Chosen People," at 10:45 a.m. Stalker
Hall will offer the International Stu-
dent Forum at 3:30 p.m. and the
Wesleyan Guild Devotional Service at
6 p.m.
At 11 a.m. the Rev. Henry Lewis
of St. Andrews Episcopal Church will
deliver the morning service. Prof. He-
ber D. Curtis, director of the observa-
tory, will lead the student "Conver-
satione" at 7 p. m. in Harris Hall.
Rabbi Heller of the Hillel Founda-
tion will preach at 11:15 a.m. today in
the League on the topic, "Tragedy
That Spells Triumph." At 4 and 7:15
p.m. the classes in Jewish Ethics and
Jewish History will meet, while the
Hillel Players will present two one-act
plays at 8:15 p.m. at the Foundation.

Rushing Rule
Changes Will
Be D seussed
Interfraternity Council To
Treat Topic At Meeting
Wednesday in Union
Committee's Report'
Will Be Considered
Proposed Changes Would
Embrace Time, Process,
And Indictments
Proposed changes in the rushing
rules for next fall will be the chief
matter under discussion when the
Interfraternity Council holds its first
meeting in several weeks at 7:15 p.m.
Wednesday at the Union.
The delegates will have the oppor-
tunity of adopting the report of the
committee appointed last fall to pro-
pose changes in the rules. The report
includes changes in the time of the
rushing period, the pledging process,
and the method of pesenting indict-
ments to the council Judiciary Com-
mittee as well as other minor changes.
The most important of the rush-
ing changes cited in the committee's
report would, if adopted, removethe
student and alumni members from
the Judiciary Committee when that
body is sitting to hear testimony in
regard to violations of the rushing
Indictment Board Created
By its provisions, an indictment
board is set up, composed of the Ju-
diciary Committee vithout the stu-
dent members, which will present in-
dictments to the Juiciary Commit-
tee containing writte* testimony col-
lected by the indictment board.
The names of those presenting the
indictment as well as those testify-
ing are to be kept confidential by
the members of the indictment board.
The Judiciary Counmittee wouldl
then act in the same capacity as at
present, punishing either the houses
or the freshmen, or both. Indict-
ments under the present ararnge-
ment may be presented by any of
the honorary organizations, or "other
interested organization, person, or
May Help Friends
Fraternity men will be allowed to
help their friends coming to the Uni-
versity find rooms and settle in them
if another provision of the report is
adopted. The rushing period is to
begin, according to this paragraph,
at noon on Tuesday of Orientation
Week, and contact will be allowed
between fraternity men and new stu-
dents after that time but must not
take place within any of the houses.
"Rushing" is defined by anoher
provision as "any contact with an
eligible man except by telephone or
Time Length Reduced
Rushees will be instructed next
year, if another section is adopted,
to turn in lists to the dean's office
Friday afternoon of the second week
of rushing, since the practice of no-
tifying each rushee that he has been
bid will be discontinued.
This recommendation is an at-
tempt to avoid the misunderstand-
ings caused last fall by the clerical
error which caused several lists not
to be delivered on time.
This provision also reduces length
of time between the last contact be-

tween the houses and the rushees,
and therefore the most anxious part
of the "silent period," which will
nevertheless continue until the fol-
lowing Monday noon.



Three First Places

In Conference T

Picard Claims
Outside Groups
Hit Commission
Senator McKenna Offers
Resolution For Sifting
Of Liquor Control
SAGINAW, March 10. --(P) )-Out-
side interests are in part responsible
for efforts to discredit the Liquor
Control Commission, Chairman Frank
A. Picard said in a statement here
tonight, commenting on Senator Ed-
ward B. McKenna's resolution for
legislative investigation of the Com-
He accused McKenna of trying to
make a "political football" of liquor
licenses in Wayne County and de-
clared the commission can not be
bullied into compromising.
The statement said:
"Investigation or no investigation,
this smoke screen won't impede the
activities of the Liquor Control Com-
mission's enforcement department.
"It won't force us to buy inferior
goods so that Senator McKenna's
friends and playmates can sell to the
"It won't result in making a polit-
ical football of the licenses in Wayne
County for Representative Schroeder
and his cohorts.
"It won't result in a compromise by
which any department or person will
be given any powers or control over
the liquor commission that the Legis-
lature didn't intend it to have.
"The fight that the liquor control
commission is and, has been making
to keep this business clean and to
keep politics out of it for the benefit
of the decent people of the State of
Michigan will continue.
"The commission cannot and will
not be bullied, threatened, scared or
browbeaten, bought or forced into any
compromhise. Furthermore, I defy
anyone to produce a single reputable
concern that will say we have refused
to accept their prices or that they
have not been seen by the commis-
"The chairman and the leading
members of the staff have worked
every night until midnight, some-
times until 2 a.m. We have met liquor
salesmen at the liquor office at all
hours; and today Michigan is selling
liquor cheaper than any other state
in the Union. We are selling better
liquor and have more different brands
on our shelves than any two other
states in the Union.
"In addition we believe we are
making more money for the state pro
rata of population than any other-
state. The Michigan law is so suc-
cessful that selfish interests from
outside our borders, hearing that the
success of our plan will jeopardize
their opportunity to continue to gyp
the people of their own states, are
using every means possible to dis-
credit the commission."
DOVER, Del., March 10- (P) -
Showing of motion pictures in which
a divorced actor or actress appears
would be prohibited in Delaware un-
der a new censorship bill being pre-
pared by Robert D. Hopkins, of Mil-

