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March 10, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-10

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Gay couples Throng Union Ballroom For


Frosh Frolic Is
Last Dance Of
Winter Season
Dick Schumo, Ruth Kaser
Lead Colorful March On
Union Floor
The last class dance of the winter
season came to a climax at midnight
last night when the music of Jack
Miles' Band swept the crowd at the
Frosh Frolic into the grand march.
Leading the march was Richard
Schumo, general chairman of the af-
fair, who had as his guest Ruth
Kaser. Miss Kaser wore a gown of
white ribbed crepe with the ribs
flowing into a sunray effect in front
and back with a short train. The
neckline featured a cowl-line in front
with a halter back. During part of
the evening Miss Kaser wore a jacket
made in triangular shape and tying
in a loop in the back. Her jewelry
consisted of green earrings and
Closely following the leaders were
James Briegel, committee member,
and Wilhelmina Carr, who wore white
satin with a gathered neckline and
short train. Miss Carr wore green
crystal clips and earrings.
Wears White Crepe
Attending with Eugene Deming, of
the publicity committee, was Edithi
Fromm. Miss Fromm was gowned in
white crepe made with a short train
and with brilliant straps. Frank Per-
son had as his guest Ruth Loebs,
whose gown combined a white lace
top with a black crepe skirt, whil
Doris Everett, committee member,
who attended with David Nickerson,
wore light blue crepe trimmed with
Nancy Quirk, member of the com-
mittee, was charming in white satin
with a bright blue jacket, which fea-
tured large cape sleeves.
Another committee member, Mar-
jorie Turner, escorted by Gilbert
Chavenelle, wore cheery satin and
Jean Greenwald, the guest of Richard
Oliver was in coral crepe. Frank
Dannemiller and William Oliver
brought Mary Helen Therss, Can-
ton, and Jocye Dickenson.
Committee There En Masse
The feminine members of the sub-
committee on decorations were there
en masse. Kitty Jane Miller wore
powder blue crepe with a detachable
cape trimmed in white organdy and
Alice Baucherlle also chose blue. Har-
riet Heath's pink crepe formal had
a narrow collar around the low decol-
letage and Josephine Cavanaugh ap-
peared in beige flat crepe with elbow
length sleeves.
Other prominent freshmen present,
included Betty King, president of the
Freshman Girls Glee Club, who wore
purple taffeta with angel wings, and
Edith Zerbe, secretary of the organi-
zation, whose red crepe gown was
trimmed with brilliant straps.
Mary Potter, one of the freshmen
recently taken into the Comedy Club
wore a striking print and Bety Anne
Beebe, prominent in the dance work
connected with "The Pied Piper" was
attractive in white crinkled satin with
black ostrich feathers around the low
neckline and over the drop shoulders.
Jordan Hall Head Present
Betty Crist, freshman president of
Jordan Hall exemplified the latest
spring mode in her printed frock of
angel skin satin made with a deep
pleated collar lined in pink while
Mary Lou Miller's frock of beige lace
with chartreuse color accents was also
The sophomores were as well repre-
sented as the freshmen. In the crowd

were noted several of Soph Cabaret
fame among them Julie Kane in tur-
quoise blue with white organdy flow-
ers around the neck and Jean Royce
who accented her white crepe frock
with red accessories.
Others prominent in sophomore ac-
tivities were Jean Shaw, whose blonde
head rose from a mass of black net
ruffles, and Jane Peter wearing aqua
crepe with a pleated train.
Upperclassmen were represented by
Josephine Woodhams in tomato red
crepe and Mary Savage whose eel-
grey gown had voluminous sleeves
lined with gold.
Varied Colors
Betty Anne Barthel chose acua
crepe and Nancy Olds and Harriet
Hathaway wore different shades of
red. Mary Goslin's gown was a strik-
ing shade of the same color.
Josephine Wilcox and Charlotte
Rueger represented the Sorosis fresh-
men.} Miss Wilcox was in pink, the
neckline of her frock being finished'
by a small cape trimmed in coq
feathers. Miss Rueger's white wool-
lace formal was regal in its princess
cut and long train.
_ 'r

