9, 1934
Screen 'Reflections
Campus Opinion
.Oka . i
f e John ..................Adolph Menjou
Car.ol................. Genevieve Tobin
Charlotte .... :.........Mary Astor
Eric...... ...Edward Everett Horton
Eric pretty well sums up the show when he
says, in the fade-out, something resembling this:
"You can't imagine how surprised I was to learn
that the femaleherring, while breeding, spawns
~ s f , ,..-. between 400 and 500 eggs." This comedy is little
Published every morning except Monday during the more than a buresque dressed up in fine clothes
University year and Summer Session by the Board in 1 and the Hollywood idea of gentility. When the
Control of Stu~dent Publications. dialogue is supposed to be funny, it gets a. laugh
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association leca use t be uay, it s ut-
and the Big Ten News Service. Only because of its brazen quality, for it is ut-
terly devoid of subtlety; when the dialogue oc-
sso+;iat o-eiat res casionally tries to be serious, it becomes labored,
;-w '93)3134 Estilted. The picture is awarded two stars merely
MEMBER OF THE AsOCIATED PRESS because most audiences will probably gain amuse-
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use menit out of the bare-faced situation, because
for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or Genevieve Tobin is the only actress in polite movie
not otherwise credited in thl; paper and the local newsns
published herein. All rights of republication of special comedy who can get away with goo-goo eyes andI
dispatches are reserved, an incongruous giggle, because Edward Everett
Entered at the rost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Horton ge r ms i re, because Ad ope
second class matter. Special rate of postfige granted by or nev ises fire d cause Adolphe
Third A.,,1tant Postmnaster-Gleneral. I Menjou looks incredibly foolish hiding in a bed-
Subscriytion during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mall, room-closet.
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.BBriefly (and, in this case, it is well to be extra-
Ofilces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, brief), Carol loves her husband John, John doesn't
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: college Publications Representatives, love Carol, John loves Charlotte, Charlotte
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, -New York City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, loves John, Eric loves Carol, Eric is John's best
Chicago. friend. John takes leave of Carol every afternoon
Telephone 4925 so that he can play polo (Charlotte). This situ-
MANAGINO.EDITOR .........THOMAS K. CONNELLAN ation is quite funny, and one doesn't really raise
CITY EDITOR.........................BRACKLEY SHAW his eyebrowsuntil he discovers that Carol who
SPORTS EDITOR...............ALBERT H. NEWMAN doesn't appear to be older than 25 and who is
WOMEN'DI ...TO .................CAROL . 11ANAN still passionately in love with John, has a daugh-
ter who is about to be married. Thus the whole
KTGHT E.DITORh: A.111llis'Ball, +611,110, ., olt rer, Wvi itslli affair takes -on an Antony-and-Cleopatra tone
(. Ferris, John C. Healey, George val Vieckc, (iy M.
wipple, Jr. that isn't at. all Shakespearean. It is comic -
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car- if you like that sort of thing.
Stens, Sidney Franiel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorle The. supporting bill is mostly excellent: the
Western. newsreel is very good, there is an entertaining
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum, Newman .'Travelogue about Venice and adjoining
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan. territory, and a grand collection of shots of the'
world's navies in action., A musical technicolor
EEPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden . fDwight,
Paul J. Elliott, Courtney .A. Evans, Thomas 'E. Croehrn, two-reeler ought to be much shorter.
John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorci, David
G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parkcr, Wil-
)lam R Reed, -Robert 8, Ruwitch, Robert, J. St. Clair,
Arthur S. Settle, Marshal D. Silverman, Arthur M.
Dorothy 'Giee, Jean Jlanmer, Florence Harper, 'Marie
feld, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Lcebs, Josephine McLean,
Marjorie Morrison, Sally'Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn
Rietdyk, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ...'...............
.................CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMEN.T MANAGERS: Local Advertising,'Fred Her-
trick; Classitted Advertising, Ru sell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuus; Circulation, Jack E-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dun kint, Mton Kra-
mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rotbard,
James Scott, David Winkworth.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Cluff, Patricia Dal , Genevieve Fied, Louise
Fiore, Doris Gimnmy, Betty dree, Bllie Giffilth$, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds.
