The Weaiher Unsettled, probably local snow flurries; tomorrow, cloudy and continued cold. Y litt pw ai Editorials Dean Lloyd Grants Hour Modification . 11 I VOL. XLIV No. 114 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS First Impetus Given League Merit System New Plan For Election Of Officers Gets Unanimous Approval Of Directors To Discard System Of All Campus Vote Measure Must Yet Pass Governors And Repre- sentatives Boards The merit system for League elec- tions as contrasted with the all- campus vote of past years reeived its first impetus when the new sys- tem was unanimously passed by the Board of Directors of the League. The new plan for electing League officers will be brought before the board of representatives which will meet next Tuesday, according to Ruth Robinson, '34, president, and then before the Board of Governors which is composed of both faculty and stu- dent members. If the project is passed it will go into effect immedi- ately. System Calls For Tryouts Instead of having officers elected through an all-campus vote the merit system provides for a system of try- outs to fill positions on eight com- mittees. A junior member will be chairman on each of the committees and from the eight chairmen the president of the League will be ap- pointed by the Board of Governors, the advisory body of the League. Other senior positions will be those of the chairman of Judiciary council, chairman of the Board of Represent- atives, and chairman of the pan- hellenic committee. Tryouts To Fill Positions The merit plan is similar to that now being used at the Union, with a few exceptions. Campus elections will still be used for the office of vice- president. The new system will provide for some 50 positions to be filled by try- outs ,whowil work up to junior and senior positions. 'he committees, which are varied to allow for ind vidual ability, are as follows: the undergraduate fund committee, the publicity, house, reception, social, ju- diciary, representative and panhel- lenic committees. To Give Added Interest The undergraduate fund committee will take in the class activities, such as the sophomore cabaret and the junior girls play. The publicity com- mittee's purpose is to acquaint the campus'with the League. The house, reception and social committees will have as their respective duties run- ning the dining rooms and beauty parlor, receiving prominent guests of the University and conducting social events. The committees which rep- resent the Panhellenic council and the Board of Representatives are smaller bodies which will work for the larger, more unwieldy organiza- tions. It was believed yesterday that the new plan would give added interest to the League and provide positions for the many women interested in League work. Compromise is Possible Result Of NRA Meeting WASHINGTON, March 8.-- (P) - Hugh S. Johnson and representatives{ of industry embarked today in con- ferences which may lead to a com- promise program on the wages and hours proposals advanced for NRA improvement. The NRA administrator, to all out- ward appearances, was firm in his be- lief the best way to get the ten per cent reduction he seeks tohboost em- ployment was through a presidential order. Reconciled to some shortening of hours in comparatively prosperous in- dustries, employers. or the great ma- jority, insisted any such order would work hardship and delay recovery, even though exemptions for hard- pressed businesses were provided. The concentration today on ways and means to provide credit for cap- ital goods industries showed some NRA officials felt business might be more inclined to go along with John- son if it was assured the administra- tion was ready to do something to get the heavier industries off dead center. REGISTER NOW I Will Lead Freshman Class Dance Tonight -Photos by Rentschler Richard Schumo Ruth Kaser Frosh Frolic Is. To Be Held At Union Tonight' T h r e e Hundred Couples Will Dance To Music Of Jack Miles Orchestra Frosh Frolic, the first function of the class of '37, will be held tonight' at the Union. Three hundred cou- ples will dance from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. to the music of Jack Miles Band and late permission until 2:30 a.m. has been granted campus women. At 12:15 p.m. the Union tap room, usually closed to women, will be op- ened to serve refreshments to cou- ples attending the dance. Richard Schumo, general chairman of the affair, will lead the grand march with Ruth Kaser, '35. The ballroom will be decorated with flow- ers and ferns with a large wreath above the fireplace containing the class numerals. The favors will be novelty programs of white leather. Airplane Sales By Americans Cause nJapan~ To Worry~ SHANGHAI, March 8.