The eatherfitga
Fhai ad continued cold tr-
day; gentle <northwest "wind
ERA And Student Chisele
sinine Adolph .
Is Issued
Jack Miles' Orchestra Is Just
Spinach With Grit To Schumo
Plans, Dates
Are Se
Leaders In 13 Fields To
Convene Here On March
15, 16, And 17
Meliwain To Give
Feature Address
University Men A p p e ar
To Dominate Group Of
Michigan Scholars
Michigan's elite in 13 fields rang-
ing from anthropology to philosophy
and history to medical science will
convene here Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday, March 15, 16, and 17 to
attend addresses and section meet-
ings of the 39th annual conclave of
the Michigan Academy of Science,
Arts, and Letters, it Was announced
yesterday by Prof. Leigh J. Young
of the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, who is secretary of the
All of the addresses and section
meetint, are open, to the public,
Professor Young said.
Dr. Charles H. Mcllwain of Harv-
ard University will deliver the fea-
ture address of the three-day session
at 4:15 p.m. Thursday in Natural
Science Auditorium. He will discuss
"Whig Sovereignty and Real Sov-
Prof. Sanders To Speak Friday
The .presidential address will be
given by Prof, Henry A. Sanders,
chairman of the Department of
Speech and General Linguistics, at
!8 p.m. Friday: in Natural Science
Auditorium. Professor Sanders has
chosen as his subject "Recent Text
Studies in the New Testament."
S To a large extent University of
Michigan, men will; dominate' the
Academy convention. Nine of the
13 sections which have arranged lec-
ture a n d disi ti' grotips are.
headed by University representatives.
The University heads are Bessie B.
Kanouse, botany; Prof. Shorey Pet-
erson, economics and sociology; Prof.
W. F. Ramsdell, forestry; A. J. Eard-
ley, geology and mineralogy; Harold
M. Dorr, history and political science,
Prof. William A. McLaughlin, lan-
guage and literature; Prof. DeWitt
H. Parker, philosophy; Prof. How-
ard B. Lewis, sanitary and medical
science; and Prof. F. C. O'Roke,
Two University men in addition to
Professor Sanders and pFofessor
Young hold ofDce in the Academy.
They are Prof. Peter Okkelberg of
the zoology department, who has
the pbst of editor, and William W.
Bishop, head of the Department of
Library Science, who serves as li-
University Men Prominent
Five of the seven standing commit-
tees of the Academy are headed by
University men. The University com-
mittee chairmen are Prof. Burton D.
Thuma of the psychology depart-
ment, local committee; Prof. Preston
E. James of the geography depart-
ment, membership committee; Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven, pub-
lications committee; Prof. K. C. Mc-
Murry, chairman of the geography
department, conservation commit-
tee; and Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury,
chairman of the psychology depart-
ment, honorable mention committee.
The annual reception, to which all
mbmbers of the Academy, candi-
dates for membership, and( guests
are invited, will be held at 8 pm.
Thursday in the Grand Rapids Room
of the League. Mrs. Henry A. San-
ders is chairman of the committee
in charge of the arrangements for
the reception, and is assisted by Mrs.
Alexander G. Ruthven, Mrs. Edward
L. Adams. Mrs. John W. Eaton, Mrs.
John H. Ehlers, Mrs. Bradley M.
Davis, Mrs. Albert H. Stockard, and
Mrs. Leigh J. Young.
The Academy is officially affiliated
1 with the American Association for
the Advancement of Science and re-
(Continued ofn Page 2)
What are pants without sus-'
What is pork Without beans?
And what is a Frosh Frolic without
an orchestra?
That is the question bewildered
committeemen and embryonic B.M.-
O.C.'s in white gloves put to one an-
other last night when no music was
forthcoming from the bandstand as
9:30 came and passed.
Faced with certain disaster, Chair-
man Richard Schumo, hastily called
a meeting of his fellow-impresarios.
Armed with red ribbons and white
badges they scurried nervously about
the lobby of the Union in search of
orchestral talent.
At about this juncture, the advance
detachment of the engaged musical
unit arrived with no instruments, no
uniforms and only half of the orches-
trations. It developed that among the
missing were the leader of the band
himself, Jack Miles, and one piano
After what seemed to Schumo to
be eons, but was in reality only a
few minutes, word came that the
missing equipment and bandsmen
had been left stranded in Elyria, 0.,
when Miles' imperial roadster de-
veloped internal complications. It was
also learned that the instruments,
music, and uniforms were on their
way .to Ann Arbor in a farmer's truck
chartered especially for the occasion
to complete the journey.
Resourceful committeemen soon
produced enough musicians to fill up
the vacant chairs on the bandstand,
and instruments were borrowed from
Varsity bandsmen. At 10:30 p.m. the
leaderless orchestra swung into the
dance with the strains of "The Last
Roundup," with Milton Peterson,
Union opera director, at the piano.
