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March 08, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-08

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Fill Busy Wee
With Activit
Initiations And Pledg
Are Held By Nume
Groups On Campus


'Gang's All There'Presents A
Dramatic Array Of Characters

Many fraternities and sororities
have been busy during the past week
with pledging, dances, rushing din-
ners, and initiation banquets. A
number of initiation ceremonies will
be held this week-end,
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Alpha Epsilon Phi announces the
pledging of Mary Jane Greenstein,
'37, and Beatrice Robinwitch, '36,
Tuesday afternoon.
Chi Omega
A formal initiation banquet was
held Saturday by Chi Omega sorori-
ty for Winifred Bell, '37, Ann Arbor,
Barbara Spencer, '37. Highland Park,
Mary Kiest, '34, Knox, Ind., and
Ruth Perdee, '36, Clinton. Honor
awards were presented to Winifred
Bell and Barbara Spencer.
Toasts 'were given by Barbara
Spencer for the freshmen, by Fran-
ces Drake for the sophomores, Bea-
trice De Vere for the juniors, and
Margaret Shaber for the seniors.
Mary Morrison was the toastmistress.
Alumnae who attended the affair
included Jean Berridge, Highland
Park, Genevieve Lawson, Dorothy
Hart, Royal Oak, Lloyd Munson, De-
troit, and Ethel Howard, Pontiac.
Delta Alpha Epsilon
Delta Alpha Epsilon fraternity an-
nounces the initiation of their
pledges, which was held March 4th.
The new members are: George F.
Rieth, '34P, Wilfred C. Oestrike, '34E,
Donald W. Gardner, '37, Roy Sim-
mons, '37E, Charles H. Armstrong,
An initiation banquet was held on
March 4th at which time a Pledge
Scholarship Cup was awarded to Ver-
non G. Baldwin, '34, and Wilfred C.
Oestrike, '34E, for making the high-
est grades in their respective pledge
Kappa Delta Rho
Kappa Delta Rho fraternity had
as guests over the week-end, Miss
Florence Vandenburg, Louis Veen-
stra, Truman Steinko, and Ronald
Sigma Nu
Sigma Nu fraternity announces the
initiation of William C. Bates, '37,
Robert S. Leahy, '36E, Ralph Boehn-
ke, '37E, Bruce D. Marshall, '34, Rob-
ert G. Ewell, '37, and Paul S. Dod,
'37A. The fraternity is entertaining
three guests at a rushing dinner to-
night. =
Sorosis will hold a formal initiation
for Janet Allington, '37, G r o s s e
Pointe, Nancy Quirk, '37, Ypsilanti,
Alice Goslin, '36, Battle Creek, Jo-
sephine Wilcox, '37, Detroit, Mary
Louise Miller, Detroit, Joan Whet-
stone, '36, Lapeer, Dorothy Bolton,,
'36, Detroit, Betty Anne Beebe, '37,
Ann Arbor, Harriet Kanouse, '37,
Ann Arbor, Anne Gaynor Laub, '37,
Grosse Ile, Charlotte Rueger, '37, Ann
Arbor, Jane O'Ferall, Detroit.
Speech Society
Initiates Eight
New Members
Zeta Phi Eta, national professional
speech-arts fraternity, announces the
initiation of the following eight new
members last night at the League:
Elizabeth Allen, '36, Louise French,
'36, Josephine Gibson, '35, Muriel
Horrell, '34, Marjorie Oostdyk, '35,
Ruth Poat, '35, Mary Edna Travis,
'35, and Garnet Waggoner, '36.
Zeta Phi Eta has the distinction
of being the first professional fra-
ternity for women in the United
States. Its first chapter was founded
in 1893 at the Cumnock School ,of
Oratory at Northwestern University.
With the establishment of Pi chapter
at Minnesota in January, there are