Dean Lloyd Grants
Hour Modification. . .
IN BEHALF of the campus we thank
Dean Lloyd for her accession to
co-ed request for later hours. Everyone concerned
is grateful for the extradhqur senior women are
to be permitted on Saturday nights.
Dean Lloyd's action is one more benefit directly
traceable to last fall's all-campus poll by the
Undergraduate Council. It marks another mile-
stone in the greatest single year's progress at
Michigan toward the goal of student-faculty co-
operation and student freedom.
Subsequent to the poll Dean Lloyd, it will be
remembered, issued a statement flatly rejecting
the whole proposed set of modifications of co-ed
hour rules with the exception of this one applying
to special Saturday permission for seniors. The
Daily believed that the logic of her statement was
amazingly faulty, that its point of view was typi-
cally paternalistic and blind to what we be-
lieve to be the needs of the undergraduate body.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and we stick
to ours.
But, however sharply we may have expressed
our criticism, we did not impute to her any but
genuinely sincere motives. We and we trust the
whole campus have no slightest doubt but that
she is actuated only by what she considers to be
the right principles for the regulation of co-ed
Further than this, we did not doubt for a min-
ute that she would keep her -promise to consider
favorably a well-worked-out solution of the prob-
lem of administrative difficulties inherent in the
request for the additional hour on Saturdaynight
for seniors. Faith has been kept, as everyone
who knows Dean Lloyd was sure it would be.
Time alone can determine whose principles are
right, hers or ours. We shall have to visit Michi-
gan tomorrow to learn whether it has gone the
way of Chicago or the way of Oxford. We hope
with all our hearts that it will be the former,
the way of practiced belief by University of-
ficials in the integrity and maturity and dignity
of its student body.
Today we must express gratitude that our Dean
of Women, although her conception of the 'under-
graduate character is so opposed to ours, is fair-
minded and tolerant and meticulously honorable
in keeping her agreements.
Musical Events
-.w -W..
THE tudent Halth
AT THIS TIME of the year, the so-called "cold
season," a ;large number of individuals be-
come unduly alarmed and hurriedly consult their
physicians concerning the presence of an exces-
sive amount of post-nasal discharge which they
refer to as post-nasal drip or catarrh. The usual
cmplaint is of an abnormally large quantity of
mucoid material dripping into the back part of
the throat. Their description of this material
varies from that of a thin, watery consistency to a
thick, viscous discharge, and it is described as
being of a greyish color by some, while others
find it to be yellowish. There is grave concern
about the symptom in the patient's mind, and
usually a fear is expressed that it is caused by
a chronic sinus disease. In the overwhelming
majority ,of cases, this latter concern is unfound-
ed. The -patient also worries over the possibility
of dangerous results from the constant swallow-
ing of this material, whereas, the fact remains
that almost invariably it is harmless.
It has been found that in most of these cases
the post-nasal discharge is the result of certain
physiological factors w.which will be explained
here, and that only when the discharge of con-
stantly yellowish, creamy, abundant and associ-
ated with head or face pains and generalized ill-
feeling, is it a symptom of actual nose or sinus
By means of a short explanation of the physi-
ology, function, and normal reactions of the nasal
structure, the presence of the increased amount
of post-nasal discharge in the large majority of
cases will be seen to be a natural consequence
and will alleviate the above-mentioned fears.
In the first place, the nose has several extreme-
ly important functions in the life of every individ-
ual, and for that purpose has developed an ad-
mirably effective mechanism. The three most im-
portant nasal functions are: Mechanical protec-
tion, humidifiction, and temperature regulation of
inspired air. Since the nose is the gateway be-
tween the -external environment and the delicate
internal structures of the lower air passages, it
must of necessity remove as many of the dele-
terious qualities of the air as possible.
This is brought about by the daily production
of approximately one pint of fluid, derived from
the mucous glands and blood vessels of the nose.
in a warm atmosphere. Consequently it is only
Experiments have shown that considerably more
fluid is secreted in the presence of cold air than
natural that the patient will complain of exces-
sivesive post-nasal discharge during tle winter
months,.especially when going from a warm house
into the cold air.