Due to the absence of uniforms,
bandsmen were clad in informal at-
tire, one of them appearing in gray
flannels, jersey sweater and tuxedo,
coat. As The Daily went to press the,
piano player appeared on the scene
with instruments and orchestrations
and the information that trombonist
and leader Jack Miles was holding
hands with a disabled clutch some-
where in the neighborhood of Cleve-
And so we say what is Jack Miles'
Band of Bands without Jack Miles?
Two More Army
Air Mail Pilots
Die In Crashes
Precipitates A Republican
Attack In House; Total
Killed Raised To Eight
(By Associated Press)
Death of two more Army mail
fliers in arashes Friday raised to
eight the total killed since the service
took over the airmail and precipi-
tated an attempted Republican at-
tack in the House of Representatives.
Lieut. Otto Wienecke was killed
near Chardon, O., when his plane
crashed in a snowstorm. He was car-
rying mail from Newark to Cleveland.
Sergt. Ernest B. Bell lost his life
in the crash of a big Army bomber
,shortly after it..had taken, off with
mail from Daytona Beach, Fla. Lieut.
W. M. Reid, the pilot, and Pvt. Floyd
Marshall were injured.
After learning of the deaths, Rep.
Edith Nourse Rogers, Massachusetts
Republican, asked the House to give
immediate consideration to a resolu-
tion saying Army mail carrying
should stop at once. But Speaker
Henry T. Rainey refused to recognize
Mrs. Rogers later asked to speak
for five minutes. Democratic Leader
Joseph W. Byrns, however, objected
and brought about immediate ad-
Six Army pilots had been killed
on flights in connection with airmail
operation before Friday's accidents.
Lieutenants Jean D. Grenier and Ed-
win D. White lost their lives in
Weber Canyon, Utah, on Feb. 16,
Lieut. James Y. Eastham crashed
at Jerome, Ida., on the same day
and was burned to death.
Lieut. Durward O. Lowry, of Sel-
fridge Field, was killed on Feb. 22
near Deshler, O., and Fred I. Pat-
rick lost his life near Denison, Tex.
The next day Lieut. George F. Mc-
Dsrmott, was drowned in the ocean
off Long Island after an amphibian
bearing three aviators was forced,
down on the water.
Samuel Insull Reported
Able To Leave Greece
ATHENS, March 9. - (A) - Physi-
cians reported to the ministry of the
interior today Samuel Insull, Sr.,
could travel if precautions were tak-
en to guard his health.
Voters On Beer Must
Register By Tuesday
Persons wishing to vote April 2
on the East Side beer ban and who
are not yet registered, must do so
by 8 p. m. Tuesday, March 13.
Those having moved to a dif-
ferent ward since voting the last
time, are required to re-register.
Anyone with six months' residence
in the city, students excepted, is
eligible to cast a ballot.
Liquor Quotas
Raised; Lower
Prices Sougrht
President Thinks Charges
For Domestic Liquors
Are Now Too High
WASHINGTON, March 9. -/)-
President Roosevelt announced to-
day a lifting of the liquor quotas to
permit unlimited entry for 30 to 60
The President wishes to lower the
price of domestic liquors, which he
regards as too high.
Announcement also was made that
permits would be given several small
distillers which failed to submit their
applications in time for the domestic
These distilleries will add about
44,000,000 gallons a year to the do-
mestic supply.
Just when the unlimited importa-
not been definitely fixed, but it is
expected to go into effect almost im-
The President acted after talking
over the situation with his Cabinet
and with Joseph H. Choate, General
alcohol administrator.
Mr. Roosevelt made it plain that
the purpose was to slash prices.
No consideration has been given
to cutting the tariff on liquor im-
Retrial Denied Two
Will Coincide With Finale
Of University Activities
For School Year
McCormiick Heads
Group hIt Charge
May Festival And Other
Events Are Scheduled
For The Week-End
Preliminary plans for the fourth
annual Spring Homecoming, to be
held May 11, 12, and 13, were an-
nounced yesterday by Edward W.
McCormick, '34, chairman of the
committee in charge:! The event this
year will be in the nature of a finale
to all University actiities, inasmuch
as its dates coincide with those of
the closing social events of the school
Among other events scheduled for
this week-end are the May Festival,
numerous fraternity and sorority
spring houseparties two athletic
events in which Michigan teams will
compete,rand Mother s Day. May 13,
the latter to be specially celebrated.
Spring Games Abandoned
The spring games between first-
and second-year classes, which nor-
mally come at this time, will not be
a part of the program because lack
of interest in them in the past few
years has been so pronounced that
it has been almost impossible to get
either class to organize for the com-
Open House will be held on all
parts of the campus. in connection
with this homecoming and special
exhibits and plans will be made by
the various units concerned. Mc-
Cormick expressed the hope of the
committee that students as well as
their guests will take advantage of
this opportunity to see their own
campus and become better acquaint-
ed with all its features.
Fraternity and sorority co-opera-
tion will be essential to the success
of the plans, McCormick believes, as
it will be their job to make sure
that other plans do not conflict with
the general ones.