Track Meet Scores
The team scores in the Big Ten
indoor track meet were as follows:
Michigan............37 1-2
Indiana.............33 2-5
Ohio State University .16
Chicago . .. ..12
Minnesota ............ 9
Northwestern ......... 9
Purdue ......6
Wisconsin ............ 4 2-5
Iowa ................4 1-5
Varsity Debate
Team Will Meet

l Victory
rack Meet
Hoosiers, Champions Of
Last Year, Dethroned;
Alix Wins Two-Mile
Indiana's Two'Iron
Men' Aren't Enough
Wolverines Accord Ward
More Help Than Indiana
Gives Hornbostel, Fuqua

Florida Monday
The Varsity affirmative debating
team will meet the University of
Florida negative debating team at 8
p.m. tomorrow in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League, according to
Mr. James H. McBurney, Varsity de-
bating coach.
Jack Weissman, '35, and Samuel
Travis, '34, will represent the affirm-
ative for Michigan against the Flor-
ida debaters who are here as a cli-
max to an extensive debating tour
of the Mid-West.
The same night the Michigan neg-
ative team, composed of Edward
Litchfield, '36, and Clinton Sandusky,
'34, will debate the Detroit Speak-
er's Club at the Fort Shelby Hotel
in Detroit as a part of a banquet
given by the latter organization.
The subject that both teams will
debate on is "Resolved, That Japan
Accept the Recommendation of the
Lytton Commission as a Basis for
Future Policy in the Far East.".
No admission wiill be charged and
the general public is cordially in-
vited to attend the debate here.
Dillinger Aided By
Jailers, Says Barce
INDIANAPOLIS, March 10 (')-
Edward J. Barce, deputy attorney-
general, said today he has gathered
evidence which shows that John
Dillinger had the aid of at least two
jail employees when he escaped a
week ago from the Crown Point lock-
Barce said a lengthy grilling of
James Posey, negro cell-mate of Her-
bert Youngblood, the negro murderer
who fled with Dillinger, indicated
that Ernest Blunk, fingerprint ex-
pert, and Sam Cahoon, jail repair-
man, were aware of the desperado's
plans to escape.
Blunk and Cahoon both have been
arrested charged with aiding in Dil-
linger's escape.
Plans for the break were discussed
by the prisoners in the cell the night
before it occurred, according to the
version given. Barce by Posey.
Spanish Peasant's
Home Is Destroyed
By Smoking Meteor
SEVILLE, Spain, March 10 -()-
Francisco Megia has told his own
story of the destruction of his home
by what he and all his neighbors at
the village of Rinconada believe to
have been a meteor's fall.
Senor Megia and his family sat
down in their home for lunch. Sud-
denly there was the noise as of an
airplane flying low over the cottage.
Jose Megia, 13 years old, rushed
to the door. He saw a dense col-
umn of smoke dropping from the sky
toward the roof.
Senor Megia tried to run to the
door but a powerful column of air
and smoke knocked him down. Me-
gia and his family say that they
smelled a heavy odor of sulphur and
burned coal.
As they attempted to return to the
house for more belongings, they were
stopped by a short, deafening noise
and their cottage was immediately
enveloped in flames.
Unlimited Liquor
Imports Ordered
WASHINGTON, March 10- ) -
Elimination of liquor imports quo-