- (A- The Japanese military, self-styled guar- dians of "the peace of the Far East," want to know more about American airplane salesmen who are obtaining orders in ever-increasing numbers in China, it was learned today. Recent discussions in the Japanese Diet in which it was charged that the United States had agreed to assist China in developing an air force brought denials from Washington of- ficials,.but reports indicate the Jap- anese army's concern over the activ- ities of the salesmen and instructors here has not been assuaged. The latest report, all of them un- verifiable officially, says that Jap- anese agents in China are studying each American flyer, going to con- siderable trouble in many cases, seek- ing any possible connection between the men and the American govern- ment. Yesterday's arrival of Frank Hawks, noted American aviator, with a giant bomber which he will demon- strate to the national government, stimulated the work of the Japanese investigators. Sigma Delta Chi Pledges Twelve The following pledges were an- nounced yesterday by Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary journalistic fraternity: Mark Alger, '34, Wil- liam Brownxon, Spec., Paul Con- rad, '34, Charles Cool, '34, Paul Elliott, '36, Wallace Jennings, '34, Thomas Kleene, '36, Ronald Mar- tin, '35. Murton Peer, '34, William Reed, '36, Robert Ruwitch, '35, Arthur Wellman. '36. Seldes Charge Approved Here By Professors New York Writer Merely Expressed Views Which Educators Already Held The staterninf that Gilbert Seldes, New York writer. - ' jast Tuesday at Olivet CollegE t professors were betraying their students by luring them to colleges under promises of higher salaries in later life, carne far from creating a furor among educa- Dors on the Michigan campus. tean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Education when asked for a state- ment referred his ihterviewer to an editorial by Prof. O. W. Stephenson in the November issue of the School of Education Bulletin. "All too often we have urged that children should continue in school; merely to assure them of economic security in the practical affairs of life," the article stated. "Health, eth- ical character, worthy home member- ship, citizenship, social efficiency, and other values to be derived from an education must be given a new inter- pretation. They must be shown to be infinitely more worthwhile than eco- nomic security." Dean Edmonson said that he entirely agreed with these views. Palmer Christian Will Give Foreign Recitals Prof. Palmer Christian, University organist, will give two out-of-town performances during this month. On March 18, Professor Christian will play at the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago. On March 21, he will present a dedication recital at the new organ at Lawrence Col- lege, Appleton, Wis. [ndiana Jail Break Called ,, 'Disgraceful' Attorney-General Hits At Officials For Posing With1 Dillinger Federal Prisoners Removed From Jail Sheriff Holley A n s w e r s Charges; Denies Posing With Desperado WASHINGTON, March 8 -(P) - Attorney General Homer S. Cum- mings sharply criticized Lake Coun- ty (Ind.) officials today for the es- cape of John Dillinger, and the Di- rector of Prisons ruled that no long- er would Federal prisoners be con- fined there. The action of Sheriff Lillian Hol- ley and Prosecutor Robert G. Estill in posing for a picture with Dillinger was characterized by Cummings as "one of the most disgraceful epi- sodes I know anything about." In Crown Point, Mrs. Holley de- nied that she had posed with Dil- linger, who walked out of her jail Saturday after -whittling a pistol from a block of wood. "Naturally," she said, "considering my job, I was among those present when Dillinger was brought to Crown Point. Photographs were taken of a group of people, of whom I was one." Case Smells, Judge Says A little later Judge William J. Murray, of Criminal Court at Crown Point, arranged to call a new Grand Jury and appoint a special prose- cutor to investigate the escape. "This Dillinger case is beginning to smell," he said. Cummings showed reporters a pho- tograph which he said was posed for by. Sheriff Holley, Dillinger, and others. "This shows," he asserted, "a com- plete lack of a sense of responsibility or of propriety and common sense. "The negligence of these people may result in the death of. some honest person \vio is trying to effect Dillinger's capture." Soon after Cummings had made his criticism, Sanford Bates, direc- tor of Federal