Play Producion To Fngaged To Peer
Portray A Famtous
Queens Chuircair

"Elizabeth the Queen", to be pre-
sented March 14, 15, 16, 17, by Play
Production, not only depicts an au-
thentic portion of the life of that
famous queen, but also contains a,
part of Shakespeare's "Henry the
Fourth", which was p 1 a y e d by
Shake-pcare's original company, The
Burbage Players.
Elizabeth liked the theatre, and
was especially fond of the characr
of Falstaff, and it is said that it was
at her suggestion that "The Merry
Wives of Windsor" was written, as
she "wanted to see the merry fellow
in love." In "Elizabeth the Queen",
she calls upon the Burbage Players
in a desperate effort to relieve her
mind, before the execution of the
favorite, Essex.
The advance ticket sale for theI
play has been unusually good, ac- I
cording to Valentine B. Windt, di-
rector of Play Production. Reserva-
tions have been received from To-
ledo, Detroit, and Jackson, as well
as the local requests. The box office
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
will be open afternoons every day
until the opening, with tickets on
sale at 35, 50, and 75 cents.

Hillel Foundation
Holds Formal Ball
The Hillel Foundation winter for-
mal will be held Saturday, March 17
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
League, it was announced today by
Rowena Goldstein, '35, president of
the foundation. Clark Shell and his
band will play and dancing will be
from 9:30 p. m. to midnight. Tickets
are priced at $1.10 for members and
$1.25 for non-members.
Acting as co-chairman with Miss
Goldstein is Melvin Levy, '34. The
committee is composed of Dora Elia-
sohn, '34, and Howard Levine, '36.
'rickets will go on sale today, and
they may be obtained from the com-
mittee or at the Foundation, corner
of East University and Oakland
Many Houses
Nme Pledges,
New Initiates
Alpha Epsilon Iota
A tea was' held Sunday at 4 p.m.
at which Amy Barton, '37M, Marl-
ton, N. J.; Sara Bennett, '37M, Nor-
folk, Va.; Gertrude Finkelstein, '37M,
Flint; and Eleanor Springer, '37M,
New York, N. Y., were pledged.
Alumni and patronesses were also
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi entertained the

Henry King, President Of Two Short Plays To Be
Oberlin College, Is Dead Given By Hillel Player
ByIIntrcolegat e Pres Two one act plays will be presence
OBERLIN, O., March 9 - Dr. Hen- at 8:00 p.m. Sunday at the Hhill
ry Ch urchill King, president of Ober- Foundation. The cast of the flrs
lin College for 25 years until his re- Forenc Molnar's "Violet", include
tirement in 1927, died lai week after Dorothy Wcpmnn, Dan Goldman, A
a lengthy illness. Grossinger. MiriLm, Saul, 1ranc.
The educator, who was 75. went to S e i t n e r, Marguerite Merkle: an
Paris with President Wilson in 1919 Helen Blumenstein. it is under ill
and was co-author of a report on direction of Larry Ruben. "Th
what should be done with the Near Mayor and t h e Manicurist '.b
- East. George Ade, is the other.

-Associated Press Photo
Mrs. Joseph W. Denner, Chicago
widow, is bethrothed to Lionel Lord
Tennyson, grandson of Alfred Lord
Tennyson, at one time the poet
laureate of England. The couple will
be married April 14 in Santa Bar-
bara, Cal.

Prof. Koella Is Interested In
Reorganizing Cosmopolitan Club

At a recent meeting of the Board of
the Cosmopolitan Club at the home
of Charles E. Koella, of the French
department, who has a keen interest
in the organization and its ideals,
plans were made to reorganize the
club in an attempt to make it stand
for what the name implies. The
Board, wasting no time in getting
started, has arranged for an inter-
esting lecture to be given at 8 p.m.
today in Lane Hall by Prof. Benjamin
March, and urges all American and
foreign students interested to attend.
The Cosmopolitan Club has existed
for some time, but has not been able
to live uprAto its ideals partly because
of the lack of co-operation on the
part of the American students. To
Expenses And
Staff Described
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 9. -
Twenty million dollars yearly is spent
by the New York Herald-Tribune in
gathering its news, and 24,600 people
in all parts of the world are em-
ployed directly or indirectly by the
paper, according to Wilbur S. Forrest,
chief editorial writer of the Herald-
Tribune, in an interview with the
Harvard Crimson.
Although the Herald-Tribune re-
ceives over 13,000,000 words of foreign
news a year, or enough to fill 51
papers of 32 pages each without ads,
only one half of this is printed, Mr.
Forrest stated. Most of the news
printed by the Herald-Tribune comes
directly from the paper's own sources,
although it does use some news from
other papers to fill space in its first
Among the interesting people em-
ployed by the Herald-Tribune is a
statistics man who can state or easily
find figures on everything which
happens in New York from the num-
ber of inches of snow that have fallen
every hour in a storm to the amount
of money being spent to clean it up.
Another interesting person is a lady
who is employed to do nothing but
take care of the cross-word puzzles
and who, according to Forrest, "is
better than Roget's Thesaurus as a
reference book."
Learn By Radio And
Make HEigher Grades
(By Intercolegate Press)
ROCHESTER, N. 7., March 9 -
After part of the seventh grade sci-
ence classes here was taught by ra-
dio and the rest by the regular class
room method, the children who
learned their lessons by radio passed
their examinations by slightly higher
grades than the other group.
The experiment has been followed
for more than a year. The plan also
has been the means of interesting
adults in the work of the schools be- 1
cause they are better able to under-
stand what the schools are trying to
IDwighLi Morrow, Jr.
Has Job At Amihers I
(By Intercollegiate Press)
AM H E R S T, Mass., March 9-
FDwight W. Morrow. Jr.. son of the