now sixteen active chapters in the
United States. Members are selected
on the basis of scholarship and per-
sonality from the students majoring
or minoring in speech.
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The plot for "Gang's All There"
involves some really dramatic scenes,
judging from rehearsals, for sparks
fly when Virginia Chapman, as the
hard-boiled, temperamental leading
lady of the show within the show,
flares up at Mack, the young pro-
ducer, played by Marie Abbott.
When Mack is "put on the spot" by
Scarface Joe, the underworld menace,
played by Beatrice Devine, it requires
some fast talking, and clever strategy
on the part of the former to extri-
cate himself from the situation.
Miss Chapman fits effortlessly into
her part as Velura Velmar, who says
she is from Argentina and never for-
gets for a minute that she has played
before the crowned heads of Europe.
The harried young producer has fre-
quent and wordy outbursts with that
blond and experienced lady, who is
so sure of her box office appeal.
Scarface Joe, that gangster villain,
s determined that his fate will not
be that of the crooked politicians
who had been laughed out of town
by Mack's production of the previous
year satirizing them, "The Sweet
Land of Liberty."
When his threats scare Mack's
chorus so that they show signs of
a wdlk out, it is Fanny, the clever,
but plump little chorine who has been
relegated to the back row because of
her obvious love of chocolates, who
shames them into sticking with the
show. Charlottle Whitman, as Fanny,
well portrays this poor dancer, hope-
lessly in love with the director to
whom she is just "one of the gals."
Fanny's devotion is so great that
Many Peces
Amuse Crowd
At Stunt Niht
Selections From Campus
Dramatic Productions
Offered At League
Spontaneous entertainment afford-
ed by members of the stunt night
crowd, with special emphasis on se-
lections from the forthcoming cam-
pus dramatic productions, were pre-
sented last night in the League grill-
S. Leon Kaye. '34, who has writ-
ten several of the pieces to be heard
in "Gang's All There," offered an-
other of his own selections, "Rhap-
soday in Space," a piano number,
finishing up with "The Man I Love,"
and "And Then My Heart Stood
Still," in which he accompanied the
singing of John Silberman, '34.
The love scene duet from "The
Gondoliers," Gilbert and Sullivan op-
era to be presented later this month,
was sung by Jean Seeley, '36, and
Robert Miller, '34, who were accom-
panied by Joseph N. Conlin, SpecSM.
In a balcony skit parodying "Ro-
meo and Juliet," Louise Pliss, '34,
played the part of Beck Glantz, and
Silberman the part of Boitram Yatz.
Byron Dalrymple, author of many
J.G.P. selections, sang "Grey Day
Gal," and "Why Can't This Night
Go On Forever?" Silberman was
master of ceremonies.
Etching And Print
Exhibit Opens Here
An exhibition of etchings and
orints opens this afternoon in the
galleries of Alumnae Memorial Hall
and will run daily from 1:30 to 5
p.m. until March 22. The group of
133 etchings by :Donald Shaw Mac-
Laughlan is loaned by the Toledo
Museum of Art. The exhibition of
prints, selected by Edith Gregor Hal-
pert from the American Prints Mak-
ers exhibit of 1933, is sent from New

York City.
The galleries will be opened from
8 to 9:30 p.m. Thursday, March 15,
for the lecture which Wilfred B.
Shaw, Director of Alumni Relations,
is giving in connection with the ex-
hibit. There will also be a talk at
2:30 p.m. Sunday, March 18, by Wal-
ter Donnelly, editor of the University
Museums Publications.
A group of engineering students at
the U. of North Dakota threw one of
the student solicitors, who was try-
ng to force faculty members to sub-:
scribe to a University news organ,
into the campus lagoon. The action
was prompted by the 60 per cent sal-
ary cut given the faculty members
and the sympathetic nature of the