prisons, ordered dis- continuance of the Crown Point Jail as a place of detention for Federal prisoners. Eight Federal prisoners now there will be removed. Justice Department agents are leading the search for Dillinger, now concentrated in Chicago. When he first escaped, J. Edgar Hoover, of the Investigation Divi- sion, termed it an "outrage." Assis- tant Attorney General Joseph B. Keenan, of the Criminal Division, charged that the jail guards had been "grossly and inexcusably negli- gent." Sheriff Resents Criticism When informed of Cummings' statement today, Mrs. Holley said: "The general system now seems to be to heap criticism after criticism upon me. However, I'll be here on my job until they kick me out." Two guards on duty in the jail at the time Dillinger walked out have been arrested. Estill, whose picture was published with Dillinger's arm about his shoul- ders, would not comment on Cum- mings' remark, but did say that he would oppose Judge Murray's at- tempt to name a special prosecutor. "I am capable of handling the in- vestigation," he said. "Appointment of another man would reflect on my character." Estill also announced that investi- gation was producing results. The wooden pistol with which Dillinger cowed the guards was found near Kankakee, Ill., by a schoolboy, he said. Reorganization Is Forced On Airlines WASHINGTON, March 8. -- (1) - A complete reorganization of airmail companies whose contracts were can- celed, including the dropping of many prominent aviation executives, will be demanded by the Administration if those lines seek to carry the mail again. This became evident today as Con- gressional committees and Postoffice Department officials worked toward enactment of President Roosevelt's recommendations for returning the business of flying the mail to private carriers on a basis of '"honest pay- ment for honest service." Roosevelt Is Dissatisfied Man, Henry Ford Says FORT MYERS, Fla., March 8.- (P) -Henry Ford, 70-year-old automo- bile manufacturer who made a for- tune by sticking to one idea, and says he is willing to spend his fortune to improve that idea, believes that the world is run by dissatisfied people. "President Roosevelt is a dissatis- fied man," said Mr. Ford. "If he was not dissatisfied, he would not attempt' herculean experiments to improve existing conditions. If we had not been dissatisfied with the first auto- mobiles, they would have been dis- carded and the horses would have taken their places. "When dissatisfaction leads to im- provement in conditions and produces a better order of things it is a good thing. That is why I am glad to ob- serve that so many people are dis- satisfied. Maybe they will do some- thing about it. Maybe they will help the leaders with vision enough to try to build a better world for all people to live in." More Money Is Given To Keep Library.Open Fund Brought To Total Of $124.28 By Addi- tional Gifts Additional donations to the fund to keep the Main Library open Sun- days for the remainder of the year brought the total up to $124.28 last night with more money pledged and the dormitories still to be heard from, m e m b e r s of the Undergraduate Council, which is conducting the drive, announced. The drive was progressing more slowly but Council members hoped that the money still to come in would bring the final total to within strik- ing distance of the $375 needed. Re- gardless of how much is collected, it will be used to keep the library open on Sundays. If the sum raised falls short of that anticipated, the library will be kept open Sundays beginning with the Sundays during the semes- ter examinations and going back to date. , ^ . r: ,.:. -.- , Those frateinities and sororities which gave more than $1 yesterday, and the sum they donated, follow: Alpha Epsilon Iota, $3; Alpha Xi Delta, $3; Chi Phi, $1.40; Lambda Chi Alpha, $5.25; Kappa K app a Gamma, $5; Zeta Beta Tau, $5; and Tau Delta Phi, $1.70. Congress Warned To Reduce Vet Bill WASHINGTON, March 8. - (P)--- A Presidential veto threat and an ap- peal to keep the deficit within esti- mates tonight set Congressional Dem- ocrats in search of a compromise on the Senate's proposed $350,000,000 outlay for veterans and Government workers. Within a few hours of a White House conference at which Presi- dent Roosevelt emphatically told party leaders of both houses what he thought of the proposal, House Dem- ocrats were called into caucus to de- cide what shall be done. The proposal was embodied in an amendment attached to the indepen- dent offices appropriation bill by the Senate. Although it was asserted after the White House meeting that no cnclusions were reached, it was known that several compromise sug- gestions were offered. Mr. Roosevelt bluntly told the Con- gressional group the increase in vet- erans allowances and Government salaries voted by the Senate was un- acceptable to him and left no doubt of a veto if the provisions were not modified. 