After the fluid has served its purpose in hu-
midifying and warming the air, it forms a thin,
viscous blanket of mucous covering the entire sur-
face of the. nasal .cavities and further serves by
collecting foreign bodies, including dust particles
and bacteria. This entire mucoid layer is con-
stantly being propelled backward to the throat by
the powerful wavelike action of innumerable hair-
like structures called cilia. So rapidly does this
movement go on, that a complete change of mu-
cus covering of the throat is unconsciously swal-
lowed ordinarily.
It can be seen from this short exposition of the
functions of nasal mucus that it is rather a be-
nign than a malign agent, for the most part, and
that if the general condition of an individual is
good, there is little to worry about in the con-
dition above described.
Letters published in this column should not 'be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opin ion of The1
Daily. Anonymo communicatons will be disrarded.
The names of commuriicants wll,. however, be. re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining- themselves to less
than 300 words if possible..
To the Editor:
Something has been bothering me ever since I
came here- as a freshman last fall, and as no one,
even the president of my fraternity,-can solve it
for me, I am taking-.the liberty 'of writing to you.
What I want to, know is why we men aren't get-
ting a fair break? We pay just as many fees
as the women and the University doesn't do half
as much for us. We don't get any nice ready-
made dormitories. We have to go ferret them
out for ourselves. We -don't even get a dean to
ourselves, like the women get. But what is worst
is this problem' of our health. Look at all the
precautions the University takes for the women!
Don't we rate any? They make them get in pret-
ty early so that they'll be sure to be good and
strong for all their school work, but they don't
seem to give a darn Whether we men flunk out or
not. We pay health service fees too, but just
correspondence schools, once they get our money
they don't seem to give a darn what happens to
us. Seems -to me that we men need just as much
sleep as the women do, but we can stay out all
night for all they care. - They even take special
pains for the freshmen women, only letting them
go out-on week-ends,-but its.-just as hard for we
(sic) men to get accustomed to a big school, but
do they care? I'm sure my mother cares just I
as much about my. 'health as she does my sis-
ter's, but look at what the University does for my
sister... And they teach us that men are men-
tally three years younger than our sisters, so it
looks to me as though we need double -protection
and look at -what they do, they don't give us
any! And also, when I spent last week-end in
Detroit with my girl-friend, she had to "sign-
out" for the home of her girl-friend, and when I
asked her why, she said it was in case her mother
got sick or something, the house Mother -could
get hold of her and let .her -know. Now Sally's
mother is strong as a horse and mine has been
sick off and on for five years and so when I
heard that I couldn't hardly wait to sit down
and write this letter to you so you could print it
in your column called ".Campus- Opinion" and
then maybe Mr. Bursley or somebody could tell
me why this unfair discrimination against we
ol egia- Observer
- "Co-eds as Seen by Men" is the title of a
recent -magazine article based on the results of
,a survey which covered somne of the largest
colleges in this country. It is covered by two
Her first GRAND PASSION is to tell you aboutI
her affairs with other men.
At a soda fountain she will quite exceed the
limit, especially if you age madly in love with her.
She will brazenly borrow your personal effects,
shirts, sweaters, etc.
When she kisses you her mind is on other
things, (Like kissing a.Lamp post).
If the fancy strikes her she will deliberately
lead you on, then make a damn fool of you.
She hangs on your arm and gushes over you
if she wants a favor.,
Now and then she tells little lies.
Often she plays on the standards of conven-
:on (to her advantage) casting subtle hints about
how a perfect gentleman should act. She -will
bribe you with caresses or half-heartedly yield
to some of your milder whims.
In return for your having taken her to an Im-
portant social event, she (very naively) arranges
a date -for you with one of her (they're always
dumb) new pledge sisters or perhaps prospective
She takes great pride in straightening your
tie or flicking imaginary specks of dandruff from
your collar.
When you are studying too hard, she notices the
fact and reminds you in a motherly sort of way
about all the energy you are wasting. (All men
respect this kind of advice).
Because of an extravagant expenditure -of mon-
ey, she fairly raises Cain, then administers a de-
lightful lecture on economy.