at the crucial moment she "does a
Cinderella," saves the day, the show
goes on, and she gets her man.
The comic element of the play is
sustained more by the minor cast
parts than the leads. The emphasis
in the latter case is upon the ex-
cited, strained feeling that exists
just before a big production is to
open, while the lesser characters are
able to form either clever or ludic-
rous relief.
olds Informal
Guest Dinners
Mosher-Jordan Halls are enter-
taming some members of the faculty
tonight at an informal dinner. The
guests in Jordan are Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick, Miss Margaret Smith, Miss
Sara Rowe, Miss Alta Atkinson, Dr.
Dorothy Hard, Mr. and Mrs. Rene
Talamon, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Rice,
Mr. Louis Chapard, Miss Elizabeth
Inglis, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wild,
Mr. Karl Reichenback, Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Adams, Dr. Lloyd Gates, Mr.
and Mrs. Manley McDonald, Miss
Laurie Campbell, Miss Ina Rankin,
Miss McFee, Miss Gertrude Muxen,
Mr. Hans Pick, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Rhorer, and Mr. Charles Del-
The guests in Mosher Hall will be
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Horner, Dr. and
Mrs. Preston Slosson, Mr. Morley
Scott and his mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick P. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs.
William B. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs.
Aubrey Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vey Webster, Dr. George Stanley, Dr.
and Mrs. Raleigh Schorling, Mr. Ar-
thur E. Evans, Dr. and Mrs. John H.
Hillel Group To Produce
Two Plays Sunday Night
The Hillel Players will present two
one-act plays at Hillel Foundation,
Sunday night at 8:00. The first play,
"The Mayor and the Manicurist" by
George Ade is under the direction of
Harriet Kesselman. Herb Fabricant
will play the mayor and Sally Leavitt
the manicurist. Ada Zola and Nor-
man Sharfman will take the roles of
Ruth and Wally respectively.
Frank Molnar's "Violet" under the
direction of Larry Ruben is the sec-
ond play to be given.
"vere To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Easy
To Love;" Majestic, "Ace of Aces"
with Richard Dix and "Miss Fane's
Baby Is Stolen" with Dorothea
Wieck; Wuerth, "Christopher Bean"
and "Solitaire Man;" Whitney, "Men
in Her Life" and "Forbidden Trail."
Dancing: League Grill Room, Hi-
Hat Inn, Preketes, Tavern.
Art Cinema League: "Poil de Ca-
rotte;" 7:30 and 9:05 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.

Russian Quintet
Completes First
Year OfActivity'
Student Group Interprets
And Traces Development
Of Native Folk Songs
The Russian Student Quintet, man-
aged by Gregory Dolgorukov, will
celebrate the anniversary of its first
rehearsal Saturday. Since those first
days, when the group was a male
quartet, there have been changes and
today it boasts a soprano soloist and
a Cossack dancer in its number. The
group has broadcast several times re-
cently, although it has made no cam-
pus appearances, and will be heard
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow over Station
WJR. Saturday the quintet is offering
a program of native songs and in-
strumental music at the Detroit In-
stitute of Art, in conjunction with
the internationally-known Russian
Balalaika Orchestra.
One of the most charming members
of the group is Madame Tatiana
Maksoutova, soprano, wife of another
member of the group, Constantine
Maksoutova, '34E. Joseph Kalom,
Grad., first tenor, formerly with the
American Opera Co. of Chicago, and
an NBC artist, is the only member
previously engaged ia professional
singing. Combining his duties as sec-
ond tenor with those of business
manager and announcer for the radio
programs, Gregory Dolgorukov, '34L,
is the fourth member of this inter-
esting group.
The only one of the singers born
in this country is John Dubrovsky,
'35, St. Louis. He is the newest mem-
ber of the organization, having been
broken in only recently following the
graduation last semester of Alexis
Sokoloff. Victor Kibardin, Grad., the
Cossack dancer, came to this country
from Perm, Russia.
The quintet sings entirely in Rus-
sian and according to the Russian
methods, basing everything on the,
highest voice. Consequently the col-
lege songs which the group has re-
arranged are scarcely recognizable as
such. It is the aim of the group,
according to Dolgorukov, to discover
the historic values in the modern ver-
sions of Russian songs, and to inter-
pret them as nearly as possible in
terms of the originals.
Dolgorukov draws a sharp distinc-
tion between popular and folk songs.
The former, he says, answer the mood
of the moment and are of known
origin, while the latter are of un-
known origin and can be traced back,
in some cases, to Slavic pagan songs
of the eighth century.