500-Foot Clause May Be Rescinded By Council Action Campaign Started To Abolish Hazing Fratern iy Pledges GREENCASTLE, Ind., March 8 - (Special)-DePauw University is an- other major college starting a cam- paign against "'hell week." Several factions including the alumni have" defined hazing, or what is better known as "hell week," as child-play. Dr. Francis W. Shepardson, one of the more prominent graduates of the school stated "the fraternity must give up 'hell week' or give up itsC ideals, for the two do not go hand in hand.. In view of the fact, that this is the year of "New Deals" it would be a good time for the fraternities to abol- ish this period of "testing," Dr. Shep-t ardson declared. Instead of making} the pledges go through sleepless nights, physical indignities and long hikes, he said, it would be morej brother-like to help him by making him a part of the society. Lose Suit To Set Aside Bank3 Assessmenits Stockholders Held Liable For Total Assessments Of $35,000,000 DETROIT, March 8.- (A) - Stock-; holders in Detroit's giant bank hold-{ ing companies today lost their suit to set aside assessments on their stock, and tonight 24,800 of them faced the prospect of judgments ag- gregating $35,000000.,. Judge Johnson J. Hayes of Greens- boro, N. C., sitting in Federal court here, today dissolved a temporary in- junction which had restrained re- ceivers for the First- National Bank, Detroit, and the Guardian National Bank of Commerce from collecting assessments for the benefit of de- positors from owners of stock in the holding companies. The holding companies, the De- troit Bankers Corp., and the Guar- dian Detroit Union Group, Inc., own all the stock in the two banks -and Judge Hayes, in his findings, held that the holding companies' stock- holders, as the real owners of the bank stock, were liable for the assess- ments. There are 8,800 holders of stock in the Detroit Bankers Co. and the aggregate of the assessments against them, at the rate of $14.05 a share, is approximately $25,000,000. The total of assessments against the 9,000 shareholders in the Guardian group is approximately $10,000,000. The as- sessments against that stock is $6.43 a share. The largest individual stockholder in the Guardian group is Edsel D. Ford, son of Henry Ford. He is re- ported as owning 55,020 shares, and his assessment would be $353,778.60. Robert 0. Lord, former president of the Guardian group, holds 8,620 shares. His assesment would be $55,- 426.60. Dancing Restrictions And Closing Hour Ban Are Not Changed Down Town Beer Sellers Close Doors Joe Parker's, Dixie, And '316' Expected Revision Of 'Blue Law' Beer may be sold within 300 feet of a school or church building, in- stead of 500 feet, if the resolution which passed its first and second readings at the meeting of the City Council. last night, is made law. Hopes that the dancing clause, or the closing hour might be altered, were dashed when the meeting passed quietly without any other mention of the ordinance. Ald. Donald J. Mayer, foremost proponent of the radical changes in the ordinance, decided against offering his resolution after sounding out the sentiments of the council informally. Location Clause out The amendment to the liquor ordi- nance was proposed by Aid.Leigh 3. Young, chairman of the ordinance committee. It will alter Section 12 of the ordinance to read, "No alcoholic liquor may be sold for consumption on the premises in any building which is located within a radius of 30 feet of any chw"aschool building used as such : endment passed its first and' . t aoings unanimoous- ly, and i a its third readIng at the nexf eeting in order to be- come law. Campus Beer Unsettled This reduction in the distance 'reg- ulation will not advance the cause of State Street beer, for the majority of restaurants on State Street are with- in a radius of 300 feet of the Uni- versity or one of the Churches on the campus. It is possible, however, that the University may not be con- sidered to be a school, and thus these restaurants may be permitted to sell beer if the vote on the April 2 ballot is favorable. It seemed unlikely that the present council would take any steps to alter any of the major clauses of the liquor ordinance. If any changes will be made, it will not be until' the new council takes office on April 