She will always close her eyes when you kiss
She will gently lay her head on your shoulder,
snuggle up close to you 'and absent-mindedly play
with your ,coat lapel while you take business, poli-
tics, or some such subject. (A man really feels
important when she does this).
When you pay excessive attention to some other
woman, she will not nag you, but she will feel,
Your slightest whims are observed.
You, can. easily. tale advantage -of her, but
not without it hurting your conscience.
Co-eds, according to the Pitt Panther, are
like a pack .of cigarettes: You can't enjoy
more than one at a time.
Again a joke about the absent--minded profes-
sor: This time a member of the Iowa State College
filled his cigarette lighter with an inflammable
mixture and worked for hours trying to light it
before he realized that the label on the can meant
that the liquid wouldn't burn.
This comes from a want-ad in the Universi-
* f 1x-f: nnDily. WasfteA d m. Rrlev heaaita-
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.
G FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1934 ulty of this College on Friday, March
VOL. XLIV No. 114 9, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West
Engineering Building. A report will
be given by the Committee on Re-
Notices quirements for Graduate Degrees.
To the Members of the University j
Council: The next meeting of the Faculty, School of Education: The
University Council will be held Mon- special faculty meeting called for
day, March 12, at 4:15 p.m., Room Thursday evening, Vtarch 15, has
1009 Angell Hall. been postponed to Thursday evening,
Louis A. Hopkins, Sec. March 22, at 7:30 o'clock in the Ele-
mentary School Building.
FERA Announcement: Beginning
March 1, the rate for all students
employed under the FERA will be 40c,
per hour, and the earning of each(
student shall be from $10 to $20 pert
month, corresponding to a minimumt
of 25 hours and a maximum of 50
hours, providing further that 30 hours
is the maximum for any one week1
and 8 hours for any one day. Thet
University grant is computed on the
basis of the number of students em-t
ployed at $15 per month, therefore
an average of 37 1-2 hours per stu-1
dent per month must be maintained
and must not .be exceeded except by
special permission. Employment for
more than the average number ofr
hours can be arranged by a supervisor
only when he employs more than one
student. Such adjustments should be1
taken up at once with H. S. Ander-
son, 'Cost Clerk, Buildings and
Grounds Department.
In no case shall students be trans-r
ported by automobiles on FERA proj-
ects , until evidence has been fur-
nished to me that sufficient liabilityt
insurance is provided by the owner of
the car. .
Lewis M. Gram.
Director University FERA. k
University Loan Committee: The-
Loan Committee will meet on Friday,
March 9, at 1:30 p.m., in Room 2,
University Hall. Students who have
filed applications with the Office of
the Dean of Students should call at
that office for an appointment with
the 'Committee.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman.
Extension Division Non - Credit1
Course in Psycho-Therapy: The Ex-
tension Division of the Universityt
wishes to make the following sup-
plementary announcement regarding
the non-credit extension course on
the "Principles of Psycho-Therapy"
to be given by Dr. Hans von Hatting-
berg, special lecturer in Psycho-1
Therapy at the University of Berlin:3
The course, as mentioned, will con-
sist of lectures and disc.ussions bear-
ing upon the nature and content of
Psycho-Therapy, developing particu-
larly its clinical relations. This course,,
it should be emphasized, is strictly
a professional ohe and consequently;
the enrollment I must be definitely
limited and selected with this in view.'
Accordingly, only physicians and a
few others especially qualified by pro-
fessional training and experience,
may be admitted. With the above
understanding, those who desire to
enroll should leave their names and1
qualifications at the Extension Office
at their earliest convenience. This
procedure should be followed regard-
less of steps applicants may have ;
taken previously to insure enrollment.!
Faculty, College of Engineering:f
There will be a meeting of the Fac- l
University Radio Talk Over WJR:
2:00 p.m., "The Education and Work
of the Forester," Samuel T. Dana,
dean of the School of Forestry and
Graduate Students in Mechanical
Engineering: Will you kindly see Miss
Coon in Room 221 West Engineering
Building at once regarding represen-
tation in the 1934 group picture. This
does not eliminate uninterested
Senior Engineers: Pay dues this
week on second floor of West Engi-
neering Building.