By LOIS JOTTER ,man, and Elizabeth never made the
The regal but lonesome figure of mistake of accepting his advice.
the famous red-haired queen ov- Essex did have his followers also,
ing before a rich background of va- and among them appeared the great
Tied characters all striving for her at- scholar and essayist, Sir Francis Ba-
tention and patronage, isI portrayed con. This brilliant diplomat was a
in Maxwell Anderson's "Elizabeth, the bitter enemy of the Cecils because of
Queen," which is to be given March the neglect of Lord Burghley, who
14, 15, 16, and 17 by Play Pro- was his uncle. Bacon was loyal to
duction. Essex, but in the end the favorite's
No two of these various back- hot-headed impulsiveness, and lack
ground characters are alike except in of vision lost him Bacon's support.
their desire for power which leads Elizabeth herself admired Bacon ex-
them into the constant intrigues of tremely, and he was one of the few
the court. Elizabeth's court was al- who could equal her in intelligence
ways divided into factions, and at and shrewdness.
the time of her romance with Essex, Raleigh Of Cecil House
which is the theme of Anderson's
play, the two factions were those of Bacon's advocacy of Essex was bal-
the house of Cecil, as opposed to the anced by the allegiance of Sir Walter
follow ers of Lord Essex. Raleigh to the opposite faction. Ra-
followersofLrde Esse. leigh hated Essex bitterly, because of
Burghley Appears his ability to outshine the slightly
Lord Burghley, head of the house more stolid, but still handsome Sir
of Cecil, held a position of consid- Walter. Elizabeth's admiration of Sir
erable power in the court from the Walter indicates the versatility of her
time of Elizabeth's ascension in 1558 taste, for he was cautious, crafty,
until his death 40 years later, with little foolishness, in contrast
Throughout this entire interval, with Essex. In "Elizabeth, the Queen"
Burghley was implicitly trusted by Raleigh is an excellent foil for the
Elizabeth, who characteristically kept more romantic Essex.
separate her mind and her emotions. All of these characters appearing
It was his craft which appealed to in the play have been carefully
Elizabeth, for although he was an studied by students in Play Produc-
aristocrat and very distinguished, he tion, first from the historical point
nevertheless was not the romantic of view, and second for pictorial ef-
type of figure which Elizabeth loved. feet. The aim has been to reproduce
Burghley's son, Robert Cecil, also the various characters as they look
had considerable power, although he according to portraits made at the
too, did not appeal to the emotions, particular age of the character in the
since his shrewdness was accompa- play.
nied by a hunch-back, and a certain
snake-like quality. Robert Cecil was
jealous of the handsome favorites Mt. Pleasant Alumni To
which the queen admired for roman- Celebrate Anniversary
tic qualities rather than for intellect.
Ironically enough Cecil was the only The University of Michigan Club
person upon whom the queen could of Mt. Pleasant will hold its second
depend during the last year of her anniversary dinner, marking the be-
life, after all the brilliant favorites ginning of the third year of the club's
were gone. existence, Tuesday, April 24, at the
Essex, the Favorite Central State Teacher's College, ac-
Essex, one of the most romantic of cording to an announcement received
all these brilliant favorites, was the in the offices of the Alumni Associa-
impulsive leader and hero of all the tion here.
youth of England because of his A short business meeting of the
courage and success as a soldier, as club will be held prior to the dinner
well as for his dashing manner and for the nomination and election of
handsomeness. For all his pride, and a new board of governors, and a re-
ambition, however, Essex lacked the ception for the speakers and guests
shrewdness, cunning, tact, and pa- of the members will be held preced-
tience which is required of a states- ing the banquet.

--- -- _




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