Dr. Ruthven Honorary Chairman
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will serve as honorary chairman of
the committee; Julie Kane, '36, as
assistant chairman; and Lawrence
Clayton, '35, as secretary. Dean Alice
C. Lloyd, Dean Joseph A. Bursley,
Dr. Charles A. Sink, T. Hawley Tap-
ping, and Miss Ethel McCormick
complete the list of faculty and ad-
ministrative members.
Student members include Bethel
B. Kelley, '34. representing the In-
terfraternity Council; Thomas K.
Connellan, '34, representing The
Daily; Gilbert E. Bursley, '34, the
Undergraduate Council; Robert A.
Saltzstein, '34, the Union; Grace
Mayer, '34, the League; Elizabeth
Aigler, '35, the Panhellenic Associa-
tion; Sherwood Messner, '34, the
Student Christian Association; and
Clarence Blanding, '34, the engineer-
ing college.
Sundwall Gives
Suggests That Parley Be
Understood Only As A
Means To An End
That the Spring Parley is deficient
because "the annual public catechiz-
ing of professors for a few hours on
the part of several hundred students,
more or less simultaneously, does not
constitute the most effective method
of arriving at deep-rooted convictions
of what is the good, the true, and
the beautiful," was the belief ex-
pressed yesterday by Rabbi Bernard
Heller of the Hillel Foundation.
Rabbi Heller, in his main criti-
cism of the Parley, contended con-
victions of vital, personal, and social
matters, religious creeds and philo-
sophies of life are usually the product
of systematic readings and prolonged
reflections. This, he said, is the chief
flaw of the Parley; that it may seem
to offer to the student "a canned
philosophy of life" in two days.
Cannot Reveal Attitudes
"Not only is the Parley incapable
of giving to students profound con-
victions," Rabbi Heller continued,
"but it is deficient even in revealing
to them the inner attitudes and af-
firmations of the professors whom
they interrogate.
"How silly it is to expect a person
to crystallize and reveal the nature
and the notions of his inner self
in a series of brief questions that are
haphazardly thrown at him by a
crowd of students numbering in the
hundreds," said Rabbi Heller.
In his criticism, of the Parley, he
mentioned two minor phases of it
which he considers detrimental to its
success but too unimportant in them-
selves to condemn the whole Parley.
Says 'Annual Catechizing'
Not Effective Method Of
Gaining Convictions
Scottsboro Negroes Talk On Health
DECATUR, Ala., March 9-(P)
A new effort for a retrial of Hey-
wood Patterson and Clarence Nor-
ris, two of nine Negroes under death
sentence in the "Scottsboro Case,"
was denied by Judge W. W. Calla-;
han in Morgan Circuit Court today.
Toastmasters Society Revived;
Banquet Honoring Initiates Held,
Research Auto To
Be Shown Monday
An hour's demonstration on a
travelling research laboratory auto-
mobile, showing tests regarding fuel,
pickup, and other features of motor
on: r,ation. will he given at 9 a.m.
The initiation of ten undergradu-
ates at a banquet last night in the
Union marked the revival of the sec-
ond oldest honor society on the cam-
pus, Toastmasters Club, which has
been out of existence since 1921.
A nucleus of alumni who under-
took the re-establishment of the or-
ganization were present for the ini-
tiation, at which Thomas E. Powers,
'34, managing editor of the Gargoyle,
Alfred B. MacChesney, '34L, Harold
P. Hesler, '33E, Thomas B. Roberts,
Jr., '34, Robert A. Saltzstein, '34,
president of the Union, Frederick S.
Kohl, '34E, William T. Brownson,
'34 Eric E .ommer '35E Paul R.
a "box of goodies" from home, and j
distributed them among his friends.
Quite naturally other boys received
other boxes and a fellowship which
gradually expanded into larger pro-
portions evolved, according to the
explanation of John Q. Adams, '94,
one of the first members.
Toastmasters is unlike the major-
ity of honor societies on the campus
in that it seeks its members from
all schools and colleges, recruiting
men of keen wit and a ready tongue
who show a desire to improve them-
selves as ready conversationalists
and after-dinner speakers. It aims to
prove that the University student
In Soviet State
Sees Improved Sanitary
Conditions; Commends
Five-Year Plan
"Communism is the desire to make
Russia the leading country of the
world," said Dr. John Sundwall, di-
rector of the division of hygiene and
public health, in an address on
"Health in Russia" before the Rous-
sky Kroujok at Lane Hall last night.
"The success of the five-year plan
rests upon the discipline, the spirit,
and the ideals which have been in-
stilled," he declared, "Its success can
not be measured in bricks and mor-
tar, in tangible things. That is why
casual tourists are incapable of see-
ing the really important things upon
which the security and the future of
Russia depend."
The Russian Government is dis-
playing an amazing capacity for fac-
ing reality. In other civilized coun-
tries we are too squeamish to call a
spade a spade, and deal with it
-it~lsL.t Gi . 1