5. Ac- cording to Alderman Mayer, even if the new council is disposed toward alteration of the ordinance, it will probably not be in a position to do so until its meeting on May 7. Beer Gardens Close Accordingly, beer garden proprie- tors who had been hoping for a mod- ification of the ordinance decided that they would be unable to con- tinue in business with the present re- strictions. The Dixie has closed its doors permanently. Joe Parker's, famed in song and poem, will close within the next ten days. The "Old 316," emptied by the prohibition of dancing and the early closing, also announced that it would close within the next few days. Both the owner of the Dixie and the "316" announced that they would open up dine-aid- dance places outside of the city limits. Dr. Davis Defends Co-Education Against 'Ridiculous Fad' Charge 4 KILLED} IN EXPLOSION I KENVIL, N. J., March 8. -(VP) - Four were killed and several were in- jured in an explosion at the Hercules Powder Co. today. -Co-education is not a "ridiculous, fad" in the opinion of, Dr. C. 0. Davis of the School of Education. Men and women have to live togeth- er most of their lives; they are never separated in homes where there are boy and girl children in the family and therefore there is no reason why, they should be separated for a cer- tain period during the years when they are becoming mature, Dr. Davis said. When, asked to comment on a statement made recently by Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, a member of the Smith- sonian Institute and world-famous anthropologist, that "co-education is a . ridiculous fad, based on false rea- soning," Dr. Davis said that it was purely a matter of judgment and that there were arguments on both sides of the question, but that, to him, co-education is perfectly logi- cal. There should be attempts to satisfy group requirements, such as physical education for both men and women, with qualifications within tunities women now have in the bus-; iness world, a world formerly domi- nated by men, they should have the same opportunity for training in that sort of work that men have. On the other hand, there are some women who are fundamentally artistic and who therefore want training in this field. For this reason, Dr. Davis claims that the problem in educa- tion is not whether to teach the two sexes the same subjects, but whether to require that individuals take the same courses. Many Problems There are a great many problems in connection with co-education but they can't all be settled by the seg- regation .of the sexes, Dr. Davis said. The thought of the day in the edu- cation world is the re-organization of the school system so as to help the student, both man and woman, to realize the problems of the day and to learn how to meet those problems. The original idea in education was to prepare people for the life after Deadline For Manuscripts In Hopwood Contest Is April 18 Contestants in the 1933-34 Avery of the prizes in any manner they con- Hopwood and Jules Hopwood Awards sider necessary. The major awards contest have until April 18 to sub- are provided in the fields of drama- tic writing, the essay, fiction, and mit their manuscripts for this com- poetry, petition, it was announced yesterday. All undergraduate students who At that time the manuscripts will have been regularly enrolled in the be turned over to the judges of the University for both semesters this contest, as yet to be selected. year, who are carrying at least 12 Under the terms of the will of the hours of "C" grade work, and who late Avery Hopwood, '05, distin- are enrolled in at least one compo- guished American dramatist, one- sition course in the English or jour- fifth of his estate was set aside and nalism department are eligible to re- given to the Regents of the Uni- ceive a minor award. Two prizes of versity for the encouraging of work $250 each are given to two contest- in creative writing. ants in each of the following fields: In 1930, the Regents established drama, essay, fiction, and poetry. Mock Trial Of Adolph Hitler Is Protested State Department Declines To Interfere As Leader Is 'Convicted' WASHINGTON, March 8- - A protest was made by the German Embassy against the mock trial held in New York City last night in which Adolph Hitler was found guilty of "crimes against civilization," but the State Department declined to inter- fere. Ambassador Hans Luther called at the State Department when the trial was first announced and .pro- tested it. The State Department declined to interfere because of the private char- acter of the trial and because it con- sidered that any interference would