CHICAGO, March 10.-() - Mich-
igan rode to the 1934 Western Con-
ference indoor track championship
tonight on the 6 foot, 1 inch frame of
Willis Ward, its Negro all-around
star, who hustled from one part of
the University of Chicago field house
to another, to win three events.
The Wolverines scored 37 1-2 points
to dethrone Indiana's Hoosiers as
champions, and Ward's 15 points,
earned in the 60-yard dash, 70-yard
high hurdles, and high jump, were
more than the difference between
victory and defeat. The battle was
strictly between Michigan and In-
diana, and not until Ward cleared
6 feet, 2 7-8 inches in the high jump
did the Wolverines become certain of
Michigan-Indiana Dominate
So completely did Michigan and
the Hoosiers dominate the field that
they scored eight first places between
them-- four apiece -leaving only
two for the rest of the field. A Minne-
sota sophomore, Bill Friemuth, tossed
the 16-pound shot 48 feet 6 inches,
to win one of them, and Ohio State's
one-mile relay quartet took the other.
Indiana's iron man duo of Charles
Hornbostel and Ivan Fuqua did
everything asked of them, but the
other members of the Hoosiers failed
to give them as much help as the
Wolverines gave Ward.
Fuqua set a new Conferenceindoor
record for the quarter-mile of 49.4
seconds, six-tenths of a second faster
than'the former standard set by Ed-
win Russell of Michigan, in 1932.
That was the only record-breaking
performance. Ward, however, tied the
frequently-equalled mark of 6.2 sec-
onds in winning the dash.
One mile run: Won by Charles
Hornbostel, Indiana; second, Charles
Popejoy, Purdue; third, Marmaduke
Hobbs, Indiana; fourth, George Far-
ley, Northwestern; fifth, Jack Childs,
Michigan. Time: 4:16.7.
Pole Vault: Won by Steve Divich,
Indiana (13 feet, 2 inches); second,
John Roberts, Chicago (13 feet); tied
for third, David Hunn, Michigan; Irv-
ing Seeley, Illinois, and Bob Jones,
Purdue (12 feet, 6 inches).
60 yard dash: Won by Willis Ward,
Michigan; second, Robert Lamb,
Michigan; third, Walter -Stapf, Ohio
State; fourth, Hunter Russell, Illi-
nois; fifth, Crain Portman, Illinois.
Time :06.2. (Equals meet record,
made by George Simpson, Ohio State,
1929, and frequently tied.)
440 yard run: Won by Ivan Fuqua,
Indiana; second, Sidney Dean, Iowa;
third, George Arnold, Ohio State;
fourth, Tom Ellerby, Michigan; fifth,
Marshall Miller, Illinois. Time :49.4
(New meet record; former record 50
seconds, by Edwin Russell, Michigan,
in 1932).
70 yard high hurdles: Won by Wil-
lis Ward, Michigan; second, Robert
Clark, Wisconsin; third, Joseph
Schoeninger, Illinois; fourth, D. Cook,
Ohio State; fifth, Arthur Jens,
Northwestern. Time :08.8.
Two mile run: Won by Neree Alix,
Michigan; second, Wayne Slocum,
Minnesota; third, William Smullen,
Indiana; fourth, Robert Milow, Chi-
cago; fifth Robert Howell, Michigan
Time 9:32.9.
880 yard run: Won by Charles
Hornbostel, Indiana; second, Harvey
Smith, Michigan; third, Marmaduke
Hobbs, Indiana; fourth Lynn Baugh-
man, Illinois; fifth, Paul Gorman,
Michigan. Time: 1:55.1.
Shot put: Won by William Frie-
muth, Minnesota, (48 feet 6 inches);
second, A. C. Kamm, Illinois; third,
George Neal, Ohio State; fourth, Dave
Cook, Illinois; fifth, Jay Berwanger,
High Jump: Won by Willis Ward,
Michigan, (6 feet 2 7-8 inches); sec-
_. .nLA T _1 .

Anti-Japanese B )ycott Threat
Worries International Circles

WASHINGTON, March 10 -(A)-
Threats of an anti-Japanese boycott
in Shanghai and Canton as a pro-
test against Kang Teh's enthrone-
ment in Manchukuo are causing ap-
prehension in international circles.
The boycott is a weapon which the
Chinese use with most deadly ef-
fect. It was a boycott which started
the battle at Shanghai two -years
Anti-Japanese boycotts in China
have an unhappy way of turning
into general anti-foreign movements
because of the presence of officials
and defense forces of foreign pow-
ers in the treaty ports of China.

in the partition of China among the
great powers had it not been for
John Hay, American secretary of
state at that time.
The United States, Great Britain
and various European powers, as
well as Japan, have suffered severe
losses from Chinese boycotts estab-
lished against them during the 23
years of the Chinese Republic.
Shipping has been tied up at Shang-
hai, Canton ,Tientsin and other trade
points. The prosperous trade of the'
Yangtse River, chief artery of com-
merce for Central China, has, at
times, been paralyzed.
Through the various guilds. the

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