Mechanical Engineering Seniors:
All seniors who have not yet brought
in their print for the Mechanical-
Engineering group picture should see
Miss Coon in Room 221 West Engi-
neering Building at once.
Outing For Graduate Students: See
the notice for the Outcoor Club.
Attention: Due to the unprece-
dented demand for tickets for Eliza-
beth the Queen, March 14, 15, 16, 17
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
the box office will open at 12 noon
=today and will be open daily: from
'12 to8 p.m. except Sunday when it
will be open from 3 to 5. Reservations
may be made by calling 6300.
A cademic Notices
English .31: Final examinations
(make-up) for students who recieved
grades of Incomplete in sections
meeting at 1 and 2 p. m. last semes-
ter will be offered Saturday after-
noon, March 10, at 2 p.m. in Room
2219 A.H.
A. L. Hawkins.
Geology II: There will be a blue-
book Friday, March 9, in the Audito-
rium at the lecture hour, to cover the
material so far presented this se-
Sociology 121 and 141: Make-up
examinations for the first semester
will be held in room 310 Haven Hall
at 9 a.m., Saturday, March 10.
Events Today
English Journal Club meets Friday
-in the League. Business meeting at
4:00. Program open to the public at
4:15. Subject: The Place of Linguis-
tics in Graduate Study. Speakers: Mr.
Yamagiwa, Mr. Coon, Mr. Cassidy.
Japanese Club meeting in the Rus-
sian Tea Room, League Building, Fri-
day, March 9, at 8:00 p~m.
Roger Williams Guild: 6:30, the
28th annual banquet will be held in
the parlors of the First Baptist
Church. Dr. Charles True Goodsell,
vice-president of Kalamazoo College
and head of the history department,
will speak on the subject, "Students
and the New Social Order." For ticket
reservations, dial Guild House, 7332.
Theosophy: The Ann Arbor Theo-
sophical Society will hold its usual
meeting at 8:00 o'clock, Michigan
League. Dr. Jiminez will discuss the
Origin of Sin. Those interested are
cordially welcome.
Roussky-Kroujok: Dr. John Sund-
wall will speak on "Public Health and
Its Problems in Soviet Russia," at
8:00 p.m., Lane Hall. All interested
are cordially invited.
Dollfuss: Dr. Francis S. Ondrdonk
will lecture under the auspices of the
Tolstoy League 'on "Dollfuss and the
Heimwehr," 4:15, in Natural Science
Auditorium. A short silent motion
picture portraying a clash between
Social Democrats and Nazis in Vienna
in 1924 will be screened.
Coming Events
Phi Sigma: Election of new mem-
bers will take place on March 14 after
the regular meeting. Members wish-
ing' to nominate-candidates please see
Mr. Frank Hinds (3115 N.S.) imme-
Outdoor Club has obtained the
swimming facilities of'the Intramural
Building for Saturday night. A mixed
splash party will be held at -7:30. All
nembers invited, " Well as anybody
'desiring to participate. -Be prompt
as the doors will -be closed -shortly
after the meeting hour. All those de-
siring to participate must -register at
Lane Hall, phone 8969, not later than
'Friday night.
Basketball Examination: The the-
oretical examination for Basketball
Officials will be given at 4 o'clock on
Monday, March 12, in Office 3, Wa-
terman Gymnasium.
Young Democrat's Club: Meeting
Sunday, March 11, at 3:30 in the
League. Everyone interested is wel-
Congregational Student Fellow-
ship: The Fellowship will give an
informal dance' -Saturday evening in
the parlors of the church, from 8:30
until 12. Admission will be 25 cdents.
The six o'clock' Sunday meeting
will be addressed by Professor Hover,
of M.S.N.C. Professor Hover will
speak on "That Temple of Civiliza-
Lutheran Student Club has been
invited to meet with the Baptist Stu-
dent Group on Sunday evening,
March 11. Lutheran students will first
meet at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall
at 5:30 p.m.
Young Peoples' Society, Church of
Christ (Disciples): Subject for Sun-
day evening, "Primitive Religions."
Papers by Mr. Schanbacher and Mr.
-Lemert followed by discussion. Tea at
6:00, meeting at 6:30.
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