THE MICHIGAN DAILY i j -A oCW* cci Pres. Pn'to A romance like a fairy tale of fifilon came triue today with the wedding at noon yesterday. of Sigvard, prince of Sweden, duke of Upp- land and gracndsonj of the Swedish kind, to the beautiful Fraulein Erika Patz, 2,3-year-old daughter of a BEerlin industrialist. In taking his commoner bride at a e gistry uffilee in, the heart of busy Londoi, the U(-year--old prince- li6ke Lennart,,his .cousin -aban- donied his )ricely ri hts for a romantic union with the girl of his dreams. Dissertation Concerni*ng Wart 'administration of arsenic and mler- cury either by mouth or injection. As these drugs are very poisonous, their administration should be under the control of a physicion. Probably X- ray for the warts involving the soles and the use of the electric needle for lesions occurring elsewhere on the body represent the most satisfactory forms of treatment, the report con- cluded. ue hosGreek s ForgottenDpatent Unoer I 1 o er H'r P laem ent ;As Su }r enis lTu rnTo .Ecotinmtcs Ma r1k I?.7Groups I, II-4 pm Fv~ i or Leal By RALPH G. COULTER political scence, 19; Latin, 16; psy- Groups III-4:30 p.m. ---- -- Of all the 31 departments in the ,chiology, 13; geography, '10; GermanIGop V-:0pm Dr. 'Ptrdoxu Reports A 30 literary college, to the economics de-1 six; Spanish and physics, each five; _______ partment went the distintion of at-I undivided romance languages, four; Per Cent Increase For j tracting the greatest number of jun-E landscape design, three; bacteriology, Thief At Liquor S w 193 ve:13 ios and senors in the first semester biology, fine arts, geology, and phil- Plc over under the new cncentr anon program osophy, each two; and botany, min- Mips 100 O e The uccss f te UnverityBu-requirements. according to statistics Ieralogy, and Oriental languages end compiled last semester but made pub-; liteaturies, each one. No students had CIAO ac . . ~oe reau of Appointments and Occupa- ;lie for the first time ye'sterday. Greek, ?yet begun concentration in four de- body tole $1,000 wvort h of xkre liquors tional Information in finding the strangely enough, had not a single partments, including, besides Gxrek, today from the National Wine and rgtmnowoa toflscolfollower. anthropology, astronomy, and Italian. Liquor Show, despite the presence of and college- teaching positions has in-T creased from approximately 50 per Forty-nine of the 426 pursuing de Nomr rcntfgswl e 100 guards and_ detectives. It was centin 930to 0 pr cnt n 133.gree programs in various branches of aalbeutlsm ieltri centin 130 t 80 er cnt i 1 3. 'the semester. Prof. Daniel L. ;Rich, taken from the roof bungalow of the these figures are revealed in the re- the literary, college were in economics ietr fcasiiain. si ete-Sema.Htl whereapa e Iport of Dr. T. Luther Purdom, direc- This was 11.5 per cent of the toa dayIwapn ots wshl atngt tor of the Bureau. 1 Close on the heels of the leadier were wrpigcnetashllstih. Heavy reductions in educational !4.fenh wih 5,ad