d make foreign students feel at ease patronesses of the sorority at a for-
and at home in this country is the mal dinner yesterday. Table dec-
aim of the organization, as the name orations consisted of spring flowCrs
would suggest, but such an ideal can- and old ivory tapers, according to
not be realized if too few American Mary Alice Baxter, '36; who was in
students appear at their meetings. charge of the affair. The patronesses
The club also seems to suffer at who were present were, Mrs. R. W.
present from a rather narrow atti- Bunting, Mrs. E. F. Lloyd, Mrs.
tude of the different nationalities Charles T. Olmstead, Mrs. William E.
among foreign students who re- Underdown, Mrs. William Inglis, and
trench themselves in their own clubs, Mrs. William W. :Krag.
obeying the general trend of the D
whole world. Mr. Koella suggests that Among those who have left town
if American students would mingle for the week end are: Joseph B.
more among the groups, they would Foster, '34, Raymond J. Crigsby, '34,
offer the moral support required in Charlton A. Mewborn, III, '36, Ed-
overcoming this strange feeling,.i .Dyo, 3,Wlim D
"There are approximately 560 stu- Laurie, '36, and Charles A. Du-
dents enrolled in the University from charme ', Spec.
foreign countries; all of these repre- Deh a pEp
sent the best from other lands, as Delta Kappa Epsilon wishes to an-
sthe arestaromysoterd.aAdsarsnounce the initiation of Robert H.
they are carefully selected. All are Denham, '36, Grand Rapids; Wil-
know them prove to be exceedingly Liam D. Laurie, '36, Grosse Pointe;
interesting," Mr. Koela said, "but Christi Everhardus, '37, Kalama-
zhey nerd the symp aid,"utCrstaczooospnHnhwJ.,r7nBom
they need the sympathetic concern zoo;d JolsphiHisamWJ.Hur, '37, om
of the American student to help them field Hills; William W. iubbard, 37,
feel at home." Grand Rapids; William G. Lyon,
At the meetings of the Club stu- '36.A, Grand Rapids; Frederick C.
dents can gather and learn 'the prob- Stiles, Grand Rapids; and Christian
lems of foreign students and those of M. Thalman, '37, River Forest, Ill.
their native countries, as well as talk Phi Sigma Sigma
about fascinating customs at home Phi Sigma Sigma held a formal
and abroad. initiation dinner last week for Gladys
"The American student is essential- Horung, '36, Corning, N. Y.; Thelma
ly a part of the Cosmopolitan Club. Chasman, '37, New York, N. Y.; Mil-
Foreign students look to them for dred Goldberg, '37, Saginaw; Eva
support and sympathy, so, in order Schneiderman, '37, Erie, Pa.; and
to reorganize and maintain the pur- Bernedine Field, '37, Fort Wayne,
pose of the organization it will be Ind.
necessary for the American students Sigma Phi
to co-operate," said Mr. Koella. Sigma Phi held its annual banquet
- at the University Club in Detroit lass
KNITTED GOODS POPULAR Saturday. Twenty-five active mem-
The chief function of the glove this bers and twenty-five alumni were
spring is to match and carry out the present. John S. Cooper, '14, was one
note of the costume. Gloves of the of the speakers.
same fabric as the dress itself are I_--
fashion's favorites, with knitted ones The state of Ohio's collegiate
worn with the knitted suits which are population numbers 41,784 in 26
so popular. schools.



